92 research outputs found

    Study of natural formation and anthropogenic change in soils for sustainable land-use

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    In this work, we have presented an approach to rational territorial organization of the environment with the aim of harmonizing natural, economic and socio-demographic processes. Successive stages of the action for the development of basin nature management projects are proposed by us. Design technology rational land use is implemented for one of the small river basi

    Social aspects of industrial safety: current challenge

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    The paper discusses the importance of social aspects in industrial safety. Specifics of the Russian society, manifested in culture and set of population’s values cause underestimation of social constituents when breaking labor safety rules. At the same time, industrial infrastructure differs significantly from the environment, so safety in these conditions tends to change its essential characteristics. Governmental measures aimed at the improvement of industrial safety are insufficient. According to the study it is important to consider a technological environment as a field of human activity

    Practical recommendations on the improvement of the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy in universities

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is conditioned by the expansion of the scale of corruption in higher education. The purpose of the article is to develop practical recommendations for improving of anti-corruption policy’s effectiveness at universities. The study involved 450 teachers, 1200 students from 140 Russian universities. The main results of the study are to identify the causes of bribery and popular tools of counteraction of corruption in universities, organizational and practical measures for improving of the anti-corruption policy’s effectiveness (the creation of the university’s anti-corruption environment, the formation of the stable orientation of students, faculty, staff of the university on anti-corruption activities, including in the content of higher education of teaching material about the anti-corruption policy). This study provides important findings. Firstly, the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy in universities is increased while forming of anticorruption outlook and anti-corruption attitudes among the entities of the educational process determining the intellectual and valuable-emotional attitude to corruption and influencing the readiness for anti-corruption activities. Secondly, the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy in universities is increased with the application of cognitive, activities-related, interactive and integrative methods’ complex

    Optimisations of the cost and structure of created investment resources of an entity based on financial leverage elements

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    The article demonstrates the author's method for cost and structure optimisation of created investment resources of an entity based on financial leverage tools for effective financing of real investments in case of development of an investment strategy for an entity development, namely: - Criteria of investments financing from line items of conservative, compromise, and aggressive approaches are determined using in the scheme of financing owner's capital, and also short-term and long-term loan fund capital; - Step-by-step creation of the financial performances considering industry specifics, scale of functioning of economic agents' activities is offered. Effective activities of the entities in long terms, ensuring high rates of their development and competitiveness increase in the conditions of market economy, are substantially determined by the level of their investment activity and the range of investing activities. One of the main tasks of forming the investment resources is the optimisation of their structure taking into account the profitability level and the investment risk. The optimisation of a capital structure by criterion of financial profitability level maximisation (profitability of the owner's capital) is reached by means of financial leverage mechanism. Profitability level maximisation for the capital considering the set level of financial risk is performed through the financial leverage, showing the use of borrowed funds by the entity. Carrying out complex calculations within the investment analysis with use of mechanisms of financial leverage allows determining the optimum structure of the created investment resources providing maximisation of the profitability level. © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved

    Climate and Grazing Effects on the Biomass and Photosynthetic Capacity of Dominant Species in Mongolia Steppe Communities

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    Global climate change and grazing are the key factors affecting plant productivity in steppe regions of Mongolia. It is important to separate the impacts of these factors and to assess the contribution of each factor to the biomass of pastoral plants. Here, we studied the grazing and climate impact on biomass and functional traits in three dominant species of Mongolian steppe plant communities: Artemisia frigida Willd., Stipa krylovii Roshev., and Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad. Both aridity and grazing significantly influenced the biomass of the studied species but the direction and scope of the changes were species-specific. Grazing had no effect on leaf mass per area (LMA), photosynthesis (

    Leaf traits of C3- and C4-plants indicating climatic adaptation along a latitudinal gradient in Southern Siberia and Mongolia

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    Increasing aridity is one of the most important trends of current climate change. Leaf functional traits suggest a substantial basis for assessing the aridity effects on vegetation. However, since plants possess diverse leaf morphology and anatomy due to different evolutionary history of taxa, the effect of aridity can hardly be revealed in a multi-species analysis. We studied leaf functional traits for 317 samples of 193 plant species in steppe and desert communities along a 1600-km latitudinal gradient in Southern Siberia (Transbaikalia, Russia) and Mongolia. We determined morphological leaf traits, quantitative anatomical parameters, physiological parameters, and photosynthetic pigments content. Different relevance of leaf traits for indication of plant response to climate has been demonstrated. The clearest changes in site-mean values along the aridity gradient were shown for leaf thickness, total chloroplast number per leaf area (Nchl/A) and total surface area of chloroplasts (Achl/A) and cells (Ames/A) per leaf area. Unlike leaf size and leaf mass per area, these quantitative mesophyll parameters related to plant photosynthetic capacity were strongly correlated with climate. We found no evidence for a decrease in sizes of mesophyll cells with aridity, but cell volume as well as chloroplast number per cell were linked with plant functional type (PFT). We revealed an increase in Nchl/A and Achl/A in desert-steppe species in comparison to steppe and forest-steppe vegetation types within each PFT of C3-plants (C3-dicot herbs, C3-dicot shrubs, C3-monocots and C3-succulents). C4-plants were generally characterized by low Achl/A and Ames/A, but had higher rate of CO2-transfer through mesophyll and chloroplast surfaces. C3- and C4-plants differed in response to aridity and showed opposite trends in changes of leaf traits along the aridity gradient. We conclude that leaf mesophyll traits contribute to important mechanism of climatic adaptation in different PFTs along a large latitudinal gradient. © 2018 Elsevier GmbHRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: АААА-А17-117072810011-1, 17-29-05019, АААА-А17-117011810036-3The authors are deeply indebted Joint Russian-Mongolian Complex Biological Expedition RAS and MAS, who supported the field observation and data collection used in this study. The analytical part of this research has been partially supported by RFBR grant 17-29-05019 , and partly by project №АААА-А17-117072810011-1 of Russian Federal Budget . The research of O.A. Anenkhonov was carried out using the framework of project № АААА-А17-117011810036-3 supported by the Russian Federal Budget

    Пути улучшения диагностики и лечения поражения легких при системной склеродермии на территории Сибирского федерального округа (материалы совместного совета экспертов ревматологов и пульмонологов от 8.12.2019)

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    The aim of the study was to develop ways to improve the diagnosis and treatment of systemic sclerosis (SSc)-ILD. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a common manifestation of SSc. In the territory of the Siberian Federal District (SFD), the number of patients with the progressive phenotype of SSc-ILD is approximately 750 people. When immunosuppressive therapy is ineffective and pulmonary fibrosis progresses, lung transplantation is indicated. The emergence of new possibilities of pathogenetic therapy currently requires studying the possibilities of their applications in real clinical practice on the territory of the SFD.Discussion. The results of a discussion of diagnostics, therapy, and routing of a rheumatology patient during the interdisciplinary observation of SSc-ILD in the SFD are presented. The reason for this discussion was the new data on the use of nintedanib in this category of patientsConclusion. To improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment of patients with SSc in the SFD, it is necessary to implement the principle of a multidisciplinary approach with the obligatory involvement of a pulmonologist and a radiologist (a specialist in CT diagnostics), and, if differential diagnosis is necessary in difficult clinical situations, of a pathomorphologist. An urgent task is the introduction of an algorithm for examining patients with SSc for the timely diagnosis of ILD in the territory of the Siberian Federal District. To improve the quality of medical care in the territory of the SFD for patients with ILD-SSc it is necessary to create a reference center in the city of Novosibirsk with the possibility of initiating anti-fibrosis therapy.Введение. Поражение легких у больных ССД является одним из наиболее частых проявлений висцеральной патологии и рассматривается как вариант фиброзирующих диффузных интерстициальных заболеваний легких (ИЗЛ). Несмотря на продемонстрированную эффективность патогенетической иммуносупрессивной терапии, у ряда пациентов фиброзные изменения в легочной ткани имеют прогрессирующее течение, что негативно сказывается на качестве и продолжительности жизни пациента. На территории Сибирского федерального округа (СФО) количество пациентов с ССД, имеющих прогрессирующее поражение легких, составляет приблизительно 750 человек. Таким образом, проблема своевременной диагностики и лечения поражения легких при ССД оказывается весьма актуальной и для СФО. Имеющиеся в настоящее время данные об эффективности современной противофиброзной терапии ИЗЛ при ССД требуют изучения возможности ее применения в реальной клинической практике на территории СФО.Цель. Разработать пути улучшения диагностики и лечения поражений легких при системной склеродермии (ССД).Обсуждение. Представлены результаты междисциплинарного обсуждения вопросов диагностики, терапии, маршрутизации пациентов с ССД и ИЗЛ на территории СФО. Причиной данного обсуждения явилось появление сведений об эффективности нинтеданиба у данной категории пациентов.Заключение. Для повышения эффективности диагностики и лечения больных ССД с поражением легких необходимо реализовать принцип мультидисциплинарного подхода с обязательным привлечением пульмонолога и рентгенолога (специалиста по КТ-диагностике), а при необходимости дифференциальной диагностики в сложных клинических ситуациях – патоморфолога. Актуальной задачей оказывается внедрение на территории СФО алгоритма обследования пациентов с ССД для своевременной диагностики ИЗЛ. Для повышения качества оказания медицинской помощи на территории СФО пациентам с ИЗЛ при ССД необходимо создать референсный центр в г.  Новосибирске с возможностью инициации специалистами этого центра антифибротической терапии

    Эффективность и безопасность эрибулина при различных подтипах рака молочной железы: данные из реальной клинической практики в России

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    The article presents a pooled experience of the use of eribulin in the real clinical practice of treatment of metastatic breast cancer in Russian oncological institutions. The effectiveness of the drug in monotherapy with HER2‑negative breast cancer was analyzed, groups of patients with most effective use of eribulin were identified depending on the localization of metastases, the most effective lines of therapy. The effectiveness of the drug in combination with trastuzumab in HER2‑positive breast cancer is described, as well as toxic reactions. В статье представлен обобщенный опыт применения эрибулина в реальной клинической практике онкологических учреждений РФ при метастатическом раке молочной железы. Проанализирована эффективность препарата в монотерапии при HER2-отрицательном раке молочных желез, выделены группы больных в зависимости от локализации метастазов, линии терапии, в которых препарат оказался максимально эффективным. Описана эффективность препарата в комбинации с трастузумабом при HER2-положительном раке молочной железы, а также токсические реакции. 

    Session 17 Ecophysiology

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