190 research outputs found

    Depression and Decline in the Tri-States

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    There were once unsettled and wild lands in the Indian territory of northwest Oklahoma, in the lowland valleys of southeastern Kansas, and even the vast hills of the southwestern Ozrks of Missouri. But this once clean and tranquil land is no more due to the mining and encampment of the Tri-State area of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, there was a large movement of people into the Tri-State area. This was a result of new found minerals able to be mined, and with that came jobs, land, and new opportunity for the people of the Eastern United States. The time of ore mining in the Tri-State region gave the area its highest point and prosperity in its history, but this fell in the midst of one of our country\u27s darkest hours into poverty

    Getting the Most Out of Michigan\u27s New Assessment

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    Learning speed or prediction accuracy? Comparative analysis of program-ming frameworks for artificial intelligence

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze frameworks for artificial intelligence applications. In particular, the effectiveness, time-consumption and resources requirement. Linear regression, random forests and k nearest neighbors models were created for each framework. The learning data is a dataset containing informations about diamonds and their prices. Each model was designed to learn diamonds’ prices and then make a prediction depending on its specific characteristics such as cut, color, and volume. The learning data was divided into sets of different sizes to show changes in a model depending on the amount of training data

    Cluster radioactivity in superheavy nuclei

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    Cluster radioactivity is an exotic nuclear decay observed in actinides where a light nucleus is emitted while the remaining heavy mass residue is the doubly magic Pb208 or a nucleus in its neighborhood. We have investigated this type of decay in heavier nuclei up to Lv (Z=116) within a microscopic theory. It has been found that the cluster radioactivity known in the light actinides may become the dominant decay channel in some superheavy nuclei. This superasymmetric fission channel is distinct from typical asymmetric fission in actinides. We predict a sharp fission fragment mass distribution with the heavy fragment close to Pb208.This work was partly supported by the Polish National Science Centre under Contracts No. 2016/21/B/ST2/01227 and No. 2017/24/T/ST2/00396. The work of L.M.R. was supported by Spanish Grants No. FPA2015-65929-P MINECO and No. FIS2015-63770-P MINEC

    Ustrojowe przesłanki rozpadu Jugosławii. Wzorzec dla Bośni i Hercegowiny?

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    Pisząc o Bośni i Hercegowinie (BiH) nie sposób uciec od problematyki jugosłowiańskiej — to dziedzictwo wciąż świeże, które podąża za nią w postaci sloganu „Jugosławia w miniaturze”. Nie sposób zaprzeczyć, że jedną z przesłanek rozpadu Jugosławii była kwestia niewydolnych rozwiązań ustrojowych. Rodzi to pokusę porównania ustroju SFRJ i BiH, a na jego gruncie próby odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy rozwiązania ustrojowe, a także ich niewątpliwa niewydolność, mają w obydwu wypadkach ten sam charakter? Jeżeli tak, to czy jeżeli już raz zawiodły, mogą stać się podstawą ewentualnego rozpadu Bośni?Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Small-area estimates in local governance: Use of small-area estimates in local governance in the development of service-delivery and resource-allocation mechanisms

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    The existing decision-making processes informing local resource-allocation mechanisms across Scotland tend to utilise historic or most recent data on life outcomes and deprivation without placing sufficient emphasis on the predictive capacity of the historic time series data. This thesis provides an analysis of spatio-temporal patterns in levels of out-of-work benefits claimant rates in relation to macroeconomic events. It aims to inform resourceallocation and service-delivery mechanisms across Scottish local authorities. The research addresses the utilisation of publicly available neighbourhood-level data sets focusing on evaluating the efficiency of local service-delivery mechanisms across Scotland. Additionally, the thesis considers the importance of spatially aggregated life outcome indicators, service user and expenditure data in the context of informing the development of non-uniform service-delivery mechanisms. The work also addresses methodological and operational issues concerned with the utilisation of small-area data across Scotland in relation to small-area deprivation and local governance