26 research outputs found

    Proposta metodol貌gica per a la modelitzaci贸 geogr脿fica del poblament prehist貌ric a la conca del riu Ripoll (Vall猫s Occidental, Catalunya)

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    Jornadas de J贸venes en Investigaci贸n Arqueol贸gica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona). Sesi贸n 3. Indicios arqueol贸gicos de la vertebraci贸n del territorio y su poblamiento desde 茅poca ib茅rica hasta la Tardoantig眉edad en la Pen铆nsula Ib茅rica.El trabajo que presentamos tiene por objetivo realizar una aproximaci贸n a la metodolog铆a utilizada para estudiar los patrones de poblamiento durante la prehistoria reciente (5500-550 ane) en la cuenca del r铆o Ripoll (Vall猫s Occidental/Vall猫s Oriental, Catalunya). La propuesta est谩 realizada a partir de la creaci贸n de un modelo geogr谩fico que intenta dar respuesta a las preguntas planteadas por la investigaci贸n, empleando de manera intensiva las utilidades que los SIG y las ventajas del software libre. Afrontando esta problem谩tica, el estudio propone un an谩lisis detallado de la teor铆a y la metodolog铆a necesarias para aplicar modelos geogr谩ficos en arqueolog铆a.The aim of this project is the definition of a new methodology of research, designed to create new socionatural models able to improve our understanding of ancient populations in the zone of the basin of Ripoll river (Vall茅s Occidental/Vall茅s Oriental, Catalonia). We propose the integration of Geographic Information Systems and the advantages of free software with traditional archaeological techniques (field walking and survey). This approach is combined with theoretical and methodological discussions about the use of geographic models in archaeology.El treball que presentem t茅 per objectiu realitzar una aproximaci贸 a la metodologia emprada per estudiar els patrons de poblament durant la prehist貌ria recent (5500-550 ane) a la conca del riu Ripoll (Vall猫s Occidental/ Vall猫s Oriental, Catalunya). La proposta est脿 realitzada a partir de la creaci贸 d'un model geogr脿fic que intenta donar resposta a les preguntes plantejades per la recerca, utilitzant de manera intensiva les possibilitats que ofereixen els Sistemes d'Informaci贸 Geogr脿fica i els avantatges del software lliure. Davant d'aquesta problem脿tica l'estudi proposa una an脿lisi de la teoria i metodologia necess脿ries per aplicar els models geogr脿fics a l'arqueologia

    Josep Clara. Els Fortins De Franco. Arqueologia Militar Als Pirineus Catalans.

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    Tradicionalment el patrimoni b猫l路lic, i m茅s en concret, tot el del segle XX, ha estat relegat a l鈥檕blit i no s鈥檋a tingut en compte en els estudis de patrimoni i arqueologia. El llibre que aqu铆 ressenyem, Els fortins de Franco. Arqueologia militar als Pirineus catalans de l鈥檃utor Josep Clara, 茅s una obra que trenca esquemes en aquest sentit, ja que 茅s una de les poques publicacions en el panorama nacional sobre aquest tema. Cal destacar que els estudis patrimonials i/o arqueol貌gics de les restes materials generades arrel de la Guerra Civil Espanyola (fortificacions militars, camps de batalla, aer貌droms, trinxeres, refugis, etc) tot just ara comencen a proliferar..................

    The Study of spatiotemporal patterns integrating temporal uncertainty in late prehistoric settlements in northeastern Spain

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    This paper explores the integration of two variables that are typically difficult to use in spatial analysis: time and uncertainty. A framework is constructed to analyse mid- and long-term variation in settlement dynamics during late prehistory in northeastern Spain. Following previous proposals, an aoristic model is built with ceramic dating to feed a Monte Carlo simulation that explores the case study using a discrete time-step approach. At the same time, available radiometric dating is used to validate the accuracy of the simulation results. Departing from the static analysis of spatial variables, the model proposes a new approach by which researchers can address temporal uncertainty. The results show that patterns detected by classical spatial analysis can be produced by artefacts derived from the division of time in chronologies instead of discrete time periods. The model is also used to compare a-priori identical variations whose rate of change, when analysed with this approach, is revealed to be completely different

    Mapping changes in late prehistoric landscapes: a case study in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula

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    The temporal span of the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age (1300-550) saw the emergence of intense interconnectivity in the Mediterranean sea. The development of colonial trade dramatically increased cultural exchange along its coasts as can be observed in archaeological evidence. These large scale processes had an impact at all scales and territories close to the main trade routes. However, the process was extremely diverse in its forms. This work presents a case study focused on two adjacent areas in the coast of the NE Iberian Peninsula. Spatial analysis has been carried out to explore the trajectories of settlement location dynamics during the whole period. Basic geographic variables, mobility and distance to trade routes have been explored to identify key differences over periods and areas. Results indicate that the factors guiding settlements location varied between the two zones. Moreover, one of the areas was radically influenced by trade routes in the Early Iron Age while the other did not seem to be affected by this external factor. The interpretation of these analyses suggests that the rise in connectivity was not homogeneous over the Western Mediterranean, but in the regions where it took place this factor was decisive to explain their historical trajectories

    Segundas Jornadas de J贸venes Investigadores en Arqueolog铆a

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    Segundas Jornadas de J贸venes Investigadores en Arqueolog铆a (JIA'09). Arqueolog铆a del Conflicto, Arqueolog铆a y Memoria i l'excursio POST-JIA: Paisatges de Guerra i Repressi

    The FC Algorithm to Estimate the Manning鈥檚 Roughness Coefficients of Irrigation Canals

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    Freshwater scarcity has driven the integration of technological advancements and automation systems in agriculture in order to attempt to improve water-use efficiency. For irrigation canals, water-use efficiency is, in great measure, limited by the performance of management systems responsible for controlling the flow and delivering water to the farmers. Recent studies show a significant sensitivity of the results obtained from irrigation canal control algorithms with respect to the Manning鈥檚 roughness coefficient value, thus, highlighting the importance of its correct estimation to ensure an accurate and efficient water delivery service. This is the reason why the friction coefficient algorithm was developed, to monitor the real behaviour of any irrigation canal by calculating the Manning鈥檚 roughness coefficient constantly. The friction coefficient algorithm was conceived as a powerful offline tool that is integrated in a control diagram of any irrigation canal, concretely in an optimization control algorithm, which can reconfigure canal gates according to the current crop water demand and the real Manning鈥檚 roughness coefficient values. The friction coefficient algorithm has been applied in several irrigation canals and different scenarios, with accurate results obtaining an average Manning coefficient deviation among 2 脳 10-4 and 4.5 脳 10-4.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version