560 research outputs found

    Pedigree Prosecution: Should a Head of State’s Family Members Be Entitled to Immunity in Foreign Courts?

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    States tread carefully in international affairs to maintain mutual respect for sovereignty. In today’s legal order, a head of state is the sovereign state personified. Until the twentieth century, heads of state did not routinely travel outside of their respective domains. Consequently, mutual respect for foreign sovereigns was usually implemented in national courts by recognition of immunity for diplomats and public vessels—paradigmatically, warships. Today, heads of state often travel to other countries, and it is increasingly accepted as customary international law that a head of state cannot be sued or prosecuted in a foreign court on the basis of any of his or her acts, public or private.To permit such prosecution or litigation would invite reciprocal retaliation and ultimately risk a breakdown of relations between the countries involved. But should a head of state’s family members also have absolute immunity in foreign countries,particularly for private acts with no plausible connection to official functions? Despite progress in crystallizing the scope of customary international law of head-of-state immunity, there is scant discussion regarding the international law basis of immunity for members of a head of state’s family. Some states have invoked the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR) to grant head-of-state family members “diplomatic immunity” from local prosecution or litigation. Such action seems plausible when, for instance, firstladies or other family members are accompanying heads of state on official visits or are themselves performing an official act in visiting a foreign nation. Yet, there are many instances involving a head of state’s family members in foreign countries that have nothing to do with official business—such as sightseeing, shopping, or studying. In many notable cases involving similar personal business, host nations have accorded a head of state’s family members immunity for the sake of diplomacy, though they often invoke a legal basis like the VCDR. This Note distinguishes between two types of immunity for a head of state’s family members: absolute immunity ratione personae and qualified immunity ratione materiae. On the one hand, absolute immunity ratione personae covers both private and official acts that a state official commits during his or her term in office. Qualified immunity ratione materiae, on the other hand, covers only those acts that are official and not private. This Note proposes that the international community should limit foreign immunity for a head of state’s family members to qualified immunity ratione materiae. There will often be compelling reasons to allow a head of state’s family member to exit and escape prosecution or litigation for private acts. There is, however, no legal basis for immunity in such cases, and suggesting that there is only serves to dilute head-of-state immunity more generally and wreak havoc in the development of relevant international law

    The Landscape Representation of the Anglo-Irish Cultural Estrangements in Bowen’s The Last September

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    The isolation of the Anglo-Irish landscape is the geographical representation of the colonizer community’s cultural estrangements since their settlement in Ireland till the 1920s. The depressing Irish landscape presented in the novel is a best expression of the existing state of the Anglo-Irish community: threatened, isolated, estranged and set in dilemma. The constituents and arrangements of the Anglo-Irish landscape: the Big House, its garden and the surroundings are actors who can tell the story about the living condition, social relationships and beliefs of the Anglo-Irish Ascendancy in the last days in Ireland

    Promosi Potensi dan Pengembangan Objek Wisata Pantai Katembe Desa Madongka Kecamatan Lakudo Kabupaten Buton Tengah Melalui Media Sosial Instagram

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    Pengembangan potensi wisata memerlukan dukungan multisektoral dalam pelaksanaannya. Dengan potensi tersebut dapat meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, yaitu menggambarkan keadaan, kondisi, situasi, peristiwa, kegiatan, dan lain-lain. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah observasi, dokumenter, wawancara dengan subjek penelitian dari dinas pariwisata, masyarakat Desa Madongka, dan pengunjung yang dipilih secara acak. Peluang untuk mengembangkan obyek wisata yang ditawarkan di Pantai Katembe ini memiliki beberapa daya tarik antara lain pantai berpasir putih merona, pemandangan alam yang indah, serta keunikan bebatuan di sekitar pantai dan ekosistem laut lainnya. Strategi pengembangan pariwisata dalam mengelola kawasan adalah dengan menyediakan sarana dan prasarana seperti tempat sampah dan warung makan, memperbaiki kondisi jalan yang masuk ke kawasan wisata, dan bekerja sama dengan masyarakat setempat

    The Kantian and Hegelian Sublime

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana mengenai pengelolaan TBM berbasis kebutuhan masyarakat untuk melihat bagaimana pengelolaan program TBM ini dikatakan berhasil, khususnya dalam pengelolaan yang didasarkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajar masyarakat sekitarnya sehingga dapat menumbuhkan minat belajar masyarakat sekitar TBM tersebut. Adanya media TBM ini mampu memotivasi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kegemaran membaca dan belajar sebagai penunjang terwujudnya masyarakat pembelajar sepanjang hayat.Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, Pengelolaan TBM RW.03 Menanggal Surabaya dikelola berdasarkan aspek-aspek dari fungsi manajemen, yaitu perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan, pengawasan dan evaluasi dapat berjalan dengan baik. Pada proses pengelolaan TBM RW.03 Menanggal Surabaya dikaitkan dengan upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan belajar di masyarakat. Pengelolaan mengacu pada bagaimana pentingnya TBM sebagai wadah sarana belajar dan bermain yang mengedukasi bagi masyarakat

    Історія української троянди. Рецензія на книгу: Рубцова О.Л. Рід Rosa L. в Україні: генофонд, історія, напрями досліджень, досягнення та перспективи: монографія. – К.: Фенікс, 2009. – 375 с.

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    A history of ukrainian rose. A review of the book: Rubtsova O.L. Genus Rosa L. in Ukraine: gene pool, history, directions of studying, achievements and perspectives: A monography

    Relationship Parenting of Parents on Growth and Development of Children with Autism

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    Relationship Parenting of Parents on Growth and Development of Children with Autism   Background: Autism is a developmental disorder of the nervous system to someone who is mostly caused by heredity and sometimes have been detected since the baby is 6 months old. Parenting parents are also needed in the stage of growth and development, for the most time interaction of children with autism in the family. Parents act as a stimulator of growth and development of children with autism. Methods: the cross-sectional study, with bivariate Spearman rho test. the number of samples of 84 children with autism and their parents in the city of Palangka Raya, sampling with purposive sampling techniques, data collection using observation sheets, questionnaires and WHO Anthro software plus 2011. Results: The pattern of the highest parenting, parenting democratic (84.5%), permissive parenting (8.3%), parenting authoritative (7.1%). The nutritional status of children with autism is the highest percentage of normal nutritional status (53.6%), the nutritional status of obese (21.4%), the nutritional status of obesity (17.9%), nutritional status and very thin respectively at (3.6%). Cognitive level autism, the highest percentage increase cognitive level (73.8%), and the degree of cognitive and equipment (26.2%). There is a significant relationship with parenting parents with nutritional status of children with autism, where the value of ρ 0.008> α 0.01. There is a relationship between parenting significant mother with autism ρ cognitive level of 0.001> α 0.01. Conclusion: It should be investigated other factors that cause nutritional status of children with autism can become obese even there is a very thin, so that even children with autism have to diet gluten and casein, as a condition of early treatment of children with autism, they can still have a normal nutritional status, and did not experience obesity due to food composition that is not observed. Parents need to determine the appropriate parenting as a medium of interaction with autistic children, because children with autism who have problems communicating will be difficult to receive information from the environment as, which means it will be difficult to increase the cognitive learning and would be difficult anyway receive the diet as a non-medical treatment of children with autism. Keywords: Pattern foster parent, cognitive, nutritional status, children with autism       &nbsp

    Apresiasi Cerita Rakyat sebagai Upaya Memperkuat Karakter Siswa dalam Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Kemajuan dunia teknologi sudah memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0. Revolusi industri 4.0 merupakan optimalisasi kemajuan teknologi dengan mengubah cara kerja manusia menjadi digitalisasi. Revolusi industri tentu saja harus diimbangi dengan revolusi mental guna mempersiapkan para pengguna yang berkarakter dan berkemajuan. Di sekolah, guru harus memberikan penguatan-penguatan kepada siswa tentang dampak revolusi industri 4.0 agar karakter mereka tidak luntur serta mempunyai visi untuk maju. Cerita rakyat merupakan tradisi lisan yang diwariskan oleh para leluhur secara turun temurun dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya. Dalam cerita rakyat banyak memuat tentang sejarah, adat istiadat, pandangan hidup, politik, kepemimpinan, dan cita-cita (keinginan). Cerita rakyat berfungsi sebagai media pendidikan dan sarana hiburan guna menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional dan sosial siswa serta dapat dijadikan sarana untuk memperkuat karakter siswa. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini untuk menguraikan kebermanfaatan apresiasi cerita rakyat bagi penguatan karakter siswa. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan bahwa kenyataan dilapangan saat ini apresiasi masyarakat khususnya siswa terhadap cerita rakyat mengalami penurunan karena tergeser oleh cerita-cerita modern. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriftif

    Analysis of the Role of the Provincial Cooperatives and UKM Office in Improving Community Welfare

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    The title of the research is analyzing the role of Cooperative Services and UKM of North Sumatera Provincies in improving society welfare. Training of the research is to know the strategies and programs had done by cooperative service and UKM of North Sumatera Province in improving society wilfare. One of the conclusion of UKM research is: firstly, giving training and briefing of capital procurement, secondly, giving an egression to get business capital, thirdly, giving training and briefing in improving goods production. Furthermore, the role of cooperative service and ukm in improring society welfare. The role has dime thy cooperative service and UKM of North Sumatera Province to safe the society by conducting seminars or counseling and training for the society to get beculinary able to create micro business or create the cooperatives to improve the economy both in terms of the family economy and the country’s economy so that there are not many people who are poor and also unemployed. And also improve the society welfare by providing capital loans or for members of the cooperative by means saving first and then brrowing for members who have joined the cooperative. The research method is a qualitative mothod, the words are writen or spoken from the the people or subjecs are being observed. And this data is obtained from literature studies, interviews and observations to determine the analysis the role of the cooperative service and UKM for improving the society welfare.

    Penguatan pendidikan karakter siswa melalui penanaman nilai-nilai karya sastra

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    Karya sastra merupakan sarana untuk mengaktualisasikan ide, perasaan, gagasan, serta pemikiran seseorang yang sifatnya imajinatif serta memiliki nilai-nilai bagi pembacanya. Peran karya sastra dalam pendidikan karakter siswa berfokus pada perkembangan aspek bahasa, aspek kognitif, aspek kepribadian, dan aspek sosial. Dalam prosesnya, karya sastra merupakan media bagi pendidikan karakter siswa yang dapat dimanfaatkan secara reseptif dan ekpresi