6,773 research outputs found

    Control of carbon nanotube morphology by change of applied bias field during growth

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    Carbon nanotube morphology has been engineered via simple control of applied voltage during dc plasma chemical vapor deposition growth. Below a critical applied voltage, a nanotube configuration of vertically aligned tubes with a constant diameter is obtained. Above the critical voltage, a nanocone-type configuration is obtained. The strongly field-dependent transition in morphology is attributed primarily to the plasma etching and decrease in the size of nanotube-nucleating catalyst particles. A two-step control of applied voltage allows a creation of dual-structured nanotube morphology consisting of a broad base nanocone (~200 nm dia.) with a small diameter nanotube (~7 nm) vertically emanating from the apex of the nanocone, which may be useful for atomic force microscopy

    Hydrogen effects on nanomechanical behavior of additively manufactured 316L stainless steels

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) has received considerable attention in recent years due to its ability to produce complex engineering components with reduced cost and waste, which simply cannot be made with conventional manufacturing processes. It has been reported that AM 316L austenitic stainless steel (SS) has excellent mechanical properties and possibly even breaks the strength-ductility trade-off. For practical industrial application, it is necessary to investigate the AM steel\u27s resistance to hydrogen embrittlement which is unavoidable in most strucral applications. In this work, we explore the hydrogen effects on nanomechanical responses of AM 316L SS (such as hardness, strain rate sensitivity, activation volume). The obtained results will be compared with those of conventional 316L SS and discussed in terms of hydrogen effect on plastic deformation and microstructure. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    The cap-snatching SFTSV endonuclease domain is an antiviral target

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    Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV) is a tick-borne virus with 12%-30% case mortality rates and is related to the Heartland virus (HRTV) identified in the United States. Together, SFTSV and HRTV are emerging segmented, negative-sense RNA viral (sNSV) pathogens with potential global health impact. Here, we characterize the amino-terminal cap-snatching endonuclease domain of SFTSV polymerase (L) and solve a 2.4-Å X-ray crystal structure. While the overall structure is similar to those of other cap-snatching sNSV endonucleases, differences near the C terminus of the SFTSV endonuclease suggest divergence in regulation. Influenza virus endonuclease inhibitors, including the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Baloxavir (BXA), inhibit the endonuclease activity in in vitro enzymatic assays and in cell-based studies. BXA displays potent activity with a half maximal inhibitory concentration (I

    Two dimensional crystals in three dimensions: electronic decoupling of single-layered platelets in colloidal nanoparticles

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    Two-dimensional crystals, single sheets of layered materials, often show distinct properties desired for optoelectronic applications, such as larger and direct band gaps, valley- and spinorbit effects. Being atomically thin, the low amount of material is a bottleneck in photophysical and photochemical applications. Here, we propose the formation of stacks of two-dimensional crystals intercalated with small surfactant molecules. We show, using first principles calculations, that already the very short surfactant methyl amine electronically decouples the layers. We demonstrate the indirect-direct band gap transition characteristic for Group 6 transition metal dichalcogenides experimentally by observing the emergence of a strong photoluminescence signal for ethoxide-intercalated WSe2 and MoSe2 multilayered nanoparticles with lateral size of about 10 nm and beyond. The proposed hybrid materials offer the highest possible density of the two-dimensional crystals with electronic properties typical for monolayers. Variation of the surfactant's chemical potential allows fine-tuning of electronic properties and potentially elimination of trap states caused by defects

    A new and integrated hydro-economic accounting and analytical framework for water resources: A case study for North China

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    Water is a critical issue in China for a variety of reasons. China is poor of water resources with 2300 m3 of per capita availability, which is less than of the world average. This is exacerbated by regional differences; e.g. North China's water availability is only about 271 m3 of per capita value, which is only of the world's average. Furthermore, pollution contributes to water scarcity and is a major source for diseases, particularly for the poor. The Ministry of Hydrology [1997. China's Regional Water Bullets. Water Resource and Hydro-power Publishing House, Beijing, China] reports that about 65–80% of rivers in North China no longer support any economic activities. Previous studies have emphasized the amount of water withdrawn but rarely take water quality into consideration. The quality of the return flows usually changes; the water quality being lower than the water flows that entered the production process initially. It is especially important to measure the impacts of wastewater to the hydro-ecosystem. Thus, water consumption should not only account for the amount of water inputs but also the amount of water contaminated in the hydro-ecosystem by the discharged wastewater. In this paper we present a new accounting and analytical approach based on economic input–output modelling combined with a mass balanced hydrological model that links interactions in the economic system with interactions in the hydrological system. We thus follow the tradition of integrated economic–ecologic input–output modelling. Our hydro-economic accounting framework and analysis tool allows tracking water consumption on the input side, water pollution leaving the economic system and water flows passing through the hydrological system thus enabling us to deal with water resources of different qualities. Following this method, the results illustrate that North China requires 96% of its annual available water, including both water inputs for the economy and contaminated water that is ineligible for any uses

    COPII-dependent export of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator from the ER uses a di-acidic exit code

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a childhood hereditary disease in which the most common mutant form of the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) ΔF508 fails to exit the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Export of wild-type CFTR from the ER requires the coat complex II (COPII) machinery, as it is sensitive to Sar1 mutants that disrupt normal coat assembly and disassembly. In contrast, COPII is not used to deliver CFTR to ER-associated degradation. We find that exit of wild-type CFTR from the ER is blocked by mutation of a consensus di-acidic ER exit motif present in the first nucleotide binding domain. Mutation of the code disrupts interaction with the COPII coat selection complex Sec23/Sec24. We propose that the di-acidic exit code plays a key role in linking CFTR to the COPII coat machinery and is the primary defect responsible for CF in ΔF508-expressing patients

    Self-assembled arrays of zinc oxide nanoparticles from monolayer films of diblock copolymer micelles

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    A hexagonal array of optically active ZnO nanoparticles was synthesized in situ on the solid substrate by utilizing a single-layered film of diblock copolymer micelles as a nanostructured template

    Liverome: a curated database of liver cancer-related gene signatures with self-contained context information

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common cancer worldwide. A number of molecular profiling studies have investigated the changes in gene and protein expression that are associated with various clinicopathological characteristics of HCC and generated a wealth of scattered information, usually in the form of gene signature tables. A database of the published HCC gene signatures would be useful to liver cancer researchers seeking to retrieve existing differential expression information on a candidate gene and to make comparisons between signatures for prioritization of common genes. A challenge in constructing such database is that a direct import of the signatures as appeared in articles would lead to a loss or ambiguity of their context information that is essential for a correct biological interpretation of a gene’s expression change. This challenge arises because designation of compared sample groups is most often abbreviated, <it>ad hoc</it>, or even missing from published signature tables. Without manual curation, the context information becomes lost, leading to uninformative database contents. Although several databases of gene signatures are available, none of them contains informative form of signatures nor shows comprehensive coverage on liver cancer. Thus we constructed Liverome, a curated database of liver cancer-related gene signatures with self-contained context information.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>Liverome’s data coverage is more than three times larger than any other signature database, consisting of 143 signatures taken from 98 HCC studies, mostly microarray and proteome, and involving 6,927 genes. The signatures were post-processed into an informative and uniform representation and annotated with an itemized summary so that all context information is unambiguously self-contained within the database. The signatures were further informatively named and meaningfully organized according to ten functional categories for guided browsing. Its web interface enables a straightforward retrieval of known differential expression information on a query gene and a comparison of signatures to prioritize common genes. The utility of Liverome-collected data is shown by case studies in which useful biological insights on HCC are produced.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Liverome database provides a comprehensive collection of well-curated HCC gene signatures and straightforward interfaces for gene search and signature comparison as well. Liverome is available at <url>http://liverome.kobic.re.kr</url>.</p