56 research outputs found


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    Literasi sains merupakan salah satu aspek yang penting untuk dikuasai peserta didik dalam pembelajaran sains. Literasi sains erat kaitannya dengan cara peserta didik dapat memahami lingkungan hidup, kesehatan, ekonomi, dan masalah-masalah lain yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat modern yang sangat bergantung pada kemajuan teknologi dan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi literasi sains siswa yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran sains, salah satunya adalah pemilihan sumber belajar. Buku teks pelajaran adalah salah satu sumber belajar yang keberadaannya sangat dekat dengan siswa karena siswa dapat mengaksesnya dimana pun dan kapan pun. Analisis terhadap buku teks pelajaran sangat diperlukan, terutama analisis buku teks pelajaran berdasarkan literasi sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil buku teks pelajaran fisika SMP kelas IX yang digunakan oleh siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) di Kota Bandung berdasarkan kategori literasi sains. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan metode analisis dokumen yang mengarah pada pendekatan isi. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara bertahap. Dari semua buku teks pelajaran fisika SMP kelas IX yang digunakan di Kota Bandung, diambil tiga buku teks pelajaran yang paling banyak digunakan, dan dari masing-masing buku ajar fisika diambil secara acak satu bab untuk dijadikan sampel penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar analisis yang berisi indikator kategori literasi sains yang diadopsi dari Chiappetta et al. (1991a). Kategori literasi sains pada penelitian ini meliputi kategori pengetahuan sains, penyelidikan hakikat sains, sains sebagai cara berpikir, dan interaksi sains, masyarakat, dan teknologi. Data hasil pengamatan berupa jumlah kemunculan kategori literasi sains dari ketiga buku teks pelajaran fisika yang dianalisis. Hasil peneliitian menunjukkan bahwa buku I memuat pengetahuan sains sebanyak 54%, penyelidikan hakikat sains sebanyak 22%, sains sebagai cara berpikir sebanyak 11%, dan interaksi sains, masyarakat, dan teknologi sebanyak 13%. Buku II memuat pengetahuan sains sebanyak 47%, penyelidikan hakikat sains sebanyak 32%, sains sebagai cara berpikir sebanyak 9%, dan interaksi sains, masyarakat, dan teknologi sebanyak 12%. Buku III memuat pengetahuan sains sebanyak 34%, penyelidikan hakikat sains sebanyak 22%, sains sebagai cara berpikir sebanyak 18%, dan interaksi sains, masyarakat, dan teknologi sebanyak 26%. Dari ketiga buku yang dianalisis, hanya buku III yang memiliki keseimbangan literasi sains.;---Scientific literacy is one aspect that is important to master learners in science learning. Scientific literacy is closely related to how learners can understand the environmental, healthty, economic, and other problems faced by modern society that relies heavily on technological progress and scientific developments. Many factors affect the scientific literacy of students relating to their science lessons, one of which is the selection of learning resources. Textbooks are a source of learning being very close to the students because students can access it wherever and whenever. Analysis of the textbooks are indispensable, especially the analysis of textbooks based on scientific literacy. This study aimed to determine the profile of junior high school physics textbooks used by 9th grades of Junior High School (SMP) in Bandung based on scientific literacy category. This research use descriptive analysis method which leads to the approach of document contents. The sample study carried out in stages. Of all 9th grades junior high school physics textbooks used in Bandung, taken three textbooks most widely used and of each textbook physics drawn at random one chapter to the research sample. The instrument used is the analysis sheet containing scientific literacy category indicators that is adopted from Chiappetta et al. (1991a). Categories of scientific literacy in the study include the knowledge of science, the investigative the nature of science, science as a way of thinking, and interaction of science, technology, and society The observed data is in the form of total occurences of scientific literacy category from the three textbooks that was analyzed. The results showed that first book contains 54% the knowledge of science, 22% the investigative nature of science, 11% science as a way of thinking, 13% interaction of science, technology, and society. Second book contains 47% the knowledge of science, 32% the investigative nature of science, 9% science as a way of thinking, 12% interaction of science, technology, and society. Third book contains 34% the knowledge of science, 22% the investigative nature of science, 18% science as a way of thinking, 26% interaction of science, technology, and society. From the three books that were analyzed, only the third book that had balanced of scientific literacy

    An analysis of students’ problem in mastering modal auxiliaries at grade VIII MTs N 2 Padangsidimpuan

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    This research was done based on the fact of the students’ problem in mastering modal auxiliaries at grade VIII MTs N 2 Padangsidimpuan. The aim of the research were to find the students’ ability, their problems and to know the efforts done by teachers to overcome the students’ problems in mastering modal auxiliaries at grade VIII in MTs N 2 Padangsidimpuan. The kind was qualitative research by using descriptive method. The sources of data has been collected from all respondent that was students of grade VIII in MTs N 2 Padangsidimpuan and English Teacher. The instruments of collecting data were observation, interview and test. Based on the result of the research, research found that the students’ problem in mastering modal auxiliaries at grade VIII in MTs N 2 Padangsidimpuan categorized into low category (40%). It was found the answer there were some problems that faced by students in learning modal auxiliaries in sentence they were: they often compused to determine tenses. They did not know the place of modal auxiliaries in a sentence because they did not understand about subject. The effort done by teacher to overcome the students problems in mastered modal auxiliaries with gave explained, exercise and motivated. So the students can improve their sprite in learning especially in learning modal auxiliaries in sentences

    Pengaruh likuiditas, investment opportunity set (ios), pertumbuhan laba, leverage dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap kualitas laba

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    Earnings quality is one of information that affect the stakeholders in making decisions about the company. Factors that influence the earnings quality is liquidity, IOS, profit growth, leverage, and size. This study analyzed the effect of liquidity, IOS, profit growth, leverage, and size. The subjects of this study consisted of Manufactured companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2012-2016 were selected by purposive sampling.The analysis method in this research used multiple linear regression. The result og regression analysis was liquidity didn.t significant effect to earnings quality, IOS didn’t significant effect to earnings quality, profit growth didn’t significant effect to earnings quality, leverage significant effect to earnings quality, and size significant effect to earnigs quality. Kata kunci : Earnings quality, Liquidity, Investment Opportunity Set (IOS), Profit Growth, Leverage, Size


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    The problem that occurred at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Bandar Sribhawono is that there are still many learners who have not been able to learn the results of learning economic subjects. To solve the problem, researchers provide one of the learning models that can be applied i.e. model Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model of Word square to the outcome of the students ' economic study of class X in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Bandar Sribhawono Year lesson 2018/2019. This type of research is a quantitative study with the design of experimental Quasi research and using Non-Equivalent Group Design Research design using two classes of experimental and control classes. The sampling techniques used are saturated sampling.  This is demonstrated by the test results (pre test) where the < This (0.112 < 2.006) Thitung is received and the H1 is rejected which means there is no difference between the average of learners (pre test) students in the control class with the experimental class. As for after treatment, the student test result (post test) is shown by the value Thitung > This (-2.067 > 2.006) then H0 rejected and H1 accepted. The results showed that there was an influence on Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) learning model that helped word square towards economic outcomes of students of class X SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Bandar Sribhawono learning year 2018/201

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Talking Stick terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik Siswa (Penelitian Eksperimen pada Siswa Kelas VII Semester Genap SMP Negeri 2 Tanjungsari-Sumedang)

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    Dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematika siswa, maka perlu adanya keterlibatan siswa secara langsung dalam proses pembelajaran. Selain peran siswa dalam proses komunikasi matematika, guru dituntut untuk terlibat secara langsung untuk membimbing, memberi pengarahan, memberi informasi, serta menjadi fasilitator, juga guru harus mampu untuk membuat suasana pembelajaran yang menyenangkan.Model pembelajaran yang dapat membuat siswa aktif dalam belajar ialah model pembelajaran Talking Stick. Penelitian ini menggunkan metode eksperimen dengan Quasi Experimental Design bentuk Nonequivalen Control Group Design sehingga ada 2 kelas dengan kelas ekperimen dan kelas kontrol. Kelas eksperimen menggunakan model pembelajaran Talking Stick dan kelas kontrol menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: (a) Gambaran proses pembelajaran menggunakan Model Talking Stick pada pokok bahasan segi empat; (b) Peningkatan komunikasi matematik siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Talking Stick dan yang menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional; (c) Perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa antara yang menggunakan Model Talking Stick dengan model pembelajaran konvensional pada pokok bahasan segi empat; (d) Sikap siswa terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran Talking Stick. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (a) rata-rata aktivitas guru yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Talking Stick mengalami peningkatan dari 78,57% dengan kriteria baik, 89,29% dan 94,64% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Rata-rata aktivitas siswa mengalami peningkatan dari 60% dengan kriteria cukup, 82,50% dan 95% dengan kriteria sangat baik; (b) Peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran Talking Stick memilki nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,54 dan memiliki kriteria peningkatan sedang. Sedangkan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional memiliki nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,35 dan memiliki kriteria peningkatan sedang; (c) Terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa antara yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Talking Stick dengan yang menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional; (d) Sikap siswa terhadap pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Talking Stick menunjukkan sikap positif. Hal ini dikarenakan skor rata-rata sikap siswa lebih besar dari skor netral

    Pengaruh Komposisi 2,4-D dan BAP Terhadap Pembentukan Kalus Eksplan Pucuk Nilam (Pogostemon Cablin Benth.) secara In Vitro dengan Pemotongan Horizontal dan Vertikal

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    This study aims to determine the effect of 2,4-Diclorophenoxy Acetic Acid (2,4-D) and Benzyl Amino Purin (BAP) on the formation of callus of patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth.) shoot explants by horizontal and vertical cutting methods. The parameters that observed in this study were the percentage growth of callus, time appearance of callus, weight of callus and the morphology of callus. The results showed that horizontal cutting method was able to induce callus growth with the percentages growth of callus were 18,75%, with the time appearance of callus was at 16 days at P1; P10; P12; P13 dan P14. The highest weight of callus obtained was 0.19 grams at P8. The results also showed that the callus yielded had a yellow and cream color, with a compact and crumb textures. Meanwhile, the vertical cutting method was able to induce callus formation with the percentage growth of callus were 12,5%. The fastest time of callus appearance was obtained in P6 and P8, which was 12 day after planting with the highest weight of callus obtained was 0.05 grams at P12.   The results also showed that vertical cutting method had brown and dark-brown of callus with a compact and crumb textures

    Exploratory study: the impact of implementing “you and me” sexual education program in the family

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    In recent years, there was news about sexual violence experienced in early childhood. Sexual violence becomes public health issue in many countries, which has negative consequences for the victims. The impact of sexual violence can affect children psychologically, physically, psychosocially, and etc. The study aims to determine the impact of implementing the sexual education “You and Me” program in the family. Rutgers WPF and PKBI Central Java have provided the “You and Me” program since 2017, but the several schools have adjusted the implementation of sexual education based on the learning theme. This study used the qualitative descriptive approach method. The research subjects consist of 5 participants of parents who have children at the age of 2-6. Data analysis techniques are carried out into four stages: data reduction, descriptive data presentation, data classification or coding categorization, and concluding. The result stated that the impact of the sexual education “You and Me” program on children has various effects and aligns with sexual education. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of sexual education from five participants is quite effective. The results showed that the participants had a positive impact on children's behavior and thoughts while delivering sexual education. Although not all participants told their experiences in applying sexual education, most of them showed the positive impact of the children’s behaviour and thoughts


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    Komplikasi yang dialami pasien (Diabetes Melitus) DM akan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menjaga kualitas hidup salah satunya dengan mencegah komplikasi DM, yaitu dengan menjaga peredaran darah perifer lancar dengan senam kaki diabetik. Pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader kesehatan dalam mengajarkan senam kaki daibetik untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita diabetes mellitus. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan Kesehatan dan memberikan pelatihan senam kaki diabetik. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan selama satu bulan dan diikuti oleh 15 kader kesehatan. Sebelum diberikan pelatihan, dilakukan pre test dan post test mengenai senam kaki diabetik. Didapatkan sebagian besar 67% kader memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang baik setelah dilakukan pelatihan.  Senam kaki diabetic yang dilakukan secara teratur dapat menjaga kualitas hidup penderita DM melalui menjaga kelancaran peredaran pembuluh darah perifer

    Spiritual Diabetes Self-Management Health Coaching Against Psychological Well-Being and Self-Management Compliance in Diabetes Mellitus Patients

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    Introduction: For patients with diabetes to keep being consistent with self-management, they should build their psychological well-being and feeling of direction in life through a progression of intricate and tedious errands. Aim: This examination looked to inspect the impacts of Spiritual Diabetes Self-Management Health Coaching on psychological health and self-management conduct. Methode: The study utilized a quasi-trial research design, using a basic irregular sampling method to decide the sample based on inclusion and exclusion rules. A sum of 126 respondents were remembered for the sample, with 63 respondents each in the intervention and control groups. Ryff\u27s Psychological Well-Being (RPWB) and a Questionnaire on Compliance with Diabetes Self-Management (QCDSM) were the instruments utilized in this study. A t-test with p<0.5 was used in the statistical analysis. Results: The findings demonstrated that the normal psychological well-being in the intervention bunch was 174.22 both when the intervention, and the typical compliance with self-management was 47.56. Pre-and post-intervention averages for psychological well-being and self-management compliance in the control bunch were 144.62 and 19.32, respectively. A p-worth of 0.000 between spiritual diabetes self-management compliance and psychological well-being is uncovered by information analysis. Conclusion: Spiritual Guidelines for Overseeing Diabetes Patients with diabetes mellitus can profit from long-term health coaching to upgrade their psychological health and compliance with self-management


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    Masa pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan kegiatan Posyandu lansia berhenti sementara sehingga lansia hanya berdiam diri di rumah tanpa melakukan aktivitas tambahan. Selama ini, kegiatan Posyandu hanya meliputi timbang berat badan dan pemberian obat oleh Dokter, belum adanya edukasi mengenai Latihan fisik pada lansia karena ketidaktahuan Kader. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan peran Kader dalam menjaga kesehatan lansia. Pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi pelatihan Kader tentang cara menjaga Kesehatan lansia melalui ceramah, diskusi, simulasi penggunaan tensimeter dan simulasi Latihan ergo care heel raise exercise dengan sasaran Kader lansia yang berjumlah 20 orang. Luaran yang dihasilkan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pemberdayaan Kader tentang menjaga Kesehatan lansia di masa pandemi COVID-19 dengan cara Latihan ergo care heel raise exercise. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu pemahaman Kader mengalami peningkatan dari nilai rata-rata 45% menjadi 91% tentang latihan fisik yang dapat dilakukan dilakukan lansia pada masa pandemi. Dengan meningkatnya pengetahuan atau pemahaman seseorang terhadap status Kesehatan maka akan semakin baik pula cara pandang terhadap sehat dan sakit. Ergo care heel raise exercise merupakan tehnik gerakan otot dan pernafasan yang melatih kekuatan tulang, keseimbangan dan mendorong jantung bekerja secara optimal. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat memberikan manfaat peningkatan pemahaman Kader dan peningkatan partisipasi Kader dalam memberikan Latihan fisik pada lansia. Kegiatan ini jika dilakukan secara konsisten maka akan memenuhi kesejahteraan lanjut usia
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