836 research outputs found

    Destination: Down Under

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    La forma i la lletra en Ramon Llull. Una breu introducció als elements visuals en l’obra lul·liana

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    RESUM: No ha estat fins fa poc temps que s’ha posat el focus d’atenció en la gran riquesa de l’obra lul·liana pel que fa al llenguatge visual, un element que va tenir un ampli desenvolupament al llarg del lul·lisme del Renaixement i del Barroc, però també en l’art contemporani. D’entrada, en les figures lul·lianes es troben elements que requereixen una reflexió: l’ús de formes i de lletres, i, en definitiva, la construcció d’una diagramàtica sobre la qual encara avui cal aplicar una catalogació i una interpretació més enllà de desentrellar-ne l’aplicabilitat o funcionalitat en relació amb cada text, aspectes que l’investigador A. Bonner ha estudiat a bastament, junt amb A. Soler

    Destination: Down Under

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    Developing an optical backscatter method for determining casein micelle particle size in heated milk

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICA plethora of different factors, such as heat treatment, pH, soluble calcium and phosphate concentrations, colloidal calcium phosphate, ionic strength, redox potential, etc., affect functionally of critical milk components such as casein micelles, fat globules and whey proteins. These physicochemical changes induce fat- or protein-protein interactions that would be associated to changes in particle size that might be revealed using light backscatter measurements. We hypothesized that inline, simple, low-cost light backscatter measurements might have the potential to provide functionally related information, representing an interesting opportunity for process control. Casein micelle particle size and near infrared light backscatter spectra were measured in milks heat treated at 80 and 90 °C and pH 6.3, 6.7 and 7.1 in order to obtain prediction models for estimating changes in casein micelle particle size during milk heat treatment. Light intensity was measured over a spectral range of 200-1100 nm using a simple optical backscatter sensor and was implemented into models for particle size predictions as a function of heat treatment temperature and pH. Models which included an exponential factor containing a ratio of two specific wavebands were found to improve R when compared to single wavelength models. The best model exhibited an R of 0.993 and SEP of 2.36 nm. The developed prediction models show promise for in-line monitoring of whey protein denaturation and casein micelle particle size

    On trees with the same restricted U-polynomial and the Prouhet–Tarry–Escott problem

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    This paper focuses on the well-known problem due to Stanley of whether two non-isomorphic trees can have the same U-polynomial (or, equivalently, the same chromatic symmetric function). We consider the Uk-polynomial, which is a restricted version of U-polynomial, and construct, for any given kk, non-isomorphic trees with the same Uk-polynomial. These trees are constructed by encoding solutions of the Prouhet–Tarry–Escott problem. As a consequence, we find a new class of trees that are distinguished by the U-polynomial up to isomorphism.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On graphs with the same restricted U-polynomial and the U-polynomial for rooted graphs

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    In this abstract, we construct explicitly, for every k, pairs of non-isomorphic trees with the same restricted U-polynomial; by this we mean that the polynomials agree on terms with degree at most k. The construction is done purely in algebraic terms, after introducing and studying a generalization of the U-polynomial to rooted graphs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Magdalena del Espíritu Santo. Testimonio biográfico de San Juan de la Cruz

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    Este artículo recupera el texto del manuscrito 12944/132 de la BNE, en el que la carmelita descalza Magdalena del Espíritu Santo (†1640) explica algunos aspectos de la vida y el carácter de su maestro espiritual y confesor, San Juan de la Cruz (1542-1591), que han servido de fuente para las biografías del místico. Destinataria del dibujo del Monte Carmelo de San Juan (BNE, mss/6296), Magdalena estuvo en contacto con el santo en Beas de Segura, donde esta profesó y vivió unos años, antes de trasladarse a Córdoba. El escrito de la carmelita, intitulado Noticias sobre la vida de San Juan de la Cruz, tiene dieciocho hojas y fue redactado en el siglo XVII. La monja mantuvo contacto directo con San Juan en la etapa en la que ejercía de maestro de almas en Andalucía y escribía sus obras mayores para trasladar su experiencia y doctrina a las carmelitas.