86 research outputs found

    Tomáš Baťa; working conditions in the T. & A. BAŤA, ZLÍN company

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    The aim of this work is to understand Tomáš Baťa as a personality, entrepreneur and pioneer in the field of shoemaking craft, as well as his shoe factory. I will try to clarify the working conditions that have been set for Baťa company. The working order is deposited in the Státní okresní Archiv in Zlín and is the only preserved working order for Baťa's life. The working orders of other factories suitable for comparison were provided to me in the Všeodborový archiv Českomoravské konfederace odborových svazů in Prague. For comparison, I chose the working order of the Brněnská továrna na smaltové a kovové zboží Bratří Gottliebové & Brauchbar. I chose this working order, because it was the most appropriate in terms of date of issue. The work also includes economic and social history from the end of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, which illustrate the image of society in the life of Tomáš Baťa the elder, co-founder of world-famous Baťa company. The documents used to studying and processing I looked into period materials from the Státní okresní archiv in Zlín and Moravský zemský archiv in Brno, which contain the funds of Tomáš Baťa and the Všeodborový archiv Českomoravské konfederace odborových svazů in Prague, which contains a collection of working orders from different...Cílem práce je pochopit Tomáše Baťu jako osobnost, podnikatele a průkopníka na poli ševcovského řemesla, a také jeho továrnu na boty. Pracovní podmínky, které byly nastaveny u firmy Baťa, se pokusím přiblížit historickým pramenem, jakým je pracovní řád z 15. ledna 1923. Tento pracovní řád je uložen ve Státním okresním archivu ve Zlíně a je jediným dochovaným pracovním řádem za Baťova života. Pracovní řády jiných továren vhodné ke srovnání mi byly poskytnuty ve Všeodborovém archivu Českomoravské konfederace odborových svazů v Praze. Pro srovnání jsem vybrala pracovní řád Brněnské továrny na smaltové a kovové zboží Bratří Gottliebové & Brauchbar, který byl vydán 6. dubna 1927. Tento pracovní řád jsem vybrala, neboť se rokem vydání k tomu Baťovu přiblížil nejvíce. Důležitým faktorem při výběru vhodného pracovního řádu ke srovnání byl především datum vydání, tedy aby byl vydán za první republiky, a také aby byl vydán za Baťova života, tedy do července 1932. Oba tyto požadavky Brněnský pracovní řád splňuje. V práci jsou také zahrnuty hospodářské a sociální dějiny od konce 19. století do první poloviny 20. století, které dokreslují obraz společnosti v době života Tomáše Bati staršího, spoluzakladatele světoznámé firmy Baťa. Ke studiu a zpracování bude nahlédnuto do dobových materiálů ze Státního...Katedra PVH a archivního studiaDepartment of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive StudiesFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    The multiple data and geographic knowledge approach to a liquid toxic road accident mitigation - two block GIS data processing for an operative intervention

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    One of the current tasks of disaster management is to effectively counter toxic accidents on traffic communications. The paper demonstrates the procedure of the use of geographic data and knowledge with GIS technology for the operational mitigation of accident impacts on the traffic communication with leakage of toxic substance. A simulated leakage of toxic liquid substance on a highway in the Czech Republic was chosen as an example. The process is divided into two units. In the first preparatory block, data on soils and the geological environment are analysed and purpose oriented pre-processed. The data layer generally describes the expected movement of pollutants, e.g. predominant surface runoff, or predominant infiltration and/or a balanced combination of both of them. In the second operational unit, a location of the accident is precisely identified and the estimation of possible routes of pollutant runoff is performed with respect to the current status of the territory. Key points on these routes are identified with the aim to select mitigation measures and optimum access routes modelled for intervention techniques to reach key points in order to prevent contamination of water bodies.Web of Science141644

    Regional identities of Czech historical lands

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    Bohemia and Moravia are historical lands, which constitute Czechia (together with a small part of Silesia) since the 10th century. Two entirely different settlement systems can be identified in Czechia: the centralistic Bohemian sett lement system surrounded by a ring of mountains, and the transitional and polycentric Moravian settlement system. The two lands were physically divided by a border forest. Although they have belonged always to the same state, their autonomy was relatively high until the formation of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918. In 1948, a new administrative division was introduced, which did not respect the border between the two lands. Bohemia and Moravia kept their importance as different cultural units only. The main research question addressed in this paper is how the Bohemian and Moravian identities are perceived by the people today and whether it makes any sense to consider the historical lands seriously when rethinking the idea of the Europe of regions

    Present consequences of the post-war migration in the Czech borderland for regional development

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    Czechia lost more than 3,000,000 inhabitants as a result of the WW II. Germans displaced from the borderland formed the largest part. The newcomers after 1945 were of a different character – without any relation to their new settlements. This population formed a special social milieu familiar with the socialist way of thinking and that of a suppressed middle class. The consequences of it are seen in demographic, economic, environmental and social areas. After 1989, the factories in the borderland were mostly closed down, armies left the territory, people were not prepared to start their own businesses. Large-scale landscape protection formed a new barrier. Tourism is not able to substitute for the decrease in employment. The hope in cross-border collaboration has been overestimated


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    Rose bengal and erythrosin B are xanthene dyes mainly known and used as antimicrobial agents, but due to their photodynamic activity they are also potential photosensitizers for cancer photodynamic therapy. The aim of this work is to study a photodynamic efficacy of rose bengal and erythrosin B against human skin melanoma and mouse fibroblast cell lines, compare them with each other and find out their photodynamic properties induced by light emitting diodes with total light dose of 5 J/cm2. To fully identify and understand photodynamic properties of both potentially effective photosensitizers, a set of complex in vitro tests such as cell cytotoxic assay, measurement of reactive oxygen species production, mitochondrial membrane potential change assay, mode of cell death determination or comet assay were made. Although both photosensitizers proved to have similar properties such as increasing production of reactive oxygen species with the higher concentration, predominance of necrotic mode of death or genotoxicity, the more effective photosensitizer was rose bengal because its EC50 was over 20 times lower for both cell lines than in case of erythrosin B. &nbsp

    The benefits of postgraduate therapeutic education in diabetology in the Czech Republic

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    Effective diabetes education is a keystone for diabetes treatment. At the University Hospital Olomouc, postgraduate courses for diabetes therapeutic educators are based on the recommendations of the Diabetes Education Study Group of the EASD. The research question for this study was "What is the efficacy of postgraduate courses over the course of five independent years 2010-2014?" The purpose of this prospective study was (1) to determine the level of the graduates' knowledge and skills at the end of the courses, (2) to assess their retention of knowledge after 3 months and (3) to verify the reliability of the knowledge tests applied. The research method was a longitudinal study based on a pre and post-test undertaken by the study participants between 2010 and 2014. During this time, five courses were taken by 88 healthcare professionals aged 21 through 69 from different departments. Each course consisted of 80 lessons facilitated by 24 specialists, undertaken within 4 months in 8 modules which was assessed with a knowledge test and also a practical test. The knowledge test was repeated after 3 months. The participants achieved 92.5% to 98.8% of the maximum knowledge points, while attaining 95% of the required practical skills. Three months later, the post-test showed that the level of knowledge had fallen to 88.8%-93.8% (p < .0001). The tests' reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) at the end of the courses was.727, while 3 months later, it increased to .999. It can be concluded that the chosen methods and forms of education (verbal, demonstrative, practical, etc.) are highly effective in terms of diabetes therapeutic educators' training. However, after 3 months, the study showed that the level of knowledge dropped by around 5%. (C) 2017 Published by Future Academy www.FutureAcademy.org.UKFaculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University Olomouc; Faculty of Health Sciences, Palacky University Olomouc; Teaching Hospital Olomouc, Czech Republi


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    This study deals with the utilization of photosensitizer (λmax ~ 660 nm) from the group of the phthalocyanines, in photodynamic therapy. Effect of the zinc phthalocyanine photosensitizer mediated photodynamic therapy was evaluated in vitro on the tumor cell line – HeLa (cervical cancer cells) using mass spectrometry and atomic force and fluorescent microscopy techniques

    Auswirkungen aktueller demographischer Veränderungen auf die soziodemographische Binnenstruktur von Brno und Ostrava

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    Der Beitrag beinhaltet eine Analyse der gegenwärtigen demographischen Veränderungen in den Innenstädten der mährischen Großstädte Brno und Ostrava. Die Untersuchung kleinräumiger soziodemographischer Strukturen erfolgte auf der Ebene der so genannten Basissiedlungseinheiten. Von den Daten der beiden letzten Volks-, Gebäude- und Wohnungszählungen (1991 und 2001) wurden vor allem Daten zur Alters- und Qualifikationsstruktur der Bevölkerung sowie zur Haushaltsstruktur herangezogen. Dem Vergleich demographischer Daten mit der aktuellen physischen Struktur der beiden Städte diente die Analyse des Wohngebäudetyps (Eigenheime oder Mehrfamilienhäuser) sowie deren Baualter. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass die Innenstädte altern, während die jüngste Bevölkerung in Plattenbausiedlungen aus den 1980er Jahren und in den Zuzugsgebieten der Suburbanisierung am Stadtrand wohnt. Die günstigeren demographischen Strukturen in Ostrava – im Vergleich zu Brno – sind auf die massenhafte Zuwanderung von Industriearbeitskräften nach dem Krieg zurückzuführen. Es scheint, dass die Differenzierung der Qualifikationsstruktur (und damit gewissermaßen auch die soziale Differenzierung) nicht entlang der räumlichen Grenzen von innerer Stadt und Vorstädten verläuft. Dies erlaubt die Schlussfolgerung, dass die innere Stadt in Bezug auf die Qualifikations- und Sozialstruktur der Bevölkerung keinen monolithischen Komplex darstellt, sondern selbst stark differenziert ist.This article is an analysis of the present demographic changes in the city centres of the big Moravian cities of Brno and Ostrava. This study of sociodemographic structures in limited spaces was made on the level of what are known as basic settlement units. Data on the age and qualification structure of the population and the household structure were primarily used from the two last censuses of population, buildings and flats (1991 and 2001). Analysing the type of residential building (owner-occupied houses or multiple-family dwellings) and the age of the building were used to compare demographic data with the current physical structure of these two cities. Findings confirm that the city centres are ageing while the youngest population lives in concrete-slab settlements from the 1980’s and the influx areas on the suburbanising fringes of the city. Ostrava has better demographic structures than Brno which may be attributed to the massive immigration of industrial workers after the war. It seems that the differentiation in the qualification structure (and therefore to a certain extent the social differentiation) does not run along the spatial borders of the city centre and suburbs. Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that the inner city is not a monolithic complex in the population in terms of qualification and social structure, but is also substantially differentiated

    Intensive Management of Type 1 Diabetes in Adults: One Centre Experience 1970–2022

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    This chapter deals with clinical trials and routine management of persons with type 1 diabetes (PWD1) carried out at the Teaching Hospital and Palacký University Olomouc since 1970 in cooperation with experts from other centres. The following outcomes are presented: (1) physical training resulted in (a) enhancement of physical working capacity; (b) increased insulin effectiveness (c) increased S-HDL cholesterol; (d) improvement of neuropathy, memory, attention and general condition of PWD1. (2) Intensive basal and prandial insulin substitution with only short-acting insulin given seven times a day and night appeared to be the most effective approach to the conventional insulin substitution; group education and pens motivated to the intensification of insulin therapy. (3) Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion, conventional self-monitoring, continuous/flush glucose monitoring and prolongation of time in range opened new horizons. Intensive education, early application of hybrid insulin pumps and specialised prevention of late diabetes complications are deemed to improve the life expectancy and quality. Cooperation with insurance companies should be acknowledged