5 research outputs found

    Children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition with No Access to Supplementary Feeding Programmes Experience High Rates of Deterioration and No Improvement: Results from a Prospective Cohort Study in Rural Ethiopia

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    Background: Children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) have an increased risk of mortality, infections and impaired physical and cognitive development compared to well-nourished children. In parts of Ethiopia not considered chronically food insecure there are no supplementary feeding programmes (SFPs) for treating MAM. The short-term outcomes of children who have MAM in such areas are not currently described, and there remains an urgent need for evidence-based policy recommendations. Methods: We defined MAM as mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) of ≥11.0cm and <12.5cm with no bilateral pitting oedema to include Ethiopian government and World Health Organisation cut-offs. We prospectively surveyed 884 children aged 6–59 months living with MAM in a rural area of Ethiopia not eligible for a supplementary feeding programme. Weekly home visits were made for seven months (28 weeks), covering the end of peak malnutrition through to the post-harvest period (the most food secure window), collecting anthropometric, socio-demographic and food security data. Results: By the end of the study follow up, 32.5% (287/884) remained with MAM, 9.3% (82/884) experienced at least one episode of SAM (MUAC <11cm and/or bilateral pitting oedema), and 0.9% (8/884) died. Only 54.2% of the children recovered with no episode of SAM by the end of the study. Of those who developed SAM half still had MAM at the end of the follow up period. The median (interquartile range) time to recovery was 9 (4–15) weeks. Children with the lowest MUAC at enrolment had a significantly higher risk of remaining with MAM and a lower chance of recovering. Conclusions: Children with MAM during the post-harvest season in an area not eligible for SFP experience an extremely high incidence of SAM and a low recovery rate. Not having a targeted nutrition-specific intervention to address MAM in this context places children with MAM at excessive risk of adverse outcomes. Further preventive and curative approaches should urgently be considered

    Determining the groundwater potential for agricultural use in Ethiopian Highlands [Abstract only]

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    The Ethiopian government has declared the Lake Tana - Beles region to be a growth corridor and irrigation development is one of the priorities. Since the dry season river flow is limited, groundwater has the greatest potential for increasing irrigation in the near future. The main drawback is lack of information on sustainable groundwater use and specifically the ground water potential. Therefore the objective of this research is to calculate the annual groundwater recharge. The study was conducted in Robit-Bata, an experimental watershed of 911 ha, located at the south-eastern edge of Lake Tana. Farmers have excavated more than 300 hand dug wells for irrigation use from which, we used 50 wells for water table fluctuation observations for one year starting from April, 2014. Daily Precipitation was recorded for the same period. The annual recharge was estimated using the water – level fluctuation method. Specific yield was defined as the difference of porosity and field capacity of the subsurface formation. The annual average areal groundwater recharge was 640 mm/year, which is 41% of the rainfall and ranged from 50mm to 390mm per week for the various locations in the watershed. The greatest recharge amounts were found in the plains at the foot of the hills and river course areas consisting mostly weathered basalt rock. At those locations the groundwater rose steadily during the rainy monsoon phase. Smaller amount of recharge occurred both near the top of the hills with tough rock formation and in the, flat areas near to stream with sandy and clay deposits and groundwater at, shallow well depth. Our study indicates that the current use of the groundwater seems sustainable. Further research is required for optimized utilization of the limited groundwater resources for irrigation development to meet the food security of the community

    The importance of Ethiopian soils in irrigation and overall watershed management [Abstract only]

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    Irrigation has a large potential to increase agricultural output and yield per unit area. However, the long term sustainability increased production, together with degradation of the soils (and associated water bodies) in irrigated areas may be irreparably damaged by inappropriate watering schedules. In Ethiopia, surface and groundwater irrigation has been promoted intensively throughout the country. While many projects focus on individual or scheme level water access, very little is known about the sustainability of irrigation in Ethiopia. Aside, from water quantity the quality of irrigation water has a significant impact on soil stability and its chemical properties. In the Ziway, a very important irrigation area in Oromia, soils are increasingly becoming sodic due to the large irrigation quantities and the poor water quality. The International Water Management Institute focusses through various research for development projects on improving irrigation water management, increasing groundwater recharge and assessing the environmental impact of irrigation for various soils throughout the Amhara, Oromia and SNNPR region. Irrigation scheduling tools have been introduced at individual and scheme based small holder farms for the irrigation of high value horticultural and fodder crops to improve water and crop productivity and reduce nutrient leaching. Simultaneously groundwater recharge experiments were carried out using deep tillage and soil & water conservation practices in the rainy season. In these studies, soils are sampled, irrigation quantified, soil moisture measured and standard agronomic practices monitored. Additionally, socio-economic data are being collected on household composition, land holding, labor involved in as well as income generated by the various technologies. Preliminary results showed that crop productivity was not effect while reducing water between 18-35% as function of the prevailing soil types. For the groundwater recharge studies lowest runoff values and highest crop productivity values were observed in the deep tillage plots compared to zero and normal tillage. The socio-economic as well as biophysical data are used in field as well as watershed models to assess the environmental and economic impact of various irrigation scenarios throughout the agro-ecological zones

    Adaptation of the SCS [Soil Conservation Service] runoff equation for a (Sub) humid monsoon climate

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    The Soil Conservation Service Runoff equation was developed and tested for the temperate climate in the United States. Application to the monsoon climates has been only partially successful. The objective to adapt the SCS equation to a monsoon climate equation is to predict watershed runoff. The adaptation is based on the fact that in many humid areas the main mechanism for direct runoff is saturation excess and in monsoon climates the contributing area expands as a function of the cumulative effective rainfall ( Pe). This then translate in smaller watershed storage (S) in the equation. When estimating runoff contributing area within a watershed and assessing the runoff mechanisms, we have used the original concept of SCS-CN approach in a 113 ha Anjeni and 113ha Maybar Watersheds in the headwaters of the Blue Nile Basin, North Ethiopian highland. Analysis was done at daily, weekly and biweekly base using nine years of hydrological data (1988-97) by classifying the rainfall seasons in to six based on the seasonal cumulative of effective rainfall (Pe). The initial abstraction (Ia) was taken to be equal to the evapotranspiration loss (E) computed by Thornthwaite-Mather water balance method in replacement of the 20% of the potential storage (S). Effective rainfall (Pe) is the difference of total rainfall and Ia. The model performed more as the seasonal cumulative Pe is increased indicating that runoff responses occurred as the watershed saturated. The proportion of runoff contributing area (Af) increased linearly until the cumulative Pe up to nearly 500mm and then the watershed reaches in equilibrium for addition increase of Pe, which is in line with the concept of partial source area hydrology