32 research outputs found

    KUINKA AVUSTAN LÄHEISTÄNI? : Toiminnallinen iltapäivä omaishoitajille ergonomisesta työskentelystä

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    Opinnäytetyön tilaaja oli Kokkolan vanhuspalvelut. Kotihoidon työntekijät olivat huomanneet puutteita omaishoitajien työergonomiassa ja tuoneet esiin tarpeen järjestää heille aiheesta koulutusta. Omaishoito ja omaishoitajien jaksaminen on ajankohtainen asia. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin projektina yhteistyössä Kokkolan vanhuspalveluiden ja SenioriKaste-hankkeen kanssa. Projektin tarkoituksena oli järjestää Kokkolan seudun omaishoitajille toiminnallinen iltapäivä ergonomisesta työskentelystä. Projektin tavoitteena oli vähentää omaishoitajien työn kuormittavuutta opettamalla heitä hyödyntämään oman kehon painopisteitä ja luonnollisia liikeratoja avustamis- ja hoitotoimenpiteissä. Projekti sisälsi toiminnallisten iltapäivien suunnittelun, toteutuksen ja kirjallisen osuuden. Tietoperustassa käsittelimme omaishoitoa ja ergonomiaa. Projektin suunnittelu-osiossa selvitimme myös ohjausmenetelmiä omaishoitajille. Toiminnallisia iltapäiviä järjestettiin kolme samanlaista kevään 2016 aikana Kokkolassa, kaksi suomenkielistä ja yksi ruotsinkielinen. Omaishoitajat kutsuttiin tilaisuuteen kirjeillä. Toiminnalliset iltapäivät rakentuivat luennosta, apuväline-esittelystä ja käytännön harjoitteista. Luennoitsijoina toimivat alan asiantuntijat. Lopuksi omaishoitajat vastasivat palautekyselyyn. Omaishoitajilla ei ollut ennestään tietoa perusergonomiasta. Apuvälineiden tuntemuksessa oli myös puutteita. Saamamme palautteen perusteella omaishoitajat kokivat toiminnallisen iltapäivän hyödyllisenä. Se antoi heille perustietoa ergonomiasta ja toimintamalleja käytännön harjoitteiden avulla. Omaishoitajat saivat tiedon lisäksi myös vertaistukea. SenioriKaste-hankkeen asiantuntijat kokivat toiminnallisten iltapäivien järjestämisen tärkeäksi myös tulevaisuudessa.The subscriber for this thesis was the Elderly Care of Kokkola. The workers of the Home Care Unit had noticed lacking skills in work ergonomics of the caregivers and had brought up the need for training. Coping with workload is a current issue among caregivers. The thesis was executed in co-operation with the Elderly Care of Kokkola and the SenioriKaste project. The purpose of the project was to organize a functional afternoon for the caregivers of Kokkola region regarding ergonomic ways of working. The aim of the project was to reduce workload of the caregivers by educating them how to utilize natural trajectories of their body when assisting and giving treatment. The project included planning and executing the functional afternoon as well as the written part. In the knowledge base we covered care and ergonomics. In the planning part we explained training methods for carers. During the spring of 2016 we organized three similar functional afternoons, out of which 2 were conducted in Finnish and one in Swedish. Carers were invited by letters. The functional afternoon consisted of: lecture, presentation of technical aids and practical exercises. As lecturers we had professionals in the field. As an ending the carers answered a feedback questionnaire. The carers had no previous knowledge regarding basic ergonomic working methods. There was also lack of knowledge regarding technical aids. According to the feedback the carers experienced the afternoon to be useful. It gave them basic information regarding ergonomics and procedures through practical exercises. In addition to information the carers also received peer support from other participants. The experts from the SenioriKaste project also supported organizing similar days in the future

    Increased Carotid Thickness in Subjects with Recently-Diagnosed Diabetes from Rural Cameroon

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    PMCID: PMC3423396This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Development of a measurement platformon a light airplane and analysis of airborne measurementsin the atmospheric boundary layer

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    In the present paper we provide an overview of a long term research project aimed at setting up a suitable platform for measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer on a light airplane along with some preliminary results obtained from fi eld campaigns at selected sites. Measurements of air pressure, temperature and relative humidity have been performed in various Alpine valleys up to a height of about 2500 m a.m.s.l. By means of GPS resources and specifi c post-processing procedures careful positioning of measurement points within the explored domain has been achieved. The analysis of collected data allowed detailed investigation of atmospheric vertical structures and dynamics typical of valley environment, such as morning transition from ground based inversion to fully developed well mixed convective boundary layer. Based on data collected along fl ights, 3D fi elds of the explored variables have been detected and identifi ed through application of geostatistical techniques (Kriging). The adopted procedures allowed evaluation of the intrinsic statistical structure of the spatial distribution of measured quantities and the estimate of the values of the same variable at unexplored locations by suitable weighted average of data recorded at close locations. Results thus obtained are presented and discussed

    Introducing the Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology

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    The rapid technological development of the past few decades has allowed for an unprecedented wealth of data about ourselves and our planet. The cost reduction of space platforms, the microelectronic revolution and the nearly exponential increase in computer power have been generating novel opportunities to explore and understand the world around us. Tools and theoretical approaches, capable of putting together all the insights we may possibly gain from all these new streams of data in a multidisciplinary framework, are still being developed. We are hence faced with both a unique challenge and an opportunity to make a significant progress in many scientific fields, first and foremost in the atmospheric and climate sciences. We are pleased to announce here the launch of the Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology (BAST), a new peer-reviewed journal which is meant to bridge this gap in the broad area of the atmospheric sciences. The journal encourages a cross-disciplinary approach with an emphasis on new sensor technologies and systems, combined observational and modeling techniques, innovative numerical methods, data analysis, and retrieval techniques. BAST offers a platform to share new ideas and fresh developments to stimulate research activities focusing on urban, coastal, marine, rural, and mountain environments. Particular attention will be given to cross-disciplinary studies, especially those involving citizens for the collection of crowd-sourced data and those devoted to the characterization of uncertainties and homogenization of methods. BAST aims at connecting weather and climate communities using both observational and modeling approaches, creating a forum hosting discussion and brainstorming activities. The journal also hopes to attract contributions reporting approaches or techniques from other scientific fields that can be applicable to atmospheric sciences, as well as contributions where technological developments are discussed alongside with their scientific and societal impacts. In this sense BAST will provide a new platform to support the technological revolution towards a climate-smart society through the collection and exploitation of big data. The journal will give visibility to international experiments and projects in atmospheric science and technology, illustrating preliminary or consolidated results from these initiatives. Additional fields of interest are : environmental protection; observation, understanding, and modeling of hazardous and extreme events and mitigation of their impacts; development of new sensing tools integrating satellite information with surface or airborne measurements; operation of unmanned and remotely piloted air vehicles equipped with sensors of small size and weight, especially remote sensors, pushing electro-optical-mechanical components towards a continuously increasing miniaturization. Research articles, Review articles, Technical reports, Brief reports, Letters and News are welcome. While keeping the focus of the journal on scientific research, the “Bulletin” format provides appropriate visibility to contributions from the operational side, i.e., meteorological services and private companies developing sensors and products of interest to the atmospheric science and technology community. Below we provide a more detailed description of the topics that will be emphasized and fostered in BAST

    What are the implications of the spontaneous spleno-renal shunts in liver cirrhosis?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although significant advances are expected to be made in the assessment of the portal hypertension-related complications, the prognostic role of spleno-renal shunts has not been fully explored so far. Clarifying this aspect could help tackle the life-treating events occurring in patients suffering from liver cirrhosis. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationships between the spleno-renal shunts presence at doppler ultrasound and the liver cirrhosis complications.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Design: eighty one patients out of 129 formed the study population (35 females). Chronic liver damage in these patients was caused by HCV (66), HBV (2), alcohol abuse (2) or unknown etiology, likely non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (11). Setting: two Liver Units of university/primary hospitals in Southern Italy. Main outcome measures: grading of esofageal varices; detection of ascites: assessment of hepatic encephalopathy; evaluation of liver cirrhosis severity; tracking hepatocellular carcinoma; doppler features of spleno-renal shunts and splenic flow velocity; spleen longitudinal diameter at sonography.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of spleno-renal shunts was 18.5%, without no difference concerning the etiology (HCV versus non-HCV, p = 0.870); the prevalence of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with spleno-renal shunts was superior to that of patients without them (Pearson Chi-square, p = 0.006, power of sample size 74%), also after adjustment for liver decompensation (p = 0.024). The median score of hepatic encephalopathy in patients with and without spleno-renal shunts was similar, i.e., 0 (range, 0-2) versus 0 (0 - 3), p = 0.67. The median splenic vein flow velocity in patients with spleno-renal shunts was significantly inferior to that of patients without them, i.e., 13 cm/sec (95% confidence intervals, 6-18) versus 21 cm/sec (17-24), p < 0.0001. By far the largest percentage of large esophageal varices was in patients without spleno-renal shunts (p = 0.005). In contrast, the frequency of ascites and hepatic encephalopathy severity was overlapping in the two groups. BMI values but not Child-Pugh's classification predicted spleno-renal shunts (Ors = 1.84, 95% confidence intervals = 1.28-2.64, p = 0.001 and 1.145, 95% confidence intervals = 0.77-1.51, p = 0.66).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Taking into consideration the relatively small sample size, patients with spleno-renal shunts are burdened by an increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma. BMI predicted the spleno-renal shunts presence.</p