569 research outputs found

    The 4.2 ka event in the central Mediterranean: new data from a Corchia speleothem (Apuan Alps, central Italy)

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    Abstract. We present new data on the 4.2 ka event in the central Mediterranean from Corchia Cave (Tuscany, central Italy) stalagmite CC27. The stalagmite was analyzed for stable isotopes (δ13C and δ18O) and trace elements (Mg, U, P, Y), with all proxies showing a coherent phase of reduced cave recharge between ca. 4.5 and 4.1 ka BP. Based on the current climatological data on cyclogenesis, the reduction in cave recharge is considered to be associated with the weakening of the cyclone center located in the Gulf of Genoa in response to reduced advection of air masses from the Atlantic during winter. These conditions, which closely resemble a positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) type of configuration, are associated with cooler and wetter summers with reduced sea warming, which reduced the western Mediterranean evaporation during autumn–early winter, further reducing precipitation


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    Palaeoclimatic reconstruction in N. Greece has been investigated in this study, using stable isotope analyses and U/Th dating of a speleothem (stalactite) from the cave of Agios Georgios (Kilkis). Sampling sequence was followed in detail in order to obtain high resolution analysis of the proxy. Speleothem δ18O entirely depends on two factors: changes in the δ18O of the percolation waters (a proxy for local rainfall δ18O) and the temperature of water-calcite fractionation inside the cave (a proxy for outside air temperatures). During periods of relatively stable temperatures, δ13C shifts are caused principally by variations in soil CO2 input and physico-chemical processes inside the cave. More important processes affect the δ13C signal of speleothem inside the cave are length of flow path and rates of CO2 degassing.The lower δ13C calcite values indicate greater respiratory activity of soils under wetter conditions. The stalagmite layers were dated through U/Th geochronological method, which places the carbonate precipitation in Middle Pleistocene (630-300ka BP). The isotopic composition of the layers was used in combination with the dating results to reconstruct the evolution of the area of Kilkis. Correlation with global climatic records shows that major climatic transitions that influenced northern hemisphere seem to have also affected the region of N. Greece


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    Palaeoclimatic reconstruction in N. Greece has been investigated in this study, using stable isotope analyses and U/Th dating of a speleothem (stalactite) from the cave of Agios Georgios (Kilkis). Sampling sequence was followed in detail in order to obtain high resolution analysis of the proxy. Speleothem δ18O entirely depends on two factors: changes in the δ18O of the percolation waters (a proxy for local rainfall δ18O) and the temperature of water-calcite fractionation inside the cave (a proxy for outside air temperatures). During periods of relatively stable temperatures, δ13C shifts are caused principally by variations in soil CO2 input and physico-chemical processes inside the cave. More important processes affect the δ13C signal of speleothem inside the cave are length of flow path and rates of CO2 degassing.The lower δ13C calcite values indicate greater respiratory activity of soils under wetter conditions. The stalagmite layers were dated through U/Th geochronological method, which places the carbonate precipitation in Middle Pleistocene (630-300ka BP). The isotopic composition of the layers was used in combination with the dating results to reconstruct the evolution of the area of Kilkis. Correlation with global climatic records shows that major climatic transitions that influenced northern hemisphere seem to have also affected the region of N. Greece

    Vegetation, climate and environmental history of the last 4500 years at lake Shkodra (Albania/Montenegro)

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    Three parallel overlapping cores have been taken in the Albanian side of Lake Shkodra (Albania/Montenegro). The chronological frame of the record, spanning approximately the last 4500 years, has been assessed using four radiocarbon dates and four well-known tephra layers of Italian volcanoes. Multidisciplinary analyses turned out to be decisive to understand environmental, climatic changes and human impact. Here, we focus on palynology. The humidity at Shkodra was always enough to allow the developing of a luxuriant arboreal vegetation. The pollen percentage diagram does not record important changes in terrestrial plants percentages. Arboreal pollen (AP) shows only a rather slight decrease, with ‘natural forests’ replaced by intensive cultivation of chestnut and walnut in the last seven/eight centuries. The rather minimal changes in composition and dominance are because of the fact that the pollen rain comes from different vegetation belts, from the Mediterranean to the alpine one. Two major periods of humidity are found, one at the base of the pollen concentration and influx diagram, before 4100 yr BP, the other at 1300 yr BP. Minima in pollen influx and concentration occurred soon before 4000, at ca. 2900 and at ca. 1450 yr BP These minima, interpreted as aridity crises, show a temporal coincidence with the so-called Bond events 1-3 already found in other central and eastern Mediterranean records. The minimum in AP occurring after 500 yr BP could represent the record of the ‘Little Ice Age’, even if it could be the effect of a strong land use

    Um Modelo para o Sistema Presa-Predador

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    Observando dados anuais relativos à percentagem de peixes predadores (peixes que se alimentam de outros peixes) no total de peixes pescados num porto italiano, dados esses relativos ao período 1914 - 23, nota-se claramente um aumento desta percentagem durante o período da primeira guerra mundial. A primeira explicação apresentada pelo biólogo Umberto D’Anconna baseava-se na diminuição da actividade da pesca verificada nesse período. No entanto, se a diminuição da actividade da pesca favorece a população de peixes predadores por disporem de mais peixes presa, também será verdade que o número destes aumenta com a diminuição da pesca

    Holocene Critical Zone dynamics in an Alpine catchment inferred from a speleothem multiproxy record : disentangling climate and human influences

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    Disentangling the effects of climate and human impact on the long-term evolution of the Earth CriticalZone is crucial to understand the array of its potential responses to the ongoing Global Change. This task requires natural archives from which local information about soil and vegetation can be linked directly to climate parameters. Here we present a high-resolution, well-dated, speleothem multiproxy record from the SW Italian Alps, spanning the last ~10,000 years of the present interglacial (Holocene). We correlate magnetic properties and the carbon stable isotope ratio to soil stability and pedogenesis, whereas the oxygen isotope composition is interpreted as primarily related to precipitation amount, modulated at different timescales by changes in precipitation source and seasonality. During the 9.7-2.8 ka period, when anthropic pressure over the catchment was scarce, intervals of enhanced soil erosion are related to climate-driven vegetation contractions and occurred during drier periods. Immediately following the onset of the Iron Age (ca. 2.8 ka), by contrast, periods of enhanced soil erosion coincided with a wetter climate. We propose that the observed changes in the soil response to climate forcing were related to early anthropogenic manipulations of Earth\u2019s surface, which made the ECZ more sensitive to climate oscillations
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