53 research outputs found

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una planta productora de goma de mascar energética a partir del borojó (Borojoa patinoi) para el mercado de Lima Metropolitana

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es determinar la viabilidad económica, técnica y social para la instalación de una planta de producción de goma de mascar energética a partir del borojó. Para ello, se estudió el mercado conformado por personas entre 18 y 35 años que habitan en Lima Metropolitana y que pertenecen a los sectores NSE A y B de las zonas 6 y 7. Posteriormente, se define el producto como paquetes con 10 pastillas de gomas de mascar y el precio de venta unitario se fijó en S/ 3,49 por unidad. De este modo, la mejor ubicación de la planta es en el Callao y contará con 10 trabajadores. Con respecto a la factibilidad económica del trabajo, se calculó una inversión total de S/ 1 582 967 y se obtuvo un VAN económico y financiero de S/ 645 771 y S/ 678 212 respectivamente, y una TIR de 33% y 40% respectivamente. Por lo que se concluye que el proyecto es viable.The main objective of this work is to determine the economic, technical, and social feasibility for the installation of a plant to produce energetic chewing gum mainly made from borojó. For this, the market of people between 18 and 35 years old who live in Metropolitan Lima and who belong to the NSE A and B sectors of zones 6 and 7 was studied. Subsequently, the product is defined as packages with 10 pills of chewing gum and the unit sale price was set at S/ 3,49 per unit. In this way, the best location for the plant is in Callao and it will have 10 workers. Regarding the economic feasibility of the work, a total investment of S/ 1 582 967 was calculated and an economic and financial NPV of S/ 645 771 and S/ 678 212 respectively, and an IRR of 33% and 40% respectively, were obtained. Therefore, it is concluded that the project is viable

    Modeling for investment on scenarios TIIE 28 and TIIE 91 days

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    This article presents through mathematical modeling two hypothetical scenarios of investment with monthly savings in the format of early annuity. In both cases, the term is referenced to one year, with deposits in different periods and changing effective rates. The development of modeling used information got from official sources about interest rates. The result seeks to determine the most profitable scenario based on the interest rate and its capitalization

    Economical exploitation of polymer coated steel sheet in large-scale production of new can types by the European can industry

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    This report presents review of the state of the art of numerical modelling of polymers and polymer coated metal laminates and gives details of selected numerical models including those that will be used in the work in the project POLYCOAT. The first sections of the report contain characteristics of polymers which are important for the application studied in the project. Basic mechanical and thermal properties of the polymers are reviewed. Then constitutive models developed for polymers are reviewed based on literature and own work. Details of selected models are given. Deformation behavior of polymer coated metal laminates is considered with special attention to the phenomena at the polymer-metal interface. The numerical models for the interface are presented finally. &nbsp

    Aquifer Management in Hydrocarbon Exploitation Operations

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    The exploration and production of hydrocarbons require the management of associated aquifers not only because they must be intercepted and isolated during the drilling process, but also because they can be used as reservoirs for the final disposal of connate water, or as a source to maintain the energy of reservoirs and enhanced oil recovery operations. Despite the technological advances in the management of aquifers in the hydrocarbon industry, these kinds of operations have not been free of risks and opposition. Primary oil exploitation, improved oil recovery, and disposal of remaining water operations usually involve medium and deep aquifers that have physical, chemical, and geomechanical characteristics that may differ greatly from those known in shallow aquifers. Therefore, a detailed study of the porous media as well as the contained, produced, or reinjected fluids is an obligation for the regulation compliments and the safe handling of these operations. This chapter deals with issues associated with the chemical interaction of water, the problems that may arise from an incorrect evaluation or management, and the phenomena that can show a problem or evolution in injection operations. Finally, corrective, and preventive treatments and procedures that are commonly used in the hydrocarbon industry are specified.Fil: Escobar Martínez, John Fernando. Universidad de Antioquia; ColombiaFil: Naranjo Fernández, Darío. Universidad de Antioquia; ColombiaFil: Lopera, Sergio. Universidad de Antioquia; ColombiaFil: Quiroz Londoño, Orlando Mauricio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Geología de Costas y del Cuaternario; ArgentinaFil: Ocampo, Alonso. Anh; ColombiaFil: Zarate, German. Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos; Colombi

    Towards Accessibility and Inclusion of Native Mobile Applications Available for Ecuador in Google Play Store

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    This article aims to evaluate the level of compliance with the accessibility requirements of the most popular native Android mobile applications, for which a sample of 50 Google Play Store applications available in Ecuador was taken. A five-phase method using the Accessibility Scanner tool was used to evaluate the apps. The results revealed that 47.5% are related to problems with tactile orientation, followed by the labeling of elements with 28.2%, and text contrast with 9.2%. The highest number of barriers found in the evaluation of mobile applications corresponds to the principle of operability with 53.9%. This study reveals that, although social networks are widely used, they have 28.7% of accessibility problems. Basing accessibility analysis exclusively on an automatic tool is very limited since it neither detects all errors nor are the errors they detect accurate. However, we suggest complementing the automatic review evaluations with a manual method based on heuristics to ensure an adequate level of accessibility in mobile apps. In addition, we recommend using this study as a starting point to create a software tool using WCAG 2.1 based on artificial intelligence algorithms to help developers evaluate accessibility in mobile apps.This research was funded by Universidad de Las Américas-Ecuador, an internal research project INI.PAV.20.01

    Modeling hydropower to assess its contribution to flexibility services in the Bolivian power system

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    peer reviewedBolivia has an important hydroelectric potential that has the potential to be an important part of future energy supply. This potential is due to the topographic characteristics of the country, composed of two large hydrological systems, the Amazon and La Plata basin, with a power of 34,208.50 MW and 5,359.90 MW respectively. Hydropower has been increasing in the Bolivian territory in recent years, with a tripe objective: guarantee energy sovereignty, industrial development and the export of electrical energy. Today, the power system has a 33 % share of hydraulic component, a 61 % share of thermal component, and the rest of other renewable energy sources. Such a composition makes the system vulnerable to hydrological variations that can affect production costs and flexibility of the energy system. Therefore, this study aims to assess the effects of different rainfall years on the ability of hydropower to generate and store electricity. This is done using the hourly power system simulation software Dispa-SET, primarily developed by the European Commission. For the application of the methodology, the Dispa-Set Bolivia model is taken as a basis. For this study the hydroelectric systems are disaggregated by hydro unit, which allows to include the flows of sub-basins in run-of-the-river plants. The information on water inputs for different years is obtained from the Surface Water Balance of Bolivia 2017, which uses the Soil Moisture method (rainfall-runoff) through the software Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP), for a period from 1980 to 2016. The model optimizes the system under all hydro years, both with a mid-term scheduling approach and a short-term optimal dispatch and unit commitment approach. Modeling has allowed to obtain a broad vision of different scenarios, where main results show that heavy rainfall years affect the electricity production of hydro plants by impacting the flexibility hydropower can provide to the system. This results in changes on the average production costs, which is quantified by differences in terms of electricity production of hydropower plants

    Aquifer Management in Hydrocarbon Exploitation Operations

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    The exploration and production of hydrocarbons require the management of associated aquifers not only because they must be intercepted and isolated during the drilling process, but also because they can be used as reservoirs for the final disposal of connate water, or as a source to maintain the energy of reservoirs and enhanced oil recovery operations. Despite the technological advances in the management of aquifers in the hydrocarbon industry, these kinds of operations have not been free of risks and opposition. Primary oil exploitation, improved oil recovery, and disposal of remaining water operations usually involve medium and deep aquifers that have physical, chemical, and geomechanical characteristics that may differ greatly from those known in shallow aquifers. Therefore, a detailed study of the porous media as well as the contained, produced, or reinjected fluids is an obligation for the regulation compliments and the safe handling of these operations. This chapter deals with issues associated with the chemical interaction of water, the problems that may arise from an incorrect evaluation or management, and the phenomena that can show a problem or evolution in injection operations. Finally, corrective, and preventive treatments and procedures that are commonly used in the hydrocarbon industry are specified

    Propuesta en Supply Chain Management y Logística en la empresa Colchones Paraíso

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    Las empresas han generado un gran avance en sus procesos productivos, la dinamización de tiempos de entrega, el servicio al cliente, la disminución de inventarios, y la implementación de tecnología para la comunicación continua entre los clientes, proveedores y trabajadores, toda esta sinergia va de la mano con el Supply Chain Management (SCM) y la logística. En este trabajo se dará a conocer los conceptos del SCM , se mostrará la situción actual de la empresa estudiada Colchones Paraíso y se dará una propuesta de mejora.Companies have generated a great advance in their production processes, the dynamization of delivery times, customer service, the reduction of inventories, and the implementation of technology for continuous communication between customers, suppliers and workers, all this synergy goes hand in hand with Supply Chain Management (SCM) and logistics. In this work, the concepts of the SCM will be announced, the current situation of the company studied Colchones Paraíso will be shown and a proposal for improvement will be given

    Reestructuración y reingeniería del circuito administrativo de solicitud de Diplomas en la Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales.

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    En el siguiente trabajo nos proponemos como agentes nodocentes de la UNR de diversos sectores, agrupamientos y oficinas; abordar la problemática latente de la demora en los plazos de entrega de Diplomas originados en el Área Alumnado de la Facultad de Ciencia Política y RRII. Dicho trámite conlleva muchos pasos y procesos administrativos, intervienen en muchas áreas de la Facultad y de Sede de Gobierno, por lo que es un tema complejo y neurálgico dentro de la Unidad Académica. A su vez, para los egresados es el punto culmine donde consagran el fin de su recorrido institucional y educativo al recibir el Diploma, y ante la demora de la entrega del mismo se presentan muchas quejas, comprensibles, hacia la Facultad, el área responsable del trámite y hacia sus trabajadores. La propuesta surge como necesidad de dar una respuesta propositiva hacia esta problemática, proponiendo una innovación del procedimiento y así poder agilizar los tiempos, utilizando y proponiendo diferentes metodologías en el área para poder cumplir con lo mencionado anteriormente

    Comportamiento del flujo sanguíneo cerebral en pacientes pediátricos quemados durante la fase ebb ingresados en una unidad de quemados

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    Introduction: the preservation of Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) is very important to preserve the normal functions of the brain. The regulation of cerebral blood flow is mainly given by the contractile capacity of the blood vessels. Objective: to describe the behavior of cerebral blood flow during the ebb phase of burns in pediatric patients. Methods: a prospective, descriptive, prolective and cross-sectional study was carried out in pediatric patients with burns in the ebb phase who were included in an ultrasonographic neuromonitoring protocol. Results: the most affected age group was school children (n=25), and the most affected gender was male (n=37). The most common cause of burns was scald burns (n=42). A statistically significant association was found between age group and cause of burns (p<0.001). The pulstatility index was higher in male with 0.58 and school age with 0.61, the resistance index was equal between genders with 0.47 and higher in adolescents with 0.50, the Lingegaard index was higher in female with 1.31 and school age with 1.51. Conclusions: a correlation with a significant positive trend was found between the percentage of body surface area burned and the resistance index (p=0.031, rho=0.273).Introducción: la conservación del Flujo Sanguíneo Cerebral (FSC) es muy importante para preservar las funciones normales del encéfalo. La regulación de este, esta mediada principalmente por la capacidad contráctil de los vasos sanguíneos. Objetivo: describir el comportamiento del flujo sanguíneo cerebral en la fase ebb de las quemaduras en pacientes pediátricos. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, prolectivo y transversal en pacientes pediátricos, con quemaduras en la fase ebb a los que se les incluyó en un protocolo ultrasonográfico de neuromonitorización. Resultados: el grupo etario más afectado fue el de escolares (n=25) por género el masculino (n=37). La causa de quemaduras más común fue por escaldadura (n=42). Se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el grupo etario y la causa de quemaduras (p<0.001). El índice de pulsatilidad fue mayor en el género masculino con 0.58 y en edad escolar con 0.61, el índice de resistencia fue igual entre géneros con 0.47 y mayor en adolescentes con 0.50, el índice de Lingegaard fue mayor en el género femenino con 1.31 y en edad escolar con 1.51. Conclusiones: se encontró una correlación con tendencia positiva significativa entre el porcentaje de superficie corporal quemada y el índice de resistencia (p=0.031, rho=0.273)