25 research outputs found

    Empirical model of the behavior of the income velocity of money in Colombia, 1982 – 2001

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    The study of the income velocity of money is important since monetary factors play a causal role in output fluctuations. The issue of the stability of money demand is critical in assessing the monetary aggregates, M1/M3, usefulness for the formulation of monetary policy. In Colombia, the M1 income velocity of money has been very volatile whereas the M3 velocity has been pretty stable over the last 20 years. Contrary to the assumption underlying the Quantity Theory of Money, the evidence here indicates that the income velocity of money is not constant in Colombia for the 1982 – 2001 period. The statistical results show that there is a positive relationship between the Colombian inflation rate and the M1 and M3 income velocities of money. A higher rate of inflation will translate into a higher nominal interest rate. The higher the interest rates the higher the opportunity cost of holding money and so the greater the income velocity

    The migration-remittances-development-nexus: ‘Mi casa con Remesas’ and transnational flows between Colombia and London

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    Zapata GP. The migration-remittances-development-nexus: ‘Mi casa con Remesas’ and transnational flows between Colombia and London. COMCAD Arbeitspapiere - Working Papers, 106. Bielefeld: COMCAD - Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development; 2011

    Empirical model of the behavior of the income velocity of money in Colombia, 1982 – 2001

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    The study of the income velocity of money is important since monetary factors play a causal role in output fluctuations. The issue of the stability of money demand is critical in assessing the monetary aggregates, M1/M3, usefulness for the formulation of monetary policy. In Colombia, the M1 income velocity of money has been very volatile whereas the M3 velocity has been pretty stable over the last 20 years. Contrary to the assumption underlying the Quantity Theory of Money, the evidence here indicates that the income velocity of money is not constant in Colombia for the 1982 – 2001 period. The statistical results show that there is a positive relationship between the Colombian inflation rate and the M1 and M3 income velocities of money. A higher rate of inflation will translate into a higher nominal interest rate. The higher the interest rates the higher the opportunity cost of holding money and so the greater the income velocity

    El nexo migración-desarrollo y la economía política de la vivienda en América Latina

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    In recent years, various Latin American governments have attempted to render migrants as agents of development, mainly by channeling remittances to specific sectors such as housing and finance. The existing literature has yet to articulate how these new developments are reconfiguring the political economy of housing in the region. Drawing on empirical data collected at both ends of the Colombia-uk migration network, this paper argues that these efforts aim to institutionalise remittance flows and their associated transnational socio-economic activities. They are underpinned by the repositioning of housing from a consumption to an investment item, and as a driver of economic growth; as well the positioning of the financial sector as the main means for households to access public and private housing, and other basic services. These developments have taken place in the context of a broader process of financialisation of the global poverty agenda in the last three decades.En los últimos años, varios gobiernos de América Latina han promovido la noción de que los migrantes pueden actuar como agentes de desarrollo, principalmente mediante la canalización de remesas hacia sectores específicos como los de vivienda y financiero. Los estudios desarrollados hasta el momento aún no han expuesto cómo estos hechos están reconfigurando la economía política de la vivienda en la región. Con base en datos empíricos recogidos en ambas puntas de la cadena migratoria Colombia-Reino Unido, este artículo sostiene que estos esfuerzos tienen como objetivo institucionalizar los flujos de remesas y las actividades socioeconómicas transnacionales que de ellas se derivan. Estos esfuerzos están fundamentados en el reposicionamiento de la vivienda como un bien de consumo a un bien de inversión y motor del crecimiento económico, al igual que del sector financiero como el principal medio de los hogares para acceder a vivienda pública y privada, y a otros servicios básicos. Estas acciones han tenido lugar en el contexto de un proceso más amplio de financialización de la agenda global de pobreza durante las últimas tres décadas

    Ferramentas tecnológicas ajudaram a sociedade civil brasileira no trabalho com migrantes durante a pandemia, mas não substituem transformações duradouras

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    Organizações da sociedade civil ofereceram apoio vital a populações migrantes e refugiadas no Brasil durante a crise do COVID-19. Muitas delas foram forçadas a adaptar seus programas a fim de lidar com a crescente demanda por ajuda emergencial, com a expansão do uso das tecnologias permitindo um novo modelo híbrido de trabalho. Porém, mesmo com todos os problemas que ajuda a solucionar, a tecnologia também pode levantar novas questões e, em última análise, não deve ser vista como substituto para soluções duráveis, escrevem Marcia Vera Espinoza (Queen Mary University of London), Gisela P. Zapata (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) e Flavia R. Castro (PUC-Rio)

    Towards a typology of social protection for migrants and refugees in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Marcia Vera Espinoza - ORCID: 0000-0001-6238-7683 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6238-7683The COVID-19 health crisis has put to the test Latin America’s already precarious social protection systems. This paper comparatively examines what type of social protection has been provided, by whom, and to what extent migrant and refugee populations have been included in these programmes in seven countries of the region during the COVID-19 pandemic, between March and December 2020. We develop a typology of models of social protection highlighting the assemblages of actors, different modes of protection and the emerging migrants’ subjectification in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay in relation to Non-Contributory Social Transfer (NCST) programmes and other actions undertaken by state and non-state actors. The analysis is based on 85 semi-structured interviews with representatives of national and local governments, International Organisations, Civil Society Organisations, and migrant-led organisations across 16 cities, and a systematic review of regulatory frameworks in the country-case studies. The proposed typology shows broad heterogeneity and complexity regarding different degrees of inclusion of migrant and refugee populations, particularly in pre-existing and new NCST programmes. These actions are furthering notions of migrant protection that are contingent and crisis-driven, imposing temporal limitations that often selectively exclude migrants based on legal status. It also brings to the fore the path-dependent nature of policies and practices of exclusion/inclusion in the region, which impact on migrants’ effective access to social and economic rights, while shaping the broader dynamics of migration governance in the region.https://doi.org/10.1186/s40878-021-00265-x9pubpu

    Empirical model of the behavior of the income velocity of money in Colombia, 1982 � 2001

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    The study of the income velocity of money is important since monetary factors play a causal role in output fluctuations. The issue of the stability of money demand is critical in assessing the monetary aggregates, M1/M3, usefulness for the formulation of monetary policy. In Colombia, the M1 income velocity of money has been very volatile whereas the M3 velocity has been pretty stable over the last 20 years. Contrary to the assumption underlying the Quantity Theory of Money, the evidence here indicates that the income velocity of money is not constant in Colombia for the 1982 � 2001 period. The statistical results show that there is a positive relationship between the Colombian inflation rate and the M1 and M3 income velocities of money. A higher rate of inflation will translate into a higher nominal interest rate. The higher the interest rates the higher the opportunity cost of holding money and so the greater the income velocity.El estudio de la velocidad del dinero es importante porque los factores monetarios juegan un papel fundamental en las fluctuaciones del PIB. La estabilidad de la demanda de dinero es critica en la evaluación de los agregados monetarios, M1 y M3, como instrumentos de formulación de política monetaria. En Colombia en los últimos veinte años, la velocidad del dinero de M1 ha sido muy volátil mientras que la velocidad del dinero de M3 ha sido estable. En contradicción con la hipótesis fundamental de la Teoría Cuantitativa del Dinero, la evidencia encontrada en este estudio indica que durante el período 1982 � 2001 la velocidad del dinero en Colombia no es constante. Los resultados estadísticos muestran que hay una relación positiva entre la tasa de inflación Colombiana y las velocidades del dinero de M1 y M3. Un aumento de la tasa de inflación se traducirá en un aumento de la tasa de interés nominal. Entre más altas las tasas de interés, más alto es el costo de oportunidad de tener dinero en efectivo y por ende, la velocidad del dinero será más alta

    Movilidades y covid-19 en América Latina: inclusiones y exclusiones en tiempos de “crisis”

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    Marcia Vera Espinoza - ORCID: 0000-0001-6238-7683 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6238-7683Este libro colectivo reúne un trabajo de investigación sistemático que el grupo CAMINAR (Comparative Analysis on International Migration and Displacement in the Americas) emprendió desde el inicio de la pandemia de la COVID-19, con el objetivo de analizar el impacto de la crisis sanitaria y económica en los procesos de inclusión de las personas migrantes, desplazadas y refugiadas en América Latina. Es resultado del proyecto de investigación ‘The crisis of forced displacement and responses to COVID-19 in Latin America’, que fue galardonado con una beca del decimoquinto ciclo de LASA-FORD Special Projects de la Latin American Studies Association (LASA). El conjunto de capítulos hilvanados por un propósito común y con una lente temporal específica, proporciona nuevos conocimientos sobre las políticas y prácticas de inclusión/exclusión de personas en movilidad en el contexto de las diversas crisis económicas y sociopolíticas por las que atraviesan los países de la región. Esta investigación se basa en un análisis comparativo de seis estudios de caso: Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México, Perú y Uruguay, sustentados en una metodología cualitativa que combina el análisis de marcos normativos y entrevistas semi-estructuradas con actores clave en cada país. El análisis revela una serie de ambigüedades, contradicciones y ausencias con relación a las políticas y prácticas que regulan la entrada, permanencia y acceso a derechos de las personas migrantes, que resultan en un espectro de inclusión/exclusión efectiva de las personas migrantes a derechos sociales y económicos, al tiempo que (re)configuran los procesos de gobernanza migratoria en la región. Finalmente, esta obra única contribuye a la construcción de una agenda emergente sobre los procesos de inclusión de personas migrantes en el Sur Global durante y más allá de la pandemia.https://sudimer.juridicas.unam.mx/detalle-publicacion/354/%5Btitle%5Dpubpu

    Mobility in immobility: Latin American migrants trapped amid COVID-19

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    Marcia Vera Espinoza - ORCID: 0000-0001-6238-7683 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6238-7683Item not available in this repository.States urgently need to rethink their individual responses to COVID-19 and coordinate a collective approach to include and protect all people living in their territories.https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/democraciaabierta/mobility-immobility-latin-american-migrants-trapped-amid-covid-19