54 research outputs found

    Temps d’hiperrecord, passat i present

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    Los medios revisitando el pasado : los límites de la memoria

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    Los medios de comunicación se han volcado en la revisión de nuestro pasado colectivo. Debido a la «historicidad mediática», tal como la formuló John B. Thompson, los medios transmiten una memoria mediada que complementa a la «memoria propia de los historiadores», en palabras de Pierre Vilar. El problema es cuando políticos, historiadores, y especialmente medios de comunicación, abusan de la memoria y hacen un uso selectivo de la Historia, y se decantan con nostalgia hacia el pasado.The media have focused on the review of our collective past. Due to the concept of «mediated historicity», as formulated by John B. Thompson, the media convey a mediated memory which supplements «historians' own memory», in the words of Pierre Vilar. The problem comes when politicians, historians, and especially the mass media, abuse memory and make selective use of History, by opting for a strong feeling of nostalgia towards the past

    Titanic in memoriam

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    Amb el pretext de la celebració del centenari del naufragi del Titanic, l’autora analitza els mecanismes subjacents a la construcció i reconstrucció de fets històrics en l’imaginari col·lectiu per part d’uns mitjans de comunicació, més enllà de la seva funció informadora, són també òrgans d’historització, dipositaris de la història de les culture

    La comunicación política hoy: entre nuevos medios y viejas lógicas

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    La comunicación política se encuentra actualmente en una encrucijada. Durante las últimas décadas ha prevalecido un escenario dominado por la mediatización de la política (Mazzoleni y Schutz, 1999). En este contexto, los medios de comunicación han desempeñado un rol absolutamente central. Sin embargo, la consolidación de las innovaciones tecnológicas vinculadas a la digitalización y la convergencia, entre las que sobresalen la web 2.0 y los medios sociales, ha abierto nuevos escenarios (Chadwick, 2013). La posibilidad de que los actores políticos sean autónomos a la hora de producir y difundir sus mensajes, por un lado, y el empoderamiento de los ciudadanos gracias a las plataformas digitales (Castells, 2009; Jenkins, 2006), por otro, abren las puertas al cuestionamiento del monopolio de los medios y la redefinición de la mediatización de la política. Algo que lleva a preguntarse por la pervivencia de las viejas lógicas y por la capacidad de los nuevos medios para cambiarlas. Este número monográfico de Trípodos tiene un doble objetivo: profundizar en el conocimiento de la mediatización de la política y averiguar si los nuevos medios digitales están alterando las viejas lógicas de la comunicación ligadas a la mediatización y en qué medida

    Trump vs los medios. Tratamiento de la prensa desde la cuenta de Twitter del presidente de EUA

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    Trump vs. media. Treatment of the press from the US president’s Twitter account. This article examines President Donald Trump’s treatment on Twitter towards the US media during his first six months in office, from January 20 to July 20, 2017. Based on a content analysis of the tweets published in the account @realDonaldTrump, we study the mentions to the media and their tone, and the presence and use of keywords related to the media. In addition, we analyze Trump’s treatment of the press in relation to political control and the role of journalism as watchdog of democracy. As main conclusions it is noted that Trump, in a very simplistic way, praises those media that treat him positively and criticizes those that –in his view- portrait him negatively, which are often dubbed as fake news. Through this process, Trump avoids the mediator role of the media and rejects the watchdog role that democratic systems have attributed to them

    Trump vs los medios. Tratamiento de la prensa desde la cuenta de Twitter del presidente de EUA

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    Trump vs. media. Treatment of the press from the US president’s Twitter account. This article examines President Donald Trump’s treatment on Twitter towards the US media during his first six months in office, from January 20 to July 20, 2017. Based on a content analysis of the tweets published in the account @realDonaldTrump, we study the mentions to the media and their tone, and the presence and use of keywords related to the media. In addition, we analyze Trump’s treatment of the press in relation to political control and the role of journalism as watchdog of democracy. As main conclusions it is noted that Trump, in a very simplistic way, praises those media that treat him positively and criticizes those that –in his view- portrait him negatively, which are often dubbed as fake news. Through this process, Trump avoids the mediator role of the media and rejects the watchdog role that democratic systems have attributed to them

    The Inclusionary Populist Communication Style on Facebook: The Case of Ada Colau in Barcelona

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    Communication is one of the core elements of populism, especially in social media. Through such digital platforms, political leaders can communicate directly with citizens and build both their discourse and their political leadership. Although the literature has so far identified the existence of a populist political communication style, the expansion of populism and its connection with social media are extending and diversifying the concept, as well as adding new repertoires. In order to analyse this, we propose a study of the communication strategy of the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau who, with a background of citizen activism, became mayor of the city in 2015 thanks to a political organisation situated as left populist. The methodology is based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the content of Colau’s Facebook profile. A total of 226 posts between 2015 and 2017 are analysed. The results make it possible to identify a new specific modality within the populist style of political communication, namely the inclusionary populist type. This focuses on issues related to defense of the rights of the weakest social groups and works within a framework of social justice and solidarity with others. Likewise, the study confirms how Facebook is configured as a preferred platform for the construction of political leadership

    Spindle configuration of in vitro matured bovine oocytes vitrified and warmed in media supplemented with a biopolymer produced by an Antarctic bacterium

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    Biological molecules isolated from organisms that live under subfreezing conditions could be used to protect oocytes from cryoinjuries suffered during cryopreservation. Bacterial exopolysaccharides (EPS) constitute a common class of molecules that interact with ice in nature either by triggering ice nucleation or by inhibition of ice nucleation and growth. The aim of this work was to evaluate the spindle configuration of in vitro matured bovine oocytes vitrified/warmed in media supplemented with exopolysaccharide (M1) produced by Pseudomonas sp ID1 (Carrión et al., Carbohydr Polym 117:1028. 2015). After 22 h of in vitro maturation, a total of 546 oocytes form prepubertal (3 replicates) and 405 oocytes from adult cows (4 replicates) were vitrified/warmed in media supplemented with various concentrations of EPS M1 (0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 1 mg/ml). After warming, oocytes were allowed to recover for 2 additional hours in IVM medium. Fresh, non-vitrified oocytes were used as a control. At 24 h of IVM, oocytes from all treatments were fixed and immunostained with the Alexa-fluor 488 antibody and DAPI. Microtubule and chromosome distribution was analyzed by immunocytochemistry under a fluorescent microscope. ANOVA was performed to analyze differences in meiotic spindle configuration (P < 0.05). When cow oocytes were vitrified, similar percentages of normal spindle configuration were observed when compared to fresh control oocytes, except for the 0.1 mg/ml EPS M1 group that showed significantly lower rates compared to the fresh control group. Significantly higher rates of prepubertal oocytes exhibiting a normal spindle configuration were recorded in the non-vitrified group compared to all vitrified/warmed groups, regardless of the EPS M1 supplementation. However, the addition of EPS M1 to the vitrification/warming media decreased the ratio of decondensation or absence of chromosomes and microtubules in prepubertal oocytes. Although percentages of normal spindle configuration after vitrification were lower for prepubertal than for cow oocytes, no significant differences were observed when oocytes were vitrified with 0.001, 0.1 and 1 mg/ml EPS M1. In conclusion, supplementation with EPS M1 concentrations during vitrification and warming did not induce adverse changes in the spindle of bovine oocytes, regardless of the concentration used. Although a more severe damage on spindle configuration could be observed after vitrification of prepubertal oocytes, EPS supplementation during vitrification and warming seems to have a greater benefit during vitrification of prepubertal than adult bovine oocytes. Further experiments are required to investigate if in vitro-matured oocytes vitrified/warmed in presence EPS M1 can improve their development competence after being vitrified/warmed. This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project AGL2016-79802-P and grant CTQ2014-59632-R)