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    THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INTEGRATED WRITING TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING WRITING JOB APPLICATION LETTER TO THE TWELFTH GRADERS OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL YUNI YULIANTI S1-Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Surabaya e-mail: [email protected] Pembimbing: Him’mawan Adi Nugroho, S.Pd.,M.Pd. Dosen Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Surabaya e-mail: [email protected]. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam hasil belajar menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan antara siswa yang diajar dengan Teknik Menulis Terpadu dan mereka yang tidak. Peneliti melakukan penelitian ini pada siswa kelas dua belas diSMK Negeri 1 Grati - Pasuruan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan dua kelompok sampel yaitu kelompok eksperimental dan kelompok kontrol. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan prosedur Independent - sampel t -test dan Paired - sampel t -test di SPSS. Hasil analisis dari penelitian menjelaskan bahwa Teknik Menulis Terpadu efektif dalam meningkatkan nilai menulis siswa dalam kelompok eksperimen, karena skor total tulisan siswa di kelompok eksperimen mengalami peningkatan dengan kekuatan kenaikan skor  sebesar (0,52) eta squared menunjukkan efek peningkatan yang sangat besar, lebih tinggi dari kenaikan total skor tulisan siswa di kelompok kontrol yang hanya mengalami peningkatan sebesar (0,14) eta squared. Dalam aspek isi, skor menulis siswa pada kelompok eksperimen meningkat dengan peningkatan sebesar (0,33) eta squared (sangat besar ), dalam aspek organisasi meningkat dengan besarnya peningkatan (0,43) eta squared (sangat besar ), dan dalam aspek kosakata meningkat dengan besarnya peningkatan (0,18) eta squared (besar). Peningkatan – peningkatan tersebut lebih tinggi dari peningkatan skor siswa dalam kelompok kontrol yang hanya sebesar (0,05) eta squared dalam aspek isi, (0,16) eta squared dalam aspek organisasi, dan (.0,01) eta squared dalam aspek kosakata. Namun, dalam  aspek tata bahasa, peningkatan skor kelompok eksperimen hanya sebesar  (0,17) eta squared lebih rendah dibandingkan peningkatan kelompok kontrol yang sebesar (0,41) eta squared. Kemudian, dalam aspek mekanik, tidak ada peningkatan, tetapi terjadi penurunan dengan besarnya penurunan (0,006) eta squared. Akhirnya, diperoleh beberapa kesimpulan bahwa Teknik Menulis Terpadu lebih efektif daripada teknik konvensional dalam mengajar menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan, yang dapat meningkatkan skor menulis siswa dalam aspek isi, organisasi, dan kosa kata. Namun, dalam aspek tata bahasa, teknik konvensional dianggap lebih efektif daripada Teknik Menulis Terpadu. Kemudian, Teknik Menulis Terpadu juga dianggap tidak efektif dalam mengajarkan menulis surat lamaran pekerjaan untuk meningkatkan skor siswa dalam aspek mekanika. Kata Kunci: Teknik Menulis Terpadu, Hasil Belajar Siswa, Menulis Surat Lamaran Kerja. Abstract This study was aimed to find out whether there is significant difference in learning outcomes of writing job application letter between students who are taught by integrated writing technique and those who are not. The researcher conducted this study to the twelfth graders of SMK Negeri 1 Grati – Pasuruan. This study used experimental research method with two groups designed called experimental group and control group. Then, the data obtained from the research were analyzed by using Independent – samples t-test and Paired – samples t-test procedures in SPSS. The result of this study explained that Integrated Writing Technique is effective in improving the students in experimental group writing scores since the students’ composition total scores of experimental group was getting increase with magnitude of increase (.52) eta squared indicates very large effect size, higher than the increase of control group’s composition total score which only has magnitude of increase (.14) eta squared indicates large effect size. In term of content, the students writing scores in experimental group increased with magnitude of improvement (.33) eta squared (very large effect size), in term of organization increased with magnitude of improvement (.43) eta squared (very large effect size), and in term of vocabulary increased with magnitude of improvement (.18) eta squared (large effect size). Those improvements are higher than the improvement of students’ scores in control group which only (.05) eta squared in term of content, (.16) eta squared in term of organization, and (.01) in term of vocabulary. However, in term of language use, the improvement of experimental group scores is only (.17) eta square lower than control group’s which is (.41) eta square. Then, in term of mechanics, there is no improvement, but reduction with magnitude of decrease (.006) eta square. Finally, it is gained some conclusions that Integrated Writing Technique is more effective than conventional way in teaching job application letter, which can improve the students’ writing skill in term of content, organization, and vocabulary. However, it is considered that conventional way is more effective than Integrated Writing Technique in term of language use. Then, it is considered that Integrated Writing Technique is not effective in teaching job application letter in term of mechanics. Keywords: Integrated Writing Technique, Learning Outcomes, Writing Job Application Letter.           INTRODUCTION In language learning, writing is an important language skill that must be mastered by students who learn language. Moreover, for vocational high school students who learn English for specific purpose which will be needed in their work place, writing as a key method of communication for most people, become more important for them to master and struggle. Although writing and communication skills have degraded since the development of technology in which more and more people communicate through email and text messaging, developing writing skills is still important in the business world to create business letter. So that, creating job application letter especially for vocational school students is still also important. The importance of teaching and learning writing as a key method of communication is stated on Standar Isi SMK/MAK (BSNP, 2006). English subject is taught to vocational high school students as adaptive subject to improve the students communication skills that will be needed in their vocational program and in further work place. For the twelfth graders, it is hoped that the students are able to communicate using English in intermediate level both oral and written. One of that expected skills is writing bussiness letter includes job application letter that will be needed by the students to apply for a job. Unfortunately, writing is not an easy skill for both EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers and learners since English is not their first language. Morover, learning writing contains some issues that must be learned. As Rass (2001), stated that writing is a difficult skill for both native speakers and nonnative speakers alike, because authors must balance multiple issues such as content, organization, purpose, audience, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics such as capitalization. Zheng (1999) in Yan (2005), stated that acquiring the writing skill seems to be more laborious and demanding than acquiring the other three skills (reading, listening, and speaking). Madsen (1983: 101) added that there are many factors must be considered in writing such as mechanics (including spelling and punctuation), vocabulary, grammar, appropriate content, diction, rhetorical matters of various kinds (organization, cohesion, unity; appropriateness to the audience, topic, and occasion); as well as sophisticated concerns such as logic and style. So that, many of teachers and students face certain problems in teaching and learning writing as English as Foreign Language (ESL); included writing job application letter. Therefore, since the importance of the skillfulness of writing job application letter for vocational high school students, it is needed many kinds of methods, techniques or strategies to teach it. Among some techniques of writing, there is a good technique to teach writing which is introduced by Cecilia B-Ikeguchi (1997). The technique is called integrated writing technique. Integrated Writing Technique is a technique of teaching writing that integrates some skills; those are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. In the teaching and learning activity, those four skills are combined and are divided into three phases; those are assignment phase, interactive phase, and writing phase. Indeed, students‘ writing composition will be the product in the end of the teaching and learning activity. As Ikeguchi (1997) explained that in Integrated Writing Technique, there are three phases; those are assignment phase, interactive phase, and writing phase. First phase of the lesson begins one week before teaching and learning process with the giving of the assignment. In this assignment phase, the students have to choose any topic that they are most interested in. Then, they have to look for a short magazine or newspaper article, read it thoroughly until they understand the content, and make a copy to bring to class. Next, the second phase is interactive phase which begins in the next meeting, the students in the same topic take turns in reading or reporting each of their articles to the group members. While, everybody else listens and then asks questions to clarify points that are unclear, or make comments. Finally, in writing phase, the students have to write about two things: (1) the topic they had chosen to read and to bring to class, and (2) the other related aspects of the same topic that they found out from the group interaction. In teaching writing job application letter, the implementation of integrated writing technique was as follow; in assignment phase, teacher wrote on the white board a list of some job field which the teacher thought would attract the students to apply. The teacher allowed each of the students to choose one job field that they were most interested in. Then, the teacher asked them to look for a job vacancy advertisement dealing with the job field that each of them had chosen from newspapers or internet, then read the job vacancy advertisement thoroughly until they understood the requirements of it, and made a copy of it, then brought it to class in the next meeting. In the interactive phase which was started in the next meeting, the teacher explained about job application letter; what it is, what its structures are, and what its contains are. After giving explanation, teacher asked the students who had chosen the same job field to sit together and form a group of four. Then, the teacher asked the students within the same group to take turns in reading -or reporting- each of their job vacancy advertisement to the group members. While, everybody else listened and then asked questions to clarify points that were unclear, or gave comments. Its aim was to recognize job requirements relating to the job field, so that they could think of their needed qualification in order to be able to apply for the job. Then, the teacher gave each group two examples of job application letter to be discussed and identified their structures based on the teacher’s explanation. The teacher allowed as much time as the students are willing to talk, or half of the whole class time. The students are required to understand about the job application letter well. In writing phase, the teacher asked the students to get back to their seats, and asked them to summarize the applicants’ requirements which is required in the job vacancy advertisement that they brought to the class, and outlined or wrote their curriculum vitae (included their personal and contact information, qualifications (education), experiences (work history and fields of interest), and their awards (professional membership, courses, and professional qualification) based on the requirements on the job vacancy advertisement in several sentences in a paragraph. Besides, they were also asked to express their personal opinion or belief toward the job vacancy based on their qualification that they can fill the mentioned carreer position in a paragraph. Finally, in the last meeting, the teacher asked each of the students to compose a job application letter by developing their outline they had already made in the previous meeting. Due to the goodness of Integrated Writing Technique above, the researcher thought that it would be helpful to cope the teaching problem in SMK Negeri 1 Grati Pasuruan. It is since when the teachers taught the twelfth graders writing job application letter through conventional way, the students commonly copied the content and sentences of the sample of job application letter given when they were asked to compose their own job application letter. Meanwhile, job application letter must reflect the applicant's personality in a positive way and includes basic information about job applicant’s expertise and qualifications. It should reflect job applicant’s enthusiasm and competency for the job. As Kurniawan (2008) stated that job application letter’s main objective is to get the applicant in the door for an interview and must be written well enough to attract the attention and interest of the person who has power to recommend the applicants. If the students learn to write job application letter, they must be able to state positive arguments about their own personality and personal information toward their appropriateness to the job, not by copying the sample of job application letter given. Therefore, since in Integrated writing technique there are activities which require students to be creative in expressing their personal opinion or beliefe, it is hoped that this technique will be effective in improving the students’ skill in writing good job application letter, and minimize the copying which is commonly done by the students. For those reasons, the researcher was eager to do this research in SMK Negeri 1 Grati - Pasuruan in order to know know whether this writing technique would be effective to improve the students learning outcomes of writing job application letter or not.  In order to know the improvement of the students learning outcomes, the reasearch question of this study was whether there is significant difference in the  scores of writing job application letter between students who are taught by integrated writing technique and those who are not.   RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design This study used Experimental Research design since this study investigated the effectiveness of Integrated Writing Technique in teaching English in Indonesian context especially in improving the students learning outcomes in writing job application letter. It is in line with the statement stated by Ary et al. (2010:265) that experimental research is a scientific investigation in which the researcher manipulates one or more independent variables, controls any other relevant variables, and observes the effect of manipulations on the dependent variables. In this study, the researcher aimed to find how successful integrated writing technique in improving the students learning outcomes. It is investigated by comparing the improvement of students scores in writing job application letter in term of content, organization, vocabulary, mechanics, and language use, between the students who were taught by using integrated writing technique and those who were not. There were two groups of sample used in this study; those were experimental group and control group. The experimental group was expected to give the influence of the independent variable to the dependent variable, while the control group was not. Firstly, both experimental and control groups were given Pre-test in order to measure their ability in writing application letter. Then, treatment was given to the experimental group. After that, the treatment was examined through a post-test that was administered to both groups. Research Variables There were two variables in this study. They were independent variable and dependent variable. Marczyk, G et al. (2005:42) stated that “the independent variable is the factor that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher”. In this case the independent variable of this study was Integrated Writing Technique. In addition, Marczyk, G et al. (2005:44) added that “the dependent variable is a measure of the effect (if any) of the independent variable”. The dependent variable of this research was the students’ ability in writing job application letter.  Population and Sample Ary et al. (2010: 148-149) stated that population is all members of any well-defined class of people, events, or objects in a large group to which the researcher wishes to generalize the the results of the study. In this study, the population was the twelfth graders of SMK Negeri 1 Grati Pasuruan, that was divided into 14 classes; those are XII AK 1, XII AK 2, XII KI 1, XII KI 2, XII TPM 1, XII TPM 2, XII TPc 1, XII TPc 2, XII TAV 1, XII TAV 2, XII ATUg, XII API, XII MM 1, and XII MM 2. Ary et al. (2010: 148-158) also explained about sample and sampling techniques. Sample is a small group as a part of a population that is observed. To determine the sample, there are two types of sampling that might be used; they are probability sampling and non probability sampling. In probability sampling, the methods of sampling are simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster random sampling, and systematic sampling. While in non probability sampling, the methods of sampling are accidental sampling, purposive sampling, and quota sampling. In this study, the researcher used purposive sampling technique, since the researcher selected the sample from population with a particular reason. (Ary et al, : 2010). In this study, the researcher determined two sample classes from population by a certain purpose; that is to choose two classes which has similar ability in learning English. It aimed in order to ease the teaching and learning process, and also to keep the validity of data. After getting the sample, the researcher determined the experimental group and the control group randomly. Thus, the researcher used a tossing coin to decide which group would get the treatment. The two sample classes were chosen from 14 classes of population by a certain purpose. Based on the information from the teacher, the learning ability of both XII KI 1 and XII KI 2 are not too different, and the ability of the students in the both classes are various. Thus, the researcher decided to choose them as samples in this study. Then the researcher chosed which class would get the treatment randomly by tossing coin. Finally, the result was XII KI 2 as an experimental group which was given the treatment, and XII KI 1 as the control group which was not given the treatment. Instrument In collecting data, the researcher used an instrument as the device to get the data needed. The instrument which is used in this study was a test.  “A test is a set of stimuli presented to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basis of which a numerical score can be assigned. This scores, based on a representative sample of the individual’s behavior, is an indicator of the extent to which the subject has the characteristic being measured.”  (Ary, et. al, 2010: 201). Tests that are widely used in educational research, such as this study, are achievement tests. Also based on (Ary, et.al, 2010: 201), there are five kinds of achievement tests; those are standardized tests, researcher – made tests, norm – referenced and criterion – referenced tests, test performance range, and performance assessment. In this study, the researcher used researcher – made test, so that the researcher could suit the test with the specific objectives of this study, it means that the test was hoped could match more closely with the content that was covered in this study. Madsen (1983:5) stated that tests is an important part of every teaching and learning experience that can provide insights into ways that can improve the evaluation process and also help us answer the important questions. So that, a test in this study was writing test which is important to answer the research questions about the effect of using Integrated Writing Technique as a technique for teaching writing job application letter to the twelfth graders of SMK Negeri 1 Grati - Pasuruan. In this study, the test was in the form of composition test. The test was administered twice; those were pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was administered first in order to assess the students‘ writing ability before the treatments, while post-test was administered next after the treatments in order to assess the students‘ writing ability after the given treatments. Pre-test and post-test were given to the both groups; experimental and control groups. The form of composition test was chosen in this study since it only required short time to construct and it was considered able to be the way to measure the students‘ writing ability directly. In this case, the composition test was composing a job application letter. The students were given 45 minutes to do the test. The instruction of the composition that should be composed by them in pre-test was the same as the ins

    Hubungan antara Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dengan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa pada Materi Ekologi

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    In the age of 21st century, education is faced with increasingly severe challenges. One of the challenges is to produce human resources who have the ability to face the full range of challenges in life. Competence in the 2.1 century is called 4C which includes the ability to think critically and solve problems (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving), creative thinking (Creativity), communication skills (Communication Skills), and the ability to work together (Ability to Work Collaboratively). to test the closeness between critical thinking and creative thinking on ecological material; Two classes were used in data collection, totaling 36 students, 25 of which were female and 11 were male with an age range of 15 to 17 years and were obtained by simple random sampling technique; Data were collected from the test instrument for critical and creative thinking questions and then analyzed by the regression equation Y for X, the linearity and significance test Y for X, the correlation coefficient and the significance test for the correlation coefficient Y over X; This study obtained the results that show that the relationship is linear with a correlation value of 0.724 which is classified as a strong level of closeness so that the value of the contribution of critical thinking skills to creative is 52.42%; The relationship between the ability to think critically towards creative thinking with the contribution of critical thinking skills to the ability to think creatively is 52.42%


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    Praktik agama Islam yang sempurna seharusnya memberikan nilai kemaslahatan bagi manusia secara menyeluruh. Namun faktanya, masih ditemukan oknum atau kelompok yang mengamalkan Islam secara ekstrim terlalu ke kiri atau ke kanan. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan radikalisme, terorisme, anarkisme, rasisme, chauvinisme, dan konflik antar etnis masih sering terjadi di masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan upaya - upaya penyelesaian yang tepat, salah satunya yaitu dengan akselerasi internalisasi Islam Wasathiyah melalui implementasi strategi KPPE (Konsep Perencanaan Praktik Evaluasi). Strategi KPPE didasari oleh konsep, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi yang tersistem, terstruktur, terkontrol, terukur, dan masif. Penelitian ini memiliki 3 tujuan, yaitu: (1) untuk mendeskripsikan konsep IW (Islam Wasthiyah) secara komprehensif, (2) untuk mendeskripsikan best practice pengimplementasian IW, dan (3) untuk mendeskripsikan konsep pengimplementasian strategi KPPE agar tercipta akselerasi internalisasi IW di Indonesia. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumen artikel penelitian yang membahas IW di Indonesia, sedangkan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik perbandingan tetap. Sedangkan teknik kevalidan konstruk digunakan untuk mengetahui keabsahan data yang diperoleh. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: (1) konsep IW adalah adil atau seimbang atau pertengahan atau yang terbaik. IW dapat memposisikan seseorang di antara dua ujung yang ekstrim, tidak fanatik materialisme atau spiritualisme, (2) pengimplementasian IW dapat diterapkan dalam 12 aspek kehidupan, yaitu ideologi, politik, ekonomi, diplomasi, kesehatan, teknologi, sosial, budaya, pertahanan, keamanan, agama, dan pendidikan, (3) strategi KPPE dilakukan dengan 11 cara, antara lain uji kompetensi wawasan IW, menyusun roadmap, membuat standar, membuat dan menetapkan kebijakan, sosialisasi, pelatihan, internalisasi, observasi, studi kasus per konteks, perbaikan, dan peningkatan

    Analisis Kebutuhan Moda Transportasi Massal Dalam Melayani Prediksi Penumpang Terminal 3 Bandara Internasional Juanda Dari Kota Surabaya

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    Kondisi Bandara Internasional Juanda saat ini telah kelebihan kapasitas (over capacity), pada tahun 2016 jumlah penumpang mencapai 19 juta orang, sedangkan daya tampungnya hanya 12,5 juta penumpang per tahun. Sehingga untuk mengurangi kepadatan penumpang di terminal 1 dan 2 direncakan pembangunan Terminal 3 yang dapat menampung 75 juta penumpang per tahun. Perencanaan pembangunan Terminal 3 Bandara Internasional Juanda perlu diiringi dengan pengembangan akses menuju bandara. Akses menuju Bandara Internasional Juanda tergantung pada perencanaan transportasi dan jaringan jalan di kota Surabaya. Sehingga dibutuhkan studi mengenai moda transportasi apa yang paling sesuai sebagai akses dari/ke bandara. Metodologi dan langkah – langkah yang dilakukan dalam pengerjaan studi ini antara lain identifikasi masalah, studi pustaka, pengumpulan data, dan mengolah data yang telah didapatkan. Tahap pertama adalah analisis karakteristik penumpang, menghitung jumlah penumpang pada saat peak hour berdasarkan IATA dan FAA, menganalisis Travel time dengan menggunakan hubungan antara derajat kejenuhan jalan dan kecepatan arus bebas, memodelkan pemilihan moda menggunakan model logit biner selisih dan yang terakhir menghitung operasional moda transportasi massal. Dari hasil analisis, karakteristik penumpang bandara internasional Juanda dominan melakukan perjalanan dengan maksud kerja. Penumpang berasal dari ekonomi menengah ke atas dan sangat memperhatikan kehandalan moda yang digunakan. Dari hasil peramalan jumlah penumpang menggunakan metode trend eksponential, 75 juta penumpang per tahun berada di tahun 2033. Jumlah penumpang pada saat peak hour adalah sebesar 6407 untuk keberangkatan dan 4929 untuk kedatangan. Hasil analisis Travel time penumpang menggunakan moda mobil pribadi dari kota Surabaya, didapat Travel time maksimum sebesar 131 menit. Dengan menggunakan model logit biner selisih, didapatkan moda transportasi yang memiliki proporsi penumpang terbanyak adalah kereta bandara transit dengan kapasitas 172 orang dan memiliki kecepatan 50 km/jam. ========================================================== Juanda International Airport is considered to face the condition of over capacity, based on the fact that in 2014, the number of passengers had reached 16.5 million people while it was only capable to accommodate 12.5 million passengers every year. In order to decrease the passenger density in Terminal 1 and Terminal 2, the project to build Terminal 3 is planned with expectations it will be able to accommodate 75 million passengers every year. Unfortunately, the plan to develop access to the airport is not considered to accompany the plan to build Terminal 3 of Juanda International Airport itself. Access to the Juanda International Airport depends on the transportation and road system planning in Surabaya. Therefore, a study to determine the most appropriate transportation modes as an access to/from the airport is highly needed. The methodology of this analysis study requires problem identification, literature study, data inventory, and data processing. The steps to implement this methodology is analyzing the characteristics of passengers, calculating the number of passengers during peak hour based on IATA and FAA, analyzing the traveling time using the correlation between the road’s degree of saturation and free-flow speed, modelling the modes alternatives using binomial logit model, and calculating the operational of mass transportation modes. Based on the analysis result, the passengers of Juanda International Airport dominantly travel with the intention to work. The passengers vary from the middle to the upper class and highly consider about the reliability of the transportation modes used. The number of passengers will be 75 million per year in 2033 based on the forecast result using the exponential trend method. The number of passengers during peak hour is 6407 people (departure) and 4929 people (arrival). The analysis also shows the result of maximum traveling time spent by the passengers who use private car as their transportation mode from Surabaya, which is 131 minutes. Then, binomial logit model is implemented to obtain the transportation modes that has the biggest proportion of passengers, which is the airport transit train with the capacity of 172 people and the speed of 50 km/hour

    On Ramsey Minimal Graphs For (P4,Pn), For n≥5

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    For given two graphs G and H, the notation F \righttarrow (G,H) means that any red-blue coloring of all the edges of F contains a red copy of G as a subgraph or a blue copy of H as a subgraph. A graph F is Ramsey (G,H)-minimal if F \righttarrow (G,H)  and for any edge e in F then  F-e  \nrighttarrow (G,H). The class of all (G,H)-minimal graph, is denoted by \mathcal{R}(G,H). In this paper, some graph in  \mathcal{R}(P_4,P_5) are obtained. Then, a graph in \mathcal{R}(P_4,P_n)  for even n,  n>=6 and a graph in \mathcal{R}(P_4,P_n) for odd n, n>=7 is also obtained

    The Implementation of Extracuricular Activities of Adolescents Scientific Paper Based on Character Education

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    This study aims to determine the validity of the gap between madrasah policies and field facts in implementing extracurricular activities based on character education. Novelty by using the Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) framework which is estimated to have the accuracy of assessing extracurricular activities of Adolescent Scientific Work based on character education as a basis for evaluating success. This research was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 5 Bogor. This data was obtained from research subjects such as madrasah heads, student affairs representatives, coaches, chairmen, and parents. Data were collected from the triangulation process by observation, interviews, and documentation studies and then analyzed the findings data in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 62 of 2014 concerning Extracurricular Activities and Guidelines for Extracurricular Activities in Primary and Secondary Education as the evaluation standards used. The results of the study have an impact on the need for improvement in extracurricular activity programs because there is a gap between Madrasah stakeholder policies and field facts, namely the lack of optimal management, management and guidance of KIR Coaches, as well as financing and infrastructure in supporting extracurricular activitie

    Tinjauan Atas Prosedur Persediaan Barang Dagang pada PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Unit Industri Hilir Teh Bandung

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    PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Unit Industri Hilir Teh Bandung Tea Industry is a company engaged in the field of tea processing end, where the production of the results will be used as trade goods inventory. Inventory is one of the assets of the smooth running of operational activities to support companies that trade goods goods inventory at any time fixed would be sure in order for sales activities. A problem that often occurs is the buildup of in the warehouse items so that items being damaged, and the possibility of goods being expired. The purpose of this research was conducted to find out how the application of the procedures and know the merchandise inventory constraints as well as the efforts made by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Unit Industri Hilir The Bandung. The research method used is descriptive method, by mean of observation and interviews as well as the study of librarianship. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the application of the procedure of trade goods inventory include the admission procedure of trademark part production, storage of goods and merchandise spending


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    Hijab is not a foreign thing for the population in Indonesia, because most of the population of Indonesia is Muslim. Today, many business people, especially hijab sellers, provide a variety of brands and models in the hijab they sell. Therefore sellers are required to be able to think intelligently in making a sales strategy that will certainly be useful to know clearly which products are most in demand by customers, and also to increase sales in their stores. Then there needs to be an alternative that can realize the recording of sales transaction data more quickly and structured. In this study the authors applied the k-means algorithm to determine customer interest in the products they sell. In the calculation that has been done by using two parameters, namely the transaction and the number of sales and passing three iterations with the results of iterations one gets a ratio of 0.374324132, the iteration two gets the ratio 0.543018325, and the iteration three gets the same ratio value as second iteration. So it can be concluded that the hijab that is most desirable by the customers is the hijab with the brand Rabbani, Elzatta, and Zoya, the low-interest hijab branded by Dian Pelangi, Kami Idea, and Meccanism. And the hijab with those who are not high and also not low is the hijab under the brand Ria Miranda, Jenahara, Shasmira, and Shafira

    Pembuatan Susu Kedelai Organik Sebagai Salah Satu Peluang Bisnis Penambah Penghasilan Keluarga

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    Pembuatan susu kedelai organik bertujuan  untuk memberikan keterampilan siswa SMA berwirausaha. Terutama siswa SMA yang akan lulus. Metode yang digunakan demonstrasi yang selanjutnya para peserta diminta mempraktekannya. Dikarenakan adanya pandemi maka demonstrasi berlangsung secara online hingga mampu menjangkau banyak peserta termasuk masyarakat setempat dan mahasiswa. Pemilihan kegiatan pembuatan susu kedelai karena berdasarkan survei hampir semua kalangan menyukai susu kedelai. Alasan  pemilihan kedelai organik, usaha ini masih belum ditemukan, sehingga dapat menjadi peluang bisnis yang baik dalam berwirausaha. Siswa SMA yang umumnya sedikit memperoleh keterampilan dibanding siswa SMK, itu alasan kedua diberikan bimbingan ini, terlebih  kegiatan ini diberikan saat siswa SMA akan lulus sekolah. Hasil akhir kegiatan ini yang sudah melaporkan terbentuk tiga pengusaha susu kedelai dua dari masyarakat satu dari mahasiswa. Namun kesulitan memperoleh dan mahalnya harga kedelai organik, yang tidak sebanding dengan harga jual, para pengusaha jadi beralih menggunakan kedelai non organik


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengklasifikasikan pesawat sederhana melalui penerapan scientific approach. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SDN Karangasem IV No. 204 Surakarta tahun ajaran 2014/2015 berjumlah 38 siswa. Siswa kelas V terdiri dari 22 siswa laki-laki dan 16 siswa perempuan. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, tes, dan kajian dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif (Miles & Huberman). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa mengklasifikasikan pesawat sederhana meningkat. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan nilai rata-rata setiap siklus. Nilai rata-rata pratindakan yaitu 54,21, pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 75,70, dan pada siklus II kembali meningkat menjadi 83,38. Persentase ketuntasan klasikal juga mengalami peningkatan dari pratindakan sebesar 21,05% pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 68,42% dan pada pada siklus II menjadi 89,47%. Berdasarkan data di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan scientific approach dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengklasifikasikan pesawat sederhana pada siswa kelas V SDN Karangasem IV No. 204 Surakarta tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Abstract: The Purpose of this research is to improve clasification ability of simple machine by applying scientific approach. The type of this research is classroom action research (CAR), it consists of two cycles. The subject of this research are fifth grade students of Karangasem IV No. 204 Elementary School Surakarta in academic year 2014/2015 which consisted of 38 students. The class consists of 22 male and 16 female. The data collection techniques uses observation, interview, test, and documentation. The data analysis uses interactive analysis (Miles & Huberman). The research result shows that students’ classification ability of simple machine improve. It is shown by the improvement of average grade in precycle is 54.21, in the first cycle increase to 75.70, and in the second cycle also increase to 83.38. The percentage of classical acquired passing grade also improve, from precycle 21.05%, in the first cycle increase to 68.42%, and in the second cycle increase to 89.47%. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the application of scientific approach can improve the classification ability of simple machine on the fifth grade students of Karangasem IV No. 204 Elementary School Surakarta in academic year 2014/2015.Kata Kunci: Scientific Approach, Kemampuan Mengklasifikasikan, Pesawat Sederhan