944 research outputs found

    Robust nuclear lamina-based cell classification of aging and senescent cells

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    Changes in the shape of the nuclear lamina are exhibited in senescent cells, as well as in cells expressing mutations in lamina genes. To identify cells with defects in the nuclear lamina we developed an imaging method that quantifies the intensity and curvature of the nuclear lamina. We show that this method accurately describes changes in the nuclear lamina. Spatial changes in nuclear lamina coincide with redistribution of lamin A proteins and local reduction in protein mobility in senescent cell. We suggest that local accumulation of lamin A in the nuclear envelope leads to bending of the structure. A quantitative distinction of the nuclear lamina shape in cell populations was found between fresh and senescent cells, and between primary myoblasts from young and old donors. Moreover, with this method mutations in lamina genes were significantly distinct from cells with wild-type genes. We suggest that this method can be applied to identify abnormal cells during aging, in in vitro propagation, and in lamina disorders

    Evaluation of the fungitoxic activity and isolation of alloaromadendrene - 4α, 10 β - diol in Hypericum cordatum

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    The Hypericum cordatum is a species of the Brazilian Cerrado that was selected in a screening of plants with fungitoxic activities. The aim of this work was to isolate and identify the compounds with antifungal activity in leaf extracts in dichloromethane. For this end, the powder made from the leaves of the plants was submitted to exhaustive extraction with petroleum ether and dichloromethane. The extract in dichloromethane and the active fractions were submitted to bioassay-guided fractionation in Sephadex LH - 20 column, respectively, with the following eluents chloroform:methanol (1:1) and a gradient of hexane:dichlorometane (1:4); dichloromethane:acetone (3:3 and 1:4), methanol and water. Afterward, the fractions that showed some activity were submitted to preparative thin layer chromatography of silica gel GF254 and the material with the greatest mass was submitted to semi-preparative HPLC. The active fraction obtained was analyzed by ¹H NMR, and the main component identified was alloaromadendrene-4α-10β - diol. We may then conclude that this is one of the compounds responsible for the fungitoxic activity of Hypericum cordatum.Hypericum cordatum é uma espécie do cerrado que foi selecionada em triagem de plantas com atividade fungitóxica. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi isolar e identificar compostos com atividade antifúngica em extratos de folhas em diclorometano. O pó das folhas das plantas foi submetido à extração exaustiva com éter de petróleo e diclorometano. O extrato em diclorometano, e as frações ativas, foram submetidos à fracionamentos biomonitorados em coluna de Sephadex LH-20, respectivamente, com os eluentes clorofórmio:metanol (1:1) e com um gradiente de hexano:diclorometano (1:4); diclorometano:acetona (3:2 e 1:4), metanol, e água. As frações que mostraram atividade foram submetidas à cromatografia em camada delgada preparativa de sílica gel GF254, sendo que o material de maior massa foi analisado em CLAE semipreparativa. A fração ativa foi analisada por RMN de ¹H, tendo sido identificado o aloaromadendrano - 4α -10β - diol como componente principal da fração. Conclui-se, portanto, que este é um dos compostos responsáveis pela atividade fungitóxica de Hypericum cordatum.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Instituto de Botânica Núcleo de Pesquisa em Fisiologia e BioquímicaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ciências Exatas e da TerraUNIFESP, Depto. de Ciências Exatas e da TerraSciEL

    The Effects of Atmospheric Dispersion on High-Resolution Solar Spectroscopy

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    We investigate the effects of atmospheric dispersion on observations of the Sun at the ever-higher spatial resolutions afforded by increased apertures and improved techniques. The problems induced by atmospheric refraction are particularly significant for solar physics because the Sun is often best observed at low elevations, and the effect of the image displacement is not merely a loss of efficiency, but the mixing of information originating from different points on the solar surface. We calculate the magnitude of the atmospheric dispersion for the Sun during the year and examine the problems produced by this dispersion in both spectrographic and filter observations. We describe an observing technique for scanning spectrograph observations that minimizes the effects of the atmospheric dispersion while maintaining a regular scanning geometry. Such an approach could be useful for the new class of high-resolution solar spectrographs, such as SPINOR, POLIS, TRIPPEL, and ViSP

    Sources and contributions of wood smoke during winter in London: Assessing local and regional influences

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    Determining the contribution of wood smoke to air pollution in large cities such as London is becoming increasingly important due to the changing nature of domestic heating in urban areas. During winter, biomass burning emissions have been identified as a major cause of exceedances of European air quality limits. The aim of this work was to quantify the contribution of biomass burning in London to concentrations of PM2:5 and determine whether local emissions or regional contributions were the main source of biomass smoke. To achieve this, a number of biomass burning chemical tracers were analysed at a site within central London and two sites in surrounding rural areas. Concentrations of levoglucosan, elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC) and KC were generally well correlated across the three sites. At all the sites, biomass burning was found to be a source of OC and EC, with the largest contribution of EC from traffic emissions, while for OC the dominant fraction included contributions from secondary organic aerosols, primary biogenic and cooking sources. Source apportionment of the EC and OC was found to give reasonable estimation of the total carbon from non-fossil and fossil fuel sources based upon comparison with estimates derived from 14C analysis. Aethalometer-derived black carbon data were also apportioned into the contributions frombiomass burning and traffic and showed trends similar to those observed for EC. Mean wood smoke mass at the sites was estimated to range from 0.78 to 1.0 μgm-3 during the campaign in January–February 2012. Measurements on a 160m tower in London suggested a similar ratio of brown to black carbon (reflecting wood burning and traffic respectively) in regional and London air. Peaks in the levoglucosan and KC concentrations were observed to coincide with low ambient temperature, consistent with domestic heating as a major contributing local source in London. Overall, the source of biomass smoke in London was concluded to be a background regional source overlaid by contributions from local domestic burning emissions. This could have implications when considering future emission control strategies during winter and may be the focus of future work in order to better determine the contributing local sources

    Spin density wave dislocation in chromium probed by coherent x-ray diffraction

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    We report on the study of a magnetic dislocation in pure chromium. Coherent x-ray diffraction profiles obtained on the incommensurate Spin Density Wave (SDW) reflection are consistent with the presence of a dislocation of the magnetic order, embedded at a few micrometers from the surface of the sample. Beyond the specific case of magnetic dislocations in chromium, this work may open up a new method for the study of magnetic defects embedded in the bulk.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    A Preliminary Assessment of Silver Nanoparticle Inhibition of Monkeypox Virus Plaque Formation

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    The use of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in medical research is growing. Silver-containing nanoparticles have previously demonstrated antimicrobial efficacy against bacteria and viral particles. This preliminary study utilized an in vitro approach to evaluate the ability of silver-based nanoparticles to inhibit infectivity of the biological select agent, monkeypox virus (MPV). Nanoparticles (10–80 nm, with or without polysaccharide coating), or silver nitrate (AgNO3) at concentrations of 100, 50, 25, and 12.5 μg/mL were evaluated for efficacy using a plaque reduction assay. Both Ag-PS-25 (polysaccharide-coated, 25 nm) and Ag-NP-55 (non-coated, 55 nm) exhibited a significant (P ≤ 0.05) dose-dependent effect of test compound concentration on the mean number of plaque-forming units (PFU). All concentrations of silver nitrate (except 100 μg/mL) and Ag-PS-10 promoted significant (P ≤ 0.05) decreases in the number of observed PFU compared to untreated controls. Some nanoparticle treatments led to increased MPV PFU ranging from 1.04- to 1.8-fold above controls. No cytotoxicity (Vero cell monolayer sloughing) was caused by any test compound, except 100 μg/mL AgNO3. These results demonstrate that silver-based nanoparticles of approximately 10 nm inhibit MPV infection in vitro, supporting their potential use as an anti-viral therapeutic

    A generic method to develop simulation models for ambulance systems

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    In this paper, we address the question of generic simulation models and their role in improving emergency care around the world. After reviewing the development of ambulance models and the contexts in which they have been applied, we report the construction of a reusable model for ambulance systems. Further, we describe the associated parameters, data sources, and performance measures, and report on the collection of information, as well as the use of optimisation to configure the service to best effect. Having developed the model, we have validated it using real data from the emergency medical system in a Brazilian city, Belo Horizonte. To illustrate the benefits of standardisation and reusability we apply the model to a UK context by exploring how different rules of engagement would change the performance of the system. Finally, we consider the impact that one might observe if such rules were adopted by the Brazilian system

    Measurement of a small atmospheric νμ/νe\nu_\mu/\nu_e ratio

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    From an exposure of 25.5~kiloton-years of the Super-Kamiokande detector, 900 muon-like and 983 electron-like single-ring atmospheric neutrino interactions were detected with momentum pe>100p_e > 100 MeV/cc, pμ>200p_\mu > 200 MeV/cc, and with visible energy less than 1.33 GeV. Using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation, the ratio (μ/e)DATA/(μ/e)MC(\mu/e)_{DATA}/(\mu/e)_{MC} was measured to be 0.61±0.03(stat.)±0.05(sys.)0.61 \pm 0.03(stat.) \pm 0.05(sys.), consistent with previous results from the Kamiokande, IMB and Soudan-2 experiments, and smaller than expected from theoretical models of atmospheric neutrino production.Comment: 14 pages with 5 figure

    Calibration of Super-Kamiokande Using an Electron Linac

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    In order to calibrate the Super-Kamiokande experiment for solar neutrino measurements, a linear accelerator (LINAC) for electrons was installed at the detector. LINAC data were taken at various positions in the detector volume, tracking the detector response in the variables relevant to solar neutrino analysis. In particular, the absolute energy scale is now known with less than 1 percent uncertainty.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, Submitted to NIM