2,488 research outputs found

    Management of basic processes of services in the context of the international technical regulation

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    http://vsed.oneu.edu.uaKey aspects when developing process approach for the quality system of services in the international ISO standards of a series 9000 are analyzed and the important role of the consumer in formation of requirements to rendering of services is proved. The author offered a technique of control of service parameters which allows to reveal reserves of quality improvement of service, as well as the efficiency and productivity of its granting. Recommendations concerning provisions which may contain specifications or the standard of the organization for a specification of activity of the organization are made

    The Role and Place of Exercises in the Study of Physics

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    Розв’язування задач є невід’ємною складовою навчального процесу. При цьому учні залучаються до різних видів навчальної діяльності. Це сприяє формуванню фізичних понять і навичок застосування знань на практиці, розвитку фізичного мислення учнів.Solving exercises is an integral part of the educational process. At same time, pupils are involved in different types of learning activities. It contributes to the formation of physical concepts and their skills to apply knowledge in practice and development of pupils' physical thinking.Захарчук Вероніка Євгеніївна - вчитель-медотист, вчитель фізики, Луцької гімназії №21 імені Михайла Кравчука; Захарчук Дмитро Андрійович - доцент кафедри фізики і електротехніки Луцького національного технічного університет

    Transforming university governance in the context of the Bologna Process: A case study of Ukrainian higher education

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    Over the last 25 years, Europe’s strategic efforts to retain its significance in higher education have resulted in the Bologna Process – the largest and most influential initiative affecting the higher education systems of 49 countries, including Ukraine. Despite extensive research on Ukrainian educational reforms in the context of the Bologna Process, the university governance transformation has received little attention in the relevant literature and minimal empirical support. This study sought a comprehensive understanding of how the Bologna Process influenced the governance of Ukrainian public universities. Ukrainian universities deserve particular attention to their reorganization efforts because their unique positions are determined by specific historical, political, and socio-economic realities in Ukraine. Using a qualitative case study methodology, I investigated how the Bologna Process had transformed university governance in three Ukrainian universities: National Aviation University, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, and Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University. I examined challenges to, supports for, and implications of university governance transformation. Through document analysis and individual interviews with senior university administrators, I identified six themes in the collected data: the Bologna Process and its implementation, university autonomy, university collective governance, the increasing role of internationalization, marketization of higher education, and reconceptualizing national identity. The interpretation of these themes allowed me to distinguish decentralizing higher education governance inherited from the Soviet times and responding to European regionalization policies as two directions of university governance reforms. These directions were recognized as attempts to step away from the Soviet inherent governing practices, such as highly centralized educational governance and the Soviet relative isolation from the world, towards more open and democratic policies of the European Higher Education Area. The two contesting influences of Soviet legacies and the Bologna Process caused both the change and inertia of Ukrainian university governance. This study is a timely investigation of Ukrainian university governance transformation, for it advances our understanding of European regionalization and its impact on higher education governance in former socialist countries. The findings from the study are relevant to policy-makers within Ukraine and internationally, as they shed light on Ukrainian public universities’ inner workings, guiding policies, and decision-making processes

    Perceptual geography and its significance in the conditions of decentralization for polyethnic regions of Ukraine

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    This article is devoted to highlighting the importance of perceptual geography as a socio-geographical science in the research of public perception of various geographical places, territories and spaces. Today, the process of decentralization continues in Ukraine, as a result of which a new administrative and territorial system has been formed in Ukraine since January 1, 2021. It is perceptual and geographical research that can reveal the mental peculiarities of the population’s perception of the unification of settlements into territorial communities, which form a system of consolidated districts. Therefore, the study of such features of the development of perceptual geography in Ukraine is quite relevant and especially significant for polyethnic regions, among which ethno-contact Chernivtsi oblast is a vivid example

    The review of software for ecological and economical analyse of economic activity

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    Основні засади екологічної безпеки

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    Науковий керівник: Павлов К.В

    Основні засади екологічної безпеки

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    Науковий керівник: Павлов К.В