219 research outputs found

    Etiology of Secondary Caries in Prosthodontic Treatments

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    When preparing prosthetic restorations, dentists always try to create restorations functionally ideal while not compromising on esthetics. The factors that make a restoration successful include how well they fit both internally and marginally, their ability to withstand punishment without breaking, and their visual appeal. Imperfect marginal adaptation can lead to unpleasant and unwanted side effects such as plaque accumulation, marginal discoloration, microleakage, carious and endodontic lesions, and periodontal disease. If there is a gap between the crown and the prepared tooth, this can result in the dissolution of the luting material. If the fit of the restoration and the thickness of the cement are designed to be favorable, the cement is not dissolved and the abutment tooth is prevented from secondary caries. The marginal fit of the restorations is considerably affected by the materials and techniques used when making dental crowns. This chapter contains reviews on marginal fitting and caries

    Utvrđivanje fenolnih substanci kod šest različitih populacija medvjeđe lijeske (Corylus colurna L.) i usporedba fluktuacije fenola u slučaju nedostatka vode

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    Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna L.) is one of the naturally grown hazelnut species in Turkey. It can be easily separated from other hazel species with its thick single stem and tall appearance. It can be used in afforestation and erosion control studies due to low demand for habitat and strong root system. It contains substances with high medicinal value in its fruits and leaves. Hazel leaves have strong antioxidant activity due to their high phenolic content. Objective of the study was primarily to determine the individual phenolic constituents of six different population of Turkish Hazelnut and then to evaluate the effect of water deficiency stress generated by irrigation regime on phenolic constituents and photosystem II activity on these genotypes. Grafted plants were produced by taking scions from six different populations of Turkish Hazelnut (Oğuzlar, Erenler, Merkeşler, Seben, Güney Felakettin and Pelitcik). The study was started when the grafted seedlings were 7 years old in greenhouse. During the experiment (June and July), two different levels of irrigation were applied (W1: the soil was fully irrigated to reach field capacity in each irrigation; W2: 50% reduction of W1 irrigation water). After the application of two different irrigation regimes, leaves were collected for each month, dried, extracted with methanol and then quantitatively analyzed and compared for individual phenolic constituents (gallic acid monohydrate, caffeic acid, rutin hydrate, luteolin-7-O-β-D glucoside, kaempferol, rosmarinic acid, myricetin, quercetin, coumarin and apigenin) by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with a diode array detector (DAD). Generally, rutin, kaempferol and luteolin were dominant individual phenols in methanol extracts of Turkish hazelnut leaves. Pelitcik population was noticeable source of rutin and kaempferol in June, and the halved irrigation regime significantly increased the levels of both phenols in July. Similarly, the highest total phenolic content was observed in the Pelitcik population in June and the halved irrigation regime significantly increased the total phenolic content in both months in this population. It was also determined to what extent water deficiency physiologicallyaffects the quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) of photosystem II activity through chlorophyll fluorescence technique in hazelnut leaves. Generally, Fv/Fm value decreased with water deficiency. This study showed that water deficiency stress generally caused an increase in phenolic constituents in Turkish Hazel leaves and they may be proper natural sources of phenolic constituents with abiotic stress applications in pharmaceutical and food industry.Medvjeđa lijeska (Corylus colurna L.) jedna je od prirodno rasprostanjenih vrsta lijeske u Turskoj. Lako se može razlikovati od drugih vrsta zahvaljujući svojoj visini i promjeru debla. Vrlo često se koristi za pošumljevanje terena sklonih eroziji zbog snažnog korijenja i skromnih ekloških zahtjeva. Njezino lišće i plodovi sadrže mnogo tvari koje se koriste u medicinske svrhe. Lišće medvjeđe ljeske ima snažno antioksidativno djelovanje zbog visokog sadržaja fenola. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi sadržaj fenola u lišću šest populacija medvjeđe lijeske te procijeniti učinak sušnoga stresa na sadržaj fenola i kvantnu učinkovitost fotosustava II. Istraživane biljke proizvedene su cijepljenjem nakon sakupljanja plemki iz šest populacija medvjeđe lijeske (Oğuzlar, Erenler, Merkeşler, Seben, Güney Felakettin i Pelitcik). Istraživanje je provedeno u stakleničkim uvjetima kad su kalemljene biljke bile stare 7 godina. Tijekom pokusa (lipanj i srpanj), primijenjena su dva različita načina navodnjavanja (W1: tlo je navodnjavano do poljskog vodnog kapaciteta; W2: tlo je navodnjavano s 50 % manje vode u odnosu na W1 način navodnjavanja). Nakon primjene dva različita režima navodnjavanja, lišće je uzorkovano u lipnju i srpnju. Nakon toga je osušeno, ekstrahirano s metanolom te kvantitativno analizirano s ciljem utvrđivanja njegova fenolnog sastava (galna kiselina monohidrat, kofeinska kiselina, rutin, hidrat, luteolin-7-O-β-D glukozid, kaempferol, rozmarinska kiselina, miricetin, kvercetin, kumarin i apigenin) uz korištenje tekuće kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC) i detektora s nizom dioda (DAD). Rutin, kaempferol i luteolin bili su dominantni fenoli u ekstraktu metanola iz lišća medvjeđe lijeske. Populacija Pelitcik bila je značajan izvor rutina i kaempferola u lipnju, a W2 režim navodnjavanja značajno je povećao razine oba fenola u srpnju. Isto tako, najviši sadržaj fenola zabilježen je u populaciji Pelitcik u lipnju, a W2 režim navodnjavanja značajno je povećao ukupan sadržaj fenola u lipnju i srpnju. Također je utvrđeno u kojoj mjeri nedostatak vode utječe na kvantnu učinkovitost fotosustava II (Fv/Fm). Općenito, Fv/Fm vrijednosti opadaju s nedostatkom vode. Ova studija pokazala je da nedostatak vode kod medvjeđe ljeske potiče produkciju fenola te da se na taj način može osigurati prirodni izvor fenola koji se može koristiti u farmaceutskoj i prehrambenoj industriji


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    Background: Lysimachia vulgaris L. (Yellow loosestrife) is a medicinal plant in the family Myrsinaceae. It has been used in the treatment of fever, ulcer, diarrhea and wounds in folk medicine. It has also analgesic, expectorant, astringent and antiinflammatory activities. Two different sources of the plant (field-grown and in vitro-grown) were used to evaluate the biological activities (antibacterial, antitumor and antioxidant) of L. vulgaris. In vitro-grown plant materials were collected from L. vulgaris plants that were previously regenerated in our laboratory. Materials and Methods: Plant materials were extracted with water, ethanol and acetone. For antibacterial test, disc diffusion method and 10 different pathogenic bacteria were used. Antioxidant activity was indicated by using DPPH method. The total phenol amount by using Folin-Ciocaltaeu method and the total flavonoid amount by using aluminum chloride (AlCl3) colorimetric method were determined. Results: Generally, yellow loosestrife extracts demonstrated antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis and Streptococcus pyogenes). Strong antitumor activity of yellow loosestrife was observed via potato disc diffusion bioassay. Nine different phenolics were also determined and compared by using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Conclusion: Future investigations should be focused on fractionation of the extracts to identify active components for biological activity

    Zirkonyumla Güçlendirilmiş Seramikler ve Dental İmplantolojide Kullanımı

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    Titanyum, dental implantolojide yaygın olarak kullanılan biyomateryaldir. Bununla birlikte, oral ortama korozyon ürünlerinin salınımı ve hastaya özgü aşırı duyarlılık reaksiyonları oluşturması gibi nedenlerle hala tartışmalıdır Son 20 yılda titanyumun biyouyumluluğunu, çeşitli yüzey işlemlerini, bakteriyel adezyonunu, neden olabildiği enfeksiyöz hastalıkları değerlendiren pek çok çalışma yapılmıştır. Son yıllarda dental implantlarda zirkonyumun (Y-TZP) gerek implant materyali, gerek dayanak olarak veya titanyumla birlikte (hibrit, zirkonyum boyunlu titanyum implant) kullanımları ilgi çekmektedir. Bu derlemede zirkonyumun dental implantolojide kullanımı açısından materyal özellikleri, dental uygulamalarda kullanılan farklı tip zirkonyum seramikler ve zirkonyum seramikleri

    Résorption de l’azote et du phosphore chez quelques espèces végétales dans le nord de la Turquie

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    Les concentrations foliaires de nutriments (N et P) en été et en automne, ainsi que l’efficience (RE) et la proficience (RP) de la résorption foliaire, ont été étudiées dans le nord de la Turquie chez quelques espèces végétales décidues sympatriques sur sols à faible teneur en phosphore. Les NRE et PRE trouvées sur les espèces étudiées se situaient dans les éventails de valeurs rapportés par d’autres études. Les concentrations en N et P les plus fortes, rapportées tant à la masse qu’à la surface, ont été observées chez Acer hyrcanum subsp. sphaerocaryum. Les plus fortes NRE ont également été trouvées chez Acer hyrcanum subsp. sphaerocaryum alors que les plus grandes PRE ont été décelées chez Sorbus umbellata var. umbellata. Toutefois la tendance inverse est apparue quand, pour ces deux espèces, la correction MLCF a été appliquée. L’espèce la plus N- et P-proficiente était Cerasus mahaleb en raison des plus faibles concentrations en N et P trouvées dans les feuilles sénescentes. Cependant, l’espèce la plus N-proficiente était S. umbellata var. umbellate pour ce qui concerne la NRP basée sur la masse. Les rapports N/P des feuilles vertes des espèces étudiées s’étalaient entre 22,95 et 35,25 sur la zone d’étude, ce qui indiquait une limitation en P au niveau local. Chez toutes les espèces, les rapports N/P sont apparus s’accroître durant la sénescence et, au niveau de la plante, le statut de N et P n’était pas strictement contrôlé par les concentrations en N et P des feuilles, vertes et sénescentes ; toutes les espèces ont montré une résorption complète en fonction de valeurs-seuils. Nos résultats impliquent que la PRE joue un rôle plus important dans la conservation du P que la NRE dans celle de N. Ainsi, dans notre zone d’étude, les deux espèces A. hyrcanum subsp. sphaerocaryum avec sa plus forte PRE (basée tant sur la masse que sur la surface) et C. mahaleb qui est l’espèce la plus P-proficiente, ont de meilleurs avantages compétitifs que les autres espèces à utiliser efficacement P dans les sols qui en sont pauvres.In the North of Turkey, foliar nutrient concentrations during summer and autumn and foliar resorption efficiency (RE) and proficiency (RP) were investigated in some sympatric deciduous plant species occurring on soils with low phosphorus availability. NRE and PRE were found to be within the ranges reported by other studies for the same studied species. The highest mass and area-based N and P concentrations were found in A. hyrcanum subsp. sphaerocaryum. The highest mass and area-based NRE were also found in A. hyrcanum subsp. sphaerocaryum, while the highest mass and area-based PRE were found in S.umbellata var. umbellata. However, the opposite trend was found when MLCF correction was used for both species. The most N and P-proficient species was C. mahaleb because the lowest N and P concentrations were found in its senesced leaves. However, the most N-proficient species was S. umbellata var. umbellata regarding mass-based NRP. N/P ratios of green leaves of the studied species ranged from 22.95 to 35.25 in the study area and this indicated that P limitation may occur at a local level. It has been found that N/P ratios were increased during senescence in all species. Plant N and P status was not strictly controlled by N and P concentrations of green and senesced leaves in the studied species; all of these show complete resorption according to threshold values. Our results implied that PRE has a much important role in conservation of P as compared to NRE conservation of N. In the study area, compared to other species, A. hyrcanum subsp. sphaerocaryum with the highest both mass- and area-based PRE and C. mahaleb which is the most P-proficient species, have competitive advantages for an effective use of P in P-poor soils

    Local and systemic effects of adrenomedullin after intestinal ischemia reperfusion

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    Adrenomedullin (AM) is a peptide proven to increase cellular tolerance to hypoxia and oxidative stresss and contribute angiogenesis. Despite its known therapeutic effects on myocardial, renal or spinal ischemic reperfusion injuries, its local and systemic effects on intestinal ischemic reperfusion injury still remain unknown. This study aims to demonstrate the local and systemic effects of AM on Intestinal Ischemic Reperfusion Injury (I-IRI) demonstrated in rats. Thirty male rats were randomly allocated to five groups: Control, Adrenomedullin (AM), Intestinal Ischemic Reperfusion Injury (I-IRI), Adrenomedullin and Intestinal Ischemic Reperfusion Injury (AM+I-IRI), and Intestinal Ischemic Reperfusion Injury and Adrenomedullin (I-IRI+AM). Blood and tissue samples were obtained for biochemical and histopathological evaluation. The results were expressed as mean±SEM and, P <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The levels of inflammatory cytokines were found to be elevated in I-IRI group and depleted in I-IRI+AM group. The biochemical and histopathological markers of injuries at the intestine and remote organs were found to be recuperated when the AM applied before the reperfusion phase. Results of this study demonstrated that the therapeutic drug adrenomedullin (AM) could reverse the intestinal and remote organ injuries related to intestinal ischemic reperfusion injury (I-IRI). These effects might be related to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic activities of AM

    High prevalence of NDM metallo-β-lactamase among ESBL-producing Escherichia coli İsolates

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    Resistance to β-lactams in Enterobacteriaceae has been increasing worldwide. This study aimed to determine the frequency of β-lactamase genes and antibiotic resistance rates of 140 extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli isolates obtained from urinary tract infection in Ordu Province, Turkey. Isolates were identified by classic methods and by automated system. ESBL production was confirmed by double disk synergy test and antimicrobial susceptibility was investigated by disk diffusion method. All isolates were screened for β-lactamase coding genes from three groups (A, B, and D) by polymerase chain reaction. The highest rate of susceptible isolates was observed for imipenem (IPM, 99.3%) and ertapenem (ETP, 97.9%), and the highest rate of resistant isolates was observed for cefuroxime (97.9%), ceftriaxone (97.2%), and cefazolin (90.7%). In our study, blaCTX-M1-like group was the most prevalent β-lactamase (n = 109), followed by blaTEM (n = 68), blaCTX-M2 (n = 22), and blaSHV (n = 2). By contrast to low resistance rate to IPM and ETP, we determined blaNDM in 31 isolates (22.1%). In co-prevalence of blaNDM-1 and ESBL-coding genes, a low carbapenem resistance was determined. We can confirm that blaCTX-M1-types are still the most frequent β-lactamase coding gene in Turkey. Our study showed the highest prevalence of blaNDM-1 metallo-β-lactamase coding gene in ESBL-producing E. coli