3,905 research outputs found

    Eliminación de DBP en aceite de onagra mediante arcilla activada modificada por chitosán y CTAB

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    The pollution of phthalic acid esters (PAEs) in edible oils is a serious problem. In the current study, we attempt to remove dibutyl phthalate ester (DBP) from evening primrose oil (EPO) with modified activated clay. The activated clay, commonly used for de-coloration in the oil refining process, was modified by chitosan and hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). The modifications were characterized by SEM, XRD, and FT-IR. We further tested the DBP adsorption capacity of CTAB/chitosan-clay and found that the removal rate was 27.56% which was 3.24 times higher than with pristine activated clay. In addition, the CTAB/chitosan-clay composite treatment had no significant effect on the quality of evening primrose oil. In summary, the CTAB/chitosan-clay composite has a stronger DBP adsorption capacity and can be used as a new adsorbent for removing DBP during the de-coloration process of evening primrose oil.La contaminación por ésteres de ácido ftálico (PAEs) en los aceites comestibles es un problema grave. En el presente estudio, intentamos eliminar el éster de ftalato de dibutilo (DBP) del aceite de onagra (EPO) con arcilla activada modificada. La arcilla activada, comúnmente utilizada en la decoloración en el proceso de refinación de los aceites, fue modificada con chitosán y bromuro de hexadecil trimetil amonio (CTAB). Las modificaciones se caracterizaron mediante SEM, XRD y FT-IR. Además, probamos la capacidad de adsorción de DBP de CTAB / chitosán-arcilla y descubrimos que la tasa de eliminación era del 27,56%, que era 3,24 veces mayor que la arcilla activada pura. Además, el tratamiento compuesto de CTAB/chitosán-arcilla no tuvo un efecto significativo sobre la calidad del aceite de onagra. En resumen, el compuesto CTAB/chitosán-arcilla tiene una capacidad de adsorción de DBP más fuerte y se puede utilizar como un nuevo adsorbente para eliminar DBP durante el proceso de decoloración del aceite de onagra

    A multilevel paradigm for deep convolutional neural network features selection with an application to human gait recognition

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    Human gait recognition (HGR) shows high importance in the area of video surveillance due to remote access and security threats. HGR is a technique commonly used for the identification of human style in daily life. However, many typical situations like change of clothes condition and variation in view angles degrade the system performance. Lately, different machine learning (ML) techniques have been introduced for video surveillance which gives promising results among which deep learning (DL) shows best performance in complex scenarios. In this article, an integrated framework is proposed for HGR using deep neural network and fuzzy entropy controlled skewness (FEcS) approach. The proposed technique works in two phases: In the first phase, deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) features are extracted by pre-trained CNN models (VGG19 and AlexNet) and their information is mixed by parallel fusion approach. In the second phase, entropy and skewness vectors are calculated from fused feature vector (FV) to select best subsets of features by suggested FEcS approach. The best subsets of picked features are finally fed to multiple classifiers and finest one is chosen on the basis of accuracy value. The experiments were carried out on four well-known datasets, namely, AVAMVG gait, CASIA A, B and C. The achieved accuracy of each dataset was 99.8, 99.7, 93.3 and 92.2%, respectively. Therefore, the obtained overall recognition results lead to conclude that the proposed system is very promising

    Full counting statistics of conductance for disordered systems

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    Study on Resistance Switching Properties of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3Thin Films Using Impedance Spectroscopy

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    The Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3(NBT) thin films sandwiched between Au electrodes and fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) conducting glass were deposited using a sol–gel method. Based on electrochemical workstation measurements, reproducible resistance switching characteristics and negative differential resistances were obtained at room temperature. A local impedance spectroscopy measurement of Au/NBT was performed to reveal the interface-related electrical characteristics. The DC-bias-dependent impedance spectra suggested the occurrence of charge and mass transfer at the interface of the Au/NBT/FTO device. It was proposed that the first and the second ionization of oxygen vacancies are responsible for the conduction in the low- and high-resistance states, respectively. The experimental results showed high potential for nonvolatile memory applications in NBT thin films

    A GIS-CA model for planning bikeways upon the footpath network

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    This study proposes a geographic information system (GIS)-based cellular automata (CA) model, which is designed for planning bikeways upon existing footpath networks within an urban area. The CA model was developed based on a GIS platform as a visual interface whereby spatiotemporal characteristics and spatial processing can be combined in a highly effective way. The host value of each CA cell is conditioned upon four indicator variables, namely cycling demand level, land-use nature, social value, and traffic safety. This model gives traffic planners a quick and intuitive framework to develop cycling facilities under limited land resources. A model prototype has been developed in a common desktop GIS and applied to a mid-sized rapidly developing area in Singapore.</jats:p

    Doping-induced carrier profiles in organic semiconductors determined from capacitive extraction-current transients

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    A method to determine the doping induced charge carrier profiles in lightly and moderately doped organic semiconductor thin films is presented. The theory of the method of Charge Extraction by a Linearly Increasing Voltage technique in the doping-induced capacitive regime (doping-CELIV) is extended to the case with non-uniform doping profiles and the analytical description is verified with drift-diffusion simulations. The method is demonstrated experimentally on evaporated organic small- molecule thin films with a controlled doping profile, and solution-processed thin films where the non- uniform doping profile is unintentional, probably induced during the deposition process, and a priori unknown. Furthermore, the method offers a possibility of directly probing charge-density distributions at interfaces between highly doped and lightly doped or undoped layers

    CLDN3 inhibits cancer aggressiveness via Wnt-EMT signaling and is a potential prognostic biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common fatal malignancies but the molecular genetic basis of this disease remains unclear. By using genome-wide methylation profiling analysis, we identified CLDN3 as an epigenetically regulated gene in cancer. Here, we investigated its function and clinical relevance in human HCC. CLDN3 downregulation occurred in 87/114 (76.3%) of primary HCCs, where it was correlated significantly with shorter survival of HCC patients (P=0.021). Moreover, multivariate cyclooxygenase regression analysis showed that CLDN3 was an independent prognostic factor for overall survival (P=0.014). Absent expression of CLDN3 was also detected in 67% of HCC cell lines, which was significantly associated with its promoter hypermethylation. Ectopic expression of CLDN3 in HCC cells could inhibit cell motility, cell invasiveness, and tumor formation in nude mice. Mechanistic investigations suggested through downregulation of GSK3B, CTNNB1, SNAI2, and CDH2, CLDN3 could significantly suppress metastasis by inactivating the Wnt/β-catenin-epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) axis in HCC cells. Collectively, our findings demonstrated that CLDN3 is an epigenetically silenced metastasis suppressor gene in HCC. A better understanding of the molecular mechanism of CLDN3 in inhibiting liver cancer cell metastasis may lead to a more effective management of HCC patients with the inactivation of CLDN3.published_or_final_versio

    Determinación cuantitativa de indigotina e indirubina en el índigo natural mediante cromatografía líquida de alto rendimiento (HPLC)

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    A high-performance liquid chromatographic separation and quantitative method using a RP-18 columneluted isocratically with methanol and water (73:27, v/v) was developed to analyze the isomeric activecompounds, indigotin and indirubin, present in the chloroform extract of indigo naturalis. Standardizedsolutions of indigotin and indirubin were used to evaluate linearity, precision (repeatability), accuracyand specificity of the method were evaluated. The results exhibited a linearity (r2 &gt; 0.999) of between1.8 - 16.2 μg/ml and 1.6 - 14.4 μg/ml for indigotin and indirubin, respectively. A high degree ofspecificity and robustness, as well as repeatability (relative standard deviation less than 5% for bothstandards and the extracts) and accuracy (% recoveries greater than 95%) were also achievedSe desarrolló un método de cromatografía líquida de alto rendimiento cuantitativa y de separaciónutilizando una columna RP-18 eluida isocráticamente con metanol y agua (73:27, v/v) para analizar loscompuestos activos isoméricos indigotina e indirubina presentes en el extracto de cloroformo del índigonatural. Se utilizaron soluciones estandarizadas de indigotina e indirubina para evaluar la linealidad, laprecisión (replicabilidad), la exactitud y la especificidad del método. Los resultados mostraron unalinealidad (r2 &gt; 0,999) de entre 1,8 y 16,2 μg/ml para la indigotina y entre 1,6 y 14,4 μg/ml para laindirubina. También se obtuvo un alto grado de especificidad, robustez, replicabilidad (desviaciónestándar relativa inferior al 5% para estándares y extractos) y exactitud (% de recuperaciones superioral 95%)

    IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Advanced Signal Processing Methods in Medical Imaging

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    Medical Imaging is a technique to create visual representations of the interior of the body, with the aim of making accurate diagnoses and optimized treatments. Many medical imaging techniques are widely used to produce images, such as computer tomography (CT), ultrasound (US), positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/functional MRI (fMRI)
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