121 research outputs found

    Virtual simulation for last-year nursing graduate students in times of COVID-19: a quasi-experimental study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary to adapt university health-education. Virtual simulation has been proposed to be a suitable tool. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was conducted on nursing students in the final year. The virtual simulation platform vSim® was used. Improvements in knowledge, skills during simulation, satisfaction and self-confidence obtained through the training provided were analyzed, as well as satisfaction with the platform. Results Pre-post training knowledge improved. Skill acquisition improved between the first and last attempts in all cases. The levels of self-confidence and satisfaction with the training and the platform used were high. Conclusions: The vSim® was a useful solution during the pandemic. Knowledge improved and high self-confidence was obtained

    Spatio-temporal analysis of nitrogen variations in an irrigation distribution network using reclaimed water for irrigating olive trees

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    Fertigation management of olive grove is highly complex, especially when reclaimed water is used for irrigation. Nitrogen (N) is the main nutrient component of olive trees which, traditionally, has led to an excessive use in fertilization programs. This problem can be exacerbated if reclaimed water is used since it already contains N. For this reason, water quality must be considered in the fertilization plan. Both total content and N form arriving to the trees have implications in olive tree nutrient requirements as well as the environment. If reclaimed water particularities and the length of the pipes of water distribution networks are considered, the form and total concentration of N can change over space and time. In this work, both spatial and temporal analysis of the N content and form in a water distribution network using reclaimed water for irrigating olive trees was performed. This study proved that changes in N were evident both over time and across the irrigation water distribution network. Seasonally, N content was reduced during the summer period. Spatially, a clear nitrification occurred from the pumping station to the farms. These variations demonstrate the importance of a continuous water quality control in order to adjust the fertilization plan according to the N content in water

    REUTIVAR: Model for Precision Fertigation Scheduling for Olive Orchards Using Reclaimed Water

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    Olive orchard is the most representative and iconic crop in Andalusia (Southern Spain). It is also considered one of the major economic activities of this region. However, due to its extensive growing area, olive orchard is also the most water-demanding crop in the Guadalquivir River Basin. In addition, its fertilization is commonly imprecise, which causes over-fertilization, especially nitrogen. This leads to pollution problems in both soil and water, threating the environment and the system sustainability. This concern is further exacerbated by the use of reclaimed water to irrigate since water is already a nutrient carrier. In this work, a model which determines the real-time irrigation and fertilization scheduling for olive orchard, applying treated wastewater, has been developed. The precision fertigation model considers weather information, both historical and forecast data, soil characteristics, hydraulic characteristics of the system, water allocation, tree nutrient status, and irrigation water quality. As a result, daily information about irrigation time and fertilizer quantity, considering the most susceptible crop stage, is provided. The proposed model showed that by using treated wastewater, additional fertilization was not required, leading to significant environmental benefits but also benefits in the total farm financial costs

    Intraepithelial paracrine Hedgehog signaling induces the expansion of ciliated cells that express diverse progenitor cell markers in the basal epithelium of the mouse mammary gland

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    The Hedgehog signaling pathway regulates embryo patterning and progenitor cell homeostasis in adult tissues, including epidermal appendages. A role for the Hh pathway in mammary biology and breast cancer has also been suggested. The aim of this study was to analyze Hh signaling in the mouse mammary gland through the generation of transgenic mice that express Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) under the control of the mammary-specific WAP promoter (WAP-Shh mice). To identify mammary cells capable of activating the Hh pathway we bred WAP-Shh mice to Ptch1-lacZ knock-in mice, in which the expression of a nuclear-targeted β-galactosidase reporter protein (β-gal) is driven by the endogenous Patched 1 gene regulatory region. After two cycles of induction of transgenic Shh expression, we detected areas of X-gal reactivity. Immunohistochemical analysis showed nuclear β-gal staining in clusters of mammary cells in WAP-Shh/Ptch1-lacZ bitransgenic mice. These were epithelial cells present in a basal location of displastic ducts and alveoli, adjacent to Shh-expressing luminal cells, and overexpressed epithelial basal markers keratin 5, 14 and 17 and transcription factor p63. Absence of smooth muscle actin expression and a cuboidal morphology differentiated Hh-responding cells from flat-shaped mature myoepithelial cells. Groups of cells expressing stem cell markers integrin β3 and keratins 6 and 15 were also detected within Hh-responding areas. In addition, we found that Hh-responding cells in the mammary glands of WAP-Shh/Ptch1-lacZ mice were ciliated and exhibited a low proliferation rate. Our data show the paracrine nature of hedgehog signaling in the epithelial compartment of the mouse mammary gland, where a subset of basal cells that express mammary progenitor cell markers and exhibit primary cilia is expanded in response to secretory epithelium-derived Shh.This work was supported by MCINN Grant no. SAF2006 03244, Fundación Marcelino Botín and Federación Española Cáncer de Mama (FECMA)

    Validación del método para la determinación de proteína en alimentos bajo la Norma NMX-F-608-NORMEX-2011.

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    La validación de métodos analíticos en los laboratorios de análisis es una práctica frecuente y es un requisito obligatorio si el laboratorio se encuentra acreditado bajo la norma NMX-EC-17025-IMNC-2006 ante organismos acreditadores de laboratorios de prueba o ensayo tales como la Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación (EMA). El propósito de este trabajo fue llevar a cabo la validación o comprobación del método analítico para la determinación de proteínas en alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas de la Norma Mexicana NMX-F-608-NORMEX-2011 vigente actualmente. El proceso de validación se realizó en un laboratorio acreditado ante el organismo acreditador ya mencionado con la finalidad de verificar que el método cumple con los parámetros evaluados y demostrar que el laboratorio es competente para llevar a cabo dicho método en sus instalaciones realizado por su personal técnico. Los parámetros evaluados fueron el recobro, límite de cuantificación, el intervalo de trabajo, la repetibilidad, reproducibilidad y el sesgo además de la incertidumbre expandida. Los resultados para los parámetros evaluados fueron satisfactorios por lo que el laboratorio puede ofrecer a sus clientes el análisis de proteína según este método bajo las condiciones establecidas gracias a la validación del método

    BML‐111 treatment prevents cardiac apoptosis and oxidative stress in a mouse model of autoimmune myocarditis.

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    Myocarditis is an inflammation of the myocardium that can progress to a more severe phenotype of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Three main harmful factors determine this progression: inflammation, cell death, and oxidative stress. Lipoxins and their derivatives are endogenous proresolving mediators that induce the resolution of the inflammatory process. This study aims to determine whether these mediators play a protective role in a murine model of experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM) by treating with the lipoxin A4 analog BML‐111. We observed that EAM mice presented extensive infiltration areas that correlated with higher levels of inflammatory and cardiac damage markers. Both parameters were significantly reduced in BML‐treated EAM mice. Consistently, cardiac dysfunction, hypertrophy, and emerging fibrosis detected in EAM mice was prevented by BML‐111 treatment. At the molecular level, we demonstrated that treatment with BML‐111 hampered apoptosis and oxidative stress induction by EAM. Moreover, both in vivo and in vitro studies revealed that these beneficial effects were mediated by activation of Nrf2 pathway through CaMKK2‐AMPKα kinase pathway. Altogether, our data indicate that treatment with the lipoxin derivative BML‐111 effectively alleviates EAM outcome and prevents cardiac dysfunction, thus, underscoring the therapeutic potential of lipoxins and their derivatives to treat myocarditis and other inflammatory cardiovascular diseases.pre-print325 K

    Aplicación para la gestión del riego y la fertilización del olivar regado con aguas regeneradas

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    Comunicación presentada al XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Riegos, celebrado en Don Benito del 4 al 6 de Junio de 2019 y organizada por la Asociación Española de Riegos y Drenajes y la Universidad de ExtremaduraEn Andalucía el cultivo predominante es el olivar, el cual juega un papel fundamental en su sociedad, ya que no solo ha marcado su paisaje y cultura, sino que también es la principal actividad económica de muchos de sus pueblos. Dada su extensión, y pese a seguir estrategias de riego deficitario, es el cultivo con mayor demanda hídrica de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir. A esto hay que añadir que, por lo general, la fertilización del olivar no se realiza de forma precisa, ya que se siguen criterios basados en la tradición, sin utilizar métodos de diagnóstico ni conocer las características del suelo o del agua que se aplica. Esto provoca aportaciones en exceso de algunos nutrientes, especialmente nitrógeno, lo que ocasiona problemas medioambientales tales como contaminación atmosférica, de suelos o de acuíferos. Este problema puede agravarse en el caso de riego con aguas regeneradas ya que incorporan una cantidad considerable de nutrientes, siendo esta aportación, además, variable a lo largo del año, por lo que resulta esencial que se realice una gestión óptima de las mismas. Sin embargo, el empleo de aguas regeneradas para riego en olivar está generando gran interés como alternativa al uso de fuentes de agua convencionales con el objetivo de resolver los desequilibrios entre la disponibilidad y la demanda de agua. Para ello, este trabajo, propone una aplicación que gestiona en tiempo real el riego y la fertilización del olivar regado con este tipo de aguas. El modelo en el que se basa tiene en cuenta datos climáticos, características del suelo, del sistema de riego, dotación anual concedida, análisis del estado nutritivo del árbol y de la calidad del agua.Este trabajo forma parte del Grupo Operativo REUTIVAR, proyecto de innovación cofinanciado por la Junta de Andalucía y la Unión Europea a través del FEADER 2014-2020, en el marco de las ayudas de la Línea Olivar para el funcionamiento de grupos operativos de la Asociación Europea de Innovación (AEI) en materia de productividad y sostenibilidad agrícola

    Cryptococcus neoformans can form titan-like cells in vitro in response to multiple signals

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated pathogenic yeast that can change the size of the cells during infection. In particular, this process can occur by enlarging the size of the capsule without modifying the size of the cell body, or by increasing the diameter of the cell body, which is normally accompanied by an increase of the capsule too. This last process leads to the formation of cells of an abnormal enlarged size denominated titan cells. Previous works characterized titan cell formation during pulmonary infection but research on this topic has been hampered due to the difficulty to obtain them in vitro. In this work, we describe in vitro conditions (low nutrient, serum supplemented medium at neutral pH) that promote the transition from regular to titan-like cells. Moreover, addition of azide and static incubation of the cultures in a COenriched atmosphere favored cellular enlargement. This transition occurred at low cell densities, suggesting that the process was regulated by quorum sensing molecules and it was independent of the cryptococcal serotype/species. Transition to titan-like cell was impaired by pharmacological inhibition of PKC signaling pathway. Analysis of the gene expression profile during the transition to titan-like cells showed overexpression of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, as well as proteins from the coatomer complex, and related to iron metabolism. Indeed, we observed that iron limitation also induced the formation of titan cells. Our gene expression analysis also revealed other elements involved in titan cell formation, such as calnexin, whose absence resulted in appearance of abnormal large cells even in regular rich media. In summary, our work provides a new alternative method to investigate titan cell formation devoid the bioethical problems that involve animal experimentation