22 research outputs found

    Analisis Tujuan Materi Pelajaran dan Metode Pembelajaran Dalam Pendidikan Jasmani

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    Pendidikan Jasmani merupakan bagian integral dari pendidikan secara keseluruhan, bertujuan untuk mengembangkan aspek kebugaran jasmani, keterampilan gerak, keterampilan berfikir kritis, keterampilan sosial, penalaran, stabilitas emosional, tindakan moral, aspek pola hidup sehat dan pengenalan lingkungan bersih melalui aktivitas jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan terpilih yang direncanakan secara sistematis dalam rangka mencapai tujuan pendidikan nasional. Kebugaran jasmani yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan (Health-related fitness) terdiri dari kekuatan otot, daya tahan otot, daya tahan aerobik, kelentukan dan komposisi tubuh. Sedangkan kebugaran jasmani yang berhubungan dengan keterampilan (Performance-related fitness) terdiri dari : kecepatan, kelincahan, koordinasi, keseimbangan dan daya ledak.   Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Jasmani merupakan bagian integral dari pendidikan secara keseluruha


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    Abstrak Penelitian Sport Development Index bertujuan untuk melihat berapa besar persentase partisipasi masyarakat ikut dalam melakukan aktifitas olahraga, melihat berapa besar luas ruang terbuka (lapangan terbuka) tersedia yang bisa digunakan dalam aktifitas olahraga, melihat berapa besar tingkat kebugaran jasmani masyarakat. Melihat berapa besar persentase sumberdaya manusia yang tersedia seperti Instruktur-instruktur olahraga, guru pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga serta para pelatih cabang olahraga. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskripsi dengan teknik survey, dan tes menggunakan Multistage Fitnes Test. Dengan jumlah populasi adalah seluruh penduduk yang berdolimisi di Kota Madya Tebing Tinggi yang berada pada 5 Kecamatan, dengan mengambil 30 orang tiap kecamatan yang terdiri dari usia 10 orang dewasa, 10 orang remaja dan 10 orang anak-anak. Setelah dilakukan Survey dan tes dengan menggunakan metode MFT diperolehlah indeks dimensi SDI untuk Kecamatan Bajenis adalah 0,391, Kecamatan Padang Hilir adalah 0,459, Kecamatan Padang Hulu adalah 0,078, Kecamatan Rambutan 0, 375 dan Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Kota 0,280 Dari keterangan data indeks dimensi SDI Kota Madya TebingTinggi adalah 0,317, sesuai dengan norma SDI yang (di adopsi dari HDI-internasional). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Sport Development Index Kota Madya Tebing Tinggi tahun dikategorikan Rendah. Kata Kunci: Sport Development Inde


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    Abstract: The Reciprocal Teaching Technique Using Hoop Can Improve Students’ Passing up Learning Result in Volleyball. The purpose of this study is to determine whether through the implementation of reciprocal teaching technique by using hoop can improve students’ passing up learning result in volleyball in SMP 4 Medan. The research method used is descriptive quantitative approach with classroom action research type. In this case, the researcher used a descriptive statistical analysis, for example, to find the mean, percentage of student success. The result of this study is the reciprocal teaching technique using hoop gives effect to the improvement in students’ passing up learning result in volleyball in SMPN 4 academic year 2011/2012. The average value percentage of students in the pre-test was 51% (incomplete), while the post-test I value increased to 56.83% of students (inomplete), and the post-test II has reached 73.5% of students (completed)

    Survey Analisis Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani Pelajar SMP di Pondok Pesantren Ta’dib Asyakirin Medan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa SMP di Pondok Pesantren Ta’dib Asyakirin Medan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes dan pengukuran. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMP yang berada di Pondok Pesantren Ta’dib Asyakirin Medan dengan jumlah 77 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah siswa SMP yang berada di Pondok Pesantren Ta’dib Asyakirin Medan dengan jumlah 77 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Indonesia (Tes TKJI). Data hasil penelitian yang telah diklasifikasi menunjukkan tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa yang berada pada klasifikasi sedang yaitu sejumlah 9 (11,69%) orang, klasifikasi kurang sejumlah 58 (75,33%) orang, 10 (12,99%) orang berada di kategori kurang sekali, dan 0 siswa (0%) klasifikasi baik maupun baik sekali. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa SMP yang berada di Pondok Pesantren Ta’dib Asyakirin Medan berada pada kategori kurang

    Development of Sensor Based Standing Board Jump Test Equipment

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    The purpose of this research is to produce a standing board jump sensor -based. This research was carried out on students of the sports science faculty in April 2022. The type of research used in this study was development research with a Research & Development (R&D) research design from Borg and Gall. This research was conducted with 9 stages of research, namely, (1) Research and information collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Develop preliminary form of product, (4) Preliminary field testing, (5) Main product revision, (6) Main field testing, (7) Operational product revision, (8) Operational field testing, (9) Final product revision. The population in this study using the students of the faculty of sports science. sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a Phase I trial of 20 FIK students and a Phase II trial of 30 FIK students in the soccer course. Furthermore, from the Phase I trial, which amounted to 20 people, it showed a figure of 96% with the Very Eligible, then from the Phase II trial, which amounted to 30 students, it showed a figure of 91% in the Very Eligible. So from the results of this study it can be concluded that the development of a standing board jump can be used to measure leg muscle power through a standing board jump. Based on the data obtained, the development of a standing board jump is declared feasible to be developed as a sensor-based standing board jump test tool.

    Development of a Digital Based Sit and Reach Test and Measurement Tool

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    The purpose of this study was to produce an effective and efficient digital-based sit and reach measurement test kit as a test development and measurement of back muscle flexibility. The type of research in this research is a mixed methods research with a Research & Development (R&D) research design from Borg and Gall. This research was conducted with 9 research stages namely, (1) Research and information collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Develop preliminary form of product, (4) Preliminary field testing, (5) Main product revision, (6) Main field testing, (7) Operational product revision, (8) Operational field testing, (9) Final product revision. The population in this study used students from the Faculty of Sports Science and Athletes of Pelatda Sumut. Furthermore, from the Phase I trial, totaling 15 people showed a score of 87.8% with the Eligible criteria, then from the Phase II trial, which totaled 30 Pelatda Sumut athletes, it showed a figure of 90% in the Very Eligible category. From the results of the research/feasibility test carried out by test and measurement experts, IT experts and sports academic experts, it shows a score of 96% in the Very Eligible category, so it can be used. Based on the data obtained, the development of a digital-based sit and reach test and measurement tool was declared feasible to be developed as a test tool and measurement of back muscle flexibility

    Is Scientific Learning Better Than Conventional Learning on Creativity and Student Learning Outcomes?

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    This study aims to identify and describe the Comparison of the Effects of Scientific and Conventional Learning on the Creativity and Learning Outcomes of Physical Education Students in Class XI SMA in Kota Kisaran, Kab. Asahan T.A 2017/2018. This study was an experiment using test instrument techniques for learning outcomes and questionnaires for creativity, with the ANOVA 2 x 2 research design. A total of 138 students were sampled using cluster random sampling sampling technique. Before carrying out a two-way analysis of variance at a significance level of α of 0.05, first perform the analysis requirements, namely the normality and homogeneity tests, followed by the Scheffe test at a significance level of α = 0.05. Research results: 1). There are differences in learning the effect of learning on creativity and learning outcomes, 2). There is an interaction between the influence of learning on creativity and physical education learning outcomes. From the results of this study indicate that the process of applying scientific learning is better in achieving physical education learning outcomes compared to the application of conventional learning. &nbsp