585 research outputs found

    Factor influences selection of Islamic banking: a study on Malaysian customer preferences

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    The emergence of strong Islamic movements in last three decades has generated a renewed interest in Islamic economics, especially in Islamic interest free banking. Currently Islamic bank strategically offering high quality products and services to satisfy their customers due to the strong competition, customer expectation for high quality services and rapidly changes of technology. The purpose of this study is to investigate major factors that are reflecting to customers’ perception and satisfaction on Islamic banking. This study hope to analyze and determine the perception, quality of services, availability of services, confidence in bank and social and religious perspective about Islamic banking system. A Logit model is employed to anticipate the effects of the explanatory variables. The analysis confirms the significant positive relationship of quality of services, availability of services, social and religious perspective and confidence in bank with customers’ perception about Islamic bank. These factors are expected to have great role for influencing customer mind. In conclusion, customers can derive a better understanding of the activities that are undertaken by bank and how the way these activities are being dealt with

    Embedded two level direct adaptive fuzzy controller for DC motor speed control

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    AbstractThis paper presents a proposed approach based on an adaptive fuzzy logic controller for precise control of the DC motor speed. In this concern, the proposed Direct Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller (DAFLC) is estimated from two levels, where the lower level uses a Mamdani fuzzy controller and the upper level is an inverse model based on a Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) method in which its output is used to adapt the parameters of the fuzzy controller in the lower level. The proposed controller is implemented using an Arduino DUE kit. From the practical results, it is proved that the proposed adaptive controller improves, successfully both the performance response and the disturbance due to the load in the speed control of the DC motor

    Sistem saringan penyakit pterigium untuk imej mata terangkum hadapan

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    Pterigium merupakan penyakit berkaitan mata yang melibatkan penumbuhan tisu menyelaputi kawasan kornea mata. Hal ini kebiasaannya menjejaskan individu yang menetap di kawasan Khatulistiwa seperti Malaysia dan terdedah kepada keadaan angin, radiasi ultraviolet atau debu yang berlebihan. Salah satu cara pengesanan pterigium secara konvensional adalah melalui kaedah saringan manual oleh pakar oftalmologi. Pterigium didiagnos selepas pemeriksaan fizikal mata dilakukan. Gambar mata diambil bagi tujuan memantau pertumbuhan tisu pterigium. Sekiranya perlu, ujian diagnostik khusus akan dilakukan terutamanya apabila pterigium menyelaputi kawasan kornea mata. Contohnya, topografi kornea akan digunakan untuk menandakan permukaan kornea bagi mengesan sebarang gangguan yang mungkin timbul seperti penumbuhan tisu pterigium yang semakin membesar. Pada pengetahuan kami, hanya sedikit sahaja penyelidikan yang melibatkan kaedah pemprosesan imej digital (PID) untuk mengesan penyakit berkaitan mata pada peringkat awal menggunakan imej mata terangkum hadapan (IMTH). Oleh itu, projek ini mencadangkan algoritma untuk mengesan penyakit pterigium menggunakan IMTH yang didapati daripada empat pangkalan data yang berbeza iaitu UBIRIS, MILES, RAFAEL dan QPEI. Sistem saringan yang dicadangkan terdiri daripada empat modul utama iaitu modul-modul pengumpulan data IMTH, peruasan kornea, penyarian fitur dan pengesanan pterigium. Melalui pengiraan nisbah jejari pada kawasan peruasan kornea menggunakan nilai ambang 1.00, keputusan pengesanan pterigium yang diperolehi adalah 90.60% Positif Benar (PB), 77.24% Negatif Benar (NB), 22.76% Positif Palsu (PP) dan 9.40% Negatif Palsu (NP)

    The study of polymer material characterisation using M-Z-N statistical analysis method

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    This paper proposes an implementation of alternative statistical signal analysis method in characterising material properties of polymer using impulse excitation technique (IET) in accordance with ASTM E1876 standard. Five types of cylindrical shape polymer specimens are used, namely acrylics (AC), poly vinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), cast nylon (MC), and polyoxymethylene (POM). Experimental procedure is done based on non-destructive testing (NDT) concept by tapping the specimens using an impact hammer within a specific range of impact force, while accelerometer sensor Endevco 751-100 is used to detect the vibration produced. The detected vibration and the impact force signal which is triggered by impact hammer are captured using NI 9234 data acquisition device and computer. The signal is interpreted and statistically analysed using Mesokurtosis Zonal Non-parametric (M-Z-N) analysis method. As a result, mathematical model equations for determining two material properties which are tensile strength and thermal conductivity have been successfully developed. They are derived through correlation between the signal data and M-Z-N coefficient. Verification of the equation is done and the calculated errors to be in the range of 5.55% to 9.74%. Hence, this proves that the correlation can be used as a standard for determining these material properties through M-Z-N method, which is efficient and low cost

    Effect of Bacillus Subtilis Bacteria on The Mechanical Properties of Corroded Self-Healing Concrete

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    Reinforced concrete has a weakness for corrosion which can cause the concrete to crack and the concrete structure to fail. To overcome this problem, a self-healing concrete method is needed that can close cracks and inhibit the rate of natural corrosion. Bacillus subtilis as a self-healing agent in concrete has been proven to be able to increase the compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete. The method used in this research is to add bacterial hydrogel encapsulation to concrete with a variation of 0%; 0.1%; 0.6%; and 1.5% by weight of sand. The test object is a reinforced concrete beams and cylindrical concrete with compressive design strength of 30 MPa. The concrete specimens will go through a series of tests, such as corrosion acceleration tests using DC power supply, self-healing tests by visual observation, flexural strength, ductility, stiffness, and compressive strength tests using Universal Testing Machine (UTM). From the test results, it was found that the addition of 0.1% bacterial encapsulation variation was the optimum value for increasing the mechanical properties of self-healing concrete and reduce the corrosion rate on self-healing concrete

    Strategic Management in Islamic Full Day School ‎Institutional Development in the Era of Artificial ‎Intelligence

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    Manajemen strategi dalam pengembangan kelembagaan islamic full day school memiliki komponen utama yaitu yang pertama analisa lingkungan organisasi berfungsi sebagai deteksi awal dan prediksi ancaman dan peluang, kedua analisa profil organisasi berfungsi sebagai deteksi kelemahan dan kekuatan oraganisasi, ketiga startegi organisasi berfungsi sebagai pencapaian tujuan organisasi.[1]. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan case study. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam manajemen strategi dalam penegembangan kelembagaan islamic full day school di era artfical intelegen, terdapat tiga hal yang harus diperhatikan, pertama, manajemen strategi, diproses ini dipelukan analisis SWOT, dilakukan secara menyeluruh terhadap lingkungan internal dan eksternal sekolah, mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman pendidikan masa depan yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan teknologi. Dengan analisis tersebut akan mempermudah penyusunan visi dan misi serta target dan program. Selanjutnya Kedua. Strategi Pengembangan Kelembagaan, memerlukan Rencana Strategis (RENSTRA), yang merupakan dokumen yang berisikan tujuan jangka panjang dan jangka pendek pendidikan masa depan dalam penggunaan teknologi Artifical Intelegence (AI). Rencana tersebut meliputi langkah-langkah spesifik yang harus diambil untuk mengintegrasikan pendidikan masa depan  dalam kegiatan sehari-hari sekolah. Dan perlu diperhatikan yakni penguatan fundamental, penguatan eksistensi dan membangun kemitraan serta komunitas. Ketiga Sistem Penjamin Mutu, dilakukan secara komintem dan konsisten dalam pengembangan kelembagaan, maka secara otomatis lembaga tersebut lembaga berkualitas. Sesuai dengan ketentuan kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan sistem penjaminan mutu, diselenggarakan oleh intern lembaga atau disebut dengan Sistem Penjamin Mutu Internal (SPMI)  dan yang diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah sebagai penanggungjawab utama dari sistem mutu pendidikan atau Sistem Penjamin Mutu Eksternal (SPME).   [1] Nazarudin, Manajemen Startegik, NoerFikri Offset, 2020.Strategic management in the development of Islamic full day school institutions has main components, namely the first organizational environment analysis functions as an early detection and prediction of threats and opportunities, the second analysis of the organizational profile functions as a detection of organizational weaknesses and strengths, the third organizational strategy functions as the achievement of organizational goals.(Nazaruddin 2020). This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The results of the study show that in strategic management in the development of Islamic full day school institutions in the era of artificial intelligence, there are three things that must be considered, first, strategic management, this process requires a SWOT analysis, carried out thoroughly on the internal and external environment of the school, identifying strengths , weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to future education related to the use of technology. This analysis will facilitate the preparation of the vision and mission as well as targets and programs. Next Second. Institutional Development Strategy, requires a Strategic Plan (RENSTRA), which is a document that contains long-term and short-term goals for future education in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. The plan includes specific steps to be taken to integrate future education into the day-to-day activities of the school. And it is necessary to pay attention to the strengthening of fundamentals, strengthening existence and building partnerships and communities. The three Quality Assurance Systems are carried out in a consistent and consistent manner in institutional development, so that the institution is automatically a quality institution. In accordance with the provisions of the ministry of education and culture, the quality assurance system is organized by internal institutions or known as the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) and which is held by the Government as the main person in charge of the education quality system or the External Quality Assurance System (SPME)

    The Effect Of Brand Trust And Brand Image On Brand Equity With Brand Loyalty As An Intervening Variable On Le Minerale

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    This research aims to find out the extent to which the Le Minere brand (brand) can influence all consumer interest in the Le Minere brand. Brands are the cutting edge of the company; although they must be supported by the product quality and management quality, the brand is a reflection of the overall quality of the company's deep. During this time, generally, the selection of brand criteria is still at a technical level. Some of these criteria are: first memorability or easy to remember, second has a pleasant, interesting, credible, suggestive, rich imagination meaning; third protectability or protected by law.This research uses quantitative methods. Data is collected by technique questionnaire. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Respondents for this study were Le Minerale consumers with 151 respondents. Quantitative method using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of the data analysis show that Brand Image has a positive and significant effect on Brand Equity, henceforth Brand Trust has a positive and significant effect on Brand Loyalty

    Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators

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    Background ICD/BVP indications are expanding. They are expensive devices and historically, morbidities associated with their use were high. The starting experience at the Gold Coast Hospital is being reviewed. Methods A retrospective chart review of all the ICD/BVPs implanted in the Gold Coast Hospital from June 2007 to June 2008, with special emphasis on device indications and complications. Results Devices implanted were (31). Primary prevention devices (67 per cent), secondary prevention devices (33 per cent). Indications were: Non-ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy (35 per cent), Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest (26 per cent), Conscious VT (13 per cent), Ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy (10 per cent), In-hospital Cardiac Arrest (6 per cent), Long-QT Syndrome (6%) and Catecholamine-related Polymorphic VT (3 per cent). Major complications reported; lung contusion (1), left hemothorax (1), failed coronary sinus lead positioning (2), lead re-positioning (2), atrial lead removal (1), left subclavian vein thrombosis (1), lead malfunction leading to VT under sensing and syncope (1). Device-administered therapies were eight; Inappropriate discharges (5), Appropriate discharges (1), successful Anti-tachycardia Pacing (2). Conclusions We believe that ICDs are very effective life-saving devices but unfortunately they still are very expensive and their use can be associated with significant morbidities especially during the learning curve