9 research outputs found

    The roles of history and habitat area in the distribution and composition of avian species assemblages in the highlands of Costa Rica

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    Bird species assemblages in isolated Neotropical highland mountains have been moulded by the drastic climatic changes that occurred in late Pleistocene. Palynological evidence indicates that after the Pleistocene the highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama became isolated as climate turned gradually more tropical and highland vegetation retreated to the upper elevations of high mountains, forming highland islands. We surveyed birds at 10 representative sites throughout the Costa Rican highlands in order to determine the species composition of highland endemic assemblages. The area of available highland habitat explains 77% of the variance in species richness of the 36 highland endemics across highland islands, and the composition of these species assemblages have a nested distribution, rather than beingindependent sets of species on eachisland. The observed nested patternismore consistent with a differential extinction model of species assemblages, and less likely to be explained by differential migration. We conclude that the reduction of highland vegetation and the avifauna associated with it, and its subsequent confinement to the summit of high mountains, is a possible explanation for the current distribution of highland endemic species in Costa Rican highland islands.Centro Agron贸mico Tropical de Investigaci贸n y Ense帽anza (CATIE)UCR::Vicerrector铆a de Docencia::Ciencias B谩sicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biolog铆

    Avances en la comprensi贸n de la transici贸n forestal en fincas costarricenses

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    Este estudio evalu贸 cuales factores han influido la adopci贸n de pr谩cticas de conservaci贸n y aumento de la Cobertura Arb贸rea en Fincas (CAF) en tres zonas rurales de Costa Rica. Se complement贸 informaci贸n de censos poblacionales y datos geo-espaciales con resultados de entrevistas y talleres con 163 productores, aplicando un enfoque de indagaci贸n apreciativa y el marco de capitales de la comunidad. Los resultados confirman que tambi茅n utilizando indicadores de desarrollo basado en estos enfoques y trabajando con CAF en paisajes agr铆colas, es v谩lida la teor铆a de la transici贸n forestal (Mather 1992). Adem谩s se sugiere que si el proceso de desarrollo pone mayor 茅nfasis en fortalecer el capital social (capacidad de organizaci贸n, intercambio de informaci贸n) y humano (salud, educaci贸n, asistencia t茅cnica), existir谩 mayor probabilidad que el desarrollo ir谩 acompa帽ado por un proceso de recuperaci贸n de la CAF. La combinaci贸n de estos factores surti贸 un mayor efecto sobre la CAF que la Ley Forestal de 1996 y su programa de pago por servicios ambientales (PSA).This study proposed to evaluate which factors have influenced the adoption of conservation practices and the increase of On-farm Tree Cover (OTC) in three areas of Costa Rica. We compared information from population census and geospatial data with results of interviews and workshops with 163 producers, applying the approaches of appreciative inquiry and the community capitals framework. The results confirm that using development indicators based on these approaches and working with OTC within agricultural landscapes, the Forest Transition theory (Mather 1992) also applies. In addition, our results suggest that when the development process emphasizes the strengthening of social (organizational capacity, sharing of information) and human capital (health, education, technical assistance), there is more probability that development will be accompanied by a process of recovery of the OTC in agricultural landscapes. The combination of these factors had greater effect on OTC than the Forest Law of 1996 with its payment for environmental services scheme

    Integraci?n de la dimensi?n espacio-temporal y los procesos sociales: el caso del cambio de uso de la tierra del cant?n de Hojancha, Costa Rica

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    Tesis (Maestr?a) -- CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2011Se seleccionaron 60 rpopiedades en el cant?n de Hojancha con el fin de determinar la relaci?n que existe entre la din?mica de cambio de uso de la tierra y las variables estudiadas a nivel de finca. A partir de fotograf?as a?reas y los mapas de uso de la tierra de las propiedades seleccionadas se realiz? un an?lisis multitemporal del cambio de uso de la tierra para el per?odo 1981-2005. Se determin? que existe una relaci?n entre la din?mica de cambio de uso y las variables sociales, humanas, f?sicas, pol?ticas, culturales, naturales y financieras estudiadas. La identificaci?n de variables asociadas a las din?micas de cambio permite la elaboraci?n de estrategias o pol?ticas cuyo objetivo sea direccionar el cambio de uso de la tierra. Sin embargo, debe tomarse en cuenta que no son las variables aisladas las que pueden influir sobre el cambio de uso de la tierra, sino la sinergia que se crea a partir de ellas. I selected a sample of 60 farMON in order to identify the variables that partially explained their land use changes over a period of 24 years. Aerial photographs were used to map land use features and carry out multi-temporal land use/land cover change (LUCC) analysis. Additionally semi-structured interviews were applied at farm level to address land use change influential variables. A synergy of variables defined beneath the scope of the Capital Community Framework (CCF) somewhat explained the land use dynamics that have characterized the study area. Nevetheless, influential variable were specially identified for the main land use changes tha occurred at farm level. Strategy design for LUCC dynamics in sepcific contexts should address influential variables to tackle restoration objectives. However, it is of vital importance to consider that it is noy isolated variables that have an impact on landscape forest restoratiob but a set of interactions among them

    La restauraci?n y conservaci?n del bosque y los procesos sociales en Hojancha, Costa Rica

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    Con el fin de identificar la relaci?n entre la din?mica del cambio de uso de la tierra y variables de orden social, humano, f?sico, pol?tico, cultural y financiero a nivel de hogar, se seleccion? y entrevist? a los propietarios de 60 fincas en el cant?n de Hojancha. Este art?culo se enfoca en la relaci?n espec?fica encontrada entre la restauraci?n y conservaci?n del bosque y la presencia de agentes de cambio en el entramado social cantonal, tales como la asistencia t?cnica y la cobertura educativa. Se determin? que hay una relaci?n directamente proporcional entre el tama?o de la finca y la voluntad de destinar parte del terreno a la conservaci?n y restauraci?n del bosque, y que dicha tendencia se correlaciona con los factores sociales mencionados. Estos resultados evidencian el car?cter integral de los procesos de cambios de uso de la tierra y la importancia de abordarlos desde esta ?ptica.In order to study the dynamics between land use change and family assets (social, human, physical, political, cultural and financial), 60 farm owners were selected and interviewed in Hojancha, Costa Rica. This article focuses on the specific relation found between forest restoration and conservation and key agents of change, such as technical assistance and education coverage. A directly proportional relationship between farm size and willingness to participate in conservation and restoration actions was found; also it was determined that this trend correlates with the agents of change mentioned. These results evidence the multifaceted nature of land use change and, therefore, the need of holistic approaches

    El enfoque de medios de vida combinado con la indagaci贸n apreciativa para analizar la din谩mica de la cobertura arb贸rea en fincas privadas: el caso de Costa Rica

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    The objective of this work is to show that it is feasible to study the complexity of arboreal dynamics on farms in three agricultural zones of Costa Rica. With that purpose, the Community Capitals Framework and the Appreciative Inquiry approaches were combined, interviewing 210 producers and gathering 40% of them in 16 focal groups. The first approach considered the different resources that they possess, showing that producers think that financial capital is important, but that the arboreal dynamics on their farms is more influenced by cultural, social and human capital. The second approach encouraged the participation of local actors, it helped give greater dynamics to the analysis and facilitated reflection by the participants involved in the research.Con este trabajo se propone mostrar que es factible estudiar la complejidad de la din谩mica arb贸rea en fincas privadas en tres zonas agr铆colas de Costa Rica. Con este fin, se aplic贸 la combinaci贸n de enfoques de capitales de la comunidad y de la Indagaci贸n Apreciativa entrevistando 210 productores y reuniendo 40% de ellos en 16 grupos focales. El primero permiti贸 tomar en cuenta los diferentes recursos que poseen, mostrando que consideran capital financiero importante, pero que la din谩mica arb贸rea en sus fincas es mas influida por los capitales humano, social y cultural. El segundo enfoque foment贸 la participaci贸n de actores locales, ayud贸 a dar mayor din谩mica al an谩lisis y facilit贸 la reflexi贸n por parte de los participantes de la investigaci贸n

    Avances en la comprensi贸n de la transici贸n forestal en fincas costarricenses

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    Este estudio evalu贸 cuales factores han influido la adopci贸n de pr谩cticas de conservaci贸n y aumento de la Cobertura Arb贸rea en Fincas (CAF) en tres zonas rurales de Costa Rica. Se complement贸 informaci贸n de censos poblacionales y datos geo-espaciales con resultados de entrevistas y talleres con 163 productores, aplicando un enfoque de indagaci贸n apreciativa y el marco de capitales de la comunidad. Los resultados confirman que tambi茅n utilizando indicadores de desarrollo basado en estos enfoques y trabajando con CAF en paisajes agr铆colas, es v谩lida la teor铆a de la transici贸n forestal (Mather 1992). Adem谩s se sugiere que si el proceso de desarrollo pone mayor 茅nfasis en fortalecer el capital social (capacidad de organizaci贸n, intercambio de informaci贸n) y humano (salud, educaci贸n, asistencia t茅cnica), existir谩 mayor probabilidad que el desarrollo ir谩 acompa帽ado por un proceso de recuperaci贸n de la CAF. La combinaci贸n de estos factores surti贸 un mayor efecto sobre la CAF que la Ley Forestal de 1996 y su programa de pago por servicios ambientales (PSA).This study proposed to evaluate which factors have influenced the adoption of conservation practices and the increase of On-farm Tree Cover (OTC) in three areas of Costa Rica. We compared information from population census and geospatial data with results of interviews and workshops with 163 producers, applying the approaches of appreciative inquiry and the community capitals framework. The results confirm that using development indicators based on these approaches and working with OTC within agricultural landscapes, the Forest Transition theory (Mather 1992) also applies. In addition, our results suggest that when the development process emphasizes the strengthening of social (organizational capacity, sharing of information) and human capital (health, education, technical assistance), there is more probability that development will be accompanied by a process of recovery of the OTC in agricultural landscapes. The combination of these factors had greater effect on OTC than the Forest Law of 1996 with its payment for environmental services scheme

    El enfoque de medios de vida combinado con la indagaci?n apreciativa para analizar la din?mica de la cobertura arb?rea en fincas privadas: el caso de Costa Rica

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    Se propone mostrar que es factible estudiar la complejidad de la din?mica arb?rea en fincas privadas en tres zonas agr?colas de Costa Rica. Con este fin, se aplic? la combinaci?n de enfoques de capitales de la comunidad y de la indagaci?n apreciativa. Se entrevistaron 210 productores y se reuni? 40% de ellos en 16 grupos focales. El primero permiti? tomar en cuenta los diferentes recursos que poseen, mostrando que consideran capital financiero importante, pero que la din?mica arb?rea en sus fincas est? m?s influida por los capitales humano, social y cultural. El segundo enfoque foment? la participaci?n de actores locales, ayud? a dar mayor din?mica al an?lisis y facilit? la reflexi?n por parte de los participantes de la investigaci?n