252 research outputs found


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    Natural pigment carotenoids from Dunaliella salina and Chlorella vulgaris was -karoten and zeaxanthin. Crustaceans can not synthetize carotenoid de novo and they need it to provide nutrition and possibly disease resistance, pigmentation and esthetic value. Green microalgae produce carotenoids and can be manipulated easily by protoplast fusion. The research was conducted to obtain some recombinants from interspesies protoplast fusion of D. salina and C. vulgaris. Interspecies protoplas fusion was carried out by protoplast isolation, protoplast fusion and protoplast regeneration. Microscopic and cell analysis will used to confirm positive regenerate protoplast. Analysis of the obtained fusants is limited to morphological description due to the complexity and variability of fusant. The stabilities of fusants obtained were examined by successive subcultures. The result revealed that conversion of the cells of to protoplasts was about 80% . The fusant maintain their stability during three periods of subculturing. This result suggesting the potency of fusant to be used as food supplement in liquid form. The regeneration of the protoplast was almost 100% with some of them having diploids formation. Most colonies of the recombinant having faster growth suggesting the positive result of potential strain

    Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Pangan Keluarga di Desa Tahele Kecamatan Popayato Timur Kabupaten Pohuwato

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    Indonesia's population growth prediction is estimated to be around 316 - 319 million (in 2025) from 255.6 million (in 2015), of course there are many problems. Lack of food can cause malnutrition. The purpose of this community service program is to use the yard to meet family food needs in preventing stunting. The location of the activity is in Tahele Village, East Popayato District, Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province. The implementation period is September - October 2020. This program involves the community of Tahele Village, village apparatus and the people. They cooperate with college students in implementing the main program. The method of implementing the activity is participatory. The activities carried out are the socialization of the program plan, identification of land to be used as demonstration land, land clearing, nurseries and planting, seminars, program implementation in the community and maintenance of food crops. Of the 15 lands targeted, only 7 were successfully planted. The land is spread over 3 hamlets, namely 2 lands in Dusun Selatan, 4 lands in Dusun Tengah and 1 land in Dusun Utara. The success rate of the program is in the good category, this can be seen from the enthusiasm of the people of Tahele Village

    Nilai-Nilai Sosial-Spiritual dalam Tradisi “Mamaq” Masyarakat Suku Sasak Pulau Lombok di NTB (Social-Spiritual Values in the “Mamaq” Tradition of the Sasak Community of Lombok Island in NTB)

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    ABSTRACTIn the Sasak community, tradition is part of life that is ingrained and cannot be separated. One of the many traditions that still exist in the community is the mamaq tradition. This tradition has been performed by the Sasak people from generation to generation, although in practice today not all Sasak people do it. This paper aims to look at the socio-spiritual values contained in the mamaq tradition. This research is categorized as descriptive qualitative research, since the data that researchers collect are explanations from informants or cultural leaders, people who have a broad understanding of the mamaq tradition. There are several values in the mamaq tradition, including spiritual values which include the command to purify the name of God, unite God from all forms of servitude or devotion to others. Then social values which include keeping the tongue from saying dirty words, not hurting the feelings of others, telling the truth or factual, and being gentle to fellow humans and other creatures. Over time, the mamaq tradition has begun to be abandoned, and is only practiced by a handful of people. There are two major factors that cause the abandonment of this tradition; (1) the rigors of modernization and (2) the influence of technology.  Keywords: Mamaq tradition; values; social; spiritual ABSTRAK Dalam masyarakat suku Sasak tradisi merupakan bagian dari hidup yang telah mendarah daging dan tidak bisa dipisahkan. Salah satu di antara sekian banyak tradisi yang masih eksis di tengah-tengah masyarakat ialah tradisi mamaq. Tradisi ini telah dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat suku Sasak secara turun temurun, walaupun dalam praktiknya hari ini tidak semua masyarakat suku Sasak melaksanakannya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat nilai-nilai sosial-spiritual yang terdapat dalam tradisi mamaq. Adapun penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, yaitu data-data yang peneliti kumpulkan penjelasan-penjelasan dari informan ataupun tokoh budaya, masyarakata yang memiliki pemahaman luas terkait dengan tradisi mamaq. Terdapat beberapa nilai-nilai dalam tradisi mamaq di antaranya nilai spiritual yang meliputi perintah untuk mensucikan nama Tuhan, mengesakan Tuhan dari segala bentuk penghambaan atau pengabdian kepada selainnya. Kemudian nilai-nilai sosial yang meliputi menjaga lisan untuk tidak berkata kotor, tidak menyakiti perasaan orang lain, berkata yang jujur atau sesungguhnya, serta bersikap lemah lembut kepada sesama manusia, maupun makhluk lainnya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, tradisi mamaq sudah mulai ditinggalkan, dan hanya dilakukan oleh segelintir orang. Ada dua faktor besar yang menyebabkan tradisi ini mulai ditinggalkan; (1) kerasnya arus moderenisasi dan (2) pengaruh teknologi.Kata kunci: tradisi Mamaq; nilai-nilai; sosial; spiritual


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    Natural pigment carotenoids from Dunaliella salina and Chlorella vulgaris was -karoten and zeaxanthin. Crustaceans can not synthetize carotenoid de novo and they need it to provide nutrition and possibly disease resistance, pigmentation and esthetic value. Green microalgae produce carotenoids and can be manipulated easily by protoplast fusion. The research was conducted to obtain some recombinants from interspesies protoplast fusion of D. salina and C. vulgaris. Interspecies protoplas fusion was carried out by protoplast isolation, protoplast fusion and protoplast regeneration. Microscopic and cell analysis will used to confirm positive regenerate protoplast. Analysis of the obtained fusants is limited to morphological description due to the complexity and variability of fusant. The stabilities of fusants obtained were examined by successive subcultures. The result revealed that conversion of the cells of to protoplasts was about 80% . The fusant maintain their stability during three periods of subculturing. This result suggesting the potency of fusant to be used as food supplement in liquid form. The regeneration of the protoplast was almost 100% with some of them having diploids formation. Most colonies of the recombinant having faster growth suggesting the positive result of potential strain. Keywords : carotenoid, protoplat fusion, Dunaliella, Chlorella


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    Penurunan kualitas lingkungan terhadap berkurangnya luasan hutan mangrove baik oleh alam maupun oleh aktivitas manusia menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan yang signifikat di sepanjang Pantai Pulau Jawa. Kurangnya kesadaran serta sosialisasi kepada masyarakat pesisir terhadap program pemerintah dalam melakukan reboisasi mangrove juga mengalami kebenturan kepentingan dengan masyarakat sekitar sehingga membuat ketidak berhasilan dari suatu program pemerintah. Saat ini 3 daerah yang mengalami abrasi terparah dalam 5 tahun terakhir adalah Kabupaten Brebes, Kabupaten Pemalang dan Kabupaten Demak. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat keberhasilan dan kendala program rehabilitasi mangrove berdasarkan pemahaman dan peran serta persepsi masyarakat terhadap program pemerintah serat pola dan keeratan hubungan antara proses ekologis dengan terjadinya kerusakan mangrove, menganalisis kesesuaian antara persepsi masyarakat dengan program dan kebijakan pemerintah terhadap arti pentingnya kawasan mangrove dan upaya mengelola secara lestari dan berkesinambungan di wilayah pesisir, mengidentifikasi tata peraturan maupun PERDA dari masing-masing daerah, serta menemukan dan menyusun strategi pengelolaan mangrove yang dapat diterapkan di masing-masing wilayah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara purposif sampling acak dan observasi lapangan. Data primer didapat dari persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat sekitar serta tokoh masyarakat dan Pemda. Data sekunder didapat dari data perubahan luas kawasan mangrove, abrasi dan akresi, kebijakan serta tingkat pendidikan masyarakat. Lokasi pengambilan data di Desa Kaliwlingi Kabupaten Brebes dengan 50 responden, Desa Mojo Kabupaten Pemalang dengan 50 responden dan Desa Bedono Kabupaten Demak dengan 50 responden. Dari masing-masing wilayah diadakan FGD terhadap pemangku kebijakan maupun tokoh masyarakat. Masing-masing daerah terdiri dari 5 (lima) orang pemangku kebijakan maupun tokoh masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat keberhasilan untuk program rehabilitasi dari pemerintah Kabupaten Brebes sebesar 62%, Pemalang sebesar 50%, dan Demak sebesar 30%. Hal ini juga dipengaruhi kesadaran masyarakat dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan. Banyaknya partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengelola mangrove, maka kerusakan akan semakin kecil. Hal ini harus disesuaikan dengan tahapan-tahapan peraturan perundangan yang terkait dengan pengelolaan peraturan lingkungan hidup. Ketiga daerah tersebut tidak dapat disamakan dalam hal strategi pengelolaan lingkungan karena memiliki karakter yang spesifik antara satu dengan lainnya. Namun strategi yang umum dan dapat diterapkan di ketiga daerah tersebut harus memperhatikan fungsi ekologis, persepsi masyarakat dan pendekatan kelembagaan dalam skala prioritas yang proposional. Saran yang dapat diberikan untuk pengelolaan selanjutnya terhadap proses rehabilitasi dilakukan dengan proses kebijakan peraturan daerah yang memuat dalam jangka panjang dan dimonitor dengan berbagai pendekatan akademik. Kebijakan tersebut dilakukan agar setiap hasil rehabilitasi dapat meningkatkan fungsi ekologis hutan mangrove, meningkatkan keanekaragaman pencegahan (mitigasi bencana) dan peningkatan produktivitas serta nilai tambah. Kata Kunci : Mangrove, persepsi, aspirasi, partisipasi, penurunan kualitas lingkungan Environmental degradation towards the diminishment of mangrove forests caused by either natural events or human activity has set off a significant environmental damage along the coast of Java Island. The lack of awareness of and socialization to the coastal residents about government program in reforestation of mangrove has found itself in clash-of-interest situation with the local communities, rendering a government program to be unsuccessful. Nowadays, The three areas currently experiencing the worst abrasion in the last five years are the Regency of Brebes, Pemalang, and Demak. This research aims to analyze the pattern and coherency between the ecological process with the occurence of mangrove damage and abrasion in coastal region of Brebes, Pemalang, and Demak, illustrating that there is a probability of correlation between perception and participation of community as well as the existing policy’s effectiveness on mangrove damage occurence and abrasion along with their solutions in coastal region of Brebes, Pemalang, and Demak, as well as finding strategy/model of management that supports effective methods of implementation to take care of mangrove damage and abrasion in coastal region of Brebes, Pemalang, and Demak. The collection of data were done through random and purposive sampling methodology, and field observation. A dependent variable is the number of extents that is loss caused by abrasion and accretion occuring in certain period of time and mangrove condition at the time of study. As for independent variable, the ecological factor is represented by two well villages that suffer from abrasion and accretion/ sedimentation. Meanwhile, socio-economic factor constitutes of perception and participation of community represented by respondents that is established purposively while considering clusters from each respondent group ( Fish farmers, public figures, etc) The results show the success rate for the rehabilitation program from the Brebes Regency government of 62%, Pemalang by 50%, and Demak by 30%. It is also influenced by public awareness in preserving the environment. This can also be seen from the level of education and coupled with extension programs from the local government. Suggestions that can be given for further management of the rehabilitation process are carried out by a long-term regional regulatory policy process and monitored by various academic approaches. The policy is done so that any rehabilitation result can improve the ecological function of mangrove forest, increase the diversity of prevention (disaster mitigation) and increase productivity and added value. Keyword: Mangrove, perception, aspiration, participation, environmental degradation

    Ikan Hasil Tangkapan Nelayan yang Didaratkan Di PPI Ujung Baroh, Aceh Barat

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    Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Ujong Baroh terdapat di Aceh Barat dan memiliki potensi dalam rantai tersebarnya produksi perikanan tangkap. Penelitian dilakukan pada Januari - Februari tahun 2021, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis ikan yang didaratkan di PPI Ujong Baroh. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi langsung terhadap semua jenis ikan yang didaratkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 35 spesies, 28 genus, 16 famili dan 14 ordo. Ordo yang ditemukan tingkat kehadiran tinggi adalah Perciformes, Carangiformes, Acanthuriformes, Clupeiformes, dan Scombriformes. Persentase ordo dengan tingkat kehadiran rendah terdapat 9 ordo (Aulopiformes, Beloniformes, Gonorynchiformes, Mugiliformes, Myliobatiformes, Pleuronectiformes, Rhinopristiformes, Siluriformes, dan Tetraodontiformes). Selain ikan bertulang belakang, terdapat juga kelompok invertebrata yang didaratkan di PPI Ujong Barat, seperti; Loligonidae, Octopodidae, Penaidae, Portunidae dan Palinuridae

    Analisis Kelimpahan Bakteri Pada Ikan, Substrat, Air Serta Es Yang Digunakan Pada Pengoperasian Minitrawl Di Perairan Pamekasan

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    Fish is a source of animal protein which is generally the choice of society because it is relatively cheap and easy to obtain. Fish that are sold in dead condition are prone to quality degradiation so that bacteria can easly breed. Data on the amount of bacteria in fish related to the type of gear to another which can greatly affect the quality of the catch. Therefore, this research was conducted using a Minitrawl. The research objective was to see the amount of bacteria in fish caught using a mini fishing boat before being given and after being notified by considering the amount of bacteria in the substrate in the waters, sea water and ice cubes used by fishermen. The TPC (Total Plate Count) research method using Tryptic soy Agar (TSA) as media and pathogenic bacteria using Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salt Sucrose Agar (TCBS) as media on fish “kardinal pita lebar” (Apogon fasciatus), sea water, substrate in the waters, and ice cubes that use for operating Minitrawl. The result of this research showed value TPC heterotrophic bacteria (TSA) which contaminated sample ITE (fish wihthout ice) 9,89 Log CFU/ml, IS (fish with ice) 9,85 Log CFU/ml, AL (sea water)  4,91 Log CFU/ml, S (substrate in the waters) 5,28 Log CFU/ml and ES (ice cubes that use for fishermen) 3,29 Log CFU/ml amount of pathogenic bacteria (TCBS) in ITE 5,27 Log CFU/ml , IS 3,24 Log CFU/ml,  AL 3,45 Log CFU/ml, S 1,78 Log CFU/ml, ES 3,87 Log CFU/ml,most highest amount is in the ITE with value of TPC heterotrophic bacteria (TSA) 9,89 Log CFU/ml and pathogenic bacteria (TCBS) 5,27 Log CFU/ml.  Ikan merupakan sumber protein hewani yang umumnya menjadi pilihan masyarakat karena memiliki harga yang relatif murah dan mudah didapat. Ikan yang dijual dalam kondisi telah mati rentan terhadap penurunan kualitasnya sehingga bakteri dapat dengan mudah berkembang biak. Data tentang kelimpahan bakteri pada ikan sehubungan dengan jenis alat tangkap perlu menjadi perhatian dengan mempertimbangkan metode penangkapan yang berbeda antara satu alat tangkap dengan alat tangkap lainnya yang sangat mungkin mempengaruhi kualitas hasil tangkapannya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan MiniTrawl. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kelimpahan bakteri pada ikan yang ditangkap menggunakan MiniTrawl sebelum diberi es dan sesudah diberi es dengan mempertimbangkan kelimpahan bakteri di substrat perairan dan es batu yang digunakan nelayan. Metode penelitian TPC (Total Plate Count) menggunakan media Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) dan bakteri patogen menggunakan media Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salt Sucrose Agar (TCBS) pada ikan kardinal pita lebar (Apogon fasciatus), air laut, substrat perairan dan es batu yang digunakan pada pengoperasian MiniTrawl. Hasil penelitian menujukkan nilai TPC bakteri heterotrof (TSA) yang mengkontaminasi sampel ITE (ikan tanpa es) 9,89 Log CFU/ml, IS (ikan dengan es) 9,85 Log CFU/ml, AL (air laut) 4,91 Log CFU/ml, S (substrat perairan) 5,28 Log CFU/ml dan ES (es batu yang digunakan nelayan) 3,29 Log CFU/ml. Kelimpahan bakteri patogen (TCBS) pada ITE 5,27 Log CFU/ml, IS 3,24 Log CFU/ml,  AL 3,45 Log CFU/ml, S 1,78 Log CFU/ml, dan ES 3,87 Log CFU/ml. Kelimpahan tertinggi yaitu pada ITE dengan nilai TPC bakteri heterotrof (TSA) 9,89 Log CFU/ml dan bakteri patogen (TCBS) 5,27 Log CFU/ml

    Optimization and Stability of Total Pigments Production of Fusan From Protoplast Fusion of Microalgae Dunaliella and Chlorella in Vivo: Attempts on Production of Sustainable Aquaculture Natural Food

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    Diversification of feed rich in natural carotenoids is needed in aquaculture because they will increase survival and body weight of animal farming. Different types of important carotenoids such as β-carotene, zeaxanthine can be combined through a process of protoplast fusion making it cheaper and faster. Crustaceans can not synthetize carotenoid de novo and they need it to provide nutrition and possibly disease resistance, pigmentation and esthetic value. Green microalgae produce carotenoids and can be manipulated easily by protoplast fusion. The research was conducted to obtain some fusants from interspesies protoplast fusion of D. salina and C. vulgaris. Interspecies protoplas fusion was carried out by protoplast isolation, protoplast fusion and protoplast regeneration. Microscopic and cell analysis will used to confirm positive regenerate protoplast. Analysis of the obtained fusants is limited to morphological description due to the complexity and variability of fusant. The stabilities of fusants obtained were examined by successive subcultures. The result revealed that the fusant from D. salina and C. vulgaris maintain their stability in growth and increased carotenoid production during four periods of subculturing. This result suggesting the potency of fusant to be used as food supplement

    Analisis Kerentanan Pesisir di Kabupaten Kendal

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    Perubahan iklim menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan suhu yang berdampak pada pencairan es di area Antartika dan Artik sehingga terjadi kenaikan muka air laut. Kendal merupakan salah satu daerah di Jawa Tengah bagian utara yang berbatasan langsung dengan Laut Jawa dan merupakan daerah dataran rendah. Wilayah bagian utara Kendal merupakan daerah dataran rendah dengan ketinggian antara 0 – 10 m dpl. Hal ini menyebabkan daerah pesisir menjadi rentan dengan perubahan fisik apabila kenaikan muka air laut terus terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan tingkat kerentanan pesisir di Kabupaten Kendal, yang didetaikan menjadi 7 Kecamatan yang berada di bagian utara Kendal. Kajian kerentanan wilayah pesisir dilakukan dengan metode Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indeks kerentanan pesisir dan tingkat kerentanan di Kabupaten Kendal antara lain Kecamatan Rowosari 18,52 kerentanan sedang, Kangkung 7,17 kurang rentan, Cepiring 13,89 kerentanan sedang, Patebon 18,52 kerentanan sdang, Kendal 17,93 kerentanan sedang, Brangsong 8,02 kurang rentan, dan Kaliwungu 21,38 kerentanan sedang.Kata kunci: Kerentanan Pesisir, CVI, Kendal Climate change causes changes in temperature which have an impact on melting ice in the Antarctic and Arctic areas, resulting in sea level rise. Kendal is one of the areas in northern Central Java which is directly adjacent to the Java Sea and is a lowland area. The northern part of Kendal is a lowland area with an altitude between 0 – 10 m above sea level. This causes coastal areas to be vulnerable to physical changes if sea level rise continues to occur. This study aims to determine the level of coastal vulnerability in Kendal Regency, which are detailed into 7 Districts in the northern part of Kendal. The coastal area vulnerability study was conducted using the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) method. The results showed that the coastal vulnerability index and the level of vulnerability in Kendal Regency included Rowosari District 18.52 moderate vulnerability, Kangkung 7.17 less vulnerable, Cepiring 13.89 moderate vulnerability, Patebon 18.52 moderate vulnerability, Kendal 17.93 moderate vulnerability, Brangsong 8.02 less vulnerable, and Kaliwungu 21.38 moderate vulnerability.Keywords: Coastal Vulnerability, CVI, Kendal

    Kelelawar Sebagai Sumber Ide Dalam Penciptaan Karya Kriya Kayu

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    Akibat pembangunan yang tidak terarah banyak kelelawar yang tidak memiliki tempat. Gua-gua sebagai akibat sebagai tempat tinggal kebanyakan diganggu dan dirusak oleh manusia. Berdasarkan fenomena yang terjadi disekitar kehidupan manusia, dimana persoalan-persoalan yang terjadi menjadi corak yang beragam kehidupan manusia, sebagai wujud dan dijalankan prioritas utama untuk kepedulian seniman terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi, dalam bentuk cipta karya tugas akhir. Seniman mengambil bentuk kelelawar sebagai simbol kehidupan manusia, masalah dan permasalahan manusia dalam menjalani kehidupan di era modern ini yang berpengaruh pada kerusakan alam, dan merupakan hal yang kompleks yang dapat diambil pesan dan kesan
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