20 research outputs found

    The reality of managing asthma in sub-Saharan Africa – Priorities and strategies for improving care

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    Asthma is the most common non-communicable disease in children and remains one of the most common throughout the life course. The great majority of the burden of this disease is seen in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), which have disproportionately high asthma-related mortality relative to asthma prevalence. This is particularly true for many countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Although inhaled asthma treatments (particularly those containing inhaled corticosteroids) markedly reduce asthma morbidity and mortality, a substantial proportion of the children, adolescents, and adults with asthma in LMICs do not get to benefit from these, due to poor availability and affordability. In this review, we consider the reality faced by clinicians managing asthma in the primary and secondary care in sub-Saharan Africa and suggest how we might go about making diagnosis and treatment decisions in a range of resource-constrained scenarios. We also provide recommendations for research and policy, to help bridge the gap between current practice in sub-Saharan Africa and Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) recommended diagnostic processes and treatment for children, adolescents, and adults with asthma

    The reference site collaborative network of the european innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing

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    Seventy four Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) have been recognised by the European Commission in 2016 for their commitment to excellence in investing and scaling up innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing. The Reference Site Collaborative Network (RSCN) brings together the EIP on AHA Reference Sites awarded by the European Commission, and Candidate Reference Sites into a single forum. The overarching goals are to promote cooperation, share and transfer good practice and solutions in the development and scaling up of health and care strategies, policies and service delivery models, while at the same time supporting the action groups in their work. The RSCN aspires to be recognized by the EU Commission as the principal forum and authority representing all EIP on AHA Reference Sites. The RSCN will contribute to achieve the goals of the EIP on AHA by improving health and care outcomes for citizens across Europe, and the development of sustainable economic growth and the creation of jobs

    GARD Türkiye ulusal kontrol programının diğer bulaşıcı olmayan hastalıklar programlarıyla entegrasyonu

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    Bulaşıcı olmayan hastalıkların önlenmesi ve kontrolü için, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) tarafından bu hastalıklara ve risk faktörlerine yönelik koordine, kapsamlı ve kanıta dayalı girişim ve stratejilerin desteklenmesi amacıyla bir eylem planı hazırlanmıştır. Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD) etkinlikleri de 40 ülkede sürmekte olup, 11 ülkede entegre eylem planı çalışmaları yapılmaktadır. GARD Türkiye projesinde de T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı kronik hava yolu hastalıklarını önleme ve kontrol programını diğer bulaşıcı olmayan hastalıkların kontrol programlarıyla entegre etmektedir. Bu yazıda GARD Türkiye projesinin diğer ulusal kontrol programlarıyla entegrasyonu özetlenmiştir.For the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCD), an action plan on NCDs is intended to support coordinated, comprehensive and integrated implementation of strategies and evidence-based interventions across individual diseases and risk factors, especially at the national and regional levels by World Health Organization (WHO). The Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD) is making every attempt to align with WHO s non-communicable diseases action plan. GARD activities have been commenced in over 40 countries and in 11 countries an integrated NCD action plan is being prepared or has already been initiated. This integrated approach of GARD has also targeted to GARD Turkey project. The Turkish Ministry of Health has decided to apply this national control program in conformity with other NCD action plans. This article is intended to summarize these integration efforts of GARD Turkey (the National Control Program on Chronic Airway Diseases) with other NCD national programs

    Does high-frequency chest wall oscillation therapy have any impact on the infective exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? A randomized controlled single-blind study

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    Objective: To investigate the impact of high-frequency chest wall oscillation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with infective exacerbation

    The effect of l-carnitine on myocardial function after coronary artery bypass surgery

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    Karnitin yağ asit metabolizması için gerekli bir ko-faktördür ve normal aerobik kalpte ATP’nin öncelikli kaynaklarındandır. Miyokard iskemisi sırasında yağ asit metabolizması bozulur ve doku karnitin seviyeleri azalır. Kalp karnitin sentezleyemediğinden reperfüzyon sırasında karnitin varlığı miyokard fonksiyonu için önemli bir rol oynar. Bu çalışmada, koroner arter bypass cerrahisi uygulanacak olan hastalarda, karnitin ile zenginleştirilmiş kan kardiyoplejisinin miyokard üzerine olan etkisi ve myokardı postiskemik reperfüzyon hasarın dan korumadaki etkinliğinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalında, Nisan 2005-Haziran 2005 tarihleri arasında, elektif koroner by-pass cerrahisi uygulanan 20 hasta alınmıştır. Hastalar 2 gruba ayrıldı. Grup I (kontrol grubu) ve grup II (çalışma grubu) olmak üzere 10’ar kişi içeriyordu. Grup I’de standart soğuk kan kardiyoplejisi ve grup II’de karnitin içeren kan kardiyoplejisi kullanıldı. Hastalarda preoperatif dönemde ve postoperatif dönemde kardiyak verilerin ölçüm leri yapıldı. Kardiak output (CO), çalışma grubunda postoperatif 1. saatte anlamlı derecede yüksekti (kontrol grubu; 4,94 ± 0.09 L/dk ve çalışma grubu; 5.32 ± 0,43 L/dk; p<0,005), CPB sonrası da anlamlı fark bulundu kontrol grubunda 2,99 ± 0,09 L/dk ve çalışma grubu 3,18 ± 0,12 L/dk. Postoperatif 6.saatten sonraki ölçümlerde anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Kardiyak indeks (CI) değerleri açısından gruplar arasında istatiksel fark yoktu. Hastaların sol ventrikül iş gücü (LVSW) Grup 1’de kardiyopulmoner bypass (CPB) sonrası 45,62±0,56 (g.m), Grup 2’de 69,7±28,2 (g.m) idi (p<0,05). Postoperatif 1.saat sol ventrikül iş gücü (LVSW) değerleri Grup 1’de 55,06±0,98 (g.m), Grup 2’de 69,8±27,8 (g.m) olarak ölçüldü (p<0,05). Sağ ventrikül iş gücü (RVSW) Grup 1’de postoperatif 1. saat 11,09±0,86 (g.m), Grup 2’de 13,4±4,5 (g.m) bulundu (p< 0,05). Bu çalışma L-Karnitin içeren kan kardiyoplejisinin normal sol ventrikül fonksiyonlarına sahip hastada etkisi olmadığı ancak, preoperatif dönemde iskemisi bulunan, uzun aortik klemp gerektiren, reoperasyon veya kompleks cerrahi uygulanacak hastalarla, kritik ejeksiyon fraksiyonlu (EF) hastalarda kullanılmasının faydalı olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.Carnitine is an essential cofactor for fatty acid (FA) metabolism and the predominant source of ATP in the normal aerobic heart. During myocardial ischemia, FA metabolism is impaired and tissue carnitine levels are depleted. Since the heart cannot synthesize carnitine, carnitine could play an important role for myocardıal functıon during reperfusion. In this study we aimed to investigate the effects of L carnitine enriched blood cardioplegia on myocardial tissue and protective effect on myocardial repefusion injury. From April 2005 to June 2005 twenty patients were selected who underwent elective coronary artery bypass surgery Hacettepe University Department of Cardiovascular Surgery. Patients were divided into two groups. Group I (controlled group) included 10 patients and Grup II (study group) included 10 patients in group I, with standart cold blood cardioplegia was used and in group II, L-carnitine enriched cold blood was use. The patient were assessed for cardiac output, cardiac index, left and right cardiac work. Cardiac output (CO) was found to be significantly high in the study group at the postoperative 1st hour control group; 4,94 ± 0.09 L/min and study group 5.32 ± 0,43 L/min; p<0,005, after CPB control group 2,99 ± 0,09 L/min and study group 3,18 ± 0,12 L/dk. After the six hour this significance was dissappeared between the groups. No statistical difference was found between the two groups considering the Cardiac index (CI) values. Patients left ventricular stroke works (LVSW) were 45,62±0,56 (g.m) in Grup 1 after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and 69,7±28,2 (g.m) in Grup 2 (p<0,05). Postoperative 1st hour LVSW values were 55,06±0,98 (g.m) in Grup 1 and 69,8±27,8 (g.m) in Grup 2 (p<0,05). Right ventricular stroke works (RVSW) were 11,09±0,86 (g.m) postoperative 1st hour in Grup 1 and 13,4±4,5 (g.m) in Grup 2 (p< 0,05). This study showed that L-carnitine enriched blood cardioplegia has no effect on normal left ventricular function. However L-carnitine has limited beneficial effect on the patients with poor left ventricular function who has preoperatively low EF, with longer cross clamp time, the patients who need complex surgery and for reoperations

    Key recommendations for primary care from the 2022 Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) update

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    The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) was established in 1993 by the World Health Organization and the US National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to improve asthma awareness, prevention and management worldwide. GINA develops and publishes evidence-based, annually updated resources for clinicians. GINA guidance is adopted by national asthma guidelines in many countries, adapted to fit local healthcare systems, practices, and resource availability. GINA is independent of industry, funded by the sale and licensing of its materials. This review summarizes key practical guidance for primary care from the 2022 GINA strategy report. It provides guidance on confirming the diagnosis of asthma using spirometry or peak expiratory flow. GINA recommends that all adults, adolescents and most children with asthma should receive inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)-containing therapy to reduce the risk of severe exacerbations, either taken regularly, or (for adults and adolescents with “mild” asthma) as combination ICS–formoterol taken as needed for symptom relief. For patients with moderate–severe asthma, the preferred regimen is maintenance-and-reliever therapy (MART) with ICS–formoterol. Asthma treatment is not “one size fits all”; GINA recommends individualized assessment, adjustment, and review of treatment. As many patients with difficult-to-treat or severe asthma are not referred early for specialist review, we provide updated guidance for primary care on diagnosis, further investigation, optimization and treatment of severe asthma across secondary and tertiary care. While the GINA strategy has global relevance, we recognize that there are special considerations for its adoption in low- and middle-income countries, particularly the current poor access to inhaled medications

    Key recommendations for primary care from the 2022 Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) update.

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    The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) was established in 1993 by the World Health Organization and the US National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to improve asthma awareness, prevention and management worldwide. GINA develops and publishes evidence-based, annually updated resources for clinicians. GINA guidance is adopted by national asthma guidelines in many countries, adapted to fit local healthcare systems, practices, and resource availability. GINA is independent of industry, funded by the sale and licensing of its materials. This review summarizes key practical guidance for primary care from the 2022 GINA strategy report. It provides guidance on confirming the diagnosis of asthma using spirometry or peak expiratory flow. GINA recommends that all adults, adolescents and most children with asthma should receive inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)-containing therapy to reduce the risk of severe exacerbations, either taken regularly, or (for adults and adolescents with "mild" asthma) as combination ICS-formoterol taken as needed for symptom relief. For patients with moderate-severe asthma, the preferred regimen is maintenance-and-reliever therapy (MART) with ICS-formoterol. Asthma treatment is not "one size fits all"; GINA recommends individualized assessment, adjustment, and review of treatment. As many patients with difficult-to-treat or severe asthma are not referred early for specialist review, we provide updated guidance for primary care on diagnosis, further investigation, optimization and treatment of severe asthma across secondary and tertiary care. While the GINA strategy has global relevance, we recognize that there are special considerations for its adoption in low- and middle-income countries, particularly the current poor access to inhaled medications