309 research outputs found

    Spatially Resolved Spectroscopic Star Formation Histories of Nearby Disks: Hints of Stellar Migration

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    We use the Mitchell Spectrograph (formerly VIRUS-P) to observe 12 nearby disk galaxies. We successfully measure ages in the outer disk in six systems. In three cases (NGC 2684, NGC 6155, and NGC 7437), we find that a downward break in the disk surface brightness profile corresponds with a change in the dominant stellar population with the interior being dominated by active star formation and the exterior having older stellar populations that are best-fit with star formation histories that decline with time. The observed increase in average stellar ages beyond a profile break is similar to theoretical models that predict surface brightness breaks are caused by stellar migration, with the outer disk being populated from scattered old interior stars. In three more cases (IC 1132, NGC 4904, and NGC 6691), we find no significant change in the stellar population as one crosses the break radius. In these galaxies, both the inner and outer disks are dominated by active star formation and younger stellar populations. While radial migration can contribute to the stellar populations beyond the break, it appears more than one mechanism is required to explain all of our observed stellar profile breaks.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Presenting The Love of God Through The Javanese Hindu Temple of The Sacred Heart of Jesus in Ganjuran Yogyakarta

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    The paper aims to study inculturation in the practices of pilgrimage to the Sacred Heart of Jesus temple in Ganjuran Yogyakarta by exploring its socio-historical background and the current practices. The temple was built in 1927-1930 by  Schmutzer family and designed in the Javanese Hindu architecture. After being neglected for 60 years, in  1990, the temple was reinterpreted and revitalized by Father Gregorius Utomo in line to the spirit of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that aspired the Schmutzer family. Now, many pilgrims from various faith visit the temple everyday  for getting spiritual and physical healing. This study is an action research where the researcher directly involves in the object to be studied. He did pilgrimage to the temple regularly while he did interviews with the pilgrims for getting the data.  Besides, the data are collected through   indirect interviews  with questionnaires. It is completed with the library sources. The data then was verified, classified, and analized in a descriptive qualitative approach

    Impact of Estrogen Receptor Alpha on SLE1-Induced Loss of Tolerance

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    The autoimmune disease lupus shows a significant female sex bias. This sex bias may be due to the ability of estrogens to promote loss of tolerance to chromatin, the initial loss of tolerance event in lupus. Previously, we demonstrated that the ability of estrogens to promote lupus in (NZBxNZW) F1 mice is dependent on signaling via estrogen receptor alpha (ERα). The Sle1 lupus susceptibility allele controls loss of tolerance to chromatin, and C57BL/6 (B6) mice carrying the Sle1 lose tolerance and develop anti-chromatin autoantibodies and spontaneously activated immune cells. Loss of tolerance occurs earlier and with a higher penetrance in B6.Sle1 females than in males, illustrating a sex bias, although the specific impact of estrogens/ERα signaling in this phenotype has not been described. Furthermore, nothing is known about the impact of sex and estrogen signaling on Sle1-induced immune cell hyperactivation. Here, we show that a deficiency of either estrogens or ERα attenuates loss of tolerance and autoantibody development in B6.Sle1 female mice. Additionally, we found Sle1-associated immune cell hyperactivation shows a female sex bias, and furthermore, that ERα deficiency diminishes Sle1-associated immune cell hyperactivation in B6.Sle1 females. Furthermore, our preliminary data indicate that the actions of Sle1 subloci Sle1a and Sle1b are modulated to ERα signaling. Finally, we demonstrate that ERα may influence the Sle1 phenotype in females by modulating the expression of Pbx1, a gene that lies within the Sle1 interval. Altogether, estrogen signaling via ERα controls the female sex bias in the Sle1 phenotype

    Forgiveness in Islam: Promoting A Peaceful World

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    The paper explores forgiveness in Islam starting from the Islamic bases, forgiveness as moral response, forgiveness needs repentance, and implementing forgiveness for promoting a peaceful world. It is library research based on articles and books which discussed the topics, and the secondary data about forgiveness in Islam. It aims to expose the soft side of Islam especially its struggle for peace and harmonious life

    A Panoply of Cepheid Light Curve Templates

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    We have generated accurate V and I template light curves using a combination of Fourier decomposition and principal component analysis for a large sample of Cepheid light curves. Unlike previous studies, we include short period Cepheids and stars pulsating in the first overtone mode in our analysis. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations show that our templates can be used to precisely measure Cepheid magnitudes and periods, even in cases where there are few observational epochs. These templates are ideal for characterizing serendipitously discovered Cepheids and can be used in conjunction with surveys such as Pan-Starrs and LSST where the observational sampling may not be optimized for Cepheids.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in AJ fixed embarrassing typo

    Mencipta lagu rohani katolik

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    Inkulturasi musik Gereja merupakan salah satu perwujudan dari hasil Konsili Vatikan II. Gereja Katolik Indonesia telah melaksanakan inkulturasi tersebut, antara lain dengan menciptakan lagu-lagu yang selaras dengan budaya daerah-daerah di Indonesia. Komunitas-komunitas dalam Gereja Katolik di Indonesia, khususnya Komunitas Karismatik Katolik sebagai salah satu komunitas yang besar dan khusus, berusaha memenuhi tuntutan inkulturasi tersebut agar dapat mengekspresikan iman sesuai dengan karakter komunitas-komunitas tersebut tanpa menyimpang dari ajaran dan teologi Katolik. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang berupa Lokakarya Mencipta Lagu Rohani Katolik ini diadakan atas inisiatif kerja sama dari Badan Pelayanan Provinsi Gerejawi Semarang Plus dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan lagu-lagu rohani yang sesuai dengan teologi Katolik.