73 research outputs found

    Precollisional development and Cenozoic evolution of the Southalpine retrobelt (European Alps)

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    The retrobelts of doubly vergent collisional orogens are classically interpreted as late-stage postcollisional features. Here, we integrate literature data with new structural and thermochronological evidence from the European Alps in order to document the precollisional development of the retrobelt segment exposed in the central southern Alps. During the Late Cretaceous, by inversion of inherited extensional faults of Permian age, the Variscan basement of the central southern Alps was stacked southward onto the Permian-Mesozoic cover sequences of the Adria margin. These thrust systems were first deformed within regional-scale antiforms (the "Orobic anticlines") and then cut by Eocene magmatic bodies. Our apatite fission-track data show that these units were largely structured and exhumed to shallow crustal levels before the intrusion of the Eocene magmatic rocks. Therefore, thrusting and folding in the Alpine retrobelt took place before the final closure of the Alpine Tethys and subsequent continental collision between Adria and Europe. Final exhumation and uplift in the northern part of the Southalpine retrobelt took place under a dextral transpressional regime largely coeval with the right-lateral strike-slip activity along the Insubric fault. In Neogene times, deformation propagated southward, leading to the formation of a frontal thrust belt that is largely buried beneath the Po Plain

    Open building and flexibility in healthcare: strategies for shaping spaces for social aspects

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    Introduction. The fast development of technology and medicine influences the functioning of healthcare facilities as health promoter for the society, making the flexibility a fundamental requirement. Among the many ways to ensure adaptability, one that allows change without increasing the building’s overall size is the Open Building approach. Methodology. Starting from the analysis of the State-of-the-Art and many case-studies, eight parameters of evaluation were defined, appraising their relative importance through a weighting system defined with several experts. The resulting evaluation tool establishes in what measure healthcare facilities follow the Open Building principles. Results and discussion. The tool is tested to ten case-studies, chosen for their flexible features, in order to determine his effectiveness and to identify projects’ weaknesses and strengths. Conclusions. The results suggest that many Open Building’s principles are already in use but, only through a good design thinking, it will be possible to guarantee architectures for health adaptable for future social challenges

    Low and moderate intensity strength exercise affects more beneficially the lipid profile than high intensity strength exercise

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    This study aimed to compare the time-course effects of four different intensities of strength exercise (bench press) bouts on the blood lipid profile. Thirty-five Brazilian Army male soldiers were allocated randomly into five groups based at different percentages of one repetition maximum, in previous test (1-RM): 50%-1RM, 75%-1RM, 90%-1RM, 110%-1RM (this executing only eccentric phase), and control group. The total volume (sets x reps x load) of the exercise was equalized. The lipid profile (Triglycerides, VLDL, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-c/Total Cholesterol ratio and Total cholesterol) was determined at rest and after 1, 24, 48 and 72 h of the strength exercise. The 75% group demonstrated greater TG and VLDL reduction when compared with the other groups (p\u3c0.05). Additionally, the 110% group presented an increased TG and VLDL concentration when compared with the control, 50% and 75% groups (p\u3c0.05). HDL-c concentration was significantly greater after strength exercise at 50% and 75% when compared with 110% (p\u3c0.05). Accordingly, the 50% and control groups had greater HDL-c concentration than 110% group after 48 h and 72 h (p\u3c0.05). Finally, The 50% group showed lesser LDL-c concentration than 110% group after 24 h (p\u3c0.05). No significant differences were found in Total Cholesterol and HDL-c/Total cholesterol ratio concentration. Results indicate that acute strength exercise changes lipid profile in a specific-intensity manner. Overall, low and moderate exercise intensities appear to promote more benefits on lipid profile than high intensity. Long term studies should confirm these findings

    Effetti di tipologie di suolo e colture foraggere sulle perdite per ruscellamento di azoto, fosforo e potassio in differenti areali italiani

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    Le colture foraggere svolgono un ruolo importante in molti areali italiani. Per una corretta pianificazione del territorio agricolo è necessario approfondire la conoscenza non solo delle caratteristiche produttive di queste colture, ma anche dei loro rapporti con l'ambiente. Questo lavoro prende in considerazione le perdite di azoto, fosforo e potassio dovute al ruscellamento in colture foraggere a diverso livello di intensificazione (dal pascolo alla coltura di erba medica, dal mais al doppio ciclo di mais e loiessa) in tre ambienti italiani: la Pianura Padana nord-occidentale, l'Appennino Toscano e la pianura sarda, con suoli varianti da franco-sabbioso a franco-argilloso. Il monitoraggio quanti-qualitativo del ruscellamento è stato fatto per periodi variabili da due a sei anni. La pendenza era dello 0,5% per gli appezzamenti in Piemonte e Sardegna e del 10% in Toscana. Per quanto riguarda l'azoto i rilasci sono risultati più bassi nei terreni più pianeggianti, anche per i ridotti volumi di ruscellamento registrati, non superando mai 15 kg di N ha -1 anno -1. Nei terreni in pendenza si sono invece registrati valori più elevati, con un massimo annuale di circa 30 kg ha -1 anno -1 di azoto, in relazione anche all'elevato ruscellamento ed erosione di un evento eccezionale. Per il fosforo solo in pochi casi si sono raggiunte perdite di 5 kg ha -1 anno -1, mentre nella maggior parte dei casi non sono stati superati 2 kg ha -1 anno -1. In Sardegna i rilasci di tale elemento sono da considerarsi pressoché trascurabili. Le perdite di potassio sono risultate minime in Sardegna e massime in Piemonte, dove si sono registrati valori dell' ordine di 10 kg ha -1 anno -1. Ove era possibile il confronto, si è verificato che le colture prative riducono il rilascio di elementi nutritivi rispetto alla coltura del mais e che la qualità delle acque di superficie appare legata piuttosto alle tecniche colturali che alla tipologia di suolo. Fodder crops play an important role in many Italian environments. The knowledge of the main productive characteristics of these crops is as important as their relationships with the environment, expecially for a proper territorial management. This paper compares nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium contents in runoff of some forage crops of different intensity (pasture, lucerne, silage maize, Italian ryegrass/maize double cropping) in different ltalian environments (north-western plain of Piemonte, Apennines hills of Tuscany and Mediterranean plain of Sardegna) on different typology of soils. Runoff data have been collected for periods ranging between two and six year, from plots of different extension and slope (0,5% in the plains, 10% in Apennine hills). Nitrogen losses, for the small amount of runoff, have been qui te low from ilat fields, being always less than 15 kg ha -1 year-1. Losses from slope fields have been higher, with a maximum of 30 kg ha -1 year-1, due to very high level of runoff and erosion in a conspicuous episode. Phosphorous losses only in a few cases were higher than 5 kg ha -I year -I, while mostly they have b>!en less than 2 kg ha -1 year-1. In the Mediterranean plain such losses have been quite insignificant. Minimum potassium 10sses were recorded in the Mediterranean plain, while in north-western plain they reached about 10 kg-1 year-1. Maize was, on average, the crop with highest nutrient losses, while quality of the runoff water was more related to agricultural practices than to soil types

    Modellizzazione della lisciviazione dei nitrati: calibrazione e validazione del modello LEACHN in diversi suoli e colture foraggere

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    The LEACHN model calibration and validation was realized in three Italian enviroments (Piedmont, Tuscany and Sardinia), using nitrate losses by drainage from 4 soil types ranging from sandy-loam to day-loam. A set of large drainage lysimeters were used to obtain leaching data. In each location one lysimeter was cultivated with lucerne, while the others were cropped with widespread crops in the area (maize for silage in Piedmont and Sardinia and permanent pasture in Tuscany). Measured leaching losses ranged from l to 68 kg ha-1 year-1. The calibration parameters were humus mineralization rate and nitrification rate. The calibration was realized on a not nitrogen fixing crop, while the validation was executed on lucerne, even if there is not a specific N-fixation subroutine in LEACHN. After calibration, the prediction of nitrate losses cumulated over the whole period (two years) or over each month resulted acceptable for all crops, while the single event prediction was totally inadequate. The LEACHN model seems to be applicable for the nitrate leaching prediction on a territorial scale. In tre areali italiani (pianura piemontese, conca interappenninica toscana, pianura irrigua sarda) e su quattro diversi tipi di terreno si è calibrato e validato il modello LEACHN relativamente alla previsione della lisciviazione dei nitrati. Si è operato con lisimetri a drenaggio di grandi dimensioni. In tutte le situazioni un lisimetro era coltivato a erba medica, mentre altri con colture di ampia diffusione nell'arcale: mais da trinciato integrale in Piemonte, doppio ciclo colturale di loiessa e mais da granella in Sardegna e pascolo in Toscana e Sardegna. Le perdite per lisciviazione misurate sono risultate comprese tra l e 68 kg ha-1 anno-1 di NO-3-N. Come parametri di calibrazione si sono usati il tasso di mineralizzazione dell'humus e il tasso di nitrificazione dello ione ammonio, calibrati sulla coltura non azotofissatrice. Sull'erba medica, per la quale non è prevista alcuna routine per l'azotofissazione, è stata invece condotta la validazione. Dopo la calibrazione, la simulazione della lisciviazione cumulata e dei totali mensili lisciviati è risultata accettatile, anche su erba medica, mentre quella dei singoli eventi è stata del tutto insufficiente. Il modello nel complesso è apparso applicabile per la predizione delle perdite di nitrati anche su scala territoriale

    β-Hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMβ) supplementation stimulates skeletal muscle hypertrophy in rats via the mTOR pathway

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    β-Hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMβ) supplementation is used to treat cancer, sepsis and exercise-induced muscle damage. However, its effects on animal and human health and the consequences of this treatment in other tissues (e.g., fat and liver) have not been examined. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of HMβ supplementation on skeletal muscle hypertrophy and the expression of proteins involved in insulin signalling. Rats were treated with HMβ (320 mg/kg body weight) or saline for one month. The skeletal muscle hypertrophy and insulin signalling were evaluated by western blotting, and hormonal concentrations were evaluated using ELISAs. HMβ supplementation induced muscle hypertrophy in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles and increased serum insulin levels, the expression of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and phosphorylation of p70S6K in the EDL muscle. Expression of the insulin receptor was increased only in liver. Thus, our results suggest that HMβ supplementation can be used to increase muscle mass without adverse health effects