3,517 research outputs found

    Pyrolysis of latex gloves in the presence of y-zeolite

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    In this study we have investigated the possibility of processing waste rubber gloves using pyrolysis. Y-zeolite catalyst was employed to upgrade the pyrolysis products to give higher yields of valuable aromatic compounds such as toluene and xylenes. The composition of the pyrolysis products was determined using GC-MS, GC-FID, GC-TCD, and FT-IR. It was found that when rubber gloves were pyrolysed in the absence of a catalyst, the pyrolysis oil consisted mainly of limonene and oligomers of polyisoprene. When Y-zeolite was added to the reaction system, the yields of toluene, xylene, methylbenzenes, ethylbenzenes, and naphthalenes increased dramatically. The Y-zeolite also catalysed the decomposition of limonene, which was absent from the catalytic pyrolysis products. The presence of the Yzeolite catalyst also increased the yield of hydrocarbon gases. The tests were carried out at both 380°C and 480°C and it was found that the higher reaction temperature led to increased yields of all the major compounds, both in the presence and absence of the Y-zeolite catalyst

    Analysis of Students' Metacognition Level in Solving Scientific Literacy on the Topic of Static Fluid

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    The purpose of this study is to describe students' metacognition level in solving scientific literacy. This research use the descriptive method. The subject of this research is 99 students of grade XI in SMA Batik 2 Surakarta. Data collection methods used are test methods which its instruments based on an indicator of scientific literacy and metacognition ability. Data analysis techniques use quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the achievement of scientific literacy in science as a body of knowledge, science as a way of thinking, science as a way of investigating, and science as an interaction between technology and society is still low at below 35%. This is due to 84% student occupy in low metacognition level that is 30% students in tacit use level, 54% students in aware use level, and only 16% students occupy in high metacognition level that is in strategic use level

    Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Bidang Keterampilan Menulis

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    The objective of this research is to describe the instructional management of English in writing skill at Junior High School Number 01 South Bengkulu. The method of this research was qualitative research. The data were collected by conducting personal interview, observations and documentation study. Then, data analysis used qualitative technique. The result of this study showed that (1) in planning of learning of English writing skill, it was done well by English teachers, (2) in teaching learning process (implementation), English teachers used various and interesting methods and media. (3) in evaluating and supervision the learning management, teacher had found appropriate method of measuring the students\u27 achievement, (4) in feedback of teaching learning process was done by doing remedial and enrichment

    Hubungan antara Stres Kerja dan Motivasi Berprestasi dengan Kinerja Guru

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    The purpose of this research was to describe the correlation between work stress and achieved motivation with teacher\u27s perfomance at the junior high school teachers at Manna East of Bengkulu. The method of research was correlational. The data was collected by using questionnaire, the data analysis was correlation, linear regression, and double regression to examine the hypotesis. The results of this research were (1) There was significant relation between work stress and teachers perfomance; (2) There was significant relation between achieved motivation and teachers perfomance; (3) There was together relation between work stress and achieved motivation to the teachers perfomance. According to the first and the second hyphothesis, it was conversed to the third hyphotesis, it was estimated that work stress followed by achieved motivation will increase the teachers perfomance

    Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Sekolah

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    The purpose of research is to describe the management of school\u27s library in Public Junior High School 01 of Pondok Kubang Middle Bengkulu Regency. This research is qualitative descriptive. Subjects in this research are head of library and staffs. The techniques of data collection use observation, structured interview and documentation. The technique of data analysis uses qualitative descriptive method. The results of the research show that this school has done arranging daily work programmes, short term, middle term and long term. For implementing all that work programmes, so the principal establishs the organizational structure of the library managers as the implementers of daily activities as well job description of each part/work function in there. The principal doing evalution with purpose to know the achievement of work from various work programmes have been set that will be as inputs to make improvements of the library management in the next school years

    Developing cultural sensitivity among Malaysian registered nurses as self-initiated expatriates in Saudi hospitals

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    This conceptual study explores the prerequisite to develop cultural sensitivity among Malaysian female Registered Nurses (RN) residing in Saudi Arabia who aim to become knowledge workers in the healthcare sectors. Key questions examined are: How do female RN knowledge workers acculturate themselves in a new environment and acquire cultural sensitivity? What adjustment processes were involved? In this study, we introduce a conceptual framework to explain this adjustment process and develop propositions to explain how female RN as knowledge workers adjust to a new environment where there is a large cultural distance between their home culture (Malaysia) and the host culture (Saudi Arabia). Using cultural adjustment theory we propose three classes of antecedents: individual, contextual and organizational

    Physicochemical characteristics of Malaysian honeys influenced by storage time and temperature

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    Honey is a natural product that produced by honeybees or stingless bees. Consumers always found the best quality of honey by observing the physicochemical properties. However, storage time and temperature can affect the quality of honey. This study aimed to determine the physicochemical properties (moisture content, pH, water activity and turbidity) of Hutan, Kelulut, Gelam, Acacia honeys stored at different temperatures (-20, 4 and 25oC) up to 300 days and to identify the storage conditions suitable to be applied for each type of honey. The results of this study showed that the quality of Malaysian honeys were affected by the storage times and temperatures. Hutan honey was found to be very sensitive to low temperature condition. Thus, it is recommended that Hutan honey should be stored at room temperature to retain its quality.Keywords: physicochemical characteristics; storage; Malaysian honey

    Hybrid shear-warp rendering

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    Shear-warp rendering is a fast and efficient method for visualizing a volume of sampled data based on a factorization of the viewing transformation into a shear and a warp. In shear-warp rendering, the volume is resampled, composited and warped to obtain the final image. Many applications, however, require a mixture of polygonal and volumetric data to be rendered together in a single image. This paper describes a new approach for extending the shear-warp rendering to simultaneously handle polygonal objects. A data structure, the zlist-buffe, is presented. It is basically a multilayered z-buffer. With the zlist-buffer, an object-based scan conversion of polygons requires only a simple modification of the standard polygon scan-conversion algorithm. This paper shows how the scan conversion can be integrated with shear-warp rendering of run-length encoded volume data to obtain quality images in real time. The utility and performance of the approach using a number of test renderings is also discussed

    Analisa Kegagalan Pasca Welding Repair pada Crankshaft Kompresor

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    Analisa kegagalan yang dilakukan pada crankshaft kompresor pasca welding repair tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penyebab kegagalan pasca welding repair dan nilai kekuatan pada material crankshaft. Kompresor ini termasuk jenis reciprocating single acting dengan menggunakan 3 Stage, kompresor ini terjadi kegagalan saat jam operasi mencapai 3298 jam dengan tekanan maksimum 330 bar. Sejumlah spesimen diambil dari crankshaft kompresor yang patah untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan. Dari hasil analisa makro kondisi lokasi awal permukaan berasal dari sudut tegak lurus terhadap poros diameter 30 mm, hasil analisa komposisi kimia material crankshaft besi cor nodular, hasil pengujian metalografi terdapat struktur ferit, perlit dan grafit nodular dan hasil pengujian kekerasan yang terbesar 682 HV dan yang terendah 110 HV. Hasil analisa kegagalan menunjukkan bahwa crankshaft mengalami patah getas yang disebabkan oleh penyambungan crankshaft pengelasan menggunakan material CuNi menunujukkan mutu yang kurang bagus mengingat titik cair material besi cor dengan material las CuNi berbeda sehingga tidak dapat menyatu dengan baik. Faktor lain yang mungkin menjadi pendukung terjadi kegagalan yaitu perawatan berkala yang tidak terlaksana dengan baik dan juga didukung dengan jenis kompresor bertekanan tinggi sehingga beban yang diterima oleh crankshaft kompresor cukup tinggi.Analisa kegagalan yang dilakukan pada crankshaft kompresor pasca welding repair. Kompresor ini termasuk jenis reciprocating single acting dengan menggunakan 3 Stage, kompresor ini terjadi kegagalan saat jam operasi mencapai 3298 jam dengan tekanan maksimum 330 bar. Sejumlah spesimen diambil dari crankshaft kompresor yang patah untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium meliputi pemeriksaan makroskopik, analisa komposisi kimia, pengujian metalografi dan pengujian kekerasan. Hasil analisis kegagalan menunjukkan bahwa crankshaft mengalami patah getas yang disebabkan oleh penyambungan crankshaft pengelasan menggunakan material CuNi menunujukkan mutu yang kurang bagus mengingat titik cair material besi cor dengan material las CuNi berbeda sehingga tidak dapat menyatu dengan baik. Faktor lain yang mungkin menjadi pendukung terjadi kegagalan yaitu perawatan berkala yang tidak terlaksana dengan baik dan juga didukung dengan jenis kompresor bertekanan tinggi sehingga beban yang diterima oleh crankshaft kompresor cukup tinggi