879 research outputs found

    Cross-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine

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    Polish relation with Ukraine are developing in difference area since 1991. One of this areas is crossborder cooperation, especially in euroregions. Authors aim is present short outline of issues of Polish and Ukrainian, international law regulation about crossborder cooperation, problems in this form of relations and areas of cooperation in euroregions.С. М.Закшевска (Sylwia Maria Zakrzewska), аспіранткa кафедра Східної Європи Університету Миколи Коперника в Торуні (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu) (Польща, м.Торунь

    Effects of anoxia on 31P NMR spectra of Phycomyces blakesleeanus during development

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    The method of 31P NMR spectroscopy was used to investigate the effects of anoxia on Phycomyces blakesleea­nus mycelium during development. The greatest changes were recorded in the PPc, NADH, and α-ATP signals. Decrease of PPc signal intensity is due to chain length reduction and reduction in number of PPn molecules. Smaller decrease of β-ATP compared to α-ATP signal intensity can be attributed to maintenance of ATP concentration at the expense of PPn hydrolysis. Sensitivity to anoxia varies with the growth stage. It is greatest in 32-h and 44-h mycelium, in which PPn is used as an additional energy source, while the smallest effect was noted for 36-h fungi

    Trigeminal neuralgia: a practical guide

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    Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a highly disabling disorder characterised by very severe, brief and electric shock like recurrent episodes of facial pain. New diagnostic criteria, which subclassify TN on the basis of presence of trigeminal neurovascular conflict or an underlying neurological disorder, should be used as they allow better characterisation of patients and help in decision-making regarding medical and surgical treatments. MR, including high-resolution trigeminal sequences, should be performed as part of the diagnostic work-up. Carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine are drugs of first choice. Lamotrigine, gabapentin, pregabalin, botulinum toxin type A and baclofen can be used either alone or as add-on therapy. Surgery should be considered if the pain is poorly controlled or the medical treatments are poorly tolerated. Trigeminal microvascular decompression is the first-line surgery in patients with trigeminal neurovascular conflict while neuroablative surgical treatments can be offered if MR does not show any neurovascular contact or where patients are considered too frail for microvascular decompression or do not wish to take the risk

    Future Directions for Surgical Trial Designs in Trigeminal Neuralgia

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    Key points: 1. There is no high quality comparative effectiveness research for surgery versus pharmacological management or for different surgical techniques. 2. High quality evidence (randomised controlled trials) is required to inform routine decision making for patients with TN and their consultants. 3. The design and conduct of surgery trials using the standard design has numerous challenges (patient preferences, clinician preferences, clinically meaningful outcome measures, learning curves for surgical techniques, irreversibility of results). 4. The ‘cohort multiple RCT’ design is an innovative alternative design that provides both long term observational data and a facility for quick and efficient conduct of multiple trials. Unlike standard trials, patient information and consent replicate that found in routine healthcare wherever possible. 5. Embedding multiple trials within a cohort of patients with a diagnosis of TN would enable the quick and efficient identification and recruitment of patients to trials of a variety of interventions, and help provide the information that patients and clinicians require

    The Ecological and Ethical Consumption Development Prospects in Poland Compared with the Western European Countries

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    An overview of the Western European literature shows that one of the most distinct trends in consumption that has been noted in the recent years is globally increasing environmental and social awareness. The issue of consumers' behaviours and attitudes towards "socially responsible products" has been gaining importance in Polish economy as well. This article evaluates the development prospects of ethical and ecological consumption in Poland vis-à-vis Western European countries. The comparative analysis being part of the article utilizes primary sources of information, i.e. interviews with a representative sample of Polish adults, as well as secondary sources of information. A factor analysis or, more precisely, a principal component analysis, allowed dividing Polish consumers into groups that were typologically homogeneous in respect of their sensitivity to various aspects of business ethics and ecology.Przegląd literatury zachodnio-europejskiej pozwala stwierdzić, że jednym z najbardziej zauważalnych trendów w sferze konsumpcji w ostatnich latach jest coraz większa świadomość ekologiczna i społeczna w wymiarze globalnym. Problematyka zachowań i postaw konsumentów wobec produktów "społecznie odpowiedzialnych" nabiera coraz większego znaczenia także w polskiej gospodarce. Celem artykułu jest ocena perspektyw rozwoju etyczneji ekologicznej konsumpcji w Polsce na tle krajów zachodnio-europejskich. Analizę porównawczą prowadzono bazując na źródłach wtórych jak i badaniach pierwotnych realizowanych na reprezentatywnej próbie losowej dorosłych mieszkańców Polski. W oparciu o analizę czynnikową, a dokładniej metodę analizy głównych składowych, dokonano także podziału polskich konsumentów na jednorodne grupy typologiczne pod względem ich wrażliwości na różne aspekty związane z ekologią i etyką

    A Fast and Efficient Incremental Approach toward Dynamic Community Detection

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    Community detection is a discovery tool used by network scientists to analyze the structure of real-world networks. It seeks to identify natural divisions that may exist in the input networks that partition the vertices into coherent modules (or communities). While this problem space is rich with efficient algorithms and software, most of this literature caters to the static use-case where the underlying network does not change. However, many emerging real-world use-cases give rise to a need to incorporate dynamic graphs as inputs. In this paper, we present a fast and efficient incremental approach toward dynamic community detection. The key contribution is a generic technique called Δscreening\Delta-screening, which examines the most recent batch of changes made to an input graph and selects a subset of vertices to reevaluate for potential community (re)assignment. This technique can be incorporated into any of the community detection methods that use modularity as its objective function for clustering. For demonstration purposes, we incorporated the technique into two well-known community detection tools. Our experiments demonstrate that our new incremental approach is able to generate performance speedups without compromising on the output quality (despite its heuristic nature). For instance, on a real-world network with 63M temporal edges (over 12 time steps), our approach was able to complete in 1056 seconds, yielding a 3x speedup over a baseline implementation. In addition to demonstrating the performance benefits, we also show how to use our approach to delineate appropriate intervals of temporal resolutions at which to analyze an input network

    Trigeminal neuralgia: new classification and diagnostic grading for practice and research

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    Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is an exemplary condition of neuropathic facial pain. However, formally classifying TN as neuropathic pain based on the grading system of the International Association for the Study of Pain is complicated by the requirement of objective signs confirming an underlying lesion or disease of the somatosensory system. The latest version of the International Classification of Headache Disorders created similar difficulties by abandoning the term symptomatic TN for manifestations caused by major neurologic disease, such as tumors or multiple sclerosis. These diagnostic challenges hinder the triage of TN patients for therapy and clinical trials, and hamper the design of treatment guidelines. In response to these shortcomings, we have developed a classification of TN that aligns with the nosology of other neurologic disorders and neuropathic pain. We propose 3 diagnostic categories. Classical TN requires demonstration of morphologic changes in the trigeminal nerve root from vascular compression. Secondary TN is due to an identifiable underlying neurologic disease. TN of unknown etiology is labeled idiopathic. Diagnostic certainty is graded possible when pain paroxysms occur in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve branches. Triggered paroxysms permit the designation of clinically established TN and probable neuropathic pain. Imaging and neurophysiologic tests that establish the etiology of classical or secondary TN determine definite neuropathic pain

    Referrals to a facial pain service

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    AIM: To assess the quality of referral letters to a facial pain service and highlight the key requirements of such letters. METHOD: The source of all referral letters to the service for five years was established. For one year the information provided in 94 referrals was assessed. Using a predetermined checklist of essential information the referral letters were compared to these set criteria. RESULTS: The service received 7,001 referrals and, on average, general dental practitioners (GDPs) referred 303 more patients per year than general medical practitioners (GMPs). Seventy-one percent of all referrals were from primary care practitioners, the rest were from specialists. Over 70% of GMP and 52% of GDP letters included a past medical history, with GMPs more likely to suggest a possible diagnosis and include previous secondary care referrals. The mean score for GMP referrals compared to the standard proforma (maximum of 12) was 5.6 and for GDP referrals 5.0. A relevant drug history was included by 75.6% GMP compared to 38.7% of GDPs. GMPs were more likely to include any relevant mental health history. CONCLUSIONS: The overall quality of referral letters is low which makes it difficult for the specialists to provide robust treatment plans

    Conformational analysis of nucleic acids revisited: Curves+

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    We describe Curves+, a new nucleic acid conformational analysis program which is applicable to a wide range of nucleic acid structures, including those with up to four strands and with either canonical or modified bases and backbones. The program is algorithmically simpler and computationally much faster than the earlier Curves approach, although it still provides both helical and backbone parameters, including a curvilinear axis and parameters relating the position of the bases to this axis. It additionally provides a full analysis of groove widths and depths. Curves+ can also be used to analyse molecular dynamics trajectories. With the help of the accompanying program Canal, it is possible to produce a variety of graphical output including parameter variations along a given structure and time series or histograms of parameter variations during dynamic