1,838 research outputs found

    Security and defence of mobile systems under impact

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    The Group “Dynamics and Fracture of Structural Elements” offers its experience in Solid Mechanics analysis for the study of the impact protection of vehicles, aircrafts and persons. The Group activities have a strong research component, in which numerical simulation tools as well as sophisticated experimental techniques are employed. This technological offer could be of interest to automobile companies (impact and collision security), aeronautical companies (impact of external body on fuselage, attack, and fragments o ice) and defence companies (special armours for mobile systems and persons).Contrato Programa de Comercialización e Internacionalización. Sistema Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica. (Comunidad de Madrid; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


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    Dynamical Mean-Field Theory Simulations with the Adaptive Sampling Configuration Interaction Method

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    In the pursuit of accurate descriptions of strongly correlated quantum many-body systems, dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) has been an invaluable tool for elucidating the spectral properties and quantum phases of both phenomenological models and ab initio descriptions of real materials. Key to the DMFT process is the self-consistent map of the original system into an Anderson impurity model, the ground state of which is computed using an impurity solver. The power of the method is thus limited by the complexity of the impurity model the solver can handle. Simulating realistic systems generally requires many correlated sites. By adapting the recently proposed adaptive sampling configuration interaction (ASCI) method as an impurity solver, we enable much more efficient zero temperature DMFT simulations. The key feature of the ASCI method is that it selects only the most relevant Hilbert space degrees of freedom to describe the ground state. This reduces the numerical complexity of the calculation, which will allow us to pursue future DMFT simulations with more correlated impurity sites than in previous works. Here we present the ASCI-DMFT method and example calculations on the one-dimensional and two-dimensional Hubbard models that exemplify its efficient convergence and timing properties. We show that the ASCI approach is several orders of magnitude faster than the current best published ground state DMFT simulations, which allows us to study the bath discretization error in simulations with small clusters, as well as to address cluster sizes beyond the current state of the art. Our approach can also be adapted for other embedding methods such as density matrix embedding theory and self-energy embedding theory.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, supplemental informatio

    La audiencia al menor en los procesos de crisis matrimonial: comentario a la sts núm. 413/2014, de 20 de octubre (rec. 1229/2013)

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    La audiencia del menor, en los procedimientos de crisis matrimonial, aparece configurada de modo diferente en el Código Civil Español, que la caracteriza como un derecho del menor y una potestad del juez, y en la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil que aparece caracterizada como una obligación del juez cuando el menor sea mayor de 12 años. Esta aparente contradicción es resuelta por el Tribunal Supremo en la Sentencia de 20 de octubre de 2014 acudiendo a la Ley Orgánica de Protección Jurídica del Menor y al Convención sobre Derechos del Niño de 20 de noviembre de 1989.The hearing of the minor in marriage crisis proceeding is differently considered in the Spanish Civil Code and in the Spanish Procedural Law. The first one, characterizes it as a right of the minor and as a legal authority of the judge. The Procedural Law considers it as a duty of the judge when the minor is younger than twelve. This apparent contradiction is solved by the Supreme Court in a Judgment of 20th October 2014, appealing to the Organic Law on Minor Legal Protection and the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20th November 1989

    La influencia del haiku japonés en escritores occidentales

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    El fenómeno de la globalización, el cual lleva existiendo desde hace varias décadas, ha propiciado la expansión de culturas y tradiciones literarias de un lado al otro del mundo. Este trabajo pretende ilustrar desde un punto de vista académico y cultural la influencia que ha tenido la forma poética del haiku japonés en escritores occidentales. Para ello analizaremos los orígenes del haiku y estudiaremos en profundidad los poemas de los autores nipones más destacados. Con el fin de lograrlo viajaremos al pasado y ofreceremos una visión completa de los inicios del haiku en Japón hasta nuestros días, así como de su evolución en Occidente tras su acogida y compararemos este nuevo haiku occidental que surge con el original nipón, con el objetivo de demostrar que la poesía japonesa ha ejercido una clara influencia en autores occidentales y ha constituido una fuente de inspiración en sus trabajos.Grado en Traducción e Interpretació

    La cuestión prejudicial europea en la teoría y en la práctica: sentencias Torresi, K y A, y programa OMT

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    Se exponen en este análisis las características que definen hoy a la cuestión prejudicial de la Unión Europea, que ha sido calificada como la “pieza angular” del sistema de justicia europeo para, a continuación, comentar tres Sentencias dictadas por el TJUE en resolución de estas cuestiones prejudiciales, en las que se ponen especialmente de manifiesto tanto su incidencia en los ordenamientos jurídicos nacionales como relevancia para lograr una interpretación uniforme del derecho de la Unión

    Superficies solo cedit

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    [Resumen] En el presente trabajo se pretende mostrar la evolución del principio superficies solo cedit a lo largo de la experiencia jurídica romana. El origen de superficies solo cedit se encuentra en los mores maiorum, pasando a ser reconocido por el ius civile como un principio absoluto, inderogable. Sin embargo, la inderogabilidad del mismo se aviene mal con las distintas prácticas de construcción que desde el final de la etapa republicana surgen en Roma. La nueva realidad social y económica de Roma, como constatan las fuentes, lleva tanto a la jurisprudencia como al ius honorarium a flexibi- lizar la aplicación del mismo. Esta flexibilización iniciada en el derecho clásico encuen- tra reconocimiento en el derecho postclásico que, debido a la influencia de los pueblos orientales, consagra el mismo como un principio disponible por las partes, lo que per- mite el reconocimiento de institutos como ius superficici.[Abstract] In this paper we try to show the evolution of the principle of superficies solo cedit all throughout the roman juridical experience. The origin of this principle can be found in the mores maiorum, it being later recognized by the civil law as an absolute principle, one not repealable. However, the fact that it cannot be repealed doesn’t correspond with the different construction practices which appear in Rome from the end of republican stage onwards. The new social and economic reality, as it is established in the sources, leads both the jurisprudence and the praetorian law to relax its enforce- ment. The relaxation, started in the classic law, finds acknowledgment in the post clas- sic law which, due to the influence of eastern peoples, will confirm it as a principle that is disposable by the parties. This, in turn, allows the recognition of institutions such as ius superficici

    Remote sensing image captioning with pre-trained transformer models

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    Remote sensing images, and the unique properties that characterize them, are attracting increased attention from computer vision researchers, largely due to their many possible applications. The area of computer vision for remote sensing has effectively seen many recent advances, e.g. in tasks such as object detection or scene classification. Recent work in the area has also addressed the task of generating a natural language description of a given remote sensing image, effectively combining techniques from both natural language processing and computer vision. Despite some previously published results, there nonetheless are still many limitations and possibilities for improvement. It remains challenging to generate text that is fluid and linguistically rich while maintaining semantic consistency and good discrimination ability about the objects and visual patterns that should be described. The previous proposals that have come closest to achieving the goals of remote sensing image captioning have used neural encoder-decoder architectures, often including specialized attention mechanisms to help the system in integrating the most relevant visual features while generating the textual descriptions. Taking previous work into consideration, this work proposes a new approach for remote sensing image captioning, using an encoder-decoder model based on the Transformer architecture, and where both the encoder and the decoder are based on components from a pre-existing model that was already trained with large amounts of data. Experiments were carried out using the three main datasets that exist for assessing remote sensing image captioning methods, respectively the Sydney-captions, the \acrshort{UCM}-captions, and the \acrshort{RSICD} datasets. The results show improvements over some previous proposals, although particularly on the larger \acrshort{RSICD} dataset they are still far from the current state-of-art methods. A careful analysis of the results also points to some limitations in the current evaluation methodology, mostly based on automated n-gram overlap metrics such as BLEU or ROUGE

    Analytical modelling of normal and oblique ballistic impact on ceramic/metal lightweight armours

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    This paper presents a new analytical model developed to simulate ballistic impact of projectiles on ceramic/metal add-on armours. The model is based on Tate and Alekseevskii’s equation for the projectile penetration into the ceramic tile, whilst the response of the metallic backing is modelled following the ideas of Woodward’s and den Reijer’s models. The result is a fully new analytical model that has been checked with data of residual mass and residual velocity of real fire tests of medium caliber projectiles on ceramic/metal add-on armours. Agreement observed between experimental and analytical results confirmed the validity of the model. Therefore, the model developed can be a useful tool for optimisation of ceramic/metal armour design.The authors are indebted to the Research & Development Department of Empresa Nacional Santa Bárbara (Spain) for the performance of the ballistic tests and the X-ray shadowgraphs. This work is part of the EUCLID RTP 3.2 project, supported by the Ministries of Defence of Spain, Denmark, Holland and Italy. The above project has been developed with the collaboration of several companies and research centres of the aforementioned countries.Publicad

    A new tool based on artificial neural networks for the design of lightweight ceramic–metal armour against high-velocity impact of solids

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    15 pages, 10 figures.-- MSC2000 codes: 74K99, 74M20, 74S05.Zbl#: Zbl 1168.74396A new tool based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) has been developed for the design of lightweight ceramic–metal armours against high-velocity impact of solids. The tool developed predicts, in real-time, the response of the armour: impacting body arrest or target perforation are determined and, in the latter case, the residual mass and velocity of the impacting body are determined. A large set of impact cases has been generated, by FEM numerical simulation, in order to train and test the ANN. The impact cases consider different impacting body and target geometries, materials and impact velocities, all these parameters varying in a wide range that covers most common impact situations. The behaviour of the ceramic material under impact was simulated using a modified version of the model developed by Cortés et al. The ANN developed has a remarkable prediction ability and therefore it constitutes a complementary methodology to the conventional design techniques.The authors are indebted to the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid and to the University Carlos III of Madrid for the financial support of this work (CCG07-UC3M/DPI-3395).Publicad