20 research outputs found


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    Toddlers age prone to various health problems, Toddlers need three times more energy than adults. Children under five are malnourished due to the behavior of public nutrition as deprivation of food with balanced nutrition. Toddler coping strategies BGM acceleration program that diversification of food consumption can encourage increased consumption society is diverse, nutritious and balanced based on local resources. Study is a research approach to Quassy experiment, a sample of 14 mothers and Toddler BGM divided into 7 BGM mother and child were given PMT modisco I and 7 mother and child were not given PMT BGM modisco I, with sampling using area sampling, data collection checklist and observation sheet. Data analysis using McNemar. The results obtained by BB BGM Toddlers are not given PMT were predominantly fixed as 71.43%, which given the BGM Toddler BB PMT largely increased by 85.72% and the calculation results obtained nilia ρ (0.125)> α (0.05) means that H0 is accepted. PMT modisco a supplement that works to meet the additional needs Chair in nutrition, but giving PMT modisco the short term can not increase weight Toddlers BGM, for it required a longer time associated with the provision of supplementary food on Toddler modisco BGM


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi bahwa kinerja guru SMP Negeri se-Bandung Utarasudah optimal, hal ini dilihat dari nilai UKG SMP Nasional pada tahun 2015 sebesar 58,25 sedangkan nilai UKG nasional pada tingkat TK, SD, SLB, SMP, SMA, SMK pada tahun 2015 adalah 56,69. Fokus masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kondisi deskripsi kinerja guru, kualitas kehidupan kerja dan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan, serta seberapa besarkontribusi kualitas kehidupan kerja dan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan terhadap kinerja guru SMP Negeri se-Bandung Utara.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitaif yang didukung dengan studi dokumentasi serta angket sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Sampel penelitian yaitu berjumlah 186 guru SMP Negeri se-Bandung Utara.Hasil penelitian mendeskripsikan bahwa kinerja guru, kualitas kehidupan kerja dan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan sudah tinggi. Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja dan Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan berkorelasi sedang signifikan dan berkontribusi sebesar 27,5%. terhadap kinerja guru, sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain.Rekomendasi yang diajukan adalah (1) Kinerja guru: Guru mengadakan pertemuan dengan orang tua siswa mengenai kemajuan belajar peserta didik, (2) Kualitas kehidupan kerja:bekerjasama dengan lembaga organisasi lainnya (industri-industri),(3)Pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan: menunjuk koordinator pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan pada kegiatan in house training dan lesson study dan bekerjasama dengan penerbit untuk mempublikasikan karya tulis ilmiah, (4) Peneliti selanjutnya:agar lebih fokus pada variabel kualitas kehidupan kerja dan pengembangan keprofesian, lalu mengkomparasikan kualitas kehidupan kerja dan pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan di sekolah selain negeri

    Model of NFT Implementation on Web SSO over OpenID Connect and Oauth 2.0 protocols

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    Single Sign-On (SSO) is a mechanism that allows users to access various services using a single set of login credentials. However, in SSO implementations, there are still challenges related to security and authentication management, particularly attacks targeting the Identity Provider (IDP). To address this, the use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as proof of IDP ownership has been proposed as a solution to enhance security in the authentication mechanism. The utilization of NFTs in SSO with OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 has the potential to improve security and convenience in the authentication process due to the unique and non-duplicable nature of NFTs. The results of this research present a model and design of SSO with NFTs on OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0. An SSO application with login, register, and password recovery features was also developed to provide convenience to users during the login process. The findings conclude that the utilization of NFTs in SSO with OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 has the potential to enhance security and convenience in the authentication mechanism. Further research is needed to explore aspects such as scalability, in-depth security analysis, testing in real-world scenarios, improvement of integration and interoperability, as well as comparative analysis with other SSO technologies

    Integrated Learning Model: A Blend of Project-Based Approach and SDLC Concepts for Software Engineering Courses, Evaluated through EUCS

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    Online learning and face-to-face learning are two examples of current learning models. Online learning has the advantage of time and place flexibility as it can be conducted remotely. Meanwhile, face-to-face learning excels in the teacher-student relationship as they can meet in person. However, particularly in online learning, not all subjects can be taught optimally, such as practical courses. Blended learning is one solution for a combined learning model that can leverage both online and face-to-face learning. One of the most challenging subjects in online learning is software engineering, which requires practical exercises to write application code. There are various types of blended learning models, but we propose a blended learning model specifically based on the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) pattern in software engineering course materials. We do this to maximize the learning process. We also integrate blended learning with a project-based concept, as this course is well-suited for project-based learning. In evaluating this model, we analyze the satisfaction level using the end-user computing satisfaction method. The sample consists of 60 students from the Computer Science program, selected using accidental sampling. The data analysis and processing methods employed in this study include t-tests, F-tests, and multiple linear regression. The research yields a satisfaction level of 71%. The results of hypothesis testing also show that the variables Ease of Use and Timeliness have a significant positive partial impact on student satisfaction

    Penerapan Natural Language Processing (NLP) di bidang pendidikan

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    NLP adalah cabang dari kecerdasan buatan (AI) yang berhubungan dengan melatih komputer untuk memahami, memproses, dan menghasilkan bahasa. Salah satu implementasi NLP yang sangat penting adalah penerapannya di dunia pendidikan. NLP adalah proses yang efektif untuk membantu siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Menerapkan NLP dalam lingkungan pendidikan tidak hanya membantu dalam mengembangkan proses bahasa yang efektif, tetapi juga penting untuk meningkatkan prestasi akademik. Beberapa penerapan NLP di dunia pendidikan adalah Peringkasan Teks dan Paraphrasing, Tanya Jawab, Chatbot (feedback dari pendidik), Evaluasi Ejaan dan Gramma


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    SMEs play significant roles in the economy of Indonesia due to its contribution to GNP and labor employment. However, from the overall competitiveness criteria, Indonesia’s SMEs occupy the lowest rank among 13 APEC members. The size of business may affect the ability of SMEs to access to capital resources, adopt technology, and lack of managerial skill. Supply chain collaboration is one of the alternatives to enhance the competitiveness of the SMEs. Collaboration among suppliers, OEM, and customers enables SMEs to manage the flow of materials, product, and also information efficiently. Focusing on the SMEs located in the Sub-district of Katapang, Bandung, this study applies Hevner Information System Research Method. We conclude that; 1) the SMEs should collaborate with other parties in material acquisition, coordination, knowledge sharing, and independency of collaboration; 2) government, facilitators, SMEs itself, retailers, distributors, suppliers, technology provider, and related intances are all together forming the collaboration; 3) there are three models of collaboration i.e industry cluster collaboration, upstream-downstream collaboration, and knowledge collaboration

    Barriers to visit restaurants by older adults in Malaysia

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    The growth of older adults globally is inevitable as the by-product of medical technology advancement and lower fertility rate. Nevertheless, this age segment does not receive the attention they should as a consumer. While there are many studies done about restaurant preferences of older adults, the factors that stand as a barrier for the older segment to visit a restaurant were not given much importance. To fill the gap in the literature, this research will focus on identifying the barriers preventing older adults to visit a restaurant. Qualitative approach was used in this study. 15 informants aged 55 or above were chosen from Klang Valley using the purposive sampling method. The semi-structured interviews were recorded using a voice recorder. The obtained recordings were then transcribed, translated, coded, and analysed. Atlas.ti software (version 7) was used to help in the coding of the themes. Barriers identified in this research were cleanliness, service quality, ageing, life’s perspective and food. Recognising these barriers and improvising the restaurant marketing strategy based on it is expected to be beneficial

    A qualitative study on factors influencing older consumer dining out behaviour

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    Ageing or growing old is inevitable; rather than viewing this as another life stage, this transition period is not easily welcomed by many. The main reason is because with age we are getting more susceptible to disease and disability. This mind-set is changing slowly thanks to the progress in healthcare and government policy that not only care for their health but also helps the older people to lead a better life in their golden age. It is important to acknowledge this age group not just because they are living longer; it is also because they are getting bigger in size and economic power. Restaurant preferences and patronage behaviours of older adults in Malaysia is literally unknown even though there had been numerous amount of research done involving this population. The purpose of this study is to find out what would be the factor for older adults in Malaysia to dine out. Semi-structured indepth interviews were done with Malaysian older people ages 55 and above. 15 informers were interviewed for this study and the interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed. Atlas.ti software (version 7) was used to complement researchers’ analyses of interview transcripts and develop a visual representation of qualitative data. Major thematic categories identified by older consumer in this study included cleanliness and food taste. Data are visually mapped and relationships between different themes are presented. This study will be beneficial in providing more insight to this untapped market segment

    A New Hybrid Embedding Method in Iris Biometric System

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    The challenging part in achieving high security biometrics data is viewed from the engineering perspective which includes security, accuracy, speeds and application size. The objective of this paper is to increase the accuracy through an embedding technique. A combination of modified pixel value differencing and wavelet decomposition techniques were used in this study. The pixels were scanned in a new direction embedded with the wavelet difference matrix. The system is developed using both eyes and each eye is enrolled with 10 snaps. The embedding process creates the embedded iris feature and the reverse process of embedding is known as de-embedding. Two thousands iris from CASIA database are used. The application is developed using MATLAB and executed for 5-20 iterations. The new hybrid system shows better performance in accuracy in terms of False Acceptance Rate (FAR), embedding capacity and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) values as benchmarked with the existing method. The finding shows that the output of the embedding capacity is 743801 and 41.10dB of PSNR. The good PSNR value is between 40-50 dB. The implication of this study contributes to a higher accuracy in iris biometric security. Future work should focus on the genetic algorithm to recognize human iris in biometric system


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    Pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi {iptek) khususnya dalam bidang teknologi informasi pr!ndidikan yaitu mob.ile learning. Produk benlfXl software I framework pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan dalam proses implementasi suatu metode pembelajaran yang sedang digalakkan pemerintah yaitu Student Centered Leaming (SCL) dalam pemrograman dengan media pendukung saat ini yaitu e-learning. Metode SCL merupakan suatu metode pembe/ajaran yang menekankan pada siswa. Framework ini nantinya dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran pemrograman berbasis open source dengan manajemen repository source code berbasis web yang dinamis. Di Dukungan perkembangan teknologi internet saat ini yaitu 4G membuat akses internet menjadi lebih cepat. Dan Indonesia merupakan pengguna internet terbesar ke-6 di dunia. kehadiran koneksi 4G LTE diakhir tahun 2015 Indonesia berhasil masuk dalam jajaran lima besar negara di Asia Pasifik. Didukung dengan akses yang baik maka pemamfaatan teknologi e-learning sebagai media virtual classroom dapat juga dikembangkan menjadi virtual laboratorium programming