301 research outputs found

    Predicting Target DNA Sequences of DNA-Binding Proteins Based on Unbound Structures

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    DNA-binding proteins such as transcription factors use DNA-binding domains (DBDs) to bind to specific sequences in the genome to initiate many important biological functions. Accurate prediction of such target sequences, often represented by position weight matrices (PWMs), is an important step to understand many biological processes. Recent studies have shown that knowledge-based potential functions can be applied on protein-DNA co-crystallized structures to generate PWMs that are considerably consistent with experimental data. However, this success has not been extended to DNA-binding proteins lacking co-crystallized structures. This study aims at investigating the possibility of predicting the DNA sequences bound by DNA-binding proteins from the proteins' unbound structures (structures of the unbound state). Given an unbound query protein and a template complex, the proposed method first employs structure alignment to generate synthetic protein-DNA complexes for the query protein. Once a complex is available, an atomic-level knowledge-based potential function is employed to predict PWMs characterizing the sequences to which the query protein can bind. The evaluation of the proposed method is based on seven DNA-binding proteins, which have structures of both DNA-bound and unbound forms for prediction as well as annotated PWMs for validation. Since this work is the first attempt to predict target sequences of DNA-binding proteins from their unbound structures, three types of structural variations that presumably influence the prediction accuracy were examined and discussed. Based on the analyses conducted in this study, the conformational change of proteins upon binding DNA was shown to be the key factor. This study sheds light on the challenge of predicting the target DNA sequences of a protein lacking co-crystallized structures, which encourages more efforts on the structure alignment-based approaches in addition to docking- and homology modeling-based approaches for generating synthetic complexes

    Erratum to: Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Nearly Monodisperse CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles Through a Simple Hydrothermal Condition

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Nearly monodisperse cobalt ferrite (CoFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>) nanoparticles without any size-selection process have been prepared through an alluring method in an oleylamine/ethanol/water system. Well-defined nanospheres with an average size of 5.5 nm have been synthesized using metal chloride as the law materials and oleic amine as the capping agent, through a general liquid&#8211;solid-solution (LSS) process. Magnetic measurement indicates that the particles exhibit a very high coercivity at 10 K and perform superparamagnetism at room temperature which is further illuminated by ZFC/FC curves. These superparamagnetic cobalt ferrite nanomaterials are considered to have potential application in the fields of biomedicine. The synthesis method is possible to be a general approach for the preparation of other pure binary and ternary compounds.</p

    Introgression of Chromosome 3Ns from Psathyrostachys huashanica into Wheat Specifying Resistance to Stripe Rust

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    Wheat stripe rust is a destructive disease in the cool and humid wheat-growing areas of the world. Finding diverse sources of stripe rust resistance is critical for increasing genetic diversity of resistance for wheat breeding programs. Stripe rust resistance was identified in the alien species Psathyrostachys huashanica, and a wheat- P. huashanica amphiploid line (PHW-SA) with stripe rust resistance was reported previously. In this study, a P. huashanica 3Ns monosomic addition line (PW11) with superior resistance to stripe rust was developed, which was derived from the cross between PHW-SA and wheat J-11. We evaluated the alien introgressions PW11-2, PW11-5 and PW11-8 which were derived from line PW11 for reaction to new Pst race CYR32, and used molecular and cytogenetic tools to characterize these lines. The introgressions were remarkably resistant to CYR32, suggesting that the resistance to stripe rust of the introgressions thus was controlled by gene(s) located on P. huashanica chromosome 3Ns. All derived lines were cytologically stable in term of meiotic chromosome behavior. Two 3Ns chromosomes of P. huashanica were detected in the disomic addition line PW11-2. Chromosomes 1B of substitution line PW11-5 had been replaced by a pair of P. huashanica 3Ns chromosomes. In PW11-8, a small terminal segment from P. huashanica chromosome arm 3NsS was translocated to the terminal region of wheat chromosomes 3BL. Thus, this translocated chromosome is designated T3BL-3NsS. These conclusions were further confirmed by SSR analyses. Two 3Ns-specific markers Xgwm181 and Xgwm161 will be useful to rapidly identify and trace the translocated fragments. These introgressions, which had significant characteristics of resistance to stripe rust, could be utilized as novel germplasms for wheat breeding

    Electrocatalytic performance of SiO2-SWCNT nanocomposites prepared by electroassisted deposition

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    “The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12678-013-0144-3”Composite materials made of porous SiO2 matrices filled with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were deposited on electrodes by an electroassisted deposition method. The synthesized materials were characterized by several techniques, showing that porous silica prevents the aggregation of SWCNT on the electrodes, as could be observed by transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Different redox probes were employed to test their electrochemical sensing properties. The silica layer allows the permeation of the redox probes to the electrode surface and improves the electrochemical reversibility indicating an electrocatalytic effect by the incorporation of dispersed SWCNT into the silica films.This work was financed by the following research projects: MAT2010-15273 of the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER, PROMETEO/2013/038 of the GV, and CIVP16A1821 of the Fundacion Ramon Areces. Alonso Gamero-Quijano and David Salinas-Torres acknowledge Generalitat Valenciana (Santiago Grisolia Program) and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, respectively, for the funding of their research fellowships.Gamero-Quijano, A.; Huerta, F.; Salinas-Torres, D.; Morallón, E.; Montilla, F. (2013). Electrocatalytic performance of SiO2-SWCNT nanocomposites prepared by electroassisted deposition. Electrocatalysis. 4(4):259-266. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12678-013-0144-3S25926644P. Alivisatos, Nat. Biotechnol. 22, 47 (2004)S. Stankovich, D.A. Dikin, G.H. Dommett, K.M. Kohlhaas, E.J. Zimney, E.A. Stach, R.D. Piner, S.T. Nguyen, R.S. Ruoff, Nature 442, 282 (2006)D.W. Schaefer, R.S. Justice, Macromolecules 40, 8501 (2007)M. Endo, M.S. Strano, P.M. Ajayan, Carbon Nanotubes 111, 13 (2008)C.E. Banks, R.G. Compton, Analyst 131, 15 (2006)R.H. Baughman, A.A. Zakhidov, W.A. de Heer, Science 297, 787 (2002)Y.H. Lin, F. Lu, Y. Tu, Z.F. Ren, Nano Letters 4, 191 (2004)B.R. Azamian, J.J. Davis, K.S. Coleman, C.B. Bagshaw, M.L.H. Green, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 12664 (2002)W. Yang, K. Ratinac, S. Ringer, P. Thordarson, J.G. Gooding, F. Braet, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 49, 2114 (2010)C.E. Banks, R.G. Compton, Analyst 130, 1232 (2005)L. Mazurenko, M. Etienne, O. Tananaiko, V. Zaitsev, A. Walcarius, Electrochim. Acta 83, 359 (2012)J.M.P. Paloma Yáñez-Sedeño, J. Riu, F.X. Rius, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 29, 939 (2010)Z.J. Wang, M. Etienne, S. Poller, W. Schuhmann, G.W. Kohring, V. Mamane, A. Walcarius, Electroanalysis 24, 376 (2012)R. Bandyopadhyaya, E. Nativ-Roth, O. Regev, R. Yerushalmi-Rozen, Nano Letters 2, 25 (2002)C. Park, Z. Ounaies, K.A. Watson, R.E. Crooks, J. Smith, S.E. Lowther, J.W. Connell, E.J. Siochi, J.S. Harrison, T.L.S. Clair, Chem. Phys. Lett. 364, 303 (2002)O. Matarredona, H. Rhoads, Z.R. Li, J.H. Harwell, L. Balzano, D.E. Resasco, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, 13357 (2003)L. Vaisman, H. Wagner, G. Marom, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 128, 37 (2006)Y.C. Xing, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108, 19255 (2004)J.J. Liang, Y. Huang, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y.F. Ma, T.Y. Guo, Y.S. Chen, Adv. Funct. Mater. 19, 2297 (2009)D. Salinas-Torres, F. Huerta, F. Montilla, E. Morallón, Electrochim. Acta 56, 2464 (2011)Z.F. Ren, Z.P. Huang, J.W. Xu, J.H. Wang, P. Bush, M.P. Siegal, P.N. Provencio, Science 282, 1105 (1998)W.Z. Li, S.S. Xie, L.X. Qian, B.H. Chang, B.S. Zou, W.Y. Zhou, R.A. Zhao, G. Wang, Science 274, 1701 (1996)M. Terrones, N. Grobert, J. Olivares, J.P. Zhang, H. Terrones, K. Kordatos, W.K. Hsu, J.P. Hare, P.D. Townsend, K. Prassides, A.K. Cheetham, H.W. Kroto, D.R.M. Walton, Nature 388, 52 (1997)R. Toledano, D. Mandler, Chem. Mater. 22, 3943 (2010)J.H. Rouse, Langmuir 21, 1055 (2005)X.B. Yan, B.K. Tay, Y. Yang, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 25844 (2006)J. Lim, P. Malati, F. Bonet, B. Dunn, J. Electrochem. Soc. 154, A140 (2007)L.D. Zhu, C.Y. Tian, J.L. Zhai, R.L. Yang, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 125, 254 (2007)F. Montilla, M.A. Cotarelo, E. Morallón, J. Mater. Chem. 19, 305 (2009)D. Salinas-Torres, F. Montilla, F. Huerta, E. Morallón, Electrochim. Acta 56, 3620 (2011)T. Dobbins, R. Chevious, Y. Lvov, Polymers 3, 942 (2011)R. Esquembre, J.A. Poveda, C.R. Mateo, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113, 7534 (2009)M.L. Ferrer, R. Esquembre, I. Ortega, C.R. Mateo, F. del Monte, Chem. Mater. 18, 554 (2006)M.J. O'Connell, S. Sivaram, S.K. Doorn, Physical Review B 69, 235415 (2004)C. Domingo, G. Santoro, Opt. Pura Apl 40, 175 (2007)M.S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, R. Saito, A. Jorio, Physics Reports 409, 47 (2005)R.L. McCreery, Chem. Rev. 108, 2646 (2008)C.G. Zoski, in Handbook of Electrochemistry, 1st ed (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007

    Reconsideration of In-Silico siRNA Design Based on Feature Selection: A Cross-Platform Data Integration Perspective

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    RNA interference via exogenous short interference RNAs (siRNA) is increasingly more widely employed as a tool in gene function studies, drug target discovery and disease treatment. Currently there is a strong need for rational siRNA design to achieve more reliable and specific gene silencing; and to keep up with the increasing needs for a wider range of applications. While progress has been made in the ability to design siRNAs with specific targets, we are clearly at an infancy stage towards achieving rational design of siRNAs with high efficacy. Among the many obstacles to overcome, lack of general understanding of what sequence features of siRNAs may affect their silencing efficacy and of large-scale homogeneous data needed to carry out such association analyses represents two challenges. To address these issues, we investigated a feature-selection based in-silico siRNA design from a novel cross-platform data integration perspective. An integration analysis of 4,482 siRNAs from ten meta-datasets was conducted for ranking siRNA features, according to their possible importance to the silencing efficacy of siRNAs across heterogeneous data sources. Our ranking analysis revealed for the first time the most relevant features based on cross-platform experiments, which compares favorably with the traditional in-silico siRNA feature screening based on the small samples of individual platform data. We believe that our feature ranking analysis can offer more creditable suggestions to help improving the design of siRNA with specific silencing targets. Data and scripts are available at http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/publications/materials/qiliu/siRNA.html

    Piston-driven numerical wave tank based on WENO solver of well-balanced shallow water equations

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    A numerical wave tank equipped with a piston type wave-maker is presented for long-duration simulations of long waves in shallow water. Both wave maker and tank are modelled using the nonlinear shallow water equations, with motions of the numerical piston paddle accomplished via a linear mapping technique. Three approaches are used to increase computational efficiency and accuracy. First, the model satisfies the exact conservation property (C-property), a stepping stone towards properly balancing each term in the governing equation. Second, a high-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) method is used to reduce accumulation of truncation error. Third, a cut-off algorithm is implemented to handle contaminated digits arising from round-off error. If not treated, such errors could prevent a numerical scheme from satisfying the exact C-property in long-duration simulations. Extensive numerical tests are performed to examine the well-balanced property, high order accuracy, and shock-capturing ability of the present scheme. Correct implementation of the wave paddle generator is verified by comparing numerical predictions against analytical solutions of sinusoidal, solitary, and cnoidal waves. In all cases, the model gives satisfactory results for small-amplitude, low frequency waves. Error analysis is used to investigate model limitations and derive a user criterion for long wave generation by the model

    Drugs and herbs given to prevent hepatotoxicity of tuberculosis therapy: systematic review of ingredients and evaluation studies

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    Background: Drugs to protect the liver are frequently prescribed in some countries as part of treatment for tuberculosis. The biological rationale is not clear, they are expensive and may do harm. We conducted a systematic review to a) describe the ingredients of "liver protection drugs"; and b) compare the evidence base for the policy against international standards. Methods: We searched international medical databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and the specialised register of the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group) and Chinese language databases (CNKI, VIP and WanFang) to April 2007. Our inclusion criteria were research papers that reported evaluating any liver protection drug or drugs for preventing liver damage in people taking anti-tuberculosis treatment. Two authors independently categorised and extracted data, and appraised the stated methods of evaluating their effectiveness. Results: Eighty five research articles met our inclusion criteria, carried out in China (77), India (2), Russia (4), Ukraine (2). These articles evaluated 30 distinct types of liver protection compounds categorised as herbal preparations, manufactured herbal products, combinations of vitamins and other non-herbal substances and manufactured pharmaceutical preparations. Critical appraisal of these articles showed that all were small, poorly conducted studies, measuring intermediate outcomes. Four trials that were described as randomised controlled trials were small, had short follow up, and did not meet international standards. Conclusion: There is no reliable evidence to support prescription of drugs or herbs to prevent liver damage in people on tuberculosis treatment

    Pro-inflammatory profile of preeclamptic placental mesenchymal stromal cells: new insights into the etiopathogenesis of preeclampsia.

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate whether placental mesenchymal stromal cells (PDMSCs) derived from normal and preeclamptic (PE) chorionic villous tissue presented differences in their cytokines expression profiles. Moreover, we investigated the effects of conditioned media from normal and PE-PDMSCs on the expression of pro-inflammatory Macrophage migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), soluble FMS-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) and free β-human Chorionic Gonadotropin (βhCG) by normal term villous explants. This information will help to understand whether anomalies in PE-PDMSCs could cause or contribute to the anomalies typical of preeclampsia. METHODS: Chorionic villous PDMSCs were isolated from severe preeclamptic (n = 12) and physiological control term (n = 12) placentae. Control and PE-PDMSCs’s cytokines expression profiles were determined by Cytokine Array. Control and PE-PDMSCs were plated for 72 h and conditioned media (CM) was collected. Physiological villous explants (n = 48) were treated with control or PE-PDMSCs CM for 72 h and processed for mRNA and protein isolation. MIF, VEGF and sFlt-1 mRNA and protein expression were analyzed by Real Time PCR and Western Blot respectively. Free βhCG was assessed by immunofluorescent. RESULTS: Cytokine array showed increased release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by PE relative to control PDMSCs. Physiological explants treated with PE-PDMSCs CM showed significantly increased MIF and sFlt-1 expression relative to untreated and control PDMSCs CM explants. Interestingly, both control and PE-PDMSCs media induced VEGF mRNA increase while only normal PDMSCs media promoted VEGF protein accumulation. PE-PDMSCs CM explants released significantly increased amounts of free βhCG relative to normal PDMSCs CM ones. CONCLUSIONS: Herein, we reported elevated production of pro-inflammatory cytokines by PE-PDMSCs. Importantly, PE PDMSCs induced a PE-like phenotype in physiological villous explants. Our data clearly depict chorionic mesenchymal stromal cells as central players in placental physiopathology, thus opening to new intriguing perspectives for the treatment of human placental-related disorders as preeclampsia

    Evolution of the Reactor Antineutrino Flux and Spectrum at Daya Bay

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