2,121 research outputs found

    The role of EGFR double minutes in modulating the response of malignant gliomas to radiotherapy.

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    EGFR amplification in cells having double minute chromosomes (DM) is commonly found in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM); however, how much it contributes to the current failure to treat GBM successfully is unknown. We studied two syngeneic primary cultures derived from a GBM with and without cells carrying DM, for their differential molecular and metabolic profiles, in vivo growth patterns, and responses to irradiation (IR). Each cell line has a distinct molecular profile consistent with an invasive "go" (with DM) or angiogenic "grow" phenotype (without DM) demonstrated in vitro and in intracranial xenograft models. Cells with DM were relatively radio-resistant and used higher glycolytic respiration and lower oxidative phosphorylation in comparison to cells without them. The DM-containing cell was able to restore tumor heterogeneity by mis-segregation of the DM-chromosomes, giving rise to cell subpopulations without them. As a response to IR, DM-containing cells switched their respiration from glycolic metabolism to oxidative phosphorylation and shifted molecular profiles towards that of cells without DM. Irradiated cells with DM showed the capacity to alter their extracellular microenvironment to not only promote invasiveness of the surrounding cells, regardless of DM status, but also to create a pro-angiogenic tumor microenvironment. IR of cells without DM was found primarily to increase extracellular MMP2 activity. Overall, our data suggest that the DM-containing cells of GBM are responsible for tumor recurrence due to their high invasiveness and radio-resistance and the mis-segregation of their DM chromosomes, to give rise to fast-growing cells lacking DM chromosomes

    Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccine Failure in Children Is Associated with Inadequate Production of High-Quality Antibody

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    Background. Despite the excellent immunogenicity of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccines, breakthrough cases of Hib disease still affect a small proportion of vaccinated children in the United Kingdom. We performed a retrospective study to compare the avidity of antibody directed against the Hib polysaccharide capsule (PRP) in children who experienced Hib vaccine failure in the United Kingdom among 3 historical cohorts and with age-matched healthy control subjects. Methods. Serum samples from vaccinated children with invasive Hib disease were collected beginning in 1992 as part of enhanced surveillance for Hib disease following vaccine introduction. A total of 251 children who experienced Hib vaccine failure were identified from 3 historical cohorts (1992-1995, 1996-1999, and 2000-2003). The anti-PRP antibody concentration and avidity from healthy age-matched control subjects was obtained for the 3 contemporary time points (1995, 1999, and 2002). Serum anti-PRP antibody concentration was measured in each of the samples using a standard Hib ELISA, and antibody avidity was determined using thiocyanate elution. Results. Within the first 60 days after disease onset, there was no change in the anti-PRP antibody avidity, and there was no statistically significant difference in the geometric mean Hib antibody avidity over the 3 study periods. However, the children who experienced Hib vaccine failure had significantly lower Hib antibody avidity than did healthy control subjects, despite a marked antibody response following infection. Conclusions. Children who experience Hib disease despite vaccination appear to have a defect in immunological priming, leading to a qualitative difference in Hib-specific memory B cells. Low anti-PRP antibody avidity decreases the functional activity of anti-PRP antibody in the sera of these children experiencing vaccine failure, leading to disease susceptibilit

    Sex recognition by odour and variation in the uropygial gland secretion in starlings

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    1. Although a growing body of evidence supports that olfaction based on chemical compounds emitted by birds may play a role in individual recognition, the possible role of chemical cues in sexual selection of birds has been only preliminarily studied.2. We investigated for the first time whether a passerine bird, the spotless starling Sturnus unicolor, was able to discriminate the sex of conspecifics by using olfactory cues and whether the size and secretion composition of the uropygial gland convey information on sex, age and reproductive status in this species.3. We performed a blind choice experiment during mating, and we found that starlings were able to discriminate the sex of conspecifics by using chemical cues alone. Both male and female starlings preferred male scents. Furthermore, the analysis of the chemical composition of the uropygial gland secretion by using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) revealed differences between sexes, ages and reproductive status.4. In conclusion, our study reveals for first time that a passerine species can discriminate the sex of conspecifics by relying on chemical cues and suggests that the uropygial gland secretion may potentially function as a chemical signal used in mate choice and/or intrasexual competition in this species.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science ⁄ FEDER (CGL2008-00718) and PIE 200930I029 to J. M. Avilés and D. Parejo.The study was conducted under licence of the Junta de Andalucía GC–MS analyses were performed by Dr. Rafael Núñez at the Scientific Instrumentation Service (EEZ, CSIC) (Granada, Spain).Peer reviewe

    Nurse-delivered sleep restriction therapy in primary care for adults with insomnia disorder: a mixed-methods process evaluation

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    Background Sleep restriction therapy (SRT) is a behavioural therapy for insomnia. Aim To conduct a process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial comparing SRT delivered by primary care nurses plus a sleep hygiene booklet with the sleep hygiene booklet only for adults with insomnia disorder. Design and setting A mixed-methods process evaluation in a general practice setting. Method Semi-structured interviews were conducted in a purposive sample of patients receiving SRT, the practice nurses who delivered the therapy, and also GPs or practice managers at the participating practices. Qualitative data were explored using framework analysis, and integrated with nurse comments and quantitative data, including baseline Insomnia Severity Index score and serial sleep efficiency outcomes to investigate the relationships between these. Results In total, 16 patients, 13 nurses, six practice managers, and one GP were interviewed. Patients had no previous experience of behavioural therapy, needed flexible appointment times, and preferred face-to-face consultations; nurses felt prepared to deliver SRT, accommodating patient concerns, tailoring therapy, and negotiating sleep timings despite treatment complexity and delays between training and intervention delivery. How the intervention produced change was explored, including patient and nurse interactions and patient responses to SRT. Difficulties maintaining SRT, negative attitudes towards treatment, and low self-efficacy were highlighted. Contextual factors, including freeing GP time, time constraints, and conflicting priorities for nurses, with suggestions for alternative delivery options, were raised. Participants who found SRT a positive process showed improvements in sleep efficiency, whereas those who struggled did not. Conclusion SRT was successfully delivered by practice nurses and was generally well received by patients, despite some difficulties delivering and applying the intervention in practice

    Evidence for Two Modes of Synergistic Induction of Apoptosis by Mapatumumab and Oxaliplatin in Combination with Hyperthermia in Human Colon Cancer Cells

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    Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the world-- the main cause of death from colorectal cancer is hepatic metastases, which can be treated with isolated hepatic perfusion (IHP). Searching for the most clinically relevant approaches for treating colorectal metastatic disease by isolated hepatic perfusion (IHP), we developed the application of oxaliplatin concomitantly with hyperthermia and humanized death receptor 4 (DR4) antibody mapatumumab (Mapa), and investigated the molecular mechanisms of this multimodality treatment in human colon cancer cell lines CX-1 and HCT116 as well as human colon cancer stem cells Tu-12, Tu-21 and Tu-22. We showed here, in this study, that the synergistic effect of the multimodality treatment-induced apoptosis was caspase dependent and activated death signaling via both the extrinsic apoptotic pathway and the intrinsic pathway. Death signaling was activated by c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling which led to Bcl-xL phosphorylation at serine 62, decreasing the anti-apoptotic activity of Bcl-xL, which contributed to the intrinsic pathway. The downregulation of cellular FLICE inhibitory protein long isoform (c-FLIPL) in the extrinsic pathway was accomplished through ubiquitination at lysine residue (K) 195 and protein synthesis inhibition. Overexpression of c-FLIPL mutant (K195R) and Bcl-xL mutant (S62A) completely abrogated the synergistic effect. The successful outcome of this study supports the application of multimodality strategy to patients with colorectal hepatic metastases who fail to respond to standard chemoradiotherapy that predominantly targets the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. © 2013 Song et al

    Full Counting Statistics of Superconductor--Normal-Metal Heterostructures

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    The article develops a powerful theoretical tool to obtain the full counting statistics. By a slight extension of the standard Keldysh method we can access immediately all correlation functions of the current operator. Embedded in a quantum generalization of the circuit theory of electronic transport, we are able to study the full counting statistics of a large class of two-terminal contacts and multi-terminal structures, containing superconductors and normal metals as elements. The practical use of the method is demonstrated in many examples.Comment: 35 pages, contribution to "Quantum Noise", ed. by Yu.V. Nazarov and Ya.M. Blanter, minor changes in text, references adde

    Localizing Sagittarius A* and M87 on Microarcsecond Scales with Millimeter VLBI

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    With the advent of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a millimeter/sub-millimeter very-long baseline interferometer (VLBI), it has become possible to image a handful of black holes with sub-horizon resolutions. However, these images do not translate into microarcsecond absolute positions due to the lack of absolute phase information when an external phase reference is not used. Due to the short atmospheric coherence time at these wavelengths, nodding between the source and phase reference is impractical. However, here we suggest an alternative scheme which makes use of the fact that many of the VLBI stations within the EHT are arrays in their own right. With this we show that it should be possible to absolutely position the supermassive black holes at the centers of the Milky Way (Sgr A*) and M87 relative to nearby objects with precisions of roughly 1 microarcsecond. This is sufficient to detect the perturbations to Sgr A*'s position resulting from interactions with the stars and stellar-mass black holes in the Galactic cusp on year timescales, and severely constrain the astrophysically relevant parameter space for an orbiting intermediate mass black hole, implicated in some mechanisms for producing the young massive stars in the Galactic center. For M87, it allows the registering of millimeter images, in which the black hole may be identified by its silhouette against nearby emission, and existing larger scale radio images, eliminating present ambiguities in the nature of the radio core and inclination, opening angle, and source of the radio jet.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Fifteen-Year Population Attributable Fractions and Causal Pies of Risk Factors for Newly Developed Hepatocellular Carcinomas in 11,801 Men in Taiwan

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    Development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a multi-factorial process. Chronic infections with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are important risk factors of HCC. Host factors, such as alcohol drinking, may also play a role. This study aims to provide a synthesis view on the development of HCC by examining multiple risk factors jointly and collectively. Causal-pie modeling technique was applied to analyze a cohort of 11,801 male residents (followed up for 15 years) in Taiwan, during which a total of 298 incident HCC cases were ascertained. The rate ratios adjusted by age were further modeled by an additive Poisson regression. Population attributable fractions (PAFs) and causal-pie weights (CPWs) were calculated. A PAF indicates the magnitude of case-load reduction under a particular intervention scenario, whereas a CPW for a particular class of causal pies represents the proportion of HCC cases attributable to that class. Using PAF we observed a chance to reduce around 60% HCC risk moving from no HBV-related intervention to the total elimination of the virus. An additional ∼15% (or ∼5%) reduction can be expected, if the HBV-related intervention is coupled with an HCV-related intervention (or an anti-drinking campaign). Eight classes of causal pies were found to be significant, including four dose-response classes of HBV (total CPW=52.7%), one independent-effect class of HCV (CPW=14.4%), one HBV-alcohol interaction class (CPW=4.2%), one HBV-HCV interaction class (CPW=1.7%), and one all-unknown class (CPW=27.0%). Causal-pie modeling for HCC helps clarify the relative importance of each viral and host factor, as well as their interactions

    Constitutive activation of glycogen synthase kinase-3β correlates with better prognosis and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in human gastric cancer

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    Background: Aberrant regulation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK-3 beta) has been implicated in several human cancers; however, it has not been reported in the gastric cancer tissues to date. The present study was performed to determine the expression status of active form of GSK-3 beta phosphorylated at Tyr(216) (pGSK-3 beta) and its relationship with other tumor-associated proteins in human gastric cancers. Methods: Immunohistochemistry was performed on tissue array slides containing 281 human gastric carcinoma specimens. In addition, gastric cancer cells were cultured and treated with a GSK-3 beta inhibitor lithium chloride (LiCl) for immunoblot analysis. Results: We found that pGSK-3 beta was expressed in 129 (46%) of 281 cases examined, and was higher in the early-stages of pathologic tumor-node-metastasis (P < 0.001). The expression of pGSK-3 beta inversely correlated with lymphatic invasion (P < 0.001) and lymph node metastasis (P < 0.001) and correlated with a longer patient survival (P < 0.001). In addition, pGSK-3 beta expression positively correlated with that of p16, p21, p27, p53, APC, PTEN, MGMT, SMAD4, or KAl1 (P < 0.05), but not with that of cyclin D1. This was confirmed by immunoblot analysis using SNU-668 gastric cancer cells treated with LiCl. Conclusions: GSK-3 beta activation was frequently observed in early-stage gastric carcinoma and was significantly correlated with better prognosis. Thus, these findings suggest that GSK-3 beta activation is a useful prognostic marker for the early-stage gastric cancer.Hirakawa H, 2009, ONCOL REP, V22, P481, DOI 10.3892/or_00000460Dar AA, 2009, ONCOGENE, V28, P866, DOI 10.1038/onc.2008.434Holmes T, 2008, STEM CELLS, V26, P1288, DOI 10.1634/stemcells.2007-0600Wang Q, 2008, CELL DEATH DIFFER, V15, P908, DOI 10.1038/cdd.2008.2Takahashi-Yanaga F, 2008, CELL SIGNAL, V20, P581, DOI 10.1016/j.cellsig.2007.10.018Pan MH, 2007, J AGR FOOD CHEM, V55, P7777, DOI 10.1021/jf071520hShakoori A, 2007, CANCER SCI, V98, P1388, DOI 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2007.00545.xZheng HC, 2007, ANTICANCER RES, V27, P3561Saegusa M, 2007, J PATHOL, V213, P35, DOI 10.1002/path.2198Ma C, 2007, CANCER RES, V67, P7756, DOI 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-06-4665Forde JE, 2007, CELL MOL LIFE SCI, V64, P1930, DOI 10.1007/s00018-007-7045-7Li YW, 2007, J BIOL CHEM, V282, P21542, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M701978200Ding QQ, 2007, CANCER RES, V67, P4564, DOI 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-06-1788Kunnimalaiyaan M, 2007, MOL CANCER THER, V6, P1151, DOI 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-06-0665Soto-Cerrato V, 2007, MOL CANCER THER, V6, P362, DOI 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-06-0266Cao Q, 2006, CELL RES, V16, P671, DOI 10.1038/sj.cr.7310078Yang CH, 2006, PRECIS AGRIC, V7, P33, DOI 10.1007/s11119-005-6788-0Crew KD, 2006, WORLD J GASTROENTERO, V12, P354Mai W, 2007, ONCOLOGY-BASEL, V71, P297, DOI 10.1159/000106429Tan J, 2005, CANCER RES, V65, P9012, DOI 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-05-1226Shakoori A, 2005, BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO, V334, P1365, DOI 10.1016/j.bbrc.2005.07.041Farago M, 2005, CANCER RES, V65, P5792Ghosh JC, 2005, CLIN CANCER RES, V11, P4580Liao XB, 2003, MOL CANCER THER, V2, P1215Lee HS, 2003, J PATHOL, V200, P39, DOI 10.1002/path.1288Doble BW, 2003, J CELL SCI, V116, P1175, DOI 10.1242/jcs.00384Gotoh J, 2003, CARCINOGENESIS, V24, P435Goto H, 2002, ORAL ONCOL, V38, P549Lee HS, 2001, INT J CANCER, V91, P619D`Amico M, 2000, J BIOL CHEM, V275, P32649, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M000643200Endoh Y, 2000, J PATHOL, V191, P257Wu LY, 1998, J NATL MED ASSOC, V90, P410WOODGETT JR, 1984, BIOCHIM BIOPHYS ACTA, V788, P339