2,441 research outputs found

    Recrystallization and investigation of bismuth thin films by means of electron beam in transmission electron microscope

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    Thin bismuth films obtained by vacuum deposition were recrystallized under electron beam of scanning electron microscope at 5 kV and examined in a transmission electron microscope at 200 kV. In recrystallized films, various microstructures were detected: single-crystal, polycrystalline and amorphous regions, more or less faceted grains, single crystals and untransparent drop-shaped particles. In the crystallized film, a strong internal bending of the crystal lattice is detected, up to 110 deg/μm. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Partial support of project 3.6121.2017/8.9 (The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) and Agreement No 02.A03.21.0006 (Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation) is acknowledged

    HEPPA-II model-measurement intercomparison project: EPP indirect effects during the dynamically perturbed NH winter 2008-2009

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    Funke, B. et. al..--This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.We compare simulations from three high-top (with upper lid above 120 km) and five medium-top (with upper lid around 80 km) atmospheric models with observations of odd nitrogen (NOx D NO+NO2), temperature, and carbon monoxide from seven satellite instruments (ACE-FTS on SciSat, GOMOS, MIPAS, and SCIAMACHY on Envisat, MLS on Aura, SABER on TIMED, and SMR on Odin) during the Northern Hemisphere (NH) polar winter 2008/2009. The models included in the comparison are the 3-D chemistry transport model 3dCTM, the ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) model, FinROSE, the Hamburg Model of the Neutral and Ionized Atmosphere (HAMMO-NIA), the Karlsruhe Simulation Model of the Middle Atmosphere (KASIMA), the modelling tools for SOlar Climate Ozone Links studies (SOCOL and CAO-SOCOL), and the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM4). The comparison focuses on the energetic particle precipitation (EPP) indirect effect, that is, the polar winter descent of NOx largely produced by EPP in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. A particular emphasis is given to the impact of the sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in January 2009 and the subsequent elevated stratopause (ES) event associated with enhanced descent of mesospheric air. The chemistry climate model simulations have been nudged toward reanalysis data in the troposphere and stratosphere while being unconstrained above. An odd nitrogen upper boundary condition obtained from MIPAS observations has further been applied to medium-top models. Most models provide a good representation of the mesospheric tracer descent in general, and the EPP indirect effect in particular, during the unperturbed (pre-SSW) period of the NH winter 2008/2009. The observed NOx descent into the lower mesosphere and stratosphere is generally reproduced within 20 %. Larger discrepancies of a few model simulations could be traced back either to the impact of the models' gravity wave drag scheme on the polar wintertime meridional circulation or to a combination of prescribed NOx mixing ratio at the uppermost model layer and low vertical resolution. In March-April, after the ES event, however, modelled mesospheric and stratospheric NOx distributions deviate significantly from the observations. The too-fast and early downward propagation of the NO x tongue, encountered in most simulations, coincides with a temperature high bias in the lower mesosphere (0.2-0.05 hPa), likely caused by an overestimation of descent velocities. In contrast, upper-mesospheric temperatures (at 0.05-0.001 hPa) are generally underestimated by the high-top models after the onset of the ES event, being indicative for too-slow descent and hence too-low NOx fluxes. As a consequence, the magnitude of the simulated NOx tongue is generally underestimated by these models. Descending NOx amounts simulated with mediumtop models are on average closer to the observations but show a large spread of up to several hundred percent. This is primarily attributed to the different vertical model domains in which the NOx upper boundary condition is applied. In general, the intercomparison demonstrates the ability of state-of- the-art atmospheric models to reproduce the EPP indirect effect in dynamically and geomagnetically quiescent NH winter conditions. The encountered differences between observed and simulated NOx, CO, and temperature distributions during the perturbed phase of the 2009 NH winter, however, emphasize the need for model improvements in the dynamical representation of elevated stratopause events in order to allow for a better description of the EPP indirect effect under these particular conditions.This work has been conducted in the frame of the WCRP/ SPARC SOLARIS-HEPPA activity. The IAA team was supported by the Spanish MCINN under grant ESP2014-54362-P and EC FEDER funds. The MPI-MET team was supported by the Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG), and computational resources were made available by Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ) through support from Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). The FMI team was supported by the Academy of Finland through the projects 276926 (SECTIC: Sun-Earth Connection Through Ion Chemistry), 258165, and 265005 (CLASP: Climate and Solar Particle Forcing). CAO team was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grant 15-17-10024. SOCOL team was funded by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) grants 200021-149182 (SILA), 200020-163206 (SIMA), and CRSII2-147659 (FUPSOL-II). S. Bender, M. Sinnhuber, and H. Nieder (all KIT) gratefully acknowledge funding by the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres (HGF), grant VH-NG-624. NCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Computing resources for WACCM simulations were provided by the Climate Simulation Laboratory at NCAR's Computational and Information Systems Laboratory, sponsored by the NSF and other agencies. Work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, was carried out under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE), also known as SciSat, is a Canadian-led mission mainly supported by the Canadian Space Agency. Odin is a Swedish-led satellite project funded jointly by Sweden (SNSB), Canada (CSA), Finland (TEKES), and France (CNES) and is part of European Space Agency's (ESA) third-party mission program. We thank two anonymous reviewers for helpful suggestions that led to improvements in the quality of the present work.Peer reviewe

    Tropospheric forcing of the boreal polar vortex splitting in January 2003

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    e dynamical evolution of the relatively warm stratospheric winter season 2002–2003 in the Northern Hemisphere was studied and compared with the cold winter 2004–2005 based on NCEP-Reanalyses. Record low temperatures were observed in the lower and middle stratosphere over the Arctic region only at the beginning of the 2002–2003 winter. Six sudden stratospheric warming events, including the major warming event with a splitting of the polar vortex in mid-January 2003, have been identified. This led to a very high vacillation of the zonal mean circulation and a weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex over the whole winter season. An estimate of the mean chemical ozone destruction inside the polar vortex showed a total ozone loss of about 45 DU in winter 2002–2003; that is about 2.5 times smaller than in winter 2004–2005. Embedded in a winter with high wave activity, we found two subtropical Rossby wave trains in the troposphere before the major sudden stratospheric warming event in January 2003. These Rossby waves propagated north-eastwards and maintained two upper tropospheric anticyclones. At the same time, the amplification of an upward propagating planetary wave 2 in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere was observed, which could be caused primarily by those two wave trains. Furthermore, two extratropical Rossby wave trains over the North Pacific Ocean and North America were identified a couple of days later, which contribute mainly to the vertical planetary wave activity flux just before and during the major warming event. It is shown that these different tropospheric forcing processes caused the major warming event and contributed to the splitting of the polar vortex

    Shape of primary proton spectrum in multi-TeV region from data on vertical muon flux

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    It is shown, that primary proton spectrum, reconstructed from sea-level and underground data on muon spectrum with the use of QGSJET 01, QGSJET II, NEXUS 3.97 and SIBYLL 2.1 interaction models, demonstrates not only model-dependent intensity, but also model-dependent form. For correct reproduction of muon spectrum shape primary proton flux should have non-constant power index for all considered models, except SIBYLL 2.1, with break at energies around 10-15 TeV and value of exponent before break close to that obtained in ATIC-2 experiment. To validate presence of this break understanding of inclusive spectra behavior in fragmentation region in p-air collisions should be improved, but we show, that it is impossible to do on the basis of the existing experimental data on primary nuclei, atmospheric muon and hadron fluxes.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Structure and crystallization of an amorphous film of variable thickness Bi2Te3with a copper sublayer under the action of an electron beam in TEM

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    Nanothin films of bismuth telluride Bi2Te3 were obtained by thermal sputtering in vacuum on a mica substrate with amorphous carbon and a copper sublayer. A sample with a specially created sharp thickness gradient was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). An island-labyrinth structure of the film was revealed, with the size of islands in the range of about 7-25 nm. The film is amorphous at the beginning of the thickness gradient; in the studied regions of greater thickness, it crystallizes in the rhombohedral Bi2Te3 phase. High-resolution TEM has revealed crystallization of initially amorphous islands under the action of a focused electron beam of increased intensity in an electron microscope column. © 2021 Author(s).Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ, (19-32-90255 20-02-00906)Partial financial support from the RFBR grants 19-32-90255 20-02-00906 acknowledged

    Morphology of the tropopause layer and lower stratosphere above a tropical cyclone : a case study on cyclone Davina (1999)

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    During the APE-THESEO mission in the Indian Ocean the Myasishchev Design Bureau stratospheric research aircraft M55 Geophysica performed a flight over and within the inner core region of tropical cyclone Davina. Measurements of total water, water vapour, temperature, aerosol backscattering, ozone and tracers were made and are discussed here in comparison with the averages of those quantities acquired during the campaign time frame. Temperature anomalies in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL), warmer than average in the lower part and colder than average in the upper TTL were observed. Ozone was strongly reduced compared to its average value, and thick cirrus decks were present up to the cold point, sometimes topped by a layer of very dry air. Evidence for meridional transport of trace gases in the stratosphere above the cyclone was observed and perturbed water distribution in the TTL was documented. The paper discuss possible processes of dehydration induced by the cirrus forming above the cyclone, and change in the chemical tracer and water distribution in the lower stratosphere 400–430 K due to meridional transport from the mid-latitudes and link with Davina. Moreover it compares the data prior and after the cyclone passage to discuss its actual impact on the atmospheric chemistry and thermodynamics

    Tropospheric forcing of the boreal polar vortex splitting in January 2003

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    The dynamical evolution of the relatively warm stratospheric winter season 2002–2003 in the Northern Hemisphere was studied and compared with the cold winter 2004–2005 based on NCEP-Reanalyses. Record low temperatures were observed in the lower and middle stratosphere over the Arctic region only at the beginning of the 2002–2003 winter. Six sudden stratospheric warming events, including the major warming event with a splitting of the polar vortex in mid-January 2003, have been identified. This led to a very high vacillation of the zonal mean circulation and a weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex over the whole winter season. An estimate of the mean chemical ozone destruction inside the polar vortex showed a total ozone loss of about 45 DU in winter 2002–2003; that is about 2.5 times smaller than in winter 2004–2005. Embedded in a winter with high wave activity, we found two subtropical Rossby wave trains in the troposphere before the major sudden stratospheric warming event in January 2003. These Rossby waves propagated north-eastwards and maintained two upper tropospheric anticyclones. At the same time, the amplification of an upward propagating planetary wave 2 in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere was observed, which could be caused primarily by those two wave trains. Furthermore, two extratropical Rossby wave trains over the North Pacific Ocean and North America were identified a couple of days later, which contribute mainly to the vertical planetary wave activity flux just before and during the major warming event. It is shown that these different tropospheric forcing processes caused the major warming event and contributed to the splitting of the polar vortex