57 research outputs found

    Kinetika Adsorpsi Pb(ii) dalam Air Limbah Laboratorium Kimia Menggunakan Sistem Kolom dengan Bioadsorben Kulit Kacang Tanah

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    Keberadaan logam berat dalam air limbah menimbulkan permasalahan yang serius bagi lingkungan. Usaha penanganannya telah banyak dilakukan dengan berbagai metoda. Metode yang relatif efektif dan efisien adalah metode adsorpsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan penyisihan logam Pb(II) dalam air limbah menggunakan bioadsorben kulit kacang tanah dengan sistem kolom. Pada rancangan percobaan, sebagai variabel tetap digunakan berat adsorben, yaitu sebesar 50 g, ukuran partikel 40 mesh dan volume adsorbat digunakan 10 liter, laju alir 7 liter/menit. Variabel bebas waktu adsorpsi 0; 10; 20; 30; 60; 90; 120; 150; 180; 210; 240 menit dan jenis adsorben: tanpa aktivasi, aktivasi fisik dan aktivasi kimia (H2SO4 1N dan NaOH 1N). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa adsorpsi logam Pb(II) dipengaruhi oleh waktu dan aktivator. Model kinetika adsorpsi memenuhi kinetika pseudo orde dua dengan kapasitas adsorpsi kesetimbangan (qe) terjadi pada waktu 210 menit untuk tanpa aktivasi sebesar 2,387 mg/g, aktivasi fisika sebesar 1,896 mg/g, aktivasi H2SO4 1N 2,768 mg/g dan aktivasi NaOH 1N 2,991 mg/g. Persen masa penyisihan Pb(II) tertinggi untuk tanpa aktivasi 64,98%, aktivasi fisika 59,21%, aktivasi dengan H2SO4 86,02% dan aktivasi dengan NaOH 1N 96,57%

    Venn-diagram strategy in EFL class to enhance learners’ writing skill and motivation

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    This classroom action research was intended to enhance students' skills and motivation in writing report texts by implementing the Venn-diagram strategy. Twenty-one students failing to achieve the passing grade level of scores on their writing skills at the ninth grade of an Islamic secondary school in East Java Indonesia became the subjects of the study. The observation checklist, field notes, questionnaires, and writing test were used to collect data through implementing the Venn-diagram strategy taking a two-set circle and applying the writing process – prewriting via generating ideas, selecting relevant ideas, and ordering ideas; drafting general classification and description paragraphs; revising the rough draft and editing it; and publishing a final version. The results showed that the strategy can enhance the learners’ skills and their motivation in writing report text. The learners’ writing scores significantly increased both in two cycles – thirteen learners of the twenty-one students passed from the passing grade level in Cycle 1, and all learners passed from those in Cycle 2. It also highly motivates learners in writing report text, both in two cycles. Therefore, English teachers are recommended to apply Venn-diagram strategy in EFL writing class to start writing

    The Development of Science-Biology Learning Instrument Oriented to Mangrove Forest for Junior High School Students

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    This research aims to develop a science-biology learning instrument that is practical and effective. The stage of development using procedural model consisting of: a) the identification of problem, b) describes the objectives, and c) establishes the development model. The stage of products testing included: a) test, b) to evaluate, and c) communicate the results. The subjects were students of SMPN 3 and 5, Loban River, Tanah Bumbu regency. Individual testing was done in SMPN3. Small group and field test was conducted in SMPN 5. The data of practicality of learning instruments includes: a) the USAge of lesson plan (RPP), and b) the response of students to learning process. The data of effectiveness of learning instruments includes: a) the cognitive learning outcomes, b) the assessment results of critical thinking skills, c) the assessment results of behavioral characteristics, d) the assessment results of social skills, and e) the effectiveness of students in learning process. Data were collected through tests and observation and analyzed descriptively. The results of research in the development stage, including: a) problem identification such as topic selection of learning and the determination of learning environment, b) learning objectives based on the ABCD rule and learning outcomes, such as critical thinking skills, c) development model. The research results in the testing product stage demonstrated the practicality of the learning instrument has been reached. It is based on: a) the USAge of RPP which were already good, and b) most students have responded positively to the learning process. The effectiveness of learning intrument has also been fulfilled. It is based on: a) cognitive learning outcomes that have been completed, b) the assessment results of critical thinking skills, behavioral characteristics, and social skills, that have achieved good category, e) the student's liveliness in learning process which were already visible

    Forensic assessment on landfills leachate through electrical resistivity imaging at Simpang Renggam in Johor, Malaysia

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    From years to years, the usage of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) method dominated by geophysicist has increased tremendously in geotechnical engineering application owing to the efficiency and effectiveness of the method in term of time, cost and also data coverage. The forensic assessment performed with respect to the particular reference to ERI in assessing the landfills leachate at Simpang Renggam, Malaysia. There were two lines of ERI performed at the study area by using ABEM Terrameter LS 2 set of equipment based on Schlumberger array. Furthermore, the analysis made based on the electrical resistivity anomaly managed to detect the presence of chemical contaminants in the soil with particular reference to the chemicals resistivity values which was associated to low resistivity anomaly. Besides, the heterogeneous of the subsurface material presented in the paper by using integrated ERI analysis enabled forensic assessment of the leachate. The leachate from the landfills was believed to occur owing to the failure of the systems in accommodating and treating the waste which became worst with the present of heavy rainfall. In retrospect, the ERI result was applicable to be adopted in detecting the leachate and thus can assist the authority in taking immediate measure to prevent the frequent water disruptions at the study area


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    One of the habituation models that can strengthen an individual's spirituality so that he is able to become fully human in finding solutions and reflecting on himself is by reading istighosah. Sources of data in this paper were obtained through observation and interviews within a period of 4 months, starting from September to December 2020. The results of this study indicate that the reading of istighosah can be an alternative educational model that can shape the character of society. The academic community of IAIMNU Metro Lampung through the transformation of the Islamic ideology Ahlu sunah waljama'jamah Annahdliyah which has the principles of tawazun, tasamuh, ta'adul and amar ma'ruf nahi is mungkar. The success of this habituation can be seen in general from the development of the IAIMNU academic community which leads to the construction or development of character by practicing the principles of religious attitudes which are tawasuth, tawazun, tasamuh, and always looking for a middle way (moderate). Besides, this habituation becomes a satisfaction both physically and mentally for the perpetrator

    Hubungan Antara Kadar Hematokrit dengan Kejadian Stroke Iskemik di RSUD Dr. Moewardi

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    Latar Belakang. Stroke merupakan penyebab utama kematian di Indonesia. Kasus stroke di Provinsi Jawa Tengah mengalami peningkatan dengan prevalensi tertinggi kasus stroke iskemik di Kota Surakarta sebesar 0,75%. Stroke iskemik dapat disebabkan oleh peningkatan kadar hematokrit. Hematokrit merupakan salah satu faktor risiko yang dapat dimodifikasi. Berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu hubungan hematokrit dengan stroke iskemik masih kontroversial. Tujuan. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar hematokrit dengan kejadian stroke iskemik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di bagian rekam medis yang diambil dari pasien rawat inap penyakit saraf RSUD Dr. Moewardi pada bulan Oktober-November 2012. Metode. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Besar sampel yang digunakan yaitu 110 orang, dengan masing-masing kelompok kasus dan kontrol yaitu 55 orang. Teknik sampling menggunakan simple randome sampling. Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan dianalisa menggunakan uji person chi square pada taraf signifikasi α = 0,05. Hasil. Didapatkan 9 pasien memiliki kadar hematokrit tinggi dari 55 pasien stroke iskemik. Analisis hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan person chi square didapatkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan p = 0,067 (p > 0,05). Dari tabel diketahui bahwa risiko terjadinya stroke iskemik meningkat 3 kali lebih tinggi pada kadar hematokrit yang meningkat dibanding yang normal. Analisis data didapatkan nilai X² = 3,367 dan OR = 3,391. Kesimpulan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak terdapat hubungan antara kadar hematokrit dengan kejadian stroke iskemik di RSUD Dr. Moewardi

    Fate of Chemical Activators in the Aqueous Environment: What Should We Do About IT?

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    The commonly used activators in chemical activation of activated carbon are very toxic and poisonous to the aquatic environment. Finding trade-off solutions without compromising the quality of activated carbon and jeopardizing the environment have become the subject of considerable interest. This paper is aimed to shed some light on the inevitable release of chemical activators to the aqueous environment, and offers some possible solutions to overcome the emergence of secondary pollution
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