59 research outputs found

    The Effect of Zam-zam Water to the Lipid Profile (HDL & LDL) at White Mouse (Rattus novergicus)

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    The estimates from the experts of the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that 50% of the 12 million world population die from coronary heart disease blood vessel disease. Low-Density Lipid (LDL) and High-Density Lipid (HDL) ratios are often calculated to estimate the risk of coronary heart disease. Zam-zam water is thought to be efficacious in reducing blood lipid profile levels. This study aims to know the effect of Zam-zam Water on the lipid profile (HDL LDL) on a white mouse (Rattus Novergicus). The type of this research is an experimental laboratory design with a pre-post control group conducted for 28 days. The subjects of this study were 25 Rattus norvegicus wistar strains, divided into five groups namely control (aquades) group and four treatment groups (concentrations of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). The data were obtained by measuring the level of LDL and HDL before and after receiving the treatment of Cholesterol Oxidase Para Aminophenazone (CHODPAP). Also, the data were analyzed using ANOVA test and paired t-test. The Anova analysis showed that the administration of Zam-zam water affected the level of HDL and LDL as proven by the significance of differences among study groups (p 0.05). It is obtained that zam-zam water is 100% proven to have the most influence on HDL and LDL levels. The analysis of paired T-test showed that there were significant differences before and after treatment (p 0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that the administration of zam-zam water affected the level of HDL and LDL of Rattus norvegicus blood lipid profiles


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan presentase kelulusan siswa pada pembelajaran Alat Ukur Mekanikmelalui model pembelajaran Teams Assisted Individualization (TAI)siswa kelas X Teknik Kendaraan RinganA SMK Pancasila Kutoarjo. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subyek penelitian kelas X Teknik Kendaraan Ringan A siswa SMK Pancasila Kutoarjo yang berjumlah 27 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode pengamatan (observasion) dan metode tes.Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan soal tes berbentuk pilihan ganda pada tiap siklus.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dan presentase kelulusan siswa yaitu pada pra tindakan, siklus I dan siklus II. Pada observasi pra tindakan nilai rata-rata siswa yaitu 60,57 dengan presentase kelulusan siswa mencapai 33,33%, pada siklus I nilai rata-rata siswa ada peningkat menjadi 72,40 dengan presentase kelulusan siswa mencapai 59,25% dan pada siklus II nilai rata-rata siswa meningkat menjadi 77,59 dengan presentase kelulusan siswa mencapai 77,78%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Teams Assisted Individualization (TAI) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X Teknik Kendaraan Ringan A SMK Pancasila Kutoarjo dengan ditandai meningkatnya hasil belajar.&nbsp

    Annual and non-monsoon rainfall prediction modelling using SVR-MLP: an empirical study from Odisha

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    Rainfall is a natural demolishing phenomenon. On the other side, it also serves as a major source of water when conserved through proper channel. For this issue, estimation of rain fall is of at utmost importance. The present study employed on rain fall forecasting in annual as well as non-moon session in Odisha (India). The total annual rainfall and relative humidity data were collected from period 1991-2015 from Department of Forest and Environment Govt. of Odisha. Support Vector Regression and Multilayer perception implemented for prediction of maximum rainfall in annual and non-monsoon session. Input parameter like average temperature in month, wind velocity, humidity, and cloud cover was conceder for predicting rainfall in non-monsoon session. The performance of the results was measure with MSE (mean squared error), correlation coefficient, coefficient of efficiency and MAE (mean absolute error). The results of SVR were compared to those of MLP and simple regression technique. MLP being a computationally intensive method, SVR could be used as an efficient alternative for runoff and sediment yield prediction under comparable accuracy in predictions.SVR-MLP may be used as promising alternative forecasting tool for higher accuracy in forecasting and better generalization ability

    Práticas alimentares de crianças cearenses na fase de introdução alimentar.

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    Infants can be prepared to receive complementary foods from six months of age onwards. These must be diversified, provide suitable amounts of energy and nutrients and be free from added sugars and salt. They should not be industrialized, especially ultra-processed. This study aimed to describe the eating practices of children at the food introduction (FI) age in the State of Ceará, Brazil, with an emphasis on the FI approach adopted and the consumption of regional and industrialized foods. An electronic questionnaire was administered using the Google Forms tool for children up to three years of age, containing questions about their FI period. Of these, 19 were aimed at the guardian and 22 at the child’s data. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences 20.0. The results of 145 valid responses were expressed as absolute and relative frequencies. Of the participants, 106 (73.1%) started FI after the infants’ sixth month of life, in line with what is recommended by government bodies and professional committees, and 61 guardians (42.1%) never offered them industrialized foods during FI, which is beneficial, as chronic consumption of these foods causes a harmful outcome for health. Among 26 typical foods in Ceará State, the fruits were the most frequently included (46.4%), as they are considered to be easily accessible and have a high nutritional value. Therefore, most infants started FI at the appropriate age. The consumption frequency of processed foods was low and regional fruits were the most consumed. Children under the Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) or participatory approach consumed a greater variety of regional foods.A partir dos seis meses de vida, o lactente saudável deverá receber outros alimentos além do leite materno. Estes devem ser diversificados, fornecer energia e nutrientes em quantidades adequadas, e serem isentos de açúcares adicionados e sal. Não devem ser industrializados, sobretudo ultraprocessados. Este estudo visou descrever práticas alimentares de crianças cearenses em idade de introdução alimentar (IA), com ênfase na abordagem de IA adotada, consumo de alimentos regionais e industrializados. Foi aplicado um questionário eletrônico do Google Forms, para responsáveis por crianças de até três anos de idade, residentes no Ceará, contendo perguntas acerca do seu período de IA. Destas, 19 foram voltadas ao responsável e 22 a dados da criança. Realizou-se análise estatística utilizando o programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences 20.0. Os resultados de 145 respostas válidas foram expressos em frequências absolutas e relativas. Dos participantes, 106 (73,1%) iniciaram a IA a partir do sexto mês de vida, em concordância com o recomendado pelos órgãos governamentais e comitês profissionais, e 61 responsáveis (42,1%) nunca lhes ofereceram alimentos industrializados na IA, sendo benéfico, pois o consumo crônico desses alimentos causa desfecho danoso à saúde. Dentre 26 alimentos tipicamente cearenses, o grupo das frutas foi o mais frequentemente incluído (46,4%), sendo consideradas de fácil acesso e alto valor nutricional. Portanto, a maioria dos lactentes iniciou a IA na idade adequada. A frequência de consumo de industrializados foi baixa e as frutas regionais foram as mais consumidas. Crianças sob abordagem BLW ou participativa consumiram uma maior variedade de alimentos regionais

    Development of New Ensemble Methods Based on the Performance Skills of Regional Climate Models over South Korea

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    In this paper, the prediction skills of five ensemble methods for temperature and precipitation are discussed by considering 20 yr of simulation results (from 1989 to 2008) for four regional climate models (RCMs) driven by NCEP-Department of Energy and ECMWF Interim Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) boundary conditions. The simulation domain is the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) for East Asia. and the number of grid points is 197 x 233 with a 50-km horizontal resolution. Three new performance-based ensemble averaging (PEA) methods are developed in this study using 1) bias, root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) and absolute correlation (PEA_BRC). RMSE and absolute correlation (PEA RAC), and RMSE and original correlation (PEA_ROC). The other two ensemble methods are equal-weighted averaging (EWA) and multivariate linear regression (Mul_Reg). To derive the weighting coefficients and cross validate the prediction skills of the five ensemble methods. the authors considered 15-yr and 5-yr data, respectively, from the 20-yr simulation data. Among the five ensemble methods, the Mul_Reg (EWA) method shows the best (worst) skill during the training period. The PEA_RAC and PEA_ROC methods show skills that are similar to those of Mul_Reg during the training period. However, the skills and stabilities of Mul_Reg were drastically reduced when this method was applied to the prediction period. But, the skills and stabilities of PEA_RAC were only slightly reduced in this case. As a result. PEA RAC shows the best skill, irrespective of the seasons and variables, during the prediction period. This result confirms that the new ensemble method developed in this study. PEA_RAC. can be used for the prediction of regional climate.open7

    Avaliação da adequação físico-química, nutricional e de rotulagem de sopinhas industrializadas para lactentes

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    Os alimentos infantis industrializados prontos para o consumo são uma alternativa prática de alimentação para crianças e ganham espaço diante do ritmo de vida acelerado das famílias. Contudo, devem estar adequados, em quantidade e qualidade de nutrientes, às necessidades das crianças. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar sopinhas industrializadas físico-quimicamente, comparar os dados obtidos com a informação nutricional dos rótulos e verificar sua adequação nutricional para lactentes, com base nas legislações e orientações vigentes. Foram adquiridos três lotes de sopinhas industrializadas, de uma única marca, de quatro sabores diferentes, totalizando doze amostras. Determinou-se a composição centesimal (umidade, cinzas, lipídeos, proteínas e carboidratos por diferença), os parâmetros físico-químicos (açúcares redutores em glicose, acidez e pH) e a densidade energética. Nenhum parâmetro de composição centesimal ou físico-químico apresentou diferença significativa (p ≥ 0,05) entre as amostras. Em termos de adequação como alimentos de transição para lactentes, todas as preparações encontraram-se de acordo com a Portaria nº 34, de 13 de janeiro de 1998, da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária do Ministério da Saúde, quanto à matéria sólida, teor proteico (média 3,43 g 100 g-1), pH (média 6,12) e composição dos ingredientes. As sopinhas de macarrão, carne e legumes (MCL) e de peito de frango, legumes e macarrão (PLM) não se adequaram quanto à densidade energética mínima preconizada pela legislação, com 69,55 kcal 100 g-1 e 68,32 kcal 100 g-1, respectivamente. Os ingredientes finamente triturados nas sopinhas não atendem às orientações da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Portanto, as sopinhas estavam conformes na maioria dos aspectos analisados, com necessidade de adequação na densidade energética e na consistência dos ingredientes

    Proposing new indicators for glaucoma healthcare service

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    Glaucoma is the first leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide with increasing importance in public health. Indicators of glaucoma care quality as well as efficiency would benefit public health assessments, but are lacking. We propose three such indicators. First, the glaucoma coverage rate (GCR), which is the number of people known to have glaucoma divided by the total number of people with glaucoma as estimated from population-based studies multiplied by 100%. Second, the glaucoma detection rate (GDR), which is number of newly diagnosed glaucoma patients in one year divided by the population in a defined area in millions. Third, the glaucoma follow-up adherence rate (GFAR), calculated as the number of patients with glaucoma who visit eye care provider(s) at least once a year over the total number of patients with glaucoma in given eye care provider(s) in a specific period. Regularly tracking and reporting these three indicators may help to improve the healthcare system performance at national or regional levels