51 research outputs found

    Jadwiga Zamoyska — from religious education to secular holiness

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    The article presents Jadwiga Zamoyska, patron of the Year 2023, an outstanding Polish woman at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. She pursued the concept of striving for religious perfection thanks to her patriotic and social commitment, the establishment of a school for girls and the Zakłady Kórnickie Foundation. The spiritual biography of Mrs General was presented, confronting it with lectures On education. The publication was subject to content and language analysis. Throughout her life, the Servant of God Jadwiga Zamoyska consistently sought secular formation and a secular path to holiness, creating such opportunities for her relatives and charges.Jadwiga Zamoyska — od religijnego wychowania do świeckiej świętości Artykuł przedstawia Jadwigę Zamoyską, patronkę roku 2023, wybitną Polkę przełomu XIX i XX wieku. Ideę dążenia do doskonałości religijnej realizowała dzięki zaangażowaniu patriotyczno-społecznemu, założeniu szkoły dla dziewcząt i fundacji Zakłady Kórnickie. Przedstawiono życiorys duchowy Generałowej, konfrontując go z wykładami O wychowaniu. Publikacja została poddana analizie merytorycznej i językowej. Służebnica Boża Jadwiga Zamoyska przez całe życie konsekwentnie zabiegała o świecką formację i świecką drogę do świętości, stwarzając takie możliwości swoim bliskim i podopiecznym

    Polskie homilie Jana Pawła II – rekonesans badawczy

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    The article presents an overview of the Polish subject literature on the language of the homilies and speeches delivered by John Paul II. The second part of the article includes a discussion on the author’s own research study on the subject that takes into account the Pope’s use of one, autosemantic part of speech, the verb. The source material for the analysis has been excerpted from the homilies delivered by John Paul II in Polish during the Pope’s eight pilgrimages to his homeland. It includes homiletic texts from the years 1979, 1983, 1987, 1991, 1995, 1997, 1999 and 2002, i.e. from within the time bracket of 24 years. In 67 homilies, the Pope uttered 110,036 lexemes, which as a result of the analysis produced 1,787 verbal lexical units. The number of verbal lexeme formations amounts to 14,900. On average, one unit includes 225.75 verbal lexeme formations, whereas the average percentage share of verbal lexeme formations in the material under scrutiny is 13.54%

    Animal Names in Children’s Vocabulary. Frequency Studies

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    Artykuł przedstawia nazwy zwierząt obecne w słownictwie dziecięcym. Autorka charakteryzuje wskazane zagadnienia na podstawie badań z zakresu statystyki językowej (H. Zgółkowa, K. Bułczyńska, Słownictwo dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym, Poznań 1987; H. Zgółkowa Słownictwo dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym w latach 2010-2015, Poznań 2016). Materiał zawarty w słownikach gromadzono w latach 1980-1983 oraz 2010-2015. Analizie poddano listy frekwencyjne i rangowe. Opisane zostały nazwy zwierząt pojawiające się w języku najmłodszych użytkowników polszczyzny (2-7 lat). Tematyka animalna może wspierać kształcenie językowe oraz inne formy edukacji, glottodydaktycznej i przyrodniczej.The article aims to present the children’s vocabulary in terms of the presence of animal topics. The author characterizes given issues on the basis of linguistic statistics research (volumes: H. Zgółkowa, K. Bułczyńska, Vocabulary of kindergarten children, Poznań 1987; H. Zgółkowa, Vocabulary of kindergarten children 2010–2015, Poznań 2016).The material used in two dictionaries was collected in the years1980–1983 and 2010–2015. The frequency and range lists were analysed. In the examples described, animal names appear in language of the youngest speakers of Polish (2–7 years old). Animal topics may play a supportive role in linguistic, glottodidactic and natural education

    Językowe sposoby autoprezentacji (na przykładzie) regionalnego ośrodka telewizyjnego w Archangielsku

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    The article comprises an academic reflection on linguistic methods of self-presentation, used on regional television in Arkhangelsk. The material was collected in 2018 when the centre was celebrating its 55th anniversary. Moreover, earlier research in television broadcast in the north of Russia was taken into account. Editorial self-presentation is conducted in different ways. It embraces articles published on the website of the radio station and anniversary materials broadcasted on-air which later are uploaded on the web as podcasts.  Self-presentation is also created by the image of the radio station reconstituted thanks to agenda, daily news feeds from 2018, examined in the context of sources from 2001-2018. Linguistic analysis is the affirmation of the medium’s form which is listener-oriented. What is more, within last few years the growth of axiological dimension was observed (for instance: religious magazines). Some website as well as on-air statements provide a persuasive step in order to create positive self-presentation. The radio station is seemed to be modern, professional and familiar with every human being, who is interested in social problems.The article comprises an academic reflection on linguistic methods of self-presentation, used on regional television in Arkhangelsk. The material was collected in 2018 when the centre was celebrating its 55th anniversary. Moreover, earlier research in television broadcast in the north of Russia was taken into account. Editorial self-presentation is conducted in different ways. It embraces articles published on the website of the radio station and anniversary materials broadcasted on-air which later are uploaded on the web as podcasts.  Self-presentation is also created by the image of the radio station reconstituted thanks to agenda, daily news feeds from 2018, examined in the context of sources from 2001-2018. Linguistic analysis is the affirmation of the medium’s form which is listener-oriented. What is more, within last few years the growth of axiological dimension was observed (for instance: religious magazines). Some website as well as on-air statements provide a persuasive step in order to create positive self-presentation. The radio station is seemed to be modern, professional and familiar with every human being, who is interested in social problems

    Od misyjności chrztu Polski do misyjności przekazów radiowych

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    The article is an interdisciplinary analysis of how celebration of the 1050th anniversary of Poland’s baptism was presented in the catholic media. Based on the example of Radio Emaus (Poznań), mission of this radio station was scrutinized with the aid of lexicographic and legislative studies as well as catholic social study. Radio Emaus’s pre-evangelizing, evangelizing and confessional program fulfills the station’s mission included in its statute. The objects of the research are radio programs broadcast between September 2015 and August 2016. The radio material embraces long recordings dedicated to such issues as society and religion, history and culture as well as celebrations, their broadcasts and summaries. Artykuł stanowi interdyscyplinarne omówienie prezentacji jubileuszu 1050. rocznicy chrztu Polski w mediach katolickich. Na przykładzie poznańskiego Radia Emaus analizowano jego misję, sięgając po opracowania leksykograficzne, legislacyjne oraz katolicką naukę społeczną. Program pre-ewangelizacyjny, ewangelizacyjny i konfesyjny stanowi wypełnienie misji stacji, zapisanej w jej statucie. Przedmiotem badań są audycje emitowane od września 2015 do sierpnia 2016 roku Materiał obejmuje wielogodzinne nagrania o tematyce społeczno-religijnej, historycznej i kulturalnej, informujące o obchodach, relacjonujące je oraz podsumowujące

    Matrix Metalloproteinases in Asthma-Associated Airway Remodeling – Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde ?

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are Zn2+-dependent endoproteases, which digest extracellular matrix (ECM) components and various non-ECM molecules. Main physiological role of MMPs concerns regulation of tissue remodeling and regeneration. The production and activity of MMPs are tightly supervised by multistage control mechanisms. These mechanisms include regulation of gene expression, and various post-transcriptional/post-translational modifications. However, without proper control MMPs reveal dual nature, similarly to character from the novella by R.L. Stevenson, “Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”. They become dangerous molecules, involved in cancer metastasis, or cardiovascular diseases

    Social norm nudging and preferences for household recycling

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    Previous research on pro-environmental behaviours has shown that nudges can be effective in changing behaviour in some settings. However, to be a useful policy tool, nudges should have stable, predictable impacts on targeted behaviours. In this paper, we use a randomized experiment to test one specific nudge, namely the communication of a descriptive social norm. The paper examines whether the effects of such a nudge on stated preferences for household recycling are indeed stable and predictable in terms of household willingness to pay for waste collection contracts requiring more recycling effort by households. Three aspects of the social norm are varied: its absolute level, the geographic proximity, and whether relative performance information is included. We find that while respondents generally respond positively to social norm information, the effect is not necessarily monotonic, with the highest social norm levels not necessarily being the most effective, in fact discouraging some respondents from sorting. In addition, whether and how respondents react to the social norm information strongly depends on their current engagement level, with respondents who sort a lot reacting in a negative manner