212 research outputs found

    Bab 2 : Teori-teori Perkembangan

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    Pengetahuan mengenai pertumbuhan dan perkem bangan adalah sangat penting di dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk perancangan kurikulum dan mencipta teknik mengajar kepada semua pelajar di dalam pelb agai peringkat perkembangan. Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan merupakan dua proses yang sali ng berkait. Pengetahuan mengenai psikologi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan membolehkan guru memahami perkembangan konsep yang dicapai oleh kanak-kanak berbagai umur ak an membolehkan guru merancang serta memilih bahan bacaan pada peringkat kesukaran yang pali ng sesuai. Guru perlu mengetahui jenis minat yang mungkin dibentuk oleh ka nak-kanak berbagai peringkat umur untuk memberi dorongan agar penyertaan pelajar yang berkesan dapat dijayakan di dalam bilik darjah. Menurut Sharifah Alwiah Alsagof ma tlama bidang psikologi pertumbuhan dan perkembangn adalah : (a) Untuk beri pemerian yang paling tepat, ob jektif dan sempurna tentang asal-usul fungsi biologi dan psikologi dan seterusnya untuk menentukan je nis serta ciri-ciri perubahan umur di dala m fungsi-fungsi tersebut. (b) Untuk memahami makanisme, proses dan penentu penentu tingkah laku. (c) Untuk meramal tingkah laku

    Study ou wear resistance and microstructure of nanosilica-iron based composites.

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    When a machine is in operation, two moving surfaces interact to generate a large amount of wear particle. Abrasive wear of engineering machine components caused by the abrasive particle is the major industrial problem. In materials science, wear is the erosion of material from a solid surfuce by the action of another surfuce. It is related to surfuce interactions and more specifically the removal of material from a surfuce as a result of mechanical action. Wear caused by the presence of abrasive particles is influenced by their size, concentration, shape, hardness, and sliding velocities. The objective of this report is to study on wear resistance ofNanosilica-iron based composites. The studies of this project are aim to research about the differential percentage of nanosilica addition to the pure iron with different sintered temperatures and focus on physical and mechanical properties of nanosilica-iron based composite, several tests will be conducted to the samples, which include density measurement, hardness test and wear resistance. Currently, iron based silica sand nanoparticles composites 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt.% of nanoparticles silica and were developed through powder metallurgy technique and sintered at 900c, 1 OOOc and 11 OOc. So to determined which composition are better regarding to the sintered temperature value wiii be test by using hardness test and wear resistance test. The results show that the addition of silica sand nanoparticles to iron enhanced the hardness and wear resistance with increasing the sintered temperature and silica sandnanoparticles. An improvement in sintered densities was also observed with increasing trend of sintering temperatures. An optimum value of20wt.% of silica sand nanoparticles in iron based composites was found to have best micro hardness values and wear resistance for all sintering temperatures

    Integrity of employees: dimensions of human governance through the personality of leaders in the workplace

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    This paper is an analytical discussion on the integrity of employees from the dimension of human governance through the personality of the leaders in the workplace. Discussions are encircling the concepts of integrity, human governance and personality, impact, outlooks and challenges. In this new millennium, the world is increasingly emphasizing the development of human capital as a human resource in society, religion, race and nation. In fact, we do not deny that the development of human capital should be in line in the physical and material development of the country. Certainly we want the world to have first class facilities, but the soul of human capital and a first class mentality are most important. In the same fashion, all employees in a workplace or organization are human resources. There should be an ideal capacity of human capital in terms of human governance in order to produce quality work and have a strong value of integrity. Therefore, leaders in the workplace must have a high level of emotional and spiritual intelligence to be able to form a positive culture among employees and develop consistency of practice on an on-going basis, so that they become habits that give comfort to all parties in the working environment. The end of this paper will clearly show the need for all leaders to have good personalities that are based on the strength of their affect and mentality from the dimension of human governance to help enhance employee integrity and to enable workers to develop their human capital. Therefore, integrity among employees can achieve its optimum level and thus can help achieve the percentage of success in realizing the vision and mission of an organization

    Application of Formative Assessment to Measure Students' Self-Regulation in Physics Lessons

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    In the world of education, formative assessment is critical because it is to know the growth of students when doing a lesson and get an idea regarding the way the teacher develops learning methods that occur. The purpose of the study was to determine the application of formative assessment to measure students' self-regulation. This study's data collection methods used questionnaires and test questions with data analysis techniques using qualitative descriptive. Respondents in this study amounted to 35 students of class XI IPA 4 SMA Negeri 14 Surabaya. The results showed that self-regulation or the ability to regulate oneself in students could be known and measured using the application of formative assessment. The self-assessment results on students are more striking when measured using a questionnaire. They can use seven categories of self-regulation to assess and observe their expertise, skills, competencies, and performance presented in the form of a questionnaire. Self-regulation ability that can measure is undoubtedly beneficial for the future orientation of students in motivating and controlling their learning process. In addition, with the application of formative assessment, teachers get feedback on the learning process that is being developed to monitor the progress and growth of students during the learning process

    Implementasi Tes Formatif Berbasis Multirepresentasi Untuk Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menganalisis kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa berdasarkan tes formatif berbasis multirepresentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan wawancara. Tes yang digunakan adalah pilihan ganda dengan alasan terbuka serta tingkat keyakinan. Subyek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 141 siswa kelas X MIPA di MAN 2 Lamongan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi miskonsepsi pada materi gerak jatuh bebas dan gerak vertikal ke bawah di setiap representasi. Persentase siswa yang mengalami miskonsepsi pada representasi gambar sebesar 10,2%, representasi grafik sebesar 56%, representasi matematik sebesar 29,8% dan representasi verbal sebesar 56,5%. Representasi grafik dan verbal termasuk dalam miskonsepsi kategori tingkat sedang. Sedangkan pada representasi matematik dan gambar termasuk dalam kategori miskonsepsi tingkat rendah. Kata kunci: Multirepresentasi, Pemahaman Konsep, Tes Formati

    Meta-Analisis : Penelitian Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri dengan Penguasaan Kompetensi Literasi Sains Peserta Didik pada Pembelajaran Fisika

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    Inquiry learning models are often applied to physics study research to improve scientific literacy ability. The purpose of this research is to analyze what has been done about the inquiry learning model’s aplication to improve scientific literacy competency. This research methods use meta-analysis divided in to 4 stage such as : data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and a withdrawal of conclusions or verification. The data used in this research is a secondary of 20 proscriptions and a national and international journal article that was published in around of 7 years (2015-2021) on Google scholar. This research’s first step is to collect articles, then select 20 articles that have the same research design, create vosviewer software visualization, and calculate an effect size based on  years of research, a level of education, learning materials and inquiry models. Based on the meta-analysis of 20 articles, it shows that inquiry learning models have a positive effect on the increased students’ scientific literacy indicated by the strong effect category. The research related  to the effects of inquiry learning model of science was conducted largely in 2019-2020 high school, in static fluid material, global warming and Newton's law and guided inquiry. The most powerful effect size result is on high-school research, dynamic electrical materials and using guided inquiry   Keywords: Inquiry, Learning Physics, and Science Literacy AbilityModel pembelajaran inkuiri sering diterapkan pada penelitian pembelajaran fisika untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penelitian yang sudah ada tentang penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri untuk peningkatan kompetensi literasi sains. Metode yang digunakan dalam  penelitian ini adalah menggunakan Meta-Analisis yang memiliki tahap sebagai berikut : pengumpulan data, pereduksian data, penyajian data, dan menarik  kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Data yang diambil dalam penelitian ini berupa data sekunder yang terdiri dari 20 prosiding dan artikel jurnal nasional dan internasional yang telah dipublikasi dengan rentang waktu 7 tahun (2015-2021) pada Google Scholar. Tahap  pertama yang dilakukan adalah pengumpulan artikel, yang terseleksi menjadi 20 artikel yang mempunyai  desain penelitian yang mirip, yang juga divisualisasikan dengan software VOSviewer, dan mengkalkulasi  effect size ditinjau berdasarkan tahun penelitian, tingkat satuan pendidikan, materi pembelajaran dan model inkuiri. Berdasarkan hasil metaanalisis dari 20 artikel menunjukkan model pembelajaran inkuiri memiliki dampak positif terhadap peningkatan literasi sains peserta didik yang ditunjukkan oleh hasil effect size kategori strong effect. Penelitian terkait pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri dengn variabel literasi sains banyak dilakukan pada tahun 2019-2020 pada jenjang SMA, pada materi Fluida Statis dan Hukum Newton, dengan menggunakan guided inquiry. Hasil effect size paling kuat yaitu pada penelitian tingkat SMA, pada materi Listrik Dinamis dan menggunakan guided inquiry.   Kata kunci: Inkuiri, Pembelajaran Fisika dan Kemampuan Literasi Sain

    Profil Kemampuan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik SMA di Kabupaten Pamekasan Dalam Bahasan Fluida Statis

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik SMA/MA di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan mengukur kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik menggunakan instrumen penilaian fisika pada materi fluida statis berbasis literasi sains yang valid secara teoritis maupun empiris. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lima sekolah SMAN dan MAN di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Sampel penelitian dipilih dengan tehnik purposive sampling, sebanyak 150 peserta didik kelas XII IPA dari lima sekolah yang telah menerima materi fluida statis dengan sampel representatif dari seluruh SMA dan MA. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara online menggunakan Google Form. Analisis kemampuan literasi peserta didik pada penelitian ini hanya ditinjau dari tiga aspek literasi sains PISA, yaitu kompetensi, pengetahuan, dan penguasaan konten untuk menyelesaikan masalah fenomena fluida statis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan: a) kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik pada kompetensi menjelaskan fenomena secara ilmiah dalam kategori cukup dengan nilai rata-rata 47, pada kompetensi mengevaluasi dan mendesain penelitian ilmiah dalam kategori rendah dengan nilai rata-rata 35, dan pada kompetensi menginterpretasi data dan bukti secara ilmiah dalam kategori cukup dengan nilai rata-rata 45; b) pengetahuan konten peserta didik dalam kategori cukup dengan nilai rata-rata 49, pengetahuan prosedural masih dalam kategori rendah dengan nilai rata-rata 36, dan pengetahuan epistemik dalam kategori cukup dengan nilai rata-rata 49; c) penguasaan peserta didik pada konten fluida statis rata-rata pada kategori cukup. Dari analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa profil kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik di Kabupaten Pamekasan dalam kategori cukup. Kemampuan tersebut dipengaruhi aspek pengetahuan dan tingkat penguasaan peserta didik terhadap konten fluida statis. Abstract This study aims to describe the profile of the science literacy skills of high school students in Pamekasan Regency. The research method was carried out by measuring the scientific literacy skills of students using physics assessment instruments on static fluid material based on scientific literacy that was valid theoretically or empirically. The research was conducted in five high schools in Pamekasan Regency. The research sample was selected by purposive sampling technique, as many as 150 students of class XII IPA from five schools who had received static fluid material with a representative sample from all high schools. Data collection was carried out online using Google Form. The analysis of students' literacy abilities in this study was only viewed from three aspects of PISA scientific literacy, namely competence, knowledge, and content mastery to solve problems with static fluid phenomena. The results of the analysis show: a) the students' scientific literacy ability in the competence to explain phenomena scientifically in a sufficient category with an average value of 47, the competence to evaluate and design scientific research in the low category with an average score of 35, and the competence to interpret data and scientific evidence in sufficient category with an average value of 45; b) the content knowledge of students was in the sufficient category with an average score of 49, procedural knowledge was still in the low category with an average score of 36, and epistemic knowledge was in the sufficient category with an average score of 49; c) the mastery of students on the average static fluid content in the sufficient category. From this analysis it can be concluded that the profile of the science literacy skills of students in Pamekasan Regency is in the sufficient category. This ability is influenced by aspects of knowledge and the level of mastery of students on static fluid content..   Keywords: Profile, Science Literacy Skills, Content knowledge, Procedural knowledge, Static Fluid &nbsp


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    ABSTRAKInstrumen isomorfik merupakan butir soal yang memiliki representasi berbeda namun memiliki penyelesaian dan konsep-konsep fisika yang sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji metode pengembangan instrumen, jenis instrumen isomorfik, media aplikasi instrumen, kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa, dan materi fisika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi pustaka menggunakan metode Bibliometrik. Metode pengumpulan data sekunder hasil penelitian, artikel dari berbagai jurnal, dan sumber relevan lainnya pada database Google Scholar dan Scopus dalam kurun waktu 2015-2020, menggunakan aplikasi Publish or Perish (PoP). Langkah penelitian diawali dengan pengumpulan artikel dengan menyeleksi artikel jurnal menggunakan aplikasi PoP, melengkapi atribut artikel melalui software Mendeley, memvisualisasikan pemetaan data menggunakan software VOSviewer berdasarkan judul dan abstrak, dan mendeskripsikan topik kajian penelitian. Hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan instrumen isomorfik digunakan sebagai asesmen sumatif maupun formatif pada pembelajaran fisika, terdiri dari dua jenis isomorfik yaitu isomorphic multiple choice dan isomorphic problem berbasis paper test, dengan media aplikasi instrumen dalam format online (web dan aplikasi), digunakan untuk menganalisis pemahaman konsep, konsistensi, miskonsepsi, mental model, pemecahan masalah fisika, dan hasil belajar siswa. Materi fisika yang sering diujikan menggunakan instrumen isomorfik adalah hukum Newton Kata kunci: instrumen isomorfik; fisika; kemampuan pemahaman konsep ABSTRACTThe isomorphic instrument was several questions with different representations but have the same physics concept completion. The studied was purpose to examined development methods instrument, isomorphic types, instrument application media, ability understanding of the concept, and physics theory. This research was a literature study that used bibliometric methods. Methods of collected secondary data from research results, articles journals, and other relevant sources on the Google Scholar and Scopus databases in the 2015-2020 period used Publish or Perish (PoP). The research began with collected and selected journal articles used PoP, completed the article attributes via Mendeley, visualized data mapping used VOSviewer based on title and abstract, and described research study topic. The results of the research can be concluded that isomorphic instrument development is used as a summative and formative assessment on the physics learn consists of two types are isomorphic multiple-choice and isomorphic problem based of paper test with instrument application media in online format (web and application), used for analyzing the understanding of the concept, consistency, misconceptions, mental model, problem-solving, and study result of students by the frequently examined theory are Newton Laws. Keywords: isomorphic instrument; physic; ability understanding of the concep

    Study ou wear resistance and microstructure of nanosilica-iron based composites.

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    When a machine is in operation, two moving surfaces interact to generate a large amount of wear particle. Abrasive wear of engineering machine components caused by the abrasive particle is the major industrial problem. In materials science, wear is the erosion of material from a solid surfuce by the action of another surfuce. It is related to surfuce interactions and more specifically the removal of material from a surfuce as a result of mechanical action. Wear caused by the presence of abrasive particles is influenced by their size, concentration, shape, hardness, and sliding velocities. The objective of this report is to study on wear resistance ofNanosilica-iron based composites. The studies of this project are aim to research about the differential percentage of nanosilica addition to the pure iron with different sintered temperatures and focus on physical and mechanical properties of nanosilica-iron based composite, several tests will be conducted to the samples, which include density measurement, hardness test and wear resistance. Currently, iron based silica sand nanoparticles composites 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt.% of nanoparticles silica and were developed through powder metallurgy technique and sintered at 900c, 1 OOOc and 11 OOc. So to determined which composition are better regarding to the sintered temperature value wiii be test by using hardness test and wear resistance test. The results show that the addition of silica sand nanoparticles to iron enhanced the hardness and wear resistance with increasing the sintered temperature and silica sandnanoparticles. An improvement in sintered densities was also observed with increasing trend of sintering temperatures. An optimum value of20wt.% of silica sand nanoparticles in iron based composites was found to have best micro hardness values and wear resistance for all sintering temperatures

    Analisis Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Negeri Surabaya Materi Dinamika Gerak Partikel

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    Dilakukannya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keterampilan pemecahan masalah mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Negeri Surabaya pada materi dinamika partikel. Dinamika partikel merupakan materi fisika dasar yang harus dikuasai oleh mahasiswa calon pendidik fisika. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 38 mahasiswa. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah soal dinamika partikel berbentuk essay yang berjumlah 3 soal. Indikator keterampilan pemecahan masalah yang dikuasai oleh mahasiswa masih rendah dengan dibuktikannya prosentase setiap indikator yang rendah juga