75 research outputs found

    Numerical investigation of fluid structure interaction between unsteady flow and vibrating liner in a combustion chamber

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    Numerical investigations of fluid structure interaction between unsteady flow\ud and vibrating liner in a combustion chamber are undertaken. The computational study consist of two approaches. Firstly, a partioned procedure consists of coupling the LES code AVBP for combustion modelling with the FEM code CaluliX for structural dynamic analysis. The CFD code CFX together with the FEM Ansys package are then used.\ud Results of unsteady fluid structure interaction applied to combustion system are presented and compare well with experimental results

    Wetting of anisotropic sinusoidal surfaces - experimental and numerical study of directional spreading

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    Directional wettability, i.e. variation of wetting properties depending on the surface orientation, can be achieved by anisotropic surface texturing. A new high precision process can produce homogeneous sinusoidal surfaces (in particular parallel grooves) at the micro-scale, with a nano-scale residual roughness five orders of magnitude smaller than the texture features. Static wetting experiments have shown that this pattern, even with a very small aspect ratio, can induce a strong variation of contact angle depending on the direction of observation. A comparison with numerical simulations (using Surface Evolver software) shows good agreement and could be used to predict the fluid-solid interaction and droplet behaviour on textured surfaces. Two primary mechanisms of directional spreading of water droplets on textured stainless steel surface have been identified. The first one is the mechanical barrier created by the textured surface peaks, this limits spreading in perpendicular direction to the surface anisotropy. The second one is the capillary action inside the sinusoidal grooves accelerating spreading along the grooves. Spreading has been shown to depend strongly on the history of wetting and internal drop dynamics

    Dropwise condensation heat transfer process optimisation on superhydrophobic surfaces using a multi-disciplinary approach

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    Dropwise condensation has superior heat transfer efficiency than filmwise condensation; however condensate evacuation from the surface still remains a significant technological challenge. The process of droplets jumping, against adhesive forces, from a solid surface upon coalescence has been studied using both experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. Both Lattice Boltzmann (LBM) and Volume of Fluid (VOF) methods have been used to evaluate different kinematic conditions of coalescence inducing a jump velocity. In this paper, an optimisation framework for superhydrophobic surface designs is presented which uses experimentally verified high fidelity CFD analyses to identify optimal combinations of design features which maximise desirable characteristics such as the vertical velocity of the merged jumping droplet from the surface and energy efficiency. A Radial Basis Function (RBF)-based surrogate modelling approach using design of experiment (DOE) technique was used to establish near-optimal initial process parameters around which to focus the study. This multidisciplinary approach allows us to evaluate the jumping phenomenon for superhydrophobic surfaces for which several input parameters may be varied, so as to improve the heat transfer exchange rate on the surface during condensation. Reliable conditions were found to occur for droplets within initial radius range of r=20-40 μm and static contact angle θs~160º. Moreover, the jumping phenomenon was observed for droplets with initial radius of up to 500 μm. Lastly, our study also reveals that a critical contact angle for droplets to jump upon coalescence is θc~140º

    Energy Efficiency Optimization of Superhydrophobic Surfaces for Enhanced Condensation Heat Transfer

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    The process of droplets jumping, against adhesive forces, from a solid surface upon coalescence has been studied in detail using experimentally-validated CFD modelling. Both Lattice Boltzmann and Volume of Fluid methods have been used to evaluate different kinematic conditions of coalescence inducing a jump velocity. Design of experiment techniques were used to establish near-optimal initial process parameters around which to focus the study. This multidisciplinary approach allows us to evaluate the jumping phenomenon for super-hydrophobic surfaces for which several input parameters may be varied, so as to improve the heat transfer exchange rate on the surface during condensation. Reliable conditions were found to occur for droplets within initial radius range of r=20-40 μm and static contact angle θs~160º. Moreover, the jumping phenomenon was observed for droplets with initial radius of up to 500 μm. Our study also shows that a critical contact angle for droplets to jump upon coalescence is θc~140º

    Indirect adaptive fuzzy finite time synergetic control for power systems

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    Introduction. Budget constraints in a world ravenous for electrical power have led utility companies to operate generating stations with full power and sometimes at the limit of stability. In such drastic conditions the occurrence of any contingency or disturbance may lead to a critical situation starting with poorly damped oscillations followed by loss of synchronism and power system instability. In the past decades, the utilization of supplementary excitation control signals for improving power system stability has received much attention. Power system stabilizers (PSS) are used to generate supplementary control signals for the excitation system in order to damp low-frequency oscillations caused by load disturbances or short-circuit faults. Problem. Adaptive power system stabilizers have been proposed to adequately deal with a wide range of operating conditions, but they suffer from the major drawback of requiring parameter model identification, state observation and on-line feedback gain computation. Power systems are nonlinear systems, with configurations and parameters that fluctuate with time that which require a fully nonlinear model and an adaptive control scheme for a practical operating environment. A new nonlinear adaptive fuzzy approach based on synergetic control theory which has been developed for nonlinear power system stabilizers to overcome above mentioned problems. Aim. Synergetic control theory has been successfully applied in the design of power system stabilizers is a most promising robust control technique relying on the same principle of invariance found in sliding mode control, but without its chattering drawback. In most of its applications, synergetic control law was designed based on an asymptotic stability analysis and the system trajectories evolve to a specified attractor reaching the equilibrium in an infinite time. In this paper an indirect finite time adaptive fuzzy synergetic power system stabilizer for damping local and inter-area modes of oscillations for power systems is presented. Methodology. The proposed controller design is based on an adaptive fuzzy control combining a synergetic control theory with a finite-time attractor and Lyapunov synthesis. Enhancing existing adaptive fuzzy synergetic power system stabilizer, where fuzzy systems are used to approximate unknown system dynamics and robust synergetic control for only providing asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system, the proposed technique procures finite time convergence property in the derivation of the continuous synergetic control law. Analytical proofs for finite time convergence are presented confirming that the proposed adaptive scheme can guarantee that system signals are bounded and finite time stability obtained. Results. The performance of the proposed stabilizer is evaluated for a single machine infinite bus system and for a multi machine power system under different type of disturbances. Simulation results are compared to those obtained with a conventional adaptive fuzzy synergetic controller.Вступ. Бюджетні обмеження у світі, жадібному до електроенергії, змушують комунальні підприємства експлуатувати станції, що генерують, на повну потужність, а іноді і на межі стабільності. У таких різких умовах виникнення будь-якої позаштатної ситуації або збурення може призвести до виникнення критичної ситуації, що починається з погано згасаючих коливань з подальшою втратою синхронізму та нестійкістю енергосистеми. В останні десятиліття велика увага приділялася використанню додаткових сигналів, керуючих збудження, для підвищення стійкості енергосистеми. Стабілізатори енергосистеми (СЕС) служать для вироблення додаткових сигналів керування системою збудження з метою гасіння низькочастотних коливань, спричинених збуреннями навантаження або короткими замиканнями. Проблема. Адаптивні стабілізатори енергосистем були запропоновані для того, щоб адекватно справлятися з широким діапазоном робочих умов, але вони страждають від основного недоліку, що полягає в необхідності ідентифікації моделі параметрів, спостереження за станом та обчислення коефіцієнта посилення зворотного зв'язку в режимі реального часу. Енергетичні системи є нелінійними системами з конфігураціями та параметрами, які змінюються з часом, що потребує повністю нелінійної моделі та схеми адаптивного управління для практичного операційного середовища. Новий нелінійний адаптивно-нечіткий підхід, заснований на синергетичній теорії управління, розроблений для нелінійних стабілізаторів енергосистем для подолання вищезазначених проблем. Мета. Теорія синергетичного управління успішно застосовувалася під час проєктування стабілізаторів енергосистем. Це найбільш перспективний надійний метод управління, заснований на тому ж принципі інваріантності, що і в ковзному режимі управління, але без його недоліку, пов'язаного з вібрацією. У більшості своїх програм синергетичний закон управління був розроблений на основі аналізу асимптотичної стійкості, і траєкторії системи еволюціонують до заданого атрактора, що досягає рівноваги за нескінченний час. У статті подано непрямий адаптивний нечіткий синергетичний стабілізатор енергосистеми з кінцевим часом для гасіння локальних та міжзонових мод коливань енергосистем. Методологія. Пропонована конструкція регулятора заснована на адаптивному нечіткому управлінні, що поєднує синергетичну теорію управління з атрактором кінцевого часу та синтезом Ляпунова. Удосконалюючи існуючий стабілізатор адаптивної нечіткої синергетичної енергосистеми, де нечіткі системи використовуються для апроксимації динаміки невідомої системи та надійного синергетичного управління тільки для забезпечення асимптотичної стійкості замкнутої системи, запропонований метод забезпечує властивість збіжності за кінцевий час при виведенні безперервного синергетичного закону керування. Наведено аналітичні докази збіжності за кінцевий час, що підтверджують, що запропонована адаптивна схема може гарантувати обмеженість сигналів системи та отримання стійкості за кінцевий час. Результати. Працездатність пропонованого стабілізатора оцінюється для одномашинної системи з нескінченними шинами і багатомашинної енергосистеми при різних типах збурень. Результати моделювання порівнюються з результатами, отриманими за допомогою звичайного нечіткого адаптивного синергетичного регулятора

    Substrate Wettability Influences Internal Jet Formation and Mixing during Droplet Coalescence

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    The internal dynamics during the axisymmetric coalescence of an initially static free droplet and a sessile droplet of the same fluid are studied using both laboratory experiments and numerical simulations. A high-speed camera captured internal flows from the side, visualized by adding a dye to the free droplet. The numerical simulations employ the volume of fluid method, with the Kistler dynamic contact angle model to capture substrate wettability, quantitatively validated against the image-processed experiments. It is shown that an internal jet can be formed when capillary waves reflected from the contact line create a small tip with high curvature on top of the coalesced droplet that propels fluid toward the substrate. Jet formation is found to depend on the substrate wettability, which influences capillary wave reflection; the importance of the advancing contact angle subordinated to that of the receding contact angle. It is systematically shown via regime maps that jet formation is enhanced by increasing the receding contact angle and by decreasing the droplet viscosity. Jets are seen at volume ratios very different from those accepted for free droplets, showing that a substrate with appropriate wettability can improve the efficiency of fluid mixing

    Indirect adaptive fuzzy finite time synergetic control for power systems

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    Introduction. Budget constraints in a world ravenous for electrical power have led utility companies to operate generating stations with full power and sometimes at the limit of stability. In such drastic conditions the occurrence of any contingency or disturbance may lead to a critical situation starting with poorly damped oscillations followed by loss of synchronism and power system instability. In the past decades, the utilization of supplementary excitation control signals for improving power system stability has received much attention. Power system stabilizers (PSS) are used to generate supplementary control signals for the excitation system in order to damp low-frequency oscillations caused by load disturbances or short-circuit faults. Problem. Adaptive power system stabilizers have been proposed to adequately deal with a wide range of operating conditions, but they suffer from the major drawback of requiring parameter model identification, state observation and on-line feedback gain computation. Power systems are nonlinear systems, with configurations and parameters that fluctuate with time that which require a fully nonlinear model and an adaptive control scheme for a practical operating environment. A new nonlinear adaptive fuzzy approach based on synergetic control theory which has been developed for nonlinear power system stabilizers to overcome above mentioned problems. Aim. Synergetic control theory has been successfully applied in the design of power system stabilizers is a most promising robust control technique relying on the same principle of invariance found in sliding mode control, but without its chattering drawback. In most of its applications, synergetic control law was designed based on an asymptotic stability analysis and the system trajectories evolve to a specified attractor reaching the equilibrium in an infinite time. In this paper an indirect finite time adaptive fuzzy synergetic power system stabilizer for damping local and inter-area modes of oscillations for power systems is presented. Methodology. The proposed controller design is based on an adaptive fuzzy control combining a synergetic control theory with a finite-time attractor and Lyapunov synthesis. Enhancing existing adaptive fuzzy synergetic power system stabilizer, where fuzzy systems are used to approximate unknown system dynamics and robust synergetic control for only providing asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system, the proposed technique procures finite time convergence property in the derivation of the continuous synergetic control law. Analytical proofs for finite time convergence are presented confirming that the proposed adaptive scheme can guarantee that system signals are bounded and finite time stability obtained. Results. The performance of the proposed stabilizer is evaluated for a single machine infinite bus system and for a multi machine power system under different type of disturbances. Simulation results are compared to those obtained with a conventional adaptive fuzzy synergetic controller

    Procedimiento para la purificación de Triglicéridos que contienen ácido Estearidónico en posición SN-2

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    Número de publicación: ES2363518 A1 (08.08.2011)También publicado como: ES2363518 A8 (10.04.2012), ES2363518 B1 (13.06.2012)Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201000070(23.01.2010)Procedimiento para la purificación de triglicéridos que contiene ácido estearidónico en posición sn-2. La invención se refiere a un procedimiento para la purificación de TGs ricos en SDA en posición sn-2 mediante cromatografía en columna gravimétrica, a un extracto de TGs ricos en SDA en posición sn-2 obtenido mediante dicho procedimiento y su uso en la industria.Univerisda de Almerí