54 research outputs found

    Road signs: walking among shapes and colors

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    Road signs provide information through the combination of three elements: shape, color and pictogram. The current road signs are projected to ensure safety but are designed for adults and not for children. Kids are not small adults and they have a different perception of reality. While planning of home-school pedestrian routes, it is necessary to create road signs that are comprehensible for children aged 6-14. Therefore the elements of road signs were studied individually. The study revealed that both the knowledge of geometric shapes and colors perception are closely related to age and culture and to the teachings which children are submitted to. In fact, some geometric shapes, like the circle, are perfectly recognized from childhood and others less so, such as the rectangle. Moreover children are attracted to basic colors but they are aware of the existence of pastel colors only with teaching. Finally, pictogram must represent a simple symbol that is easily recognized especially from far away. The message generated by the three elements is understandable by children. In fact, children overcome the phase of syncretism after the age of 6, which corresponds to the phase in which children are unable to analyses and syntheses. The result of the research has allowed to design road signs, both vertical and horizontal, that are able to ensure the safety of home-school routes. A road signs study was conducted for Cagliari’s project on road safety. This project involves the use of questionnaires to verify if the road signs are properly designed

    RFID technology for blood tracking: An experimental approach for benchmarking different devices

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of the paper is to design a testing protocol to measure performances of RFID devices applied to blood supply chain, and to implement an experimental campaign in order to collect performance data. The protocol matches operational conditions in blood supply chain and is particularly tailored to some critical processes, which can benefit from RFID adoption. The paper thus strives at benchmarking performances of inlays, fixed and handheld RFID readers, when deployed in the blood supply chain processes. DESIGN, METHODOLOGY, APPROACH: The adopted testing protocol enables the assessment of performances of RFID devices in processes of the blood supply chain, since it has been developed peculiarly to emulate critical logistics processes. The testing protocol has been designed jointly with hospital personnel involved in every day operations on blood bags and tubes in order to improve processes, in terms of safety and reliability. The testing protocol has been applied to 3 inlays, 2 fixed readers, 1 mobile handheld in 3 logistics processes, all operating according to UHF EPC class 1 gen 2 protocols and ETSI regulations. We measured and compared read rates, accuracies and read times. FINDINGS: The results of the test give a direct insight of performances to be expected from different RFID devices when deployed in a real-world environment. Therefore, it is possible to give answers to how a specific piece of hardware - such as an inlay or a reader - performs, and how it can be effectively used to improve security of patients in healthcare. At the same time, researchers focusing on the business process reengineering of blood supply chain can assess the technical feasibility of the RFID-reengineered logistics processes in order to improve the safety of end users

    Il “prima” e il “dopo” nella narrazione del passato. Memoria di un adattamento industriale nella Sardegna centrale

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    Tra il 1969 e il 1974 ha luogo in Sardegna una seconda fase di industrializzazione, successiva a quella che ha coinvolto Porto Torres, Assemini e Sarroch. Al centro del maestoso progetto industriale, inserito nel Piano di Rinascita della Sardegna e finanziato dalla Cassa per il Mezzogiorno [1], questa volta si trova la realizzazione di un importante stabilimento petrolchimico a Ottana, piccolo centro abitato ai piedi della Barbagia di Nuoro. Da quel momento ha inizio, fra gli abitanti del paese, un ambiguo processo narrativo che inserisce la scelta di Ottana, e l’operato industriale dello Stato, in un percorso storico locale che ha già visto l’intervento esogeno nell’epoca “gloriosa” del Medioevo, quando la località fu designata sede di un’importante Diocesi del centro Sardegna. Una visione “ciclica” nella narrazione del passato locale è, perciò, alla base di molti racconti dei protagonisti del percorso industriale, ed è su questo peculiare processo di descrizione del passaggio dal “prima” al “dopo” dell’industria che cerco di riflettere in quest’occasione.[1] La CasMez, ente pubblico nato nel 1950 e soppresso nel 1984, aveva il compito di finanziare attività economiche dirette a colmare il divario socio-economico tra Meridione e Settentrion

    El carnaval como instrumento para exorcizar el pasado industrial. La experiencia de Ottana (Italia)

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    In this article, based on a field study carried out in Ottana, a town in the center of Sardinia (Italy), I propose to reflect on the peculiar process of “patrimonialization” that has interested the Ottana community after the industrialization, led by the State, in the seventies. Taking as an object of study the artistic productions linked to the local Carnival of “boes e merdules”, I analyze the function of the art in the process of exorcization of the industrial past, already failed one decade ago. What emerges is a unique identity configuration of the heritage, strictly linked to the industrial event, which will allow us to observe the relationship of the community with the otherness of the State.En este artículo, a partir de un estudio de campo realizado en Ottana, pueblo situado en el centro de Cerdeña (Italia), me propongo reflexionar sobre el peculiar proceso de “patrimonialización” que ha interesado a la comunidad de Ottana tras la industrialización, dirigida por el Estado, de los años setenta. Tomando como objeto de estudio las producciones artísticas ligadas al Carnaval local de “boes e merdules”, analizo la función de lo artístico en el proceso de exorcización del pasado industrial, ya fracasado hace una década. Lo que emerge es una singular configuración identitaria del patrimonio estrictamente ligada al evento industrial, y que nos permitirá observar la relación de la comunidad con la alteridad estatal

    The mitigation role of collaterals and guarantees under Basel II

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    Under the Basel II framework for capital adequacy of banks, regulatory financial collateral and guarantees (C&G ) can affect lending policy in both a micro and a macro perspective. This paper aims at assessing these effects throught the modelling of the impact of C&G on credit spreads. In doing this we assume the perspective of a bank adopting a Foundation Internal Rating Based approach to measure credit risk and we apply a comparative-static analysis to a pricing model, based on the intrinsic value pricing approach as in the loan arbitrage-free pricing model (LAFP) suggested by Dermine (1996). Our results show that financial collaterals are more effective than guarantees in reducing credit spreads, this differential impact becoming greater as the borrower’s rating worsen. Moreover, the effects of C&G on credit spreads can be more effective than an improvement of borrower’s rating, this possibly leading to negative outfits on credit industries’ allocative efficiency.JRC.G.1-Scientific Support to Financial Analysi

    Deposit Insurance Schemes: target fund and risk-based contributions in line with Basel II regulation

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    This paper discusses a deposit insurance model recently developed by De Lisa et al. (2010), highlighting its policy implications. Compared to existing ones, the model proposed by De Lisa et al. (2010) presents the important advantage of taking into account Basel 2 banking regulation, thus linking two pillars of financial safety net: banks' capital requirements and deposit insurance. The model, which estimates the potential loss hitting a Deposit Insurance Scheme (DIS) under several economic scenarios, can be used to establish the target size of the fund, which is the amount of money that the DIS should have available in case of need. Moreover the model can be used to estimate the contribution (to this loss) that each bank should pay to the fund according to its degree of riskiness.JRC.DG.G.9-Econometrics and applied statistic

    Non-invasive Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve Assessment Predicts Adverse Outcome In Women With unstable angina Without Obstructive Coronary Artery Stenosis

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    Background: Evaluation of coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) is the physiological approach to assess the severity of coronary stenosis and microvascular dysfunction. Impaired CFVR occurs frequently in women with suspected or known coronary artery disease . The aim of this study was to assess the role of CFVR to predict long-term cardiovascular event rate in women with unstable angina (UA) without obstructive coronary artery stenosis. Methods: CFVR in left anterior descending coronary artery was assessed by adenosine transthoracic echocardiograhy in 161 women admitted at our Department with UA and without obstructive coronary artery disease. Results: During a mean FU of 32.5 ±19.6 months, 53 cardiac events occurred: 6 nonfatal acute myocardial infarction , 22 UA, 7 coronary revascularization by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, 1 coronary bypass surgery, 3 ischemic stroke and 8 episodes of congestive heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and 6 cardiac deaths. Using a ROC curve analysis, CFVR 2.14 was the best predictor of cardiac events and was considered as abnormal CFVR. Abnormal CFVR was associated with lower cardiac event-free survival (30% vs 80%, p<0.0001). During FU, 70% of women with reduced CFVR had cardiac events whereas only 20% with normal CFVR (p=0.0001). At multivariate Cox analysis, smoke habitus (p=0.003), metabolic syndrome (p=0.01), and CFVR (p<0.0001) were significantly associated with cardiac events at FU. Conclusion: Noninvasive CFVR provides an independent predictor of cardiovascular prognosis information in women with UA without obstructive coronary artery disease whereas, impaired CFVR seems to be associated with higher CV events at FU

    Percutaneous Vertebral Reconstruction (PVR) Technique of Pathological Compression Fractures: An Innovative Combined Treatment of Microwave Ablation, Bilateral Expandable Titanium SpineJack Implants Followed by Vertebroplasty

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    Background: to retrospectively evaluate safety and efficacy of combined microwave ablation (MWA) and bilateral expandable titanium SpineJack (SJ) implants followed by vertebroplasty (VP) for the treatment of painful thoracolumbar pathological vertebral compression fracture. (2) Methods: from July 2017 to October 2022, twenty-eight patients (13 women and 15 men; mean age 68 ± 11 years) with a history of primary neoplasm and thirty-six painful vertebral metastases with vertebral compression fracture underwent combined MWA and bilateral expandable titanium SpineJack implants with vertebroplasty. We analyzed safety through complications rate, and efficacy through vertebral height restoration and pain decrease, evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS), and Functional Mobility Scale (FMS), and local tumor control. Contrast-enhanced CT scans were performed at 1, 3, and 6 months and a contrast-enhanced spine MRI at 6 months after the procedure. (3) Results: Technical success rate was 100%. No procedure-related major complications or death occurred. Vertebral height restoration was observed in 22 levels (58%), with a mean anterior height restoration of 2.6 mm ± 0.6 and a mean middle height restoration of 4.4 mm ± 0.6 (p < 0.001). Mean VAS score of pain evaluation on the day before treatment was 6.3 ± 1.5 (range 4–9). At the 6-month evaluation, the median VAS score for pain was 0.4 ± 0.6 (range 0–2) with a mean reduction of 93.65% (6.8 ± 0.7 vs. 0.4 ± 0.6; p < 0.000) compared with baseline evaluation. Contrast-enhanced CT scans were performed at 1, 3, and 6 months and a contrast-enhanced spine MRI was performed at 6 months after the procedure, showing no local recurrence, implant displacement, or new fractures in the treated site. (4) Conclusions: combined microwave ablation and bilateral expandable titanium SpineJack implants with vertebroplasty is a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of pathological compressive vertebral fractures. The vertebral stabilization achieved early and persistent pain relief, increasing patient mobility, improving recovery of walking capacity, and providing local tumor control

    Ketoacidosis at diagnosis in childhood-onset diabetes and the risk of retinopathy 20years later

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    Aims To investigate on the relationship between severity of ketoacidosis, an important risk factor for C-peptide preservation, and long-term microvascular complications in childhood-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Methods 230 childhood-onset diabetic patients (177 pre-pubertal), aged 7.0 \ub1 3.8 years followed for at least 15 years after their diagnosis, were enrolled. Clinical and laboratory data at diagnosis, and C-peptide levels in a subset of patients, were compared with the severity of retinopathy and nephropathy, after a mean of 19.6 \ub1 3.8 years of disease. Digital retinal photographs were taken in all patients, and centrally graded. Repeated measurements of HbA1c and microalbuminuria for the whole duration of diabetes were collected in over half of the cases. Results Out of 230 patients, those with the lowest age at diagnosis had the most severe DKA and clinical conditions (p < 0.05), and lower C-peptide levels (p < 0.0001) at diagnosis. There was a significant relationship between pH and clinical severity (r = - 0.783, p < 0.0001), and between pH and C-peptide levels (r = 0.278, p < 0.05). The severity of ketoacidosis had no relationship with subsequent lifetime HbA1c values and long-term microvascular complications. In logistic regression analysis, the only variables that independently influenced severity of retinopathy were lifetime HbA1c (B = 0.838, p < 0.001), duration of disease (B = 0.208, p < 0.005) and age at diagnosis (B = 0.116, p < 0.05). Conclusions The degree of metabolic derangement at diagnosis is not associated with retinopathy and nephropathy in childhood-onset T1DM. Age at diagnosis seems to be an important variable to be considered when evaluating the long-term effects of residual beta-cell function

    Genetic loci linked to Type 1 Diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis families in Sardinia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Mediterranean island of Sardinia has a strikingly high incidence of the autoimmune disorders Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Furthermore, the two diseases tend to be co-inherited in the same individuals and in the same families. These observations suggest that some unknown autoimmunity variant with relevant effect size could be fairly common in this founder population and could be detected using linkage analysis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To search for T1D and MS loci as well as any that predispose to both diseases, we performed a whole genome linkage scan, sequentially genotyping 593 microsatellite marker loci in 954 individuals distributed in 175 Sardinian families. In total, 413 patients were studied; 285 with T1D, 116 with MS and 12 with both disorders. Model-free linkage analysis was performed on the genotyped samples using the Kong and Cox logarithm of odds (LOD) score statistic.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In T1D, aside from the HLA locus, we found four regions showing a lod-score ≥1; 1p31.1, 6q26, 10q21.2 and 22q11.22. In MS we found three regions showing a lod-score ≥1; 1q42.2, 18p11.21 and 20p12.3. In the combined T1D-MS scan for shared autoimmunity loci, four regions showed a LOD >1, including 6q26, 10q21.2, 20p12.3 and 22q11.22. When we typed more markers in these intervals we obtained suggestive evidence of linkage in the T1D scan at 10q21.2 (LOD = 2.1), in the MS scan at 1q42.2 (LOD = 2.5) and at 18p11.22 (LOD = 2.6). When all T1D and MS families were analysed jointly we obtained suggestive evidence in two regions: at 10q21.1 (LOD score = 2.3) and at 20p12.3 (LOD score = 2.5).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This suggestive evidence of linkage with T1D, MS and both diseases indicates critical chromosome intervals to be followed up in downstream association studies.</p