589 research outputs found

    IoT: based solar powered water pump system

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    IoT Based Solar Powered Water Pump System is project development of an automatic watering plant system that replaces the conventional watering plant. This project was focus on controlling the system by using is a mobile application called Blynk. The idea of the project is to help small farmers and users remotely controll and monitor their farm and remote workspace within a limited distance. Besides; remote monitoring, this project also provide automatic plant watering in order to reduce time-consuming activities at farm. This system used a solar panel as the main source which is connected to the solar charge controller in order to ensure the battery will not go overcharge and will act as the protection to the battery. IoT Based Solar Powered Water Pump System is created to improve the conventional system that is readily available by utilizing the different approach of an access system with the application of a Wi-Fi phone and solar system. In conclusion, : IoT based solar powered water pump system was successfully created and tested. This project provie proof of small scale concept which will help small farmers to replace the conventional ways of watering plant watering. Solar power offers sufficient amount of electricity to power up the system as well as the battery to ensure that the system is also operating during nigt hour without solar radiation energy for future work

    Disparities in the induced rain attenuation between beacon (narrowband) and broadband satellite links in tropical zones

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    The utilisation of higher frequency bands above 10 GHz by the satellite industries to provide the bandwidth (BW) required for broadband multimedia services, video conferencing, direct-to-home TV programmes and IP data requires the understanding of atmospheric losses and good link planning for satellite-to-earth links. The trade-off between the service availability, data rate and BW determine the type of modulation scheme and error corrections to be employed. These services also depend on the link performance under adverse atmospheric conditions, especially rain-induced attenuation. In this research, study measurements were conducted on space-to-earth satellite links using the beacon narrowband and broadband IP carrier signals of a Nigcomsat-1R satellite operating at 42.5°E. A VSAT receiving terminal at a latitude of 7.4°N, longitude of 9.04°E and altitude of 334 m above sea level was utilised to quantify the rain-induced attenuation of both the beacon and broadband signals during rain events. The measurements were then compared with the link performance under clear sky conditions. The performance revealed that, when compared with the broadband signal, the induced rain attenuation on beacon signal presented a disparity in the responses, resulting in significant variations of 10.14 dB in the carrier-tonoise ratio (C/N) and 17.42 dB in the received signal level at a Ku-band frequency of 12.518 GHz. These observations were also compared with the Crane global rain map and ITU-R P.618-12. Both models disagreed with the measurement values for Abuja, Nigeria

    Comparison of Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics Across the Southeast Asia Region

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    Satellite communication requires reliable estimates of the channel characteristics, especially with the future use of higher frequencies. Regardless of the rain rate, the shape of rain drop size distribution (DSD) start to considerably effect the specific attenuation. In this study DSDs are studied using ground-based two-dimensional video disdrometer measurements taken from Johor, Malaysia as well as two similar datasets from Gan and Manus, two equatorial islands. Integral rain parameters are studied to explain DSD variations across the Southeast Asia region. Slightly higher raindrop concentrations and larger diameters were observed in Johor than in Gan or Manus, which is due to Johor being affected by not only oceanic rain- fall but land rainfall as well. The measured rainfall was classified into convective and stratiform precipitation types; the results showed that the Southeast Asia region is dominated by convective rain in terms of accumulated rainfall amount, but stratiform rain occurred more frequently. Further, seasonal variations observed in Johor were insignificant and the DSD variation was mostly due to changes in percentage occurrence of the precipitation types for each monsoon season

    Disparities in the induced rain attenuation between beacon (Narrowband) and broadband satellite links in tropical zones

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    The utilisation of higher frequency bands above 10 GHz by the satellite industries to provide the bandwidth (BW) required for broadband multimedia services, video conferencing, direct-to-home TV programmes and IP data requires the understanding of atmospheric losses and good link planning for satellite-to-earth links. The trade-off between the service availability, data rate and BW determine the type of modulation scheme and error corrections to be employed. These services also depend on the link performance under adverse atmospheric conditions, especially rain-induced attenuation. In this research, study measurements were conducted on space-to-earth satellite links using the beacon narrowband and broadband IP carrier signals of a Nigcomsat-1R satellite operating at 42.5°E. A VSAT receiving terminal at a latitude of 7.4°N, longitude of 9.04°E and altitude of 334 m above sea level was utilised to quantify the rain-induced attenuation of both the beacon and broadband signals during rain events. The measurements were then compared with the link performance under clear sky conditions. The performance revealed that, when compared with the broadband signal, the induced rain attenuation on beacon signal presented a disparity in the responses, resulting in significant variations of 10.14 dB in the carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N) and 17.42 dB in the received signal level at a Ku-band frequency of 12.518 GHz. These observations were also compared with the Crane global rain map and ITU-R P.618-12. Both models disagreed with the measurement values for Abuja, Nigeria

    A methodology for precise estimation of rain attenuation on terrestrial millimetre wave links from raindrop size distribution measurements

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    Attenuation by atmospheric rain is the most significant impairment in millimetre wave frequencies (mmWave). Modern instruments could provide detailed measurements of rain, such as raindrop size distributions (DSDs). The analysis of DSDs could estimate their effects on past or co-located links measurements. This study presents propagation analysis in the mmWave bands using measurements of two terrestrial links working at 26 and 38 GHz carried out in Johor, Malaysia. Statistics obtained have been analysed in detail to extract any excess attenuation. The DSDs provided by a disdrometer have been used to estimate rain attenuation. The derived results show that the estimation can provide reasonable accuracy after extracting the wet antenna effects and having the advantage of the availability of measurements from various types of equipment

    Atmospheric Impairments and Mitigation Techniques for High-Frequency Earth-Space Communication System in Heavy Rain Region: A Brief Review

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    This work surveys the atmospheric impairments that affect a satellite link operating in a high-frequency band, such as Ka and Q/V bands, particularly in heavy rain regions. The impacts of hydrometeors and cloud attenuation are emphasised and discussed along with the contribution of gases and scintillation to signal fade. Also, propagation impairment mitigation techniques are reviewed from the perspective of satellite operators in heavy rain areas

    Rain attenuation statistics for mobile satellite communications estimated from radar measurements in Malaysia

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    Mobile satellite communications will play a significant role in the next 5th generation mobile services. The use of high-frequency bands will be the enabler of this advancement. However, at high frequencies, excess rain attenuation causes severe signal losses and presents a major threat for the system availability, especially in the tropical region. To that end, this study presents the rain attenuation impact on mobile satellite communications estimated using long-term radar measurements in Malaysia, by exploiting the horizontal structure of rain from the radar database and simulating inner-city and highway mobile terminals scenarios. Additionally, a scaling factor was presented to scale available fixed satellite terminals measurements to mobile terminals operating at the same locality under similar conditions. In comparison to the available link measurements, the radar database was reliable enough to provide highly accurate estimates. In all simulation scenarios, the mobile terminal will depart the rainy area soon enough and experience lower attenuation statistics in comparison with the fixed terminal. The provided results will help determine the overall future system performance, especially in tropical regions

    Stochastic Approach to a Rain Attenuation Time Series Synthesizer for Heavy Rain Regions

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    In this work, a new rain attenuation time series synthesizer based on the stochastic approach is presented. The model combines a well-known interest-rate prediction model in finance namely the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model, and a stochastic differential equation approach to generate a long-term gamma distributed rain attenuation time series, particularly appropriate for heavy rain regions. The model parameters were derived from maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) methods. The predicted statistics from the CIR model with the OLS method are in good agreement with the measurement data collected in equatorial Malaysia while the MLE method overestimated the result. The proposed stochastic model could provide radio engineers an alternative solution for the design of propagation impairment mitigation techniques (PIMTs) to improve the Quality of Service (QoS) of wireless communication systems such as 5G propagation channel, in particular in heavy rain regions

    Development of prototype smart helmet and blind spot detection for motorcyclist safety features

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    Motorcycle safety concerns many aspects of vehicle and equipment design as well as operator skill and training that are unique to motorcycle riding. This project focus on the development of prototype smart helmet and blind spot detection features for motorcyclist safety system. The main objective of this work is to reduce the blind spot area for motorcyclists. The developed system are capable of measure appropriate distances (~ 10 cm to 50 cm) of insecurity among motorcyclists and vehicle behind by means of ultrasonic sensors and vibrator motor. The ultrasonic sensor play a role to detect any vehicle from behind the motorcyclist and system will alert the rider through the vibrator motor, LEDs and buzzer that install at the helmet as a warning to the rider about the range of insecurity. The system employed Arduino UNO as the main processing unit to control all the connectivity components. OLED display are also connected to the Arduino UNO mounted in front of the rider for displaying the distance detected by the ultrasonic sensor. Wireless transceiver module is use to serve as a data transmitter and receiver in which transmitted data collected by ultrasonic sensor will wirelessly transmit to the helmet node which is the receiver unit. In conclusion, this developed prototype project work are able to provide better solution for motorcyclist safety features in order to reduce the probability of accidental rate