2,012 research outputs found

    Practical Fertilization Procedure and Embryonic Development of the New Zealand Geoduck Clam (Panopea Zelandica)

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    Copyright © Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2016Cultivation of the geoduck Panopea zelandica (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835) requires knowledge on embryonic development to produce spat in hatcheries. This study investigated the development of P. zelandica embryos at 15°C and 35 ppt and the optimal sperm:egg ratios for fertilization under hatchery conditions. Panopea zelandica broodstock were induced to spawn by serotonin injection. Sperm and eggs were collected and fertilization was conducted at sperm:egg ratios of: 50:1, 100:1, 500:1, 1000:1 and 10,000:1 over 40 min. The optimal sperm:egg ratio was <500:1 and the normal embryo yield at 3 and 18 h post-fertilization (hpf) ranged from 83–96%. Panopea zelandica eggs (~80 μm diameter) developed the first and second polar bodies within 15–20 and 50–55 min post-fertilization, respectively. The blastula appeared at ~8 hpf, including the XR and XL cells and the presumptive shell field depression. Gastrulation occurred at 12–18 hpf with organic material apparent at the shell field depression. The mid-stage trochophore, which appeared at around 35 hpf had an apical plate with an apical tuft. The shell field spread to form the periostracum, which expanded and folded into right and left segments covering the late trochophore. The early D-stage veliger appeared at 45 hpf with the soft body being enclosed by two valves and the appearance of the velum. These observations will serve as the basis for future analyses of P. zelandica embryogenesis and for optimization of commercial production of D-veliger larvae

    A standardised sampling protocol for robust assessment of reach-scale fish community diversity in wadeable New Zealand streams

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    The New Zealand fish fauna contains species that are affected not only by river system connectivity, but also by catchment and local-scale changes in landcover, water quality and habitat quality. Consequently, native fish have potential as multi-scale bioindicators of human pressure on stream ecosystems, yet no standardised, repeatable and scientifically defensible methods currently exist for effectively quantifying their abundance or diversity in New Zealand stream reaches. Here we report on the testing of a back-pack electrofishing method, modified from that used by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, on a wide variety of wadeable stream reaches throughout New Zealand. Seventy-three first- to third-order stream reaches were fished with a single pass over 150-345 m length. Time taken to sample a reach using single-pass electrofishing ranged from 1-8 h. Species accumulation curves indicated that, irrespective of location, continuous sampling of 150 stream metres is required to accurately describe reach-scale fish species richness using this approach. Additional species detection beyond 150 m was rare (<10%) with a single additional species detected at only two out of the 17 reaches sampled beyond this distance. A positive relationship was also evident between species detection and area fished, although stream length rather than area appeared to be the better predictor. The method tested provides a standardised and repeatable approach for regional and/or national reporting on the state of New Zealand's freshwater fish communities and trends in richness and abundance over time

    Compact High-Velocity Clouds at High Resolution

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    Six examples of the compact, isolated high-velocity clouds catalogued by Braun & Burton (1999) and identified with a dynamically cold ensemble of primitive objects falling towards the barycenter of the Local Group have been imaged with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope; an additional ten have been imaged with the Arecibo telescope. The imaging reveals a characteristic core/halo morphology: one or several cores of cool, relatively high-column-density material, are embedded in an extended halo of warmer, lower-density material. Several of the cores show kinematic gradients consistent with rotation; these CHVCs are evidently rotationally supported and dark-matter dominated. The imaging data allows several independent estimates of the distances to these objects, which lie in the range 0.3 to 1.0 Mpc. The CHVC properties resemble what might be expected from very dark dwarf irregular galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, to appear in "The Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way: Stars versus Clusters", eds. F. Matteuchi and F. Giovannelli, Kluwer Academic Publisher

    A kilobit hidden SNFS discrete logarithm computation

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    We perform a special number field sieve discrete logarithm computation in a 1024-bit prime field. To our knowledge, this is the first kilobit-sized discrete logarithm computation ever reported for prime fields. This computation took a little over two months of calendar time on an academic cluster using the open-source CADO-NFS software. Our chosen prime pp looks random, and p1p--1 has a 160-bit prime factor, in line with recommended parameters for the Digital Signature Algorithm. However, our p has been trapdoored in such a way that the special number field sieve can be used to compute discrete logarithms in F_p\mathbb{F}\_p^* , yet detecting that p has this trapdoor seems out of reach. Twenty-five years ago, there was considerable controversy around the possibility of back-doored parameters for DSA. Our computations show that trapdoored primes are entirely feasible with current computing technology. We also describe special number field sieve discrete log computations carried out for multiple weak primes found in use in the wild. As can be expected from a trapdoor mechanism which we say is hard to detect, our research did not reveal any trapdoored prime in wide use. The only way for a user to defend against a hypothetical trapdoor of this kind is to require verifiably random primes

    The Conformal Anomaly of M5-Branes

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    We show that the conformal anomaly for N M5-branes grows like N3N^3. The method we employ relates Coulomb branch interactions in six dimensions to interactions in four dimensions using supersymmetry. This leads to a relation between the six-dimensional conformal anomaly and the conformal anomaly of N=4 Yang-Mills. Along the way, we determine the structure of the four derivative interactions for the toroidally compactified (2,0) theory, while encountering interesting novelties in the structure of the six derivative interactions.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX; references adde

    A randomized controlled trial reporting functional outcomes of cognitive-behavioural therapy in medication‑treated adults with ADHD and comorbid psychopathology

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    Studies assessing psychological treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults are increasingly reported. However, functional outcomes are often neglected in favour of symptom outcomes. We investigated functional outcomes in 95 adults with ADHD who were already treated with medication and randomized to receive treatment as usual (TAU/MED) or psychological treatment (CBT/MED) using a cognitive–behavioural programme, R&R2ADHD, which employs both group and individual modalities. RATE-S functional outcomes associated with ADHD symptoms, social functioning, emotional control and antisocial behaviour were given at baseline, end of treatment and three-month follow-up. The Total composite score of these scales is associated with life satisfaction. In addition, independent evaluator ratings of clinicians who were blind to treatment arm were obtained on the Clinical Global Impression scale at each time point. CBT/MED showed overall (combined outcome at end of treatment and 3-month follow-up) significantly greater functional improvement on all scales. Post-group treatment effects were maintained at follow-up with the exception of emotional control and the Total composite scales, which continued to improve. The largest treatment effect was for the RATE-S Total composite scale, associated with life satisfaction. CGI significantly correlated with all outcomes except for social functioning scale at follow-up. The study provides further evidence for the effectiveness of R&R2ADHD and demonstrates the importance of measuring functional outcomes. The key mechanism associated with improved functional outcomes is likely to be behavioural control

    Multicomponent fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene

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    We report observation of the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) in high mobility multi-terminal graphene devices, fabricated on a single crystal boron nitride substrate. We observe an unexpected hierarchy in the emergent FQHE states that may be explained by strongly interacting composite Fermions with full SU(4) symmetric underlying degrees of freedom. The FQHE gaps are measured from temperature dependent transport to be up 10 times larger than in any other semiconductor system. The remarkable strength and unusual hierarcy of the FQHE described here provides a unique opportunity to probe correlated behavior in the presence of expanded quantum degrees of freedom.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The Thermal Design, Characterization, and Performance of the SPIDER Long-Duration Balloon Cryostat

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    We describe the SPIDER flight cryostat, which is designed to cool six millimeter-wavelength telescopes during an Antarctic long-duration balloon flight. The cryostat, one of the largest to have flown on a stratospheric payload, uses liquid helium-4 to deliver cooling power to stages at 4.2 and 1.6 K. Stainless steel capillaries facilitate a high flow impedance connection between the main liquid helium tank and a smaller superfluid tank, allowing the latter to operate at 1.6 K as long as there is liquid in the 4.2 K main tank. Each telescope houses a closed cycle helium-3 adsorption refrigerator that further cools the focal planes down to 300 mK. Liquid helium vapor from the main tank is routed through heat exchangers that cool radiation shields, providing negative thermal feedback. The system performed successfully during a 17 day flight in the 2014-2015 Antarctic summer. The cryostat had a total hold time of 16.8 days, with 15.9 days occurring during flight.Comment: 15 pgs, 17 fig

    Phases of planar 5-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory

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    In this paper we investigate the large-NN behavior of 5-dimensional N=1\mathcal{N}=1 super Yang-Mills with a level kk Chern-Simons term and an adjoint hypermultiplet. As in three-dimensional Chern-Simons theories, one must choose an integration contour to completely define the theory. Using localization, we reduce the path integral to a matrix model with a cubic action and compute its free energy in various scenarios. In the limit of infinite Yang-Mills coupling and for particular choices of the contours, we find that the free-energy scales as N5/2N^{5/2} for U(N)U(N) gauge groups with large values of the Chern-Simons 't\,Hooft coupling, λ~N/k\tilde\lambda\equiv N/k. If we also set the hypermultiplet mass to zero, then this limit is a superconformal fixed point and the N5/2N^{5/2} behavior parallels other fixed points which have known supergravity duals. We also demonstrate that SU(N)SU(N) gauge groups cannot have this N5/2N^{5/2} scaling for their free-energy. At finite Yang-Mills coupling we establish the existence of a third order phase transition where the theory crosses over from the Yang-Mills phase to the Chern-Simons phase. The phase transition exists for any value of λ~\tilde\lambda, although the details differ between small and large values of λ~\tilde\lambda. For pure Chern-Simons theories we present evidence for a chain of phase transitions as λ~\tilde\lambda is increased. We also find the expectation values for supersymmetric circular Wilson loops in these various scenarios and show that the Chern-Simons term leads to different physical properties for fundamental and anti-fundamental Wilson loops. Different choices of the integration contours also lead to different properties for the loops.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figures, Minor corrections, Published versio

    Deep-level defects in n-type GaAsBi alloys grown by molecular beam epitaxy at low temperature and their influence on optical properties

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    Deep-level defects in n-type GaAs1-x Bi x having 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.023 grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy at substrate temperature of 378 °C have been injvestigated by deep level transient spectroscopy. The optical properties of the layers have been studied by contactless electroreflectance and photoluminescence. We find that incorporating Bi suppresses the formation of GaAs-like electron traps, thus reducing the total trap concentration in dilute GaAsBi layers by over two orders of magnitude compared to GaAs grown under the same conditions. In order to distinguish between Bi- and host-related traps and to identify their possible origin, we used the GaAsBi band gap diagram to correlate their activation energies in samples with different Bi contents. This approach was recently successfully applied for the identification of electron traps in n-type GaAs1-x N x and assumes that the activation energy of electron traps decreases with the Bi (or N)-related downward shift of the conduction band. On the basis of this diagram and under the support of recent theoretical calculations, at least two Bi-related traps were revealed and associated with Bi pair defects, i.e. (VGa+BiGa)(-/2-) and (AsGa+BiGa)(0/1-). In the present work it is shown that these defects also influence the photoluminescence properties of GaAsBi alloys