465 research outputs found

    Ways of optimizing medical services for children at educational institutions under the Health Care system reform in Ukraine.

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    Aim – scientific substantiation of the ways to optimize preventive childhood medicine under the health care system reform in Ukraine. The medical, sanitary and epidemiological conditions of children’s stay were studied at 147 schools in five oblasts of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv. The following methods were used: system analysis, analytical, mathematical and statistical, bibliosemantic, modeling and expert assessments. The results of an expert assessment (224 specialists) on the optimization of medical services for schoolchildren were analyzed. The main risk factors for schoolchildren staying at educational institutions were identified: daily routine failure, non-compliance with the hygiene requirements for the premises where the educational process is carried out, as well as failure in food and water quality and safety. The levels of medical observation provision were analyzed. There were suggested two ways of maintaining the role of medical personnel in preserving and enhancing the health of schoolchildren: involving doctors of primary care centers of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and creating an autonomous medical service in the institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in accordance with the current licensing requirements. The issues of prevention and promotion of children's health, including schoolchildren, are one of the key aspects of the training of medical personnel at all stages. Such programs need to be modernized on the basis of a competency approach, taking into account the current needs of the health care system and the best international experience in resolving these issues

    Basic principles of legal regulation of preschool education in the Russian Federation

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    The article analyses the normative-legal base of preschool education, as well as the necessity of analysis of legal regulation and resource provision of the municipal system of preschool education.В статье проводится анализ нормативно-правовой базы дошкольного образования, а также обосновывается необходимость анализа правового регулирования и ресурсного обеспечения муниципальной системы дошкольного образования

    A new surfactant-copper(ii) complex based on 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane amphiphile. Crystal structure determination, self-assembly and functional activity

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    © the Owner Societies 2018. A new surfactant-copper(ii) complex [Cu(L)Br3] (where LBr is 1-cetyl-4-aza-1-azoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane bromide) containing a transition metal in the head group has been synthesized and characterized. Physicochemical properties, thermal stability and 3D structure were determined using X-ray diffractometry, UV-vis spectroscopy, simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry combined with mass-spectrometry of evolved vapors. The study of the self-assembly and morphological features of associated structures was performed by potentiometry using a bromide ion selective electrode and fluorescence of pyrene and 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene. The influence of the metal ion embedded into the surfactant structure on critical micelle concentration, degree of counterion binding, aggregation numbers and morphology of the associates was elucidated. High solubilizing capacity and complexation ability of the metal containing micelles with respect to Orange-OT hydrophobic dye and oligonucleotide were determined. Importantly, the functional properties of this metallosurfactant complex are much better compared to those of classical cationic surfactants bearing cyclic and acyclic head groups, LBr and the LBr-CuBr2 mixture. The new cationic metallosurfactant could be recommended for investigation in gene therapy


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    The article deals with investigation of the question how to increase efficiency of armament and mobilization readiness of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex. Main threats of the military-industrial complex are defended. Ways of their removal are offered. Main objectives of MIC are formed.Статья посвящена исследованию вопроса повышения эффективности вооружения и мобилизационной готовности оборонно-промышленного комплекса Украины. Рассмотрены основные угрозы ОПК и предложены пути их устранения. Исходя из предложенных направлений работы, сформированы основные задачи развития ОПК Украины.Стаття присвячена дослідженню питання підвищення ефективності озброєння та мобілізаційної готовності оборонно-промислового комплексу України. Розглянуто основні загрози ОПК та запропоновано шляхи їх усунення. Виходячи із запропонованих напрямків роботи, сформовано основні задачі розвитку ОПК України

    SiC Nanofibers in Canals and Pores of Cordierite Honeycomb Material as a Support for Catalyst in CO-PROX Reaction

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    The Cu–Co oxide system supported on SiC nanofibers deposited on cordierite was studied in the CO oxidation reaction in the presence of hydrogen

    Drug-Induced Acute Kidney Injury

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    Drug-induced nephrotoxicity is the third most common cause of acute kidney injury (AKI). The aim of the study was to analyse and summarise data on the factors and mechanisms responsible for increased risk of drug-induced AKI, to analyse potential methods of its prevention and treatment. At present, the following phenotypes of drug-induced AKI are distinguished: acute vascular disease, acute glomerular disease, acute tubular injury / necrosis, and acute interstitial nephritis. It was discovered that most often these complications occur following the use of antimicrobial drugs, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and anticancer drugs, including targeted therapy. Risk factors for drug-induced AKI include age >65, female gender, low body weight, pre-existing chronic kidney disease, hypovolemia, hypoalbuminemia, acute and chronic heart failure, diabetes, malignancies, liver cirrhosis, prolonged use of nephrotoxic drugs, and simultaneous use of two or more nephrotoxic drugs. Discontinuation of the drug which resulted in kidney failure is the first and foremost principle for managing not only drug-induced, but all AKI patients. The use of potentially nephrotoxic drugs should be avoided, especially in high-risk patients, in order to prevent drug-induced AKI. If a patient needs a drug that affects renal hemodynamics, the therapy should begin with a minimum effective dose, and combinations of two and more nephrotoxic drugs should be avoided. Close monitoring of kidney function is crucial for high-risk patients. They should also be informed about the importance of adequate water consumption schedule for prevention of hypovolemia

    Health-promoting activities in education

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    The article discusses issues of health-saving activities aimed at strengthening the health of schoolchildren and students by means of physical education, through the formation of cognitive, activity, motivational and evaluative-productive components of the individualВ статье рассматриваются вопросы здоровьесберегающей деятельности, направленной на укрепление здоровья школьников и студентов средствами физической культуры, через сформированность когнитивного, деятельностного, мотивационного и оценочно-результативного компонентов личност

    Capability assessment for application of clay mixture as barrier material for irradiated zirconium alloy structure elements long-term processing for storage during decommissioning of uranium-graphite nuclear reactors

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    The radionuclide composition and the activity level of the irradiated zirconium alloy E110, the radionuclide immobilization strength and the retention properties of the mixed clay barrier material with respect to the radionuclides identified in the alloy were investigated to perform the safety assessment of handling structural units of zirconium alloy used for the technological channels in uranium-graphite reactors. The irradiated zirconium alloy waste contained the following activation products:{93m}Nb and the long-lived {94}Nb, {93}Zr radionuclides. Radionuclides of {60}Co, {137}Cs, {90}Sr, and actinides were also present in the alloy. In the course of the runs no leaching of niobium and zirconium isotopes from the E110 alloy was detected. Leach rates were observed merely for {60}Co and {137}Cs present in the deposits formed on the internal surface of technological channels. The radionuclides present were effectively adsorbed by the barrier material. To ensure the localization of radionuclides in case of the radionuclide migration from the irradiated zirconium alloy into the barrier material, the sorption properties were determined of the barrier material used for creating the long-term storage point for the graphite stack from uranium-graphite reactors


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    Purpose: to provide recommendations for targeted communication with key groups of consumers of continuing professional development (CPD) services based on previous segmentation. Materials and Methods. The answers of 1768 respondents representing all regions of Ukraine, about the importance of factors in choosing the form of CPD subjected to factor analysis, which resulted in four factors were used as variables for cluster analysis (k-means method). The results were evaluated on the basis of descriptive statistics, the statistical probability of the difference was determined by pairwise comparison, and by analysis of variance. Results. As a result of segmentation, carried out on the basis of the analysis of questionnaires of doctors – consumers of educational services, four key factors of a choice of the form of CPD are revealed: professionalism, accessibility, the level of social activity, formalism of the student – on the basis of which seven clusters of students were formed, differing in socio-demographic and psychographic characteristics. Conclusions. Critical tasks are the optimization of the educational process, minimizing the flow of documents and time off from work, establishing work with online media, accounting, analysis, communication with existing consumers of educational services.Мета: надати рекомендації для здійснення прицільної комунікації з ключовими групами споживачів послуг безперервного професійного розвитку на основі попередньої сегментації. Матеріали і методи. Анкети 1768 респондентів, які представляють всі регіони України, щодо важливості чинників вибору форми безперервного професійного розвитку піддано факторному аналізу, за результатами якого отримано чотири фактори, значення яких використано для проведення кластерного аналізу (метод к-середніх). Оцінку результатів здійснювали на основі даних дескриптивної статистики, статистичну вірогідність різниці показників визначали методи попарного порівняння та дисперсійного аналізу. Результати. У результаті сегментування, здійсненого на основі аналізу анкет лікарів – споживачів освітніх послуг, виявлено чотири ключові фактори вибору форми безперервного професійного розвитку: професійність, доступність навчального курсу, рівень соціальної активності, формалізм слухача, на основі яких утворено сім кластерів слухачів, що відрізняються за соціодемографічними та психографічними характеристиками. Висновки. Критичними завданнями є оптимізація освітнього процесу, мінімізація документообігу, часу відриву від роботи фахівців, налагодження роботи з онлайн-медіа, облік, аналіз та комунікація з наявними освітніми послугами