246 research outputs found

    You are What You Say: The Influence of Company Tweets on Its Stock Performance

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    This paper investigates the relationship between Twitter metrics and stock price performance of a company. The objective of this research is to contribute to the area of research that seeks to uncover the business value of social media platforms. Building on prior research, this paper identifies two categories of metrics that have been used to examine the relationship between Twitter metrics and stock performance of a company, namely traffic and motivation. While traffic is measured as volume of tweets, motivation is measured from two perspectives; polarity (positive, neutral, and negative) and emotion (positive emotion and negative emotion). Unstructured data from Twitter and Yahoo finance Website about Amazon was gathered to test the study hypothesis. A combination of machine learning techniques for text analytics and hierarchical regression analysis was used to analyze the data. Results indicate that emotional motivation expressed in tweets sent out by a company positively influences the company’s stock performance

    Intravenous Drug Sedation for MRI in Children; A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Introduction; Performing MRI in children is a matter of concern and needs adequate sedation because patients should be completely motionless to provide a good quality of imaging.  The aim of this study was to compare the effects of Nesdonal and Propofol + Lidocaine to provide sedation in children undergoing brain MRI.Methods; This was a randomized, blinded trial including 250 patients aged 3 months to 13 years who were candidate for elective brain MRI. Participants were divided into two groups. Group 1 received Nesdonal and group 2 received Propofol + Lidocaine. Demographic characteristics were recorded. Unconsciousness time, scan time and discharge time were compared between the two groups. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 16 by Chi-square, ANOVA, Man-Whitney and T-test (p value < 0.05).Results; Totally 250 patients were assigned randomly to two groups of Propofol + Lidocaine and Nesdonal, each including 125 patients. There was no meaningful difference regarding demographic factors of age, gender or ASA class between the two groups. There was no meaningful statistically difference regarding unconsciousness time (P value=0.655), scan time (P value=0.324) and discharge time (P value=0.436) between the Propofol + Lidocaine and Nesdonal group. Some minor adverse effects occurred in the Propofol + Lidocaine group. No major complication occurred.Discussion; Nesdonal was superior to Propofol + Lidocaine regarding lower adverse effects, lower costs, no need for an infusion pump and not lowering seizure threshold.it can be considered safe for sedation in children undergoing brain MRI, especially those with a history of seizure

    Compact tunable and reconfigurable microwave photonic filter for satellite payloads

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    Treball final de màster oficial fet en col·laboració amb Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Universitat de Barcelona (UB) i Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO)We present a novel approach for the photonic filtering of microwave signals based on a direct- synthesis technique with optical phase modulation of the microwave signal and employing two tunable laser sources and a fixed optical passband filter. Both center frequency and bandwidth of the MPF can be controlled independently by proper selection of the respective laser wavelength detunings with respect to the filter cutoffs and therefore wide bandwidth fixed optical filters can be employed irrespective of the required MPF center frequency and bandwidth

    Wirksamkeit von Ibuprofen beim Ductusverschluss sehr kleiner Frühgeborener - ein Vergleich oraler und parenteraler Therapie

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    Ein hämodynamisch relevanter PDA wird bei einem Drittel aller Frühgeborenen <1500g im Rahmen der intensivmedizinischen Betreuung diagnostiziert. Therapeutisch stehen hierfür verschiedene Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung wie die medikamentöse Gabe von Indometacin oder Ibuprofen sowie eine chirurgische Ductusligatur. Gerade in jüngster Zeit sind verschiedene Veröffentlichungen mehrerer kleiner Studien zum intravenösen versus oralen Ibuprofeneinsatz bei Frühgeborenen mit hämodynamisch relevantem PDA erschienen. Bezüglich der Effektivität und klinischen Sicherheit der therapeutischen oralen Ibuprofenapplikation bei sehr unreifen Frühgeborenen sind bisher jedoch kaum Ergebnisse verfügbar. Ziel der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit war es, Unterschiede in der Erfolgsrate beider Therapieregime mit intravenösem versus oralem Ibuprofen bei Frühgeborenen <1500g der Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin im Zeitraum von 2009-2013 anhand einer retrospektiven Datenerhebung aufzudecken. Dabei bildeten die Zusammenschau klinischer, echokardiographischer und schädelsonographischer Befunde konstante Diagnosekriterien, die als Grundlage zur Therapieindikation Anwendung fanden. Schlussendlich zeigte sich eine unterschiedliche PDA-Verschlussrate zugunsten der oralen Ibuprofentherapie (44% versus 34%), wobei diese Patientengruppe im Vergleich zu den intravenös behandelten Kindern reifer war (26 Schwangerschaftswochen versus 25 Schwangerschaftswochen). Unerwünschte Komplikationen allerdings traten häufiger nach intravenöser Ibuprofentherapie auf. Neben gastrointestinalen Komplikationen waren dies auch eine höhere Inzidenz der Infektion/ Sepsis sowie die Mortalitätsrate. Eine chirurgische Ductusligatur wurde bei 52% (n=84) Therapieversagern erforderlich, zu denen insbesondere extrem unreife Frühgeborene zählten. Neun Kinder sind im Untersuchungszeitraum verstorben. Zusammenfassend können die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse richtungsweisend zur Beantwortung der Fragestellung verstanden werden und zeigen, dass orales Ibuprofen auch bei sehr kleinen Frühgeborenen für den Ductusverschluss geeignet zu sein scheint. Bei Betrachtung der unterschiedlichen Aspekte einer medikamentösen Ductustherapie mit Ibuprofen bei Frühgeborenen lassen sich klinische Komplikationen mit schweren Verläufen dieser ohnehin multimorbiden Patientengruppe nicht ausschließen, sodass keine definitive Empfehlung zum bevorzugten/ vorrangigen Einsatz des oralen Ibuprofens ausgesprochen werden kann. Die Art der medikamentösen Ductustherapie sollte vielmehr weiterhin als Einzelfallentscheidung bei jedem Frühgeborenen mit hämodynamisch signifikantem PDA abgewogen werden. Zukünftig sind flächenübergreifende Vergleiche in Form von randomisiert kontrollierten Multicenter-Studien in ausreichend großer Fallzahl nötig, um PDA-Verschlussraten der intravenösen versus oralen Ibuprofentherapie noch differenzierter betrachten zu können. Wünschenswert hierfür wären gleiche Diagnose- und Behandlungskriterien bei identischem Dosisregime und gleicher Therapiedauer in beiden Interventionsgruppen. Zuverlässige Ergebnisse sollten dann zur Optimierung eines evidenzbasierten Therapieregimes bei extrem unreifen Frühgeborenen mit hämodynamisch relevantem PDA beitragen.A hemodynamic relevant PDA is diagnosed in one-third of all premature infants <1500g during their intensive care stay. There are various treatment options including drug administration of indomethacin or ibuprofen as well as a surgical ligation. Recently, several small studies on the use of intravenous versus oral ibuprofen in premature infants with hemodynamic relevant PDA have been published. They consistently showed that the oral therapy route seems to be appropriate. However, so far there have been few results available concerning the efficiacy and clinical safety of oral therapeutic ibuprofen administration in very immature infants. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the differences in therapy success of both treatment routes, with intravenous versus oral ibuprofen in preterm infants <1500g hospitalized at the Charité-University Medicine Berlin between 2009-2013. During the study period, constant diagnostic criteria, such as a combination of clinical, echocardiographic and sonographic signs, were used to indicate medical intervention. This study concludes that a better ductal closure rate could be seen in favor of the oral ibuprofen (44% versus 34%), while these infants were also more mature compared to intravenously treated preterms (26 weeks versus 25 weeks gestational age). Adverse events occurred more frequently in the intravenous ibuprofen group, including a higher mortality rate as well as a higher incidence of gastrointestinal complications and infection/ sepsis. A surgical ligation was required in 52% (n=84) of preterm infants after failure of ibuprofen, especially when extremely immature. Nine children died during this study period. In conclusion, the presented results can be indicative in favor of one of the application routes with ibuprofen. However, no definitive recommendation can be made in favor of oral administration, considering the different aspects of drug-based therapy and clinical complications of a morbid population like this. The administration of drugs should remain an individualized case-based decision with regard to every preterm infant with hemodynamicly significant PDA. Further randomized and controlled multicenter studies with large numbers of included patients are necessary. To achieve this aim, the same diagnostic and treatment criteria would be essential for both ibuprofen groups. In the future, reliable results should contribute to improve evidence-based treatment in premature infants with low weight and persistent hemodynamic relevant ductus arteriosus

    Structural relationship between pathology of self–differentiation in Bowen's family therapy with subjective well being, mental health and hygiene of marital quality, Fitting Bowen Theory

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    زمینه و هدف: بررسی عملکرد خانواده ها می تواند نقش تعیین کننده ای در ایجاد کارکردهای مثبت در نظام اجتماعی داشته باشد. بوون نظریه نظام های خانوادگی را ارایه نموده است که زیر بنا و پایه این نظریه بر اساس مفهوم تفکیک خود قرار دارد. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی رابطه تفکیک خود با بهزیستی ذهنی، سلامت روانی و کیفیت روابط زناشویی در چهارچوب نظریه بوون صورت گرفت. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی- همبستگی نمونه ها شامل 560 نفر بودند که از میان مراجعان مراکز مشاوره و فرهنگسراهای سطح شهر اصفهان به صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند. ابزار پژوهش شامل پرسشنامه تفکیک خویشتن (DSI-2)، پرسشنامه سلامت عمومی (GHQ)، مقیاس رضایت از زندگی (SWLS)، مقیاس عواطف مثبت و منفی (PANAS) و فرم تجدید نظر شده سازگاری زناشویی (RDAS) بود. نخست از طریق تحلیل عامل تائیدی (CFA) روایی ساختاری پرسشنامه ها مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. سپس در چهارچوب نظریه بوون و با مرور پژوهش‌های صورت گرفته، مدل ساختاری برای مفهوم سازی ارتباط تفکیک خود با بهزیستی ذهنی، سلامت روانی و کیفیت روابط زناشویی ارایه و برازش شد. یافته ها: نتایج حاصل نشان داد که تناسب و کفایت شاخص‌های برازش مدل نشانگر اعتبار درونی مناسب یافته‌ها است. نتیجه گیری: نتایج پژوهش روایی ساختاری پرسشنامه ها را تایید نمود و مدل ارایه شده نیز مبنی بر روابط ساختاری تفکیک خود با بهزیستی ذهنی، سلامت روانی و کیفیت زناشویی «برازش نظریه بوون» تایید گردید

    The Effect of Group Rational Emotive Behavior Restructuring on Mental Health of Parents of Exceptional Children

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    AbstractThe purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness of group Rational Emotional Behavioral restructuring on mental health of parents of exceptional children. Pre-Test Post-Test experimental design with control group was used. 60 parents were chosen randomly and divided into experimental and control groups. Munsh Mental Health Self-Evaluation Scale was used. The experimental group received 10 sessions of 90minutes of group Rational Emotional Behavioral restructuring once weekly. The intervention contained teaching REBT basics, rational and irrational beliefs and also their impact on emotions and behavior, group discussions for exploring their beliefs, feelings and behaviors in everyday life in particular toward their exceptional children. The results indicated the group Rational Emotional Behavioral restructuring had a significant effect on increasing the level of mental health parents of exceptional children

    New records of Collembola (Hexapoda: Entognatha) for Iranian fauna from Mazandaran, Semnan and Isfahan provinces

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    In this study, a new genus Thalassaphorura Bagnall, 1949 and eight new species Orchesella cincta (Linnaeus, 1758), Hypogastrura vernalis (Carl, 1901), Tullbergia simplex Gisin, 1958, Sminthurus nigromaculatus (Tullberg, 1872), Isotomurus fucicola Schött, 1893, Protaphorura aurantiaca (Ridley, 1880), P. fimata (Gisin, 1952) and T. encarpata (Denis, 1931) are reported for Iranian Collembola fauna. Additionally the species Cyphoderus albinus (Nicolet, 1842) and Pseudosinella octopunctata Borner, 1901 are reported for Isfahan province and Folsomides parvalus (Stach, 1922) is reported for Semnan province. The specimens of the species were collected from different regions of Mazandaran, Semnan and Isfahan provinces in Iran during 2011-2012. The specimens were extracted by Berlese funnel from soil, leaf litter and moss or were caught by pitfall traps. Sampling and morphological information on species are presented

    New records of Neelipleona for the Iranian springtail fauna (Collembola)

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    Three new species of Collembola belonging to genus Megalothorax Willem, 1900 (new genus for Iran) are recorded for the fauna of Iran. M. willemi Schneider & D´Haese, 2013 and M. perspicillum Schneider & D´Haese, 2013 have recently described and known from Belgium and France respectively. In this survey they were collected from Mazandaran province in northern Iran and are first record for the Middle East (and the second record in the world). Also M. incertus Börner, 1903 is recorded for the first time from Iran. The specimens were found in the soil, litter and dead wood from four localities in Caspian Hyrcanian Mixed Forests