723 research outputs found

    Аналіз методів контролю та оцінки радіаційної стійкості на прикладі модельних (Zn-O)-GaP світлодіодів

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    Introduction and problem statement. Research relevance of most important parameters of LEDs — resistance to ionizing radiation — for their use in civilian hardware, aerospace, nuclear and radioelectronics onboard equipment is shown. Samples and experimental technique. Samples obtaining method for studying of neutron irradiation influence on the LEDs is indicated. The neutron irradiation influence on the basic characteristics (light intensity) given current and voltage is investigated. Experimental results interpretation shows that for this model current radiative component associated with electrons injection in the optically active p-region. Radiative excitons recombination occurs at the (Zn-O)-complexes, the concentration of which is a linear function. An experimental study light intensity dependences of fluens and damage constant finding. Theoretically and experimentally investigated the light intensity dependence of neutron irradiation fluens at given current. The (IV0/IV) dependencies from fluens neutrons with energy >= 0,1 MeV and fixed voltage of 1,65 V is presented. It shown that light intensity reduction while irradiation at the fixed current is much faster than at the fixed voltage. The calculation formula and (IV0/IV) dependence from neutrons fluens for set of 25 LEDs at nominal current 10 mA are received. Conclusions. The neutron irradiation influence with energy above 0,1 and 2,65 MeV on the light intensity red glow (Zn-O)-LEDs is indicated. It shown that damage constant is proportional to the neutrons momentum. The calculated light intensity dependence from fluens at given current is received.В работе исследовано влияние нейтронного облучения с энергией свыше 0,1 и 2,65 МэВ на силу света (Zn-O)-светодиодов с красным цветом свечения. Показа-но, что излучательная компонента тока, связана с инжекцией электронов в оптиче-ски активную р-область с линейным распределением активаторов люминесценции, при заданном напряжении была линейной функцией безызлучательного времени жизни и, следовательно, флуенса нейтронного облучения. На основании изучения вольт-амперных характеристик предложена модель, согласно которой безызлучательная рекомбинация преобладает в высокоомном компенсированном слое, который разделя-ет р-и n-области, где имеет место режим высокого уровня инжекции. Сделан вывод, что константа повреждаемости светодиодов пропорциональна импульсу нейтронов.В роботі досліджено вплив нейтронного опромінення з енергією понад 0,1 і 2,65 МеВ на силу світла (Zn-O)-світлодів з червоним кольором світіння. Показано, що випромінювальна компонента струму, пов'язана з інжекцією електронів в оптично активну р-область з лінійним розподілом активаторів люмінесценції, при заданій напрузі була лінійною функцією безвипромінювального часу життя і, отже, флюенса нейтронного опромінення. На підставі вивчення вольт-амперних характеристик запропонована модель, згідно з якою безвипромінювальна рекомбінація переважає в високоомному компенсованому шарі, що розділяє р-і-n-області, в якій має місце режим високого рівня інжекції.  Зроблено висновок, що константа пошкоджуваності світлоділодів пропорційна імпульсу нейтронів

    Photoconductivity of CdS-CdSe granular films: influence of microstructure

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    We study experimentally the photoconductivity of CdS-CdSe sintered granular films obtained by the screen printing method. We mostly focus on the dependences of photoconductivity on film's microstructure, which varies with changing heat-treatment conditions. The maximum photoconductivity is found for samples with compact packing of individual grains, which nevertheless are separated by gaps. Such a microstructure is typical for films heat-treated during an intermediate (optimal) time. In order to understand whether the dominant mechanism of charge transfer is identical with the one in monocrystals, we perform temperature measurements of photoresistance. Corresponding curves have the same peculiar nonmonotonic shape as in CdSe monocrystals, from which we conclude that the basic mechanism is also the same. It is suggested that the optimal heat-treatment time appears as a result of a competition between two mechanisms: improvement of film's connectivity and its oxidation. Photoresistance is also measured in vacuum and in helium atmosphere, which suppress oxygen and water absorption/chemisorption at intergrain boundaries. We demonstrate that this suppression increases photoconductivity, especially at high temperatures.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, final versio

    Circulation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Flu Virus in the Russian Federation in 2014-2015

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    Given are the data on the circulation of highly pathogenic flu virus, A/H5, within the last two years. Discussed is the current state of the situation on H5 flu in the territory of the Russian Federation, where during 2014-2015, for the first time since 2010, registered has been the isolation of highly pathogenic flu virus, H5N1 and H5N8 subtypes. It is demonstrated that the territory of Russia plays a significant role in trans-continental transfer of flu viruses by wild birds from South-Eastern Asia into Europe and North America. Moreover, an assumption is made that a continued circulation of highly pathogenic viruses in the territory of the country is quiet possible

    Overview of the Epidemiological Situation on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in Russia in 2018

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    Analyzed was modern epidemiological situation on highly pathogenic avian flu in 2018. Prognosis for possible further distribution of viruses in the territory of Russia was made. In 2018, the situation on highly pathogenic avian flu in Russia was challenging. This was due to the spread of the viruses clade, which caused multiple outbreaks among wild birds and poultry in European part of Russia. In addition, A/H5N6 avian influenza virus circulation was for the first time detected in the Saratov Region during routine avian influenza virus surveillance. In May, 2018 two different lineages of avian influenza A/H9N2 were isolated during the outbreaks that occurred at several poultry plants in Primorsk Territory and Amur Region of Russia. Subsequently, that virus subtype continued spreading in Russia, which was recorded by detection of the A/H9N2 influenza virus in wild birds in the Khabarovsk and Tomsk Regions of Russia. Thus, it is shown yet again that the territory of Russia plays an  important geographical role in the spread of avian influenza viruses

    Overview of the Situation on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5 in Russia in 2016–2017

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    In 2016–2017, several outbreaks among wild and domestic birds caused by highly pathogenic influenza virus were recorded in the territory of the Russian Federation. After isolation of the highly pathogenic influenza A (H5N8) virus in the territory of the Republic of Tyva in May 2016, the virus was introduced into the west by wild birds, where it caused a massive epizootic. The death of agricultural poultry was noted in several regions of the European part of Russia and epizootics continued until the end of 2017. This paper presents the data on circulation of highly pathogenic influenza virus over the past two years. The current status regarding H5 influenza in the territory of the Russian Federation is also considered, where for the first time since 2005 a large-scale epizooty caused by the influenza virus subtype A (H5N8) was recorded. It is shown that the territory of Russia plays an important geographical role in the spread of influenza virus by wild birds from Southeast Asia to Europe and North America, and the research also suggests the possible continuation of circulation of highly pathogenic viruses in the territory of Russia

    Review on the Epizootiological Situation on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza around the World and in Russia in 2022

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    This paper describes the current situation on highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in 2022 and provides forecast of the possible further spread of avian influenza in Russia. In 2022, the circulation of a wide variety of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus subtypes, which have epizootiological and epidemiological significance, was recorded in the world. Outbreaks caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza virus were reported in over 60 countries. In addition, human infections with influenza viruses of the A(H5Nx) and A(H9N2) subtypes were registered. There was a large-scale epizootic which affected more than 10 regions of the European part of Russia and the Russian Far East in 2022. Outbreaks among wild birds and poultry were caused by the highly pathogenic influenza virus A(H5N1) of the clade, at the same time genetic and antigenic diversity was observed among viruses circulating in Russia. Thus, an essential geographical role of the territory of Russia in the global spread of avian influenza virus has been shown once again, which highlights the importance of continuous avian influenza virus surveillance in the country

    2019–2020 herd immunity to seasonal influenza viruses prior to epidemic season and rate of severe disease cases

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    The aim was to analyze heard immunity against influenza viruses as well as severe course of influenza infection prior to the 2019–2020 epidemic season. Methods. Blood sera samples were collected prior to and after conducting population-wide influenza vaccination campaign at the sanitary and epidemiological centers in different regions of the Russian Federation as well as at the Siberian Federal District, respectively. Sera samples were tested by using hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay with vaccine strains A/Brisbane/02/2018 (H1N1)pdm09, A/Kansas/14/2017 (H3N2), B/Colorado/06/2017 (Victoria lineage). Baseline clinical and autopsy materials in case of influenza infection in vaccinated patients or severe and fatal influenza cases were collected to be tested by RT-PCR at the sanitary and epidemiological centers, Rospotrebnadzor. All influenza-virus positive samples were further sent to the SRC VB “Vector”. Results. A total of 7,896 and 600 blood serum samples were collected from subjects at Siberian Federal District prior to and after the populationwide influenza vaccination campaign, respectively. Prior to the epidemic season, the proportion of individuals seropositive for the influenza A virus subtypes A/(H1N1)pdm09 and A/H3N2 exceeded 50% in most of the regions, whereas frequency of those seropositive for the influenza B virus was profoundly lower ranging from 12 to 46% in the Northwestern Federal District and Volga Federal District, respectively. After influenza vaccination, the percentage of seropositive subjects in the Siberian Federal District increased as follows: for influenza subtype A/(H1N1)pdm09 — from 66 up to 79%, influenza subtype A/H3N2 — from 68 up to 78%, and for influenza B/Victoria — from 32 up to 47%. In 2019–2020, influenza B virus more frequently caused severe infection that agrees with the herd immunity data prior to the epidemic season. However, the vast majority of the influenza cases with fatal outcome was associated with influenza virus A A/H1N1pdm09 subtype. Conclusion. Quality of influenza vaccine, especially that one intended to vaccinate risk group subjects remains a crucial issue for contemporary scientific community. The study was conducted within the framework of the State Assignments no. 1/16 and 2/18


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    Objective of the study is to investigate biological properties of avian influenza virus strains that caused the outbreaks in Russia in 2016–2017.Materials and methods. The study was performed using advanced virological and molecular-biological methods in state-of-the-art equipment.Results and conclusion. In 2016, the outbreaks among wild birds and poultry caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 virus have occurred in the territory of the Russian Federation. In May, 2016 an outbreak of H5N8 among wild birds was registered in the territory of the Republic of Tyva. In October-November, 2016 influenza virus H5N8 was isolated in the territory of the Republics of Tatarstan and Kalmykia, Krasnodar and Astrakhan Regions of Russia. In 2017 avian influenza H5N8 has become widespread in European part of Russia and caused multiple outbreaks among wild birds and poultry. Results of the investigations of the isolated strains show that all of them are highly pathogenic and belong to the clade Molecular-genetic and virological analysis has revealed the differences between the viruses isolated in 2016–2017 and the virus of the same clade that was isolated in 2014

    A single blind, placebo-controlled randomized study of the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the “EpiVacCorona” Vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19, in volunteers aged 18–60 years (phase I–II)

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    Vaccination of the population is one of the most effective countermeasures in responding to the pandemic caused by novel coronavirus infection. Therefore, scientists all over the world have been working to develop effective and safe vaccines. We have developed a synthetic peptide vaccine, EpiVacCorona, against novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is a suspension for intramuscular administration containing a composition of chemically synthesized peptide immunogens of the S protein of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus conjugated to a carrier protein and adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide. Phase I–II clinical trials of the vaccine have started that consist of two stages: Stage 1 is an open study of the safety, reactogenicity, and immunological activity of the vaccine with the involvement of 14 volunteers aged 18–30 years; Stage 2 is a single blind, comparative, randomized placebo-controlled study with the involvement of 86 volunteers. The study involved volunteers aged 18–60 years; the vaccine was injected intramuscularly twice, spaced 21 days apart between injections. All local reactions in response to vaccine administration were mild, such as a short-term pain at the injection site. There were no signs of development of local or systemic adverse reactions. The two-dose vaccination scheme induced the production of antibodies, specific to the antigens that make up the vaccine, in 100% of the volunteers. Seroconversion with a neutralizing antibody titer ≥ 1:20 was reported in 100% of the volunteers 21 days following the second immunization dose. No seroconversion was reported in the groups of volunteers vaccinated with a placebo. The peptide-based EpiVacCorona Vaccine has low reactogenicity and is a safe, immunogenic product. Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT04527575

    Feasibility studies of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors at PANDA at FAIR

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    Simulation results for future measurements of electromagnetic proton form factors at \PANDA (FAIR) within the PandaRoot software framework are reported. The statistical precision with which the proton form factors can be determined is estimated. The signal channel pˉpe+e\bar p p \to e^+ e^- is studied on the basis of two different but consistent procedures. The suppression of the main background channel, i.e.\textit{i.e.} pˉpπ+π\bar p p \to \pi^+ \pi^-, is studied. Furthermore, the background versus signal efficiency, statistical and systematical uncertainties on the extracted proton form factors are evaluated using two different procedures. The results are consistent with those of a previous simulation study using an older, simplified framework. However, a slightly better precision is achieved in the PandaRoot study in a large range of momentum transfer, assuming the nominal beam conditions and detector performance