73 research outputs found

    GFRP Pipe for Tunnel Face Reinforcement: The Laboratory Characterization

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    In tunnelling engineering the preliminary support of the tunnel face is often based on the soil nailing technique, considered as one of the most effective provisions for the control and reduction of the tunnel pre-convergence and face extrusion. The nails are mostly made of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP), due to the advantages this material offers in this application. In the years, improvements have been introduced also in the theoretical and computational analysis of nailing systems, so that nowadays it is possible to take into account their mechanical action at the design stage. The nail performance being a key design parameter, an accurate investigation on the mechanical response of the GFRP pipe and on the pipe-soil interaction is therefore fundamental to support specific design assumptions. Moreover, the correct identification of the associated mechanical parameters, such as the pipe tensile strength and the pipe-soil bonding adherence, is required to limit the uncertainties in the values adopted in the design. In this paper the attention is focused on laboratory tests carried out for this characterization. The principal objective is to set up appropriate procedures to characterize GFRP pipes for soil nailing systems, that ensure reliability and repeatability of the tests. The result is a series of recommendations specifically addressed to adapt ordinary tensile and pull out tests to the treatment of GFRP pipes

    Physicians’ misperceived cardiovascular risk and therapeutic inertia as determinants of low LDL-cholesterol targets achievement in diabetes

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    Background: Greater efforts are needed to overcome the worldwide reported low achievement of LDL-c targets. This survey aimed to dissect whether and how the physician-based evaluation of patients with diabetes is associated with the achievement of LDL-c targets. Methods: This cross-sectional self-reported survey interviewed physicians working in 67 outpatient services in Italy, collecting records on 2844 patients with diabetes. Each physician reported a median of 47 records (IQR 42–49) and, for each of them, the physician specified its perceived cardiovascular risk, LDL-c targets, and the suggested refinement in lipid-lowering-treatment (LLT). These physician-based evaluations were then compared to recommendations from EAS/EASD guidelines. Results: Collected records were mostly from patients with type 2 diabetes (94%), at very-high (72%) or high-cardiovascular risk (27%). Physician-based assessments of cardiovascular risk and of LDL-c targets, as compared to guidelines recommendation, were misclassified in 34.7% of the records. The misperceived assessment was significantly higher among females and those on primary prevention and was associated with 67% lower odds of achieving guidelines-recommended LDL-c targets (OR 0.33, p < 0.0001). Peripheral artery disease, target organ damage and LLT-initiated by primary-care-physicians were all factors associated with therapeutic-inertia (i.e., lower than expected probability of receiving high-intensity LLT). Physician-suggested LLT refinement was inadequate in 24% of overall records and increased to 38% among subjects on primary prevention and with misclassified cardiovascular risk. Conclusions: This survey highlights the need to improve the physicians’ misperceived cardiovascular risk and therapeutic inertia in patients with diabetes to successfully implement guidelines recommendations into everyday clinical practice

    Ensino e Aprendizagem de Matemática Através da Resolução de Problemas Como Prática Sociointeracionista

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    Resumo Neste artigo apresentamos uma experiência efetivamente prática e a abordagem do Ensino e da Aprendizagem de Matemática através da Resolução de Problemas, como prática sociointeracionista, desde suas constituições teórica e filosófica à sua prática educacional em um curso do Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e ao Emprego, dirigido pelo Instituto Federal de São Paulo – Campus Sertãozinho. Apresentamos um campo de estudo social, histórico e cultural como proposta da Resolução de Problemas, não apenas como uma metodologia de ensino-aprendizagem, mas sim como um campo de estudos que mantém vivo o movimento de ação/reflexão/ação por meio de conceitos e problemas da obra de Vygotsky. Lançamos mão dos elementos da autorregulação e metacognição pelo pensar-em-alta-voz na construção do conhecimento e na constituição da aprendizagem, além de alguns desdobramentos dessa prática no âmbito escolar

    Evaluation of the performance of Dutch Lipid Clinic Network score in an Italian FH population: The LIPIGEN study

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    Background and aims: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an inherited disorder characterized by high levels of blood cholesterol from birth and premature coronary heart disease. Thus, the identification of FH patients is crucial to prevent or delay the onset of cardiovascular events, and the availability of a tool helping with the diagnosis in the setting of general medicine is essential to improve FH patient identification.Methods: This study evaluated the performance of the Dutch Lipid Clinic Network (DLCN) score in FH patients enrolled in the LIPIGEN study, an Italian integrated network aimed at improving the identification of patients with genetic dyslipidaemias, including FH.Results: The DLCN score was applied on a sample of 1377 adults (mean age 42.9 +/- 14.2 years) with genetic diagnosis of FH, resulting in 28.5% of the sample classified as probable FH and 37.9% as classified definite FH. Among these subjects, 43.4% had at least one missing data out of 8, and about 10.0% had 4 missing data or more. When analyzed based on the type of missing data, a higher percentage of subjects with at least 1 missing data in the clinical history or physical examination was classified as possible FH (DLCN score 3-5). We also found that using real or estimated pre-treatment LDL-C levels may significantly modify the DLCN score.Conclusions: Although the DLCN score is a useful tool for physicians in the diagnosis of FH, it may be limited by the complexity to retrieve all the essential information, suggesting a crucial role of the clinical judgement in the identification of FH subjects

    Toward an international consensus-Integrating lipoprotein apheresis and new lipid-lowering drugs

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    Background: Despite advances in pharmacotherapy of lipid disorders, many dyslipidemic patients do not attain sufficient lipid lowering to mitigate risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Several classes of novel lipid-lowering agents are being evaluated to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk. Lipoprotein apheresis (LA) is effective in acutely lowering the plasma concentrations of atherogenic lipoproteins including low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and lipoprotein(a), and novel lipid-lowering drugs may dampen the lipid rebound effect of LA, with the possibility that LA frequency may be decreased, in some cases even be discontinued. Sources of material: This document builds on current American Society for Apheresis guidelines and, for the first time, makes recommendations from summarized data of the emerging lipid-lowering drug classes (inhibitors of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 or microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, high-density lipoprotein mimetic), including the available evidence on combination therapy with LA with respect to the management of patients with dyslipidemia. Abstract of findings: Recommendations for different indications are given based on the latest evidence. However, except for lomitapide in homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia and alirocumab/evolocumab in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia subjects, limited data are available on the effectiveness and safety of combination therapy. More studies on combining LA with novel lipid-lowering drugs are needed. Conclusion: Novel lipid-lowering agents have potential to improve the performance of LA, but more evidence is needed. The Multidisciplinary International Group for Hemapheresis TherapY and Metabolic DIsturbances Contrast scientific society aims to establish an international registry of clinical experience on LA combination therapy to expand the evidence on this treatment in individuals at high cardiovascular disease risk

    Contemporary lipid-lowering management and risk of cardiovascular events in homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: insights from the Italian LIPIGEN Registry

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    Aims: The availability of novel lipid-lowering therapies (LLTs) has remarkably changed the clinical management of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (HoFH). The impact of these advances was evaluated in a cohort of 139 HoFH patients followed in a real-world clinical setting. Methods and results: The clinical characteristics of 139 HoFH patients, along with information about LLTs and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels at baseline and after a median follow-up of 5 years, were retrospectively retrieved from the records of patients enrolled in the LIPid transport disorders Italian GEnetic Network-Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (LIPIGEN-FH) Registry. The annual rates of major atherosclerotic cardiovascular events (MACE-plus) during follow-up were compared before and after baseline. Additionally, the lifelong survival free from MACE-plus was compared with that of the historical LIPIGEN HoFH cohort. At baseline, LDL-C level was 332 ± 138 mg/dL. During follow-up, the potency of LLTs was enhanced and, at the last visit, 15.8% of patients were taking quadruple therapy. Consistently, LDL-C decreased to an average value of 124 mg/dL corresponding to a 58.3% reduction (Pt < 0.001), with the lowest value (∼90 mg/dL) reached in patients receiving proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitors and lomitapide and/or evinacumab as add-on therapies. The average annual MACE-plus rate in the 5-year follow-up was significantly lower than that observed during the 5 years before baseline visit (21.7 vs. 56.5 per 1000 patients/year; P = 0.0016). Conclusion: Our findings indicate that the combination of novel and conventional LLTs significantly improved LDL-C control with a signal of better cardiovascular prognosis in HoFH patients. Overall, these results advocate the use of intensive, multidrug LLTs to effectively manage HoFH

    Refinement of the diagnostic approach for the identification of children and adolescents affected by familial hypercholesterolemia: Evidence from the LIPIGEN study

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    Background and aims: We aimed to describe the limitations of familiar hypercholesterolemia (FH) diagnosis in childhood based on the presence of the typical features of FH, such as physical sings of cholesterol accumulation and personal or family history of premature cardiovascular disease or hypercholesterolemia, comparing their prevalence in the adult and paediatric FH population, and to illustrate how additional information can lead to a more effective diagnosis of FH at a younger age.Methods: From the Italian LIPIGEN cohort, we selected 1188 (>= 18 years) and 708 (<18 years) genetically-confirmed heterozygous FH, with no missing personal FH features. The prevalence of personal and familial FH features was compared between the two groups. For a sub-group of the paediatric cohort (N = 374), data about premature coronary heart disease (CHD) in second-degree family members were also included in the evaluation.Results: The lower prevalence of typical FH features in children/adolescents vs adults was confirmed: the prevalence of tendon xanthoma was 2.1% vs 13.1%, and arcus cornealis was present in 1.6% vs 11.2% of the cohorts, respectively. No children presented clinical history of premature CHD or cerebral/peripheral vascular disease compared to 8.8% and 5.6% of adults, respectively. The prevalence of premature CHD in first-degree relatives was significantly higher in adults compared to children/adolescents (38.9% vs 19.7%). In the sub-cohort analysis, a premature CHD event in parents was reported in 63 out of 374 subjects (16.8%), but the percentage increased to 54.0% extending the evaluation also to second-degree relatives.Conclusions: In children, the typical FH features are clearly less informative than in adults. A more thorough data collection, adding information about second-degree relatives, could improve the diagnosis of FH at younger age