1,265 research outputs found


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    Abstract In learning Arabic, teachers generally only convey the lecture method or only use one method and students tend to get bored. the teacher also only conveys the main things that are considered important only in language without any practice of what is learned, therefore the media is present as one of the components supporting the success of the teaching and learning process. the researcher chose one of the media, namely chain whisper media because it was considered effective and helpful for students of class 8 MTS in improving students' listening and speaking skills. With the aim to find out how student activities, students' istima development and to find out how the results of the implementation of Whispers in Chains on class VIII students of mts assunniyyah Using descriptive qualitative methods, types of field research, technical data analysis using data reduction, and data validity, namely triangulation of the application of the whisper method chain, makes students more active and not bored, in training language skills makes it easier for students to receive material and information, especially in maharah istimak, and creates a sense of cooperation between students so that the atmosphere of learning activities is not burdensome. The influence of significant student learning outcomes in learning makes this method acceptable. Keywords: method, chain whisper game, istima’


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    Abstract Psychomotor development learning strategies can be the basis of learning methods. psychomotor development which includes skills in the structure of the brain, muscles and nerves as well as the ability to adapt to the environment which makes the speed ratio of the formation of a learning outcome. Reading is the main factor that influences improving the quality of student learning outcomes, so psychomotor development to learn how to read when learning Arabic is also very much needed. And this method is useful in learning Arabic because it can attract students' interest and improve Arabic learning outcomes because learning using this method is not boring. The focus of this research is: (1). How are students' psychomotor development in maharah qiro'ah at MTs Walisongo? (2) What are the student learning outcomes in psychomotor development in Arabic in maharah qiro'ah at MTs Walisongo? This type of research uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation and tests. With qualitative descriptive analysis techniques and techniques for testing data using triangulation techniques which are reinforced with material taken from references. After going through several stages of the research process, it turned out that the results obtained were quite good. 1. Students become able to read Arabic texts fluently according to the meaning of letters, harakat and Arabic language rules to understand the contents of the text correctly. 2. This learning activity can attract students' interest and enthusiasm when the learning activity takes place. Therefore, this learning method is able to improve student learning outcomes in learning Arabic. Keywords: Psychomotor Development, Arabic Language Learning, Maharah Qiro'ah

    Efektivitas Workshop dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru dalam Penyusunan Soal HOTS MTsN 6 Kulon Progo

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    Tujuan – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana efektivitas workshop dalam meningkatkan kemampuan atau kompetensi guru dalam menyusun soal HOTS di MTsN 6 Kulon Progo. Metode – Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan yang menggunakan model penelitian Kemis dan Mc Taggart. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 35 guru MTsN 6 Kulon Progo, Penelitian ini ditempuh melalui Penelitian Tindakan dengan siklus-siklus di dalamnya. Prosedur penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus yaitu siklus I dan siklus II dengan mengacu pada desain Kemis dan Mc Taggart yang meliputi 4 tahap, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Hasil – Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan workshop tersebut dilaksanakan pada Semester 1 tahun Pelajaran 2021-2022 dan berhasil meningkatkan tingkat pencapaian kompetensi Guru dalam menyusun Soal HOTS sebesar 80%. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan meliputi membentuk kepanitiaan Workshop, merencanakan pelaksanaan kegiatan Workshop, melaksanakan kegiatan Workshop, menugaskan Guru menyusun soal HOTS sesuai dengan materi yang didapatkan, mempresentasikan hasil kerja pembuatan soal HOTS, dan mengujicobakan soal HOTS pada siswa

    Memahami Gerakan Islam Transnasional (Studi Kasus di Indonesia, Brunei, dan Thailand)

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    This article aims to understand the transnational Islamic movement with a focus on three countries: Indonesia, Brunei, and Thailand. Transnational Islamic movement refers to the flow and influence of Islam that transcends national borders and has significant impacts on the social, political, and religious developments in the involved countries. This case study will discuss the key characteristics of the transnational Islamic movement in Indonesia, Brunei, and Thailand, as well as the factors influencing its development. Additionally, the article will also analyze how this movement plays a role in shaping the Muslim identity in these three countries. The research methods employed in this article are descriptive and comparative analysis. Data is obtained through literature studies and document reviews. The research findings indicate that the transnational Islamic movement in Indonesia, Brunei, and Thailand exhibits different characteristics depending on the respective countries' histories, cultures, and political situations. Factors such as migration, social media, financial support, and political issues play crucial roles in the development of this movement. In conclusion, the transnational Islamic movement has significant impacts within the contexts of Indonesia, Brunei, and Thailand


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    This study aims to determine the effect of Generation X and Generation Y behavior on employee loyalty through job satisfaction. The method utilized survey method using quantitative approach with 78 respondents from Generation X and 55 respondents from Generation Y. Chi Square method was used to test the hypothesis of this research. The results of this study have found that there are differences in behavior between Generation X and Generation Y employees in assessing job satisfaction and employee loyalty. The differences in the behavior of Generation X and Generation Y in assessing job satisfaction and loyalty should be put into a serious concern so that the company’s regeneration process can proceed without hindrance for the continuation of a sustainable company life.. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perilaku generasi X maupun generasi Y terhadap loyalitas karyawan melalui kepuasan kerja. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan komposisi 78 dari generasi X dan 55 dari generasi Y. Pengujian hipotesa menggunakan metoda Chi Square atau Chi Kuadrat. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa terdapat perbedaan perilaku antara karyawan generasi X dan generasi Y dalam menilai kepuasan kerja maupun loyalitas karyawan. Perbedaan perilaku generasi X dan generasi Y dalam menilai kepuasan kerja maupun loyalitas harus menjadi perhatian yang serius agar proses regenerasi perusahaan bisa berjalan tanpa halangan untuk kelanjutan kehidupan perusahaan yang berkesinambungan

    Pendampingan Pembuatan Kartu Pintar Pembelajaran Maharoh Kitabah Pada Guru TPQ Salafiyah Ar-Risalah

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    The purpose of this community service activity is to provide assistance to the educators/council of ustadz and ustadzah at TPQ Salafiyah Ar-Risalah regarding the making and use of smart card media to improve writing abilities and skills both in terms of khat, vocabulary, sentence structure and grammatical Arabic. This research uses qualitative methods because the object of research is focused on the process of learning Arabic in the form of the use of smart card media in writing skills both in terms of khat, vocabulary, sentence structure and grammar. With the smart card learning media, it will certainly make the students enthusiastic when learning takes place, especially after the learning activities of the students are active, enthusiastic and able to answer questions about maharoh kitabah. Assistance activities to the community in the form of PAR (Participatory Action Research) service to educators at TPQ Salafiyah Ar-Risalah Curah Putih Tegalwangi, through this smart card learning media made of cardboard and origami paper, have many benefits in learning Maharoh Kitabah and can invite students to be more enthusiastic and play an active role during the activit

    Pengaruh Fungsi Manajemen Koperasi Pondok Pesantren dan Etos Kerja Islami Terhadap Pembentukan Jiwa Wirausaha Santri di Pondok Pesantren Al-Qodiri Jember

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungsi manajemen koperasi (planing, organizing, actuating, controlling) dan etos kerja islami terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha santri di pondok pesantren Al-Qodiri Jember. Penelitian ini merupakan  penelitian confirmatory research. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anggota koperasi pondok pesantren Al-Qodiri Jember yang berjumlah 1.300. Sampel dipilih sebanyak 150 responden. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan prosedur teknik probabilty sampling dengan teknik quota sampling. metode analisis data menggunakan analisis SEM. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (1) planing berpengaruh signifikan langsung terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha santri (2) organizing berpengaruh signifikan langsung terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha santri (3) Actuating berpengaruh signifikan langsung terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha santri (4) Controlling berpengaruh signifikan langsung terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha santri (5) Etos kerja islami berpengaruh signifikan langsung terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha (6) Planing berpengaruh signifikan tidak langsung terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha santri melalui etos kerja islami sebagai variabel intervening (7) Organizing berpengaruh signifikan tidak langsung terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha santri melalui etos kerja islami sebagai variabel intervening (8) Actuating berpengaruh tidak signifikan tidak langsung terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha santri melalui etos kerja islami sebagai variabel intervening (9) Controlling berpengaruh signifikan tidak langsung terhadap pembentukan jiwa wirausaha santri melalui etos kerja islami sebagai variabel intervening

    The students’ perceptions towards search engine as learning media to promote reading comprehension at English education of IAIN Palangka Raya

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    This research is aimed to know and describing the students’ perception towards search engine as learning media to promote reading comprehension at English Education of IAIN Palangka Raya. The type of study was survey research, the writer used mixed method approach. Data collections instruments used were pilot study, questionnaires, and interview. There were 124 students from 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 academic years of English Education of IAIN Palangka Raya. The questionnaires were distributed to 124 students who took reading course as a sample. There were 13 students as respondents who were interviewed. The result of the study showed that the students’ perception towards search engine as learning media to promote reading comprehension is positive with the percentage 84%. Mostly students used the search engine for downloading e-book that related to reading comprehension course, visiting English website was available on internet resources, using electronic dictionaries, chatting with foreigner, doing exercise on internet through using the search engine, and finding another an example the kinds of texts of reading comprehension course. Finally, based on result above, the writer recommended that English lecturer can encourage their students to use technology in developing the language skills particularly in reading comprehension course. Educational institutions should modernize their technical instructions capabilities by using new equipment and laboratories for supporting the teaching process. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan atau menggambarkan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap search engine sebagai media pembelajaran untuk mempermudah mata kuliah reading comprehension pada pendidikan bahasa Inggris di IAIN Palangka Raya. Jenis penelitian ini ialah penelitian survey. Penulis menggunakan mixed method (penelitian campuran) antara kualitatif dan kuantitatif seabagi metode pendekatan. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini ialah pilot study, angket, dan wawancara. Ada 124 mahasiswa yang berasal dari angkatan 2014-2015 dan 2015-2016 pada pendidikan bahasa Inggris di IAIN Palangka Raya. Angket didistrisbusikan kepada 124 mahasiswa sebagai responden yang telah mengambil mata kuliah reading comprehension. Ada 13 mahasiswa sebagai responden yang diwawancarai. Hasil penelitian ini menampilkan bahwa persepsi mahasiswa terhadap search engine sebagai media pembelajaran untuk mempermudah mata kuliah reading comprehension adalah positif dengan persentase 84%. Hampir seluruh mahasiswa menggunakan search engine untuk mendownload e-book yang berkaitan dengan pelajaran reading comprehension, mengunjungi website berbasis bahasa Inggris, menggunakan kamus electronic on line, melakukan latihan soal melalui search engine, berkomunikasi dengan native speaker, dan menemukan contoh macam-macam contoh teks reading comprehension. Akhirnya, berdasarkan hasil di atas, penulis merekomendasikan kepada dosen untuk dapat mendorong mahasiswanya untuk menggunakan teknologi pada pengembangan keterampilan bahasa Inggris, khususnya pada pelajaran reading comprehension. Institusi pendidikan harus memoderenkan kapasitas pengajaran mereka secara tehnis dengan menggunakan peralatan baru dan labotratorium yang mendikung proses pembelajaran


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    Article 25 A of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is an archipelagic State characterized by the archipelago with its territories and boundaries and rights established by law. In addition to the archipelago of Indonesia is also called coastal state (coastal state) whose national territorial components consist of land, sea, and air space, where two thirds of the total territory of Indonesia is in the form of oceans. In the year 2007 Indonesia has established a legal regulation relating to spatial planning system that is Law Number 26 Year 2007 on Spatial Planning. However, Law Number 26 Year 2007 discusses a very big problem with respect to the national spatial system. In Law Number 26 of 2007 does not specifically regulate the area that characterize the archipelago. In the case of Article 3 of Law Number 26 Year 2007 regarding spatial arrangement stipulates the Implementation of spatial planning aims to create a safe, comfortable, productive and sustainable national territory based on Nusantara Insight and National Resilience. Based on the background of the problem the authors take the legal issue of "What is the Urgency Policy of Spatial Planning Provincial Islands System of National Spatial Planning System". In this writing the author uses a normative juridical approach. Island archipelagic spatial planning policy which is not the same as spatial space in Law Number 26 Year 2007 on Spatial Planning which is based or land-oriented but more in favor of middle to lower society because majority of society in The archipelagic region is the middle and lower society, especially fishermen, fish traders, farmers and others, so it needs a favorable spatial planning policy for the people who are in the archipelago, the presence of the state is necessary to protect and protect the island community of course the presence of the country is not only for a moment but that presence is something sustainable
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