190 research outputs found

    Multi-state optimal power dispatch model for power-to-power systems in off-grid hybrid energy systems: A case study in Spain

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    The electricity production from Renewable Energy (RE) in isolated locations requires long-term energy storage systems. To that end, Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (HESS), through a combination of hydrogen and batteries, can benefit from the different advantages of both technologies. This paper presents a hybrid Power-to-Power (PtP) Optimal Power Dispatch (OPD) model for isolated systems with no electric grid access. Currently, the electricity supply in such cases is usually based on a mix of RE as the primary energy source sustained by a diesel genset acting as a backup generator. In this context, the model delivers the hourly energy flows between renewable production sources, energy storage devices and the electrical load, which minimises costs and Green House Gases (GHG) emissions. For validation purposes, the model was tested through its application to a case study in an isolated area in the Canary Islands, Spain. The results show that the algorithm calculates the hourly OPD successfully for a given plant sizing, considering the defined operational states of the different assets. These operational constraints showed a decrease in the PtP round-trip efficiency of 5.4% and a reduction of the hydrogen production of 9.7%. Finally, the techno-economic analysis of the results proves that the combination of hydrogen and batteries with RE production is a feasible alternative to phasing out fossil fuels for the selected case study – reducing the diesel generator usage down to 1.2% of the yearly energy supply

    Las bentonitas de la zona sur de Cabo de Gata (Almería). Geoquímica y Mineralogía

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    Se han estudiado las caracteristicas quimicas y mineralógicas de las bentonitas y esmectitas de esta region, asi como sus principales parametros cristalográficos y fórmulas estructurales de las esmectita

    Phasing out steam methane reformers with water electrolysis in producing renewable hydrogen and ammonia: A case study based on the Spanish energy markets

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    Deploying renewable hydrogen presents a significant challenge in accessing off-takers who are willing to make long-term investments. To address this challenge, current projects focus on large-scale deployment to replace the demand for non-renewable hydrogen, particularly in ammonia synthesis for fertiliser production plants. The traditional process, involving Steam Methane Reformers (SMR) connected to Haber-Bosch synthesis, could potentially transition towards decarbonisation by gradually integrating water electrolysis. However, the coexistence of these processes poses limitations in accommodating the integration of renewable hydrogen, thereby creating operational challenges for industrial hubs. To tackle this issue, this paper proposes an optimal dispatch model for producing green hydrogen and ammonia while considering the coexistence of different processes. Furthermore, the objective is to analyse external factors that could determine the appropriate regulatory and pricing framework to facilitate the phase-out of SMR in favour of renewable hydrogen production. The paper presents a case study based in Spain, utilising data from 2018, 2022 and 2030 perspectives on the country's renewable resources, gas and electricity wholesale markets, pricing ranges, and regulatory constraints to validate the model. The findings indicate that carbon emissions taxation and the availability and pricing of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) will play crucial roles in this transition - the carbon emission price required for total phasing out SMR with water electrolysis would be around 550 EUR/ton CO2

    Las bentonitas de la zona sur de Cabo de Gata (Almería). Geoquímica y Mineralogía

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    [ES] Se han estudiado las caracteristicas quimicas y mineralógicas de las bentonitas y esmectitas de esta region, asi como sus principales parametros cristalogdficos y fórmulas estructurales de las esmectitas.[EN] The chemical and mineralogical characteristics of bentonites and smectites of this region, as well as their main crystallographic parameters and structural formulae were studied. The bentonites are constituted by smectite (unique mineral present in the fine fraction), jarosite, zeolite and trydimite, as neoformed minerals, and by plagioclase, K feldspar, amphibole and mica as minerals inherited from parent materials. The values for crystallographic parameters of smectites and the variation range for structural cations are in accordance with those found by other authors for dioctahedral smectites.Peer reviewe

    Metaverse, a Holistic Vision of the New Virtual Reality

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    Metaverse bursts into the media as a new marketing channel in September 2021, creating an explosion of reactions as brands join the race to be pioneers. Within a fully digital society and from a mature gaming industry, Metaverse is much more than an incubator of marketing and advertising ideas for brands, Metaverse is envisioned as a social disruption. This scenario raises three relevant questions to resolve over time: 1) Will the Metaverse finally take shape as a virtual society or, on the contrary, will it be integrated as one more channel of relationship within the context omnichannel? 2) how customers, brands and institutions are reacting to the Metaverse and 3) in any case, what transversal disruptive changes will be necessary in the new scenario of the Metaverse? From the deep and constant search for information in secondary sources (desk research methodology), this article seeks a holistic vision of the Metaverse, and its reading will allow defining specific areas of research on behavior patterns of people in this new virtual reality.Metaverso irrumpe en los medios como un nuevo canal de marketing en septiembre de 2021, creando una explosión de reacciones a medida que las marcas se unen en la carrera por ser pioneras. Dentro de una sociedad totalmente digital y de una industria del juego madura, Metaverso es mucho más que una incubadora de ideas de marketing y publicidad para marcas, Metaverso se concibe como una disrupción social. Este escenario plantea tres cuestiones relevantes a resolver en el tiempo: 1) ¿Metaverso se configurará finalmente como una sociedad virtual o, por el contrario, se integrará como un canal más de relación dentro del contexto omnicanal? 2) ¿cómo están reaccionando los clientes, marcas e instituciones ante Metaverso? y 3) en todo caso, ¿qué cambios disruptivos transversales serán necesarios en el nuevo escenario del Metaverso? Desde la búsqueda profunda y constante de información en fuentes secundarias (metodologia desk research), este artículo pretende una visión holística del Metaverso, y su lectura permitirá definir áreas específicas de investigación sobre patrones de comportamiento de las personas en esta nueva realidad virtual

    Nuevas manifestaciones funcionales del trabajo social forense en la justicia de menores: construyendo humanidad desde la ultramodernidad disciplinar

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    Las nuevas innovaciones del trabajo social forense en y desde la Justicia de Menores, deberían ser entendidas como ese conjunto de prácticas innovadoras que “(…) contienen tanto una nueva lógica, como posibilidades específicas de hacer emerger con fuerza una ampliación crítica para trabajar lo social” (Matus, 2020, p. 47), asumiendo una nueva cultura donde la práctica social forense de los trabajadores y trabajadoras sociales, desde lo social/judicial/penal, se hacen explícitas a través de sus diversas manifestaciones funcionales, entre las que podemos destacar: la función pericial forense, la medidora y la de acompañamiento que, indubitadamente, aportan coherencia a una intervención social forense más participativa y representativa y colaborativa y empática-emocional (Curbelo, 2020b) desde esa ultramodernidad del trabajo social, cuyas características conectan directamente con la definición global de trabajo social (FITS, 2014) y con los postulados de la declaración de principios éticos del trabajo social (FITS, 2018)

    Cobalt oxide nanomaterials prepared by CVD as negative electrodes in lithium batteries

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    III Encuentro sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología de Investigadores y Tecnólogos Andaluce