10 research outputs found

    Diseño y desarrollo de espacios web para los programas académicos de UNISANGIL, que proyecten sus particularidades, ajustándose a un modelo de construcción repetible

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    Las características de los diversos programas académicos que conforman una institución, presentan necesidades específicas de información y diseño a la hora de presentar sus datos enla Web, no siendo cubiertas en su totalidad por un modelo de construcción tradicional, lo que motiva el desarrollo de diversos sitios Web que sigan una metodología de software completa y ajustada, habilitando el seguimiento de los procesos y asegurando una repetición de actividades y modelos experimentados en su construcción. Este documento habla de esa experiencia y la propuesta de la necesidad que la motiva


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    In this work, antiviral effect of Mexican propolis was evaluated in vitro on MDBK (Madin Darby Bovine Kidney) cell cultures infected with pseudorabies virus (PRV). First was carried the cytotoxicity test of the ethanol extract of propolis (EEP) on this cell culture, subsequently, the infective dose of virus Shope strain was determined for the infection of cell cultures and finally the interaction between EPP and virus was done at cell culture level (two hours before, during and two hours later of infection). Also, cell culture samples with the same treatments were processed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to observe possible alterations of propolis on the virus. It was determined that using the treatment of 0.5 mg / ml of EEP two hours before being infected, the culture shows a reduction in the number of plaque forming units compared to the other treatments or with the culture infected, it is important to note that the difference found was statistically significant (


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    The present study describes the formation of the Anglo Nubian breed in Britain and follows up the original transfer of the founder breeds to Britain in the 19th century. An overview on the worldwide spread of the Anglo Nubian from Britain to the USA and Canada, later to Africa and Asia as well as Latin America is given. Information was compiled through project reports, literature, statistical records where available and accessible and interviews with experts. It is concluded that the Anglo Nubian is an example of a breed developed by combining genetic resources from different parts of the world joining performance and adaptation to tropical conditions. The breed spread to all continents. Apart from being kept as purebreds, it is more often used in crossbreeding programmes in different regions of the world. The value of this genetic resource has been recognized a long time ago, but there seem to be no efforts to counteract the danger of loosing it by excessive use in uncontrolled crossbreeding


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    This paper takes up the case of two market-sheds in the southern Ethiopian highlands (namely Adilo and Kofele) to examine the factors affecting the adoption of small ruminant related technologies in mixed-farming systems. A survey was conducted using semi-structured questionnaires with 155 randomly selected small ruminant keepers between May and June 2006. Farmers in each site initiated new practices like small ruminant fattening and managing a household ‘veterinary kit’. Logistic regression analysis revealed that size of land and livestock holdings significantly affected the adoption of small ruminant technologies in both study sites. Farmer variables such as gender, literacy, age and family size appeared to influence adoption only in one location. In the densely populated area, Adilo, the adoption of more intensive feeding technology of commercial concentrates decreased with increasing farm size only up to a point. Younger farmers, female farmers and literate household heads were more likely to adopt the utilization of commercial concentrates. In relatively resource rich Kofele, treating small ruminants via the household veterinary kit increased with number of livestock, however with farm size only up to the point at which it reached a maximum. The present study showed that location or production system remarkably affects the options of interventions and determines their adoption

    Factores de riesgo cardiovasculares para la aceptación de estilos de vida saludables, barrio Rojas Pinilla, San Gil

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    Introducción. El propósito del presente estudio fue desarrollar estrategias que mediante la participación activa de la comunidad permitan la aceptación de estilos de vida saludable que prevengan enfermedades cardiovasculares. Metodología. Se realizó una investigación de acción participación con la colaboración de 20 personas entre 40 – 80 años de edad del barrio Rojas Pinilla de San Gil. Se ejecutó una reunión con la comunidad y un especialista en el tema, indagándose sobre la experiencia personal y conocimiento de  problemas cardiovasculares, y control y/o prevención de factores predisponentes como tabaquismo, colesterol alto, diabetes, estrés y sedentarismo. Resultados. Se realizaron compromisos con los participantes teniendo en cuenta los factores de riesgo cardiovascular identificados, posteriormente se evaluaron los compromisos adquiridos: disminución de azúcar y grasa en alimentos con un cumplimiento del 50% (10); el 100% (20) considera importantes los compromisos para la salud; 60% (12) dijo sentirse mejor  al cumplir los compromisos; sin embargo se presentaron olvidos de los compromisos en 45% (9) de los casos. Conclusión. Se observaron cambios de la conducta hacia estilos de vida saludable con el seguimiento de las actividades


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    Grower’s previous experience and their ability to communicate technical information to other growers, allows greater adoption of technologies. Thus, appropriation of technologies of mite management and sampling was evaluated, based on the “Simultaneous Productive Growth Groups (SPGG)†technology transfer model. A preliminary diagnosis was made, evaluating the technology transfer achieved by six leading growers showing up continuously to seven meetings carried out from March to July 2010, and also by 19 growers showing up on a more irregular basis. All growers were from the municipality of Cotaxtla and belonged to the Papaya-Product-System of Veracruz, Mexico. Participation, attitude and efficacy of training were evaluated with a survey. Forty-two percent of growers considered the papaya ring spot virus as the main problem and 48 % revealed spider mites as the second one; 96 % used pesticides on spider mites. Participation of the SPGG basic group was 71 %, who agreed on sampling, recording data in sampling forms and using selective acaricides. Seventy percent were able to recognize spider mites from predatory mites and 83 % recognized selective acaricides. Growers considered that sampling can help reduce control costs. The SPGG model allowed building collective knowledge and better decision making by the working group


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    Mites are considered the second pest in importance in papaya (Carica papaya L.) in Veracruz, Mexico, caused by a general increment in pesticide use that might unbalance predatory populations. Efficacy of acaricides was evaluated against phytophagous mites, and their selectivity to predators in papaya cv. Maradol. A completely randomized block design with nine treatments and four replications was used. Significant differences (P = 0.005) were found in the number of phytophagous mites alive per leaf after the third weekly application. The lowest populations of pest mites per leaf (2.6, 3.9, 3.5 and 4.9) were observed in the following treatments: dicofol rotated with bifenthrin, paraffinic oil alone, sulphur powder alone and a weekly regime of fatty acid salts followed by paraffinic oil and azadirachtin 1.2%. Azadirachtin 1.2% alone had a lower efficacy than the previous group (5.8 mites per leaf), and the following pesticides were not significantly different (P > 0.05) than the control (17.4 mites per leaf): fatty acids sprayed alone (6.7), azadirachtin 4.5% alone (9.5) and drenched imidacloprid (7.6). No differences were found among treatments in the number of predatory mites, possibly due to the low mite densities found