46 research outputs found


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    Changes in position is one of the nursing interventions in the management of patients with mechanical ventilation. Several studies found contradictory effects in different groups of patients. Subiyanto (2018) states that the elevation position of the head 30 degrees lateral left with a time of 5 minutes to 30 minutes has been effective to provide positive changes to the hemodynamic status. But at the Hospital the time used to position the patient is 120 minutes, so it is necessary to know the hemodynamic changes that occur during 120 minute. This studyaaimed to determineathe effective time for the left lateral position of the head elevation of 30 degrees to the hemodynamic status. The research design used was a quasi experimental pre-test-posttest design with a control group. The population was all patients who were installed mechanically at the ICU General Hospital (RSU) Tangerang District in April to July 2019. Samples of 15 respondents in the intervention group and 15 respondents in the control group used purposive sampling technique. Results Estimated significant influence between the left lateral position of the head elevation of 30 degrees to the hemodynamic status on systolic blood pressure P value 0.045, diastolic blood pressure value P 0.001, MAP value P 0.000, Heart Rate value P 0.002 and respiratory rate P value 0.09. There is no effect on SPO2 P value 0.334. No effective time was identified for the implementation of the left lateral position of the head elevation of 30 degrees to the hemodynamic status. in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, MAP, Hearth Rate and Respiratory Rate there was a significant increase in the mean value for 120 minutes, while in SPO2 there was a change in the average value of SPO2.Keywords: Left Lateral Position, 300 Head Elevation, Hemodynami

    Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Cacat Hollow Alumunium Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma dengan Tahapan DMAIC (Studi Kasus di PT. XYZ Surabaya)

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    PT. XYZ is a manufacturing company that produces various aluminum products, such as truss, battens, hollow and galvalume. In order to improve and control product quality and minimize product defects, the first step that companies need to do is to find the root of any problems regarding product quality that do not meet specifications. In this study, an analysis of hollow product quality control was carried out using the six sigma method under DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) stages to reduce defective products. Six sigma is a quality control method that pays more attention to the creation of high quality products with the smallest possible defect rate. The results showed that there were three types of product defects, namely detached clamp, eroded material and some wavy parts. From the DPMO and sigma calculation of hollow product, it is known that the average level of DPMO is 20,615 and sigma value is 3.6.


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    A study of alternative locality of botanic garden developments and flora explorations in deciduous monsoon forests based on forest type distribution in Nusa Tenggara has been carried out. The forest type distribution was allegedly obtained through overlay process of vegetation formation and satellite image of forest covering using software Arc-GIS versi 10.3. in Nusa Tenggara. A total of five forest types succeeded in mapping of Nusa Tenggara forests namely, evergreen rain forests (1008.77 km2), semi-evergreen rain forests (2944.98 km2), moist deciduous forests (6120.36 km2), dry deciduous forests (7955.18 km2) and thorn forests (93.07 km2). The existing forests in Nusa Tenggara reached 18122.36 km2 or 27.30%, in total. All of regencies/cities in Nusa Tenggara seemed appropriate to botanic garden developments, themed deciduous monsoon forests, based on habitat compatibility. At least each botanic garden developments covering an area of 10 ha consist of 500 species of potential trees collection. There are 58 coordinate point sites in which scattered in13 sub types of deciduous monsoon forests as a guide for exploration sites are recommended. It is about 487 species (trees, shrubs and woody plants) are potentially collected. Several large families are found such as Leguminosae (49 species), Malvaceae (28 species), Meliaceae (26 species), Moraceae (25 species), Rubiaceae and Rutaceae (23 species on each). A total of 59 species are listed in the IUCN red list, particularly four endangered species and 12 vulnerable species as put priority when conducting plant explorations


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    Kepuasan konsumen merupakan faktor utama yang seharusnya menjadi perhatian dari penyedia layanan. Kepuasan dapat berimbas pada loyalitas konsumen terhadap suatu perusahaan. CV. XYZ adalah perusahaan penyedia peralatan dan bahan baku kebutuhan digital printing Untuk bisa menghadapi kompetisi usaha yang semakin sulit maka perusahaan harus terus memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas serta inovasi produk untuk memenuhi keinginan konsumen. Untuk mewujudkan itu perusahaan harus melakukan perbaikan secara terus menerus untuk tercapai kepuasan pelanggan. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang dilakukan diketahui adanya konsumen yang tidak repeat order sehingga menyebabkan penurunan jumlah pelanggan serta keluhan pelanggan mengenai ketersedian produk yang membuat konsumen harus pre order terlebih dahulu. untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan perlu dilakukan analisa kualitas pelayanan yang telah diberikan supaya mengetahui tingkat pelayanan apa saja yang kurang memuaskan, sehingga dapat dilakukan perbaikan kualitas pelayanan untuk meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode servqual untuk mengetahui tingkat kualitas pelayanan. Dari hasil servqual didapat 5 atribut pelayanan yang kurang dari total 14 atribut pelayanan. Setelah didapat pelayanan yang kurang selanjutnya dilakukan analisa solusi perbaikan menggunakan metode TRIZ. Dari pengolahan data dengan metode TRIZ didapat usulan solusi perbaikan sesuai dengan 3 prinsip inventif TRIZ yaitu prinsip no. 10 preliminary action, prinsip no. 15 dynamics dan prinsip no. 32 color changes

    A Biological Study of Larvae and Adult Hemonchus contortus in Goat

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    A biological study of larvae and adult Hemonchus contortus was carried out in goat. The aims of this study were to know the capability of the infective larvae (L3) development to adult, and the prepaten period of H. contortus. A number of 14 goat abomasum collected from Ngampilan Slaughterhouse, Yogyakarta Province was used as source of H. contortus. Eggs worm were collected from direct surgery of the H. contortus in physiological saline. The egg development of H. contortus to the L3 stadium was carried out by a modification Harada-Morito, whereas the development of the L3 to adult and the prepaten period were studied in the goat asexperimental animal in vivo. Before the goat necropsied, the diagnosis of H. contortus egg was done every two day post infection and started two weeks after infection. The data was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the capability of the egg development of the worm to the L3 stadium was 0,33%, the capability of the L3 development to adult was 32,42%, and the prepaten period of H. contortus was 21 days


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    The purpose of this research to analyze performance of static mobile air conditioning (MAC) system based on compressor speed variation. Refrigerant CFC-12 and HFC-134a used as working fluid. The MAC test rig has several main parts : compressor, condensor, receiver-dryer, thermal expansion valve (TXV), and evaporator. System is equipped with sensors to measure temperature and pressure. Test varied with compressor speed : 1000 rpm, 1200 rpm, 1500 rpm, 1800 rpm, and 2000 rpm. The result indicated that coefficient of performance (COP) decrease with the increase of compressor speed. Ideal and actual COP of CFC-12 is higher than HFC-134a. Refrigerating capacity and power compression of HFC-134a is higher than CFC-12. Keywords : mobile air conditioning, refrigerant, HFC-134a, CFC-12, Coefficient of Performance (COP) v

    Serapan karbon di beberapa taman publik dan jalur hijau Kecamatan Palabuhanratu, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    ABSTRAK: Taman publik dan jalur hijau adalah salah satu bentuk dari Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH). Pohon adalah elemen utama dari RTH yang berperan sangat penting penyimpanan cadangan karbon melalui mekanisme fotosintesis, meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan, dan terkait faktor iklim. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui spesies pohon, keanekaragaman pohon, dan potensinya sebagai cadangan karbon di taman publik dan jalur hijau di kecamatan Palabuhanratu, kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lima lokasi yaitu Taman RTH Cangehgar, Taman RTH Tenjoresmi, Jalur Hijau Jalan Siliwangi, Jalur Hijau Jalan Batusapi, dan Taman RTH Citepus. Data penelitian meliputi data analisis vegetasi dan perhitungan cadangan karbon. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik penelitian kuantitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian ditemukan pohon sebanyak 235 individu dari 20 spesies dan 15 Family. Potensi cadangan karbon tertinggi di Taman RTH Cangehgar adalah Terminalia catappa dengan nilai biomassa 282,21 kg dan cadangan karbon sebesar 141,11 kg, pada Taman RTH Tenjoresmi adalah Gmelina arborea dengan nilai biomassa yaitu sebesar 41,29 kg dan cadangan karbon sebesar 20,65 kg, pada Jalur Hijau Jalan Batusapi dengan nilai biomassa dan cadangan karbon tertinggi adalah Gmelina arborea yaitu 47,91 kg dan 23,95 kg, pada Jalur Hijau jalan Siliwangi dengan nilai biomassa dan cadangan karbon tertinggi adalah Terminalia catappa yaitu 94,93 kg dan 47,46 kg, dan pada Taman RTH Citepus dengan nilai biomassa dan cadangan karbon tertinggi adalah Terminalia catappa yaitu 137,27 kg dan 68,63 kg. ABSTRACT: Public parks and green paths are a form of Green Open Space (RTH). Trees are the main element of green open space which plays a very important role in storing carbon stocks through the mechanism of photosynthesis, improving environmental quality, and related to climatic factors. The purpose of this study was to determine tree species, tree diversity, and their potential as carbon stocks in public parks and road greenways in Palabuhanratu District, Sukabumi regency, West Java. This research was conducted in five locations, namely Cangehgar Green Open Space Park, Tenjoresmi Green Space Park, Siliwangi Street Green Line, Batusapi Street Green Line, and Citepus Green Open Space Park. The research data includes vegetation analysis data and carbon stock calculations. The data analysis technique used quantitative research techniques. Based on the research found 235 individual trees from 20 species and 15 families. The highest potential carbon stock in Cangehgar Green Open Space Park is Terminalia catappa with a biomass value of 282.21 kg and carbon stock of 141.11 kg, in Tenjoresmi Green Open Space Park is Gmelina arborea with a biomass value of 41.29 kg and carbon stock of 20.65 kg, on the Batusapi Green Line with the highest biomass and carbon stock, Gmelina arborea, namely 47.91 kg and 23.95 kg, on the Green Line, Siliwangi road with the highest tilapia biomass and carbon stock, Terminalia catappa, namely 94.93 kg and 47, respectively. 46 kg, and at Citepus Beach green open space with the highest tilapia biomass and carbon stock, Terminalia catappa was 137.27 kg and 68.63 kg, respectively. الملخص: الحدائق العامة والمسارات الخضراء هي شكل من أشكال المساحات الخضراء المفتوحة. الأشجار هي العنصر الرئيسي للمساحات الخضراء المفتوحة والتي تلعب دورًا مهمًا للغاية في تخزين الكربون من خلال آلية التمثيل الضوئي، وتحسين الجودة البيئية، والمتعلقة بالعوامل المناخية. كان الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو تحديد أنواع الأشجار، وتنوع الأشجار، وإمكانياتها كمخزون كربوني في الحدائق العامة والطرق الخضراء في منطقة بالابوهانراتو، المقاطعات سوكابومي، جاوة الغربية. تم إجراء هذا البحث في خمسة مواقع، وهي الحديقة العامة المفتوحة الخضراءCangehgar، والحديقة العامة المفتوحة الخضراءTenjoresmi، وطريق أخضرSiliwangi، وطريق أخضر Batusapi، والحديقة العامة المفتوحة الخضراء Citepus. تتضمن بيانات البحث بيانات تحليل الغطاء النباتي وحسابات مخزون الكربون. استخدمت تقنية تحليل البيانات تقنيات البحث الكمي. بناءً على البحث، وجد 235 شجرة فردية من 20 نوعًا و15عائلة. أعلى مخزون كربون محتمل في الحدائق العامة المفتوحة الخضراء Cangehgar هو Terminalia catappa بقيمة الكتلة الحيوية 282.21 كجم ومخزون الكربون 141.11 كجم ، في الحدائق العامة المفتوحة الخضراءTenjoresmi هو Gmelina arborea بقيمة كتلة حيوية تبلغ 41.29 كجم ومخزون كربون يبلغ 20.65 كجم ، في خط الأخضر Batusapi الذي يحتوي على أعلى كتلة حيوية من البلطي ومخزون الكربون ، Gmelina arborea ، أي 47.91 كجم و 23.95 كجم ، على خط الأخضر Siliwangi الذي يحتوي على أعلى كتلة حيوية من البلطي ومخزون الكربون ، Terminalia catappa ، 94.93 كجم و 47.46 كجم ، وفي الحدائق العامة المفتوحة الخضراء Citepus الذي يحتوي على أعلى كتلة حيوية من البلطي ومخزون الكربون ، وهو Terminalia catappa ، حيث يبلغ وزنهما 137.27 كجم و 68.63 كجم على التوالي